jdlrobson 02c43249cd partly correct the transitions between talk overlays
Tapping browser back button now does not show the underlying article
However clicking the back icon does (which can be fixed by a hack
see I80328b388b2e2da105bd670a3679b4ed3061b33a )

This works because displaying the talk overlay triggers a load
to (for talk topic board) so the other overlays
are guaranteed to be ready by the time you want to transition to them.

Bug: T221978
Change-Id: Ic3b448169d52880b38408da47af9e4576c585e16
2019-07-31 23:40:34 +00:00

133 lines
4.2 KiB

( function ( M ) {
mobile = M.require( 'mobile.startup' ),
loader = mobile.rlModuleLoader,
loadingOverlay = mobile.loadingOverlay,
eventBus = mobile.eventBusSingleton,
PageGateway = mobile.PageGateway,
api = new mw.Api(),
gateway = new PageGateway( api ),
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
$talk = $( '.talk, [rel="discussion"]' ),
// use the plain return value here - T128273
title = $talk.attr( 'data-title' ),
overlayManager = require( 'skins.minerva.scripts' ).overlayManager,
// FIXME: This dependency shouldn't exist
skin = mobile.Skin.getSingleton(),
inTalkNamespace = false,
pageTitle, talkTitle, talkNs, pageNs;
// T127190
if ( title ) {
title = decodeURIComponent( title );
// sanity check: the talk namespace needs to have the next higher integer
// of the page namespace (the api should add topics only to the talk page of the current
// page)
// (
// The method to get associated namespaces will change later (maybe), see T487
pageTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ) );
talkTitle = title ? mw.Title.newFromText( title ) : pageTitle.getTalkPage();
// Check that there is a valid page and talk title
if ( !pageTitle || !talkTitle ||
// the talk link points to something other than the current page
// so we chose to leave this as a normal link
pageTitle.getMainText() !== talkTitle.getMainText() ) {
talkNs = talkTitle.getNamespaceId();
pageNs = pageTitle.getNamespaceId();
inTalkNamespace = talkNs === pageNs;
if ( pageNs + 1 !== talkNs && !inTalkNamespace ) {
* Render a talk overlay for a given section
* @param {string} id (a number e.g. '1' or the string 'new')
* @param {Object} talkOptions
* @return {Overlay}
function talkSectionOverlay( id, talkOptions ) {
if ( id === 'new' ) {
return new ( M.require( '' ) )( talkOptions );
return new ( M.require( '' ) )( talkOptions );
overlayManager.add( /^\/talk\/?(.*)$/, function ( id ) {
var title = talkTitle.toText(),
talkOptions = {
api: api,
title: title,
onSaveComplete: function () {
gateway.invalidatePage( title );
overlayManager.replaceCurrent( title, gateway )
overlayManager.router.navigateTo( null, {
// This should be defined in Minerva.
path: '#/talk',
useReplaceState: true
} );
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-talk-topic-feedback' ) );
// T184273 using `currentPage` because 'wgPageName'
// contains underscores instead of spaces.
currentPageTitle: mobile.currentPage().title,
licenseMsg: skin.getLicenseMsg(),
eventBus: eventBus,
id: id
// talk case
if ( id ) {
// If the module is already loaded return it instantly and synchronously.
// this avoids a flash of
// content when transitioning from to this overlay (T221978)
return mw.loader.getState( '' ) === 'ready' ?
talkSectionOverlay( id, talkOptions ) :
// otherwise pull it from ResourceLoader async
loader.loadModule( '' ).then( function () {
return talkSectionOverlay( id, talkOptions );
} );
} else {
return title, gateway );
} );
* Create route '#/talk'
* @ignore
function init() {
$talk.on( 'click', function () {
if ( $talk.hasClass( 'add' ) ) {
window.location.hash = '#/talk/new';
} else {
window.location.hash = '#/talk';
return false;
} );
if ( inTalkNamespace ) {
// reload the page after the new discussion was added
eventBus.on( 'talk-added-wo-overlay', function () {
var overlay = loadingOverlay();
window.location.hash = '';
// setTimeout to make sure, that loadingOverlay's overlayenabled class on html doesnt
// get removed by OverlayManager (who closes TalkSectionAddOverlay).
window.setTimeout( function () {;
}, 10 );
} );
}( mw.mobileFrontend ) );