Bartosz Dziewoński 69ef22e6bd Remove Minerva talk pages Selenium tests
The feature is being replaced by DiscussionTools. We're not ready to
remove it completely yet, but the tests are preventing us from
enabling it on additional wikis.

Bug: T317467
Change-Id: I8b8206d2810426cf4e09da37d0fcd8dec766ccb3
2022-09-30 00:11:05 +02:00

134 lines
6.2 KiB

'use strict';
const { defineSupportCode } = require( '@cucumber/cucumber' ),
{ iAmInAWikiThatHasCategories,
iAmViewingAWatchedPage, iAmViewingAnUnwatchedPage,
iGoToAPageThatHasLanguages } = require( './create_page_api_steps' ),
pageExists, iAmOnAPageThatDoesNotExist, iShouldSeeAToastNotification,
iShouldSeeAToastNotificationWithMessage, iAmUsingMobileScreenResolution,
iAmUsingTheMobileSite, iClickTheBrowserBackButton,
iClickTheOverlayCloseButton, iDoNotSeeAnOverlay,
iAmOnPage, iAmInBetaMode
} = require( './common_steps' ),
iShouldSeeAddedContent, iShouldSeeRemovedContent
} = require( './diff_steps' ),
iClickTheEditButton, iSeeTheWikitextEditorOverlay, iClearTheEditor,
iTypeIntoTheEditor, iClickContinue, iClickSubmit, iSayOkayInTheConfirmDialog,
theTextOfTheFirstHeadingShouldBe, thereShouldBeARedLinkWithText
} = require( './editor_steps' ),
theWatchstarShouldNotBeSelected, theWatchstarShouldBeSelected,
iClickTheWatchstar, iClickTheUnwatchStar } = require( './watch_steps' ),
{ iVisitMyUserPage, iShouldBeOnMyUserPage, thereShouldBeALinkToMyContributions,
} = require( './user_page_steps' ),
} = require( './search_steps' ),
{ iSeeALinkToAboutPage, iShouldSeeAUserPageLinkInMenu,
iShouldSeeALinkInMenu, iShouldSeeALinkToDisclaimer
} = require( './menu_steps' ),
{ iHaveNoNotifications, iClickOnTheNotificationIcon,
iShouldSeeTheNotificationsOverlay, iClickTheNotificationsOverlayCloseButton,
} = require( './notification_steps' ),
} = require( './history_steps' );
defineSupportCode( function ( { Then, When, Given } ) {
// Editor steps
Given( /^I click the edit button$/, iClickTheEditButton );
Then( /^I see the wikitext editor overlay$/, iSeeTheWikitextEditorOverlay );
When( /^I clear the editor$/, iClearTheEditor );
When( /^I type "(.+)" into the editor$/, iTypeIntoTheEditor );
When( /^I click continue$/, iClickContinue );
When( /^I click submit$/, iClickSubmit );
When( /^I say OK in the confirm dialog$/, iSayOkayInTheConfirmDialog );
When( /^I click the wikitext editor overlay close button$/, iClickTheOverlayCloseButton );
Then( /^I do not see the wikitext editor overlay$/, iDoNotSeeTheWikitextEditorOverlay );
Then( /^the text of the first heading should be "(.+)"$/, theTextOfTheFirstHeadingShouldBe );
Then( /^there should be a red link with text "(.+)"$/, thereShouldBeARedLinkWithText );
Then( /^I should not see the wikitext editor overlay$/, iDoNotSeeAnOverlay );
// common steps
Given( /^I am using the mobile site$/, iAmUsingTheMobileSite );
When( /^I am viewing the site in mobile mode$/, iAmUsingMobileScreenResolution );
Given( /^I am in beta mode$/, iAmInBetaMode );
Given( /^I am on the "(.+)" page$/, iAmOnPage );
Given( /^I am logged into the mobile website$/, iAmLoggedIntoTheMobileWebsite );
Then( /^I should see a toast notification$/, iShouldSeeAToastNotification );
Then( /^I should see a toast with message "(.+)"$/, iShouldSeeAToastNotificationWithMessage );
When( /I click the browser back button/, iClickTheBrowserBackButton );
// Page steps
Given( /^I am on a talk page with no talk topics$/, iAmOnATalkPageWithNoTalkTopics );
Given( /^I am in a wiki that has categories$/, () => {
iAmInAWikiThatHasCategories( 'Selenium categories test page' );
} );
Given( /^I am on a page that has the following edits:$/, iAmOnAPageThatHasTheFollowingEdits );
Given( /^I am on a page that does not exist$/, iAmOnAPageThatDoesNotExist );
Given( /^I go to a page that has languages$/, iGoToAPageThatHasLanguages );
Given( /^the page "(.+)" exists$/, pageExists );
Given( /^I am viewing a watched page$/, iAmViewingAWatchedPage );
Given( /^I am viewing an unwatched page$/, iAmViewingAnUnwatchedPage );
// history steps
When( /^I open the latest diff$/, iOpenTheLatestDiff );
When( /^I click on the history link in the last modified bar$/,
iClickOnTheHistoryLinkInTheLastModifiedBar );
// diff steps
Then( /^I should see "(.*?)" as added content$/, iShouldSeeAddedContent );
Then( /^I should see "(.*?)" as removed content$/, iShouldSeeRemovedContent );
// notifications
Then( /I have no notifications/, iHaveNoNotifications );
When( /I click on the notification icon/, iClickOnTheNotificationIcon );
When( /I click the notifications overlay close button/, iClickTheNotificationsOverlayCloseButton );
Then( /after 1 seconds I should not see the notifications overlay/, iShouldNotSeeTheNotificationsOverlay );
Then( /I should see the notifications overlay/, iShouldSeeTheNotificationsOverlay );
// user page
Given( /^I visit my user page$/, iVisitMyUserPage );
When( /^I should be on my user page$/, iShouldBeOnMyUserPage );
Then( /^there should be a link to my contributions$/, thereShouldBeALinkToMyContributions );
Then( /^there should be a link to my talk page$/, thereShouldBeALinkToMyTalkPage );
// search
When( /^I click the search icon$/, iClickTheSearchIcon );
When( /^I type into search box "(.+)"$/, iTypeIntoTheSearchBox );
When( /^I click a search watch star$/, iClickASearchWatchstar );
Then( /^I see the search overlay$/, iSeeTheSearchOverlay );
// main menu
When( /^I click on the main navigation button$/, iClickOnTheMainNavigationButton );
When( /^I should see a link to the about page$/, iSeeALinkToAboutPage );
Then( /^I should see a link to my user page in the main navigation menu$/, iShouldSeeAUserPageLinkInMenu );
Then( /^I should see a link to "(.+)" in the main navigation menu$/, iShouldSeeALinkInMenu );
Then( /^I should see a link to the disclaimer$/, iShouldSeeALinkToDisclaimer );
// watchstar
When( /^I click the watch star$/, iClickTheWatchstar );
When( /^I click the unwatch star$/, iClickTheUnwatchStar );
Then( /^the watch star should not be selected$/, theWatchstarShouldNotBeSelected );
Then( /^the watch star should be selected$/, theWatchstarShouldBeSelected );
} );