lastUnreadAlertTime = $lastUnreadAlertTime; $this->lastUnreadMessageTime = $lastUnreadMessageTime; $this->echoNotificationCount = $echoNotificationCount; } public function getLastUnreadAlertTime() { return $this->lastUnreadAlertTime; } public function getLastUnreadMessageTime() { return $this->lastUnreadMessageTime; } public function getNotificationCount() { return $this->echoNotificationCount; } } /** * @coversDefaultClass SkinMinerva * @group MinervaNeue */ class SkinMinervaTest extends MediaWikiTestCase { /** * @covers ::addToBodyAttributes */ public function testAddToBodyAttributes() { // The `class` attribute gets set to the "bodyClassName" property by // default. $this->assertContains( 'no-js', $this->addToBodyAttributes( 'no-js', false ) ); $classes = $this->addToBodyAttributes( 'no-js', true ); $this->assertContains( 'no-js', $classes ); } private function addToBodyAttributes( $bodyClassName ) { $context = new RequestContext(); $context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Test' ) ); $outputPage = $context->getOutput(); $outputPage->setProperty( 'bodyClassName', $bodyClassName ); $bodyAttrs = [ 'class' => '' ]; $skin = new SkinMinerva(); $skin->setContext( $context ); $skin->addToBodyAttributes( $outputPage, $bodyAttrs ); return explode( ' ', $bodyAttrs[ 'class' ] ); } /** * @covers ::setContext * @covers ::setSkinOptions * @covers ::hasCategoryLinks */ public function testHasCategoryLinksWhenOptionIsOff() { $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( OutputPage::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $outputPage->expects( $this->never() ) ->method( 'getCategoryLinks' ); $context = new RequestContext(); $context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Test' ) ); $context->setOutput( $outputPage ); $skin = new SkinMinerva(); $skin->setContext( $context ); $skin->setSkinOptions( [ SkinMinerva::OPTION_CATEGORIES => false ] ); $skin = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $skin ); $this->assertEquals( $skin->hasCategoryLinks(), false ); } /** * @dataProvider provideHasCategoryLinks * @param array $categoryLinks * @param bool $expected * @covers ::setContext * @covers ::setSkinOptions * @covers ::hasCategoryLinks */ public function testHasCategoryLinks( array $categoryLinks, $expected ) { $outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( OutputPage::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $outputPage->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'getCategoryLinks' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $categoryLinks ) ); $context = new RequestContext(); $context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( 'Test' ) ); $context->setOutput( $outputPage ); $skin = new SkinMinerva(); $skin->setContext( $context ); $skin->setSkinOptions( [ SkinMinerva::OPTION_CATEGORIES => true ] ); $skin = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $skin ); $this->assertEquals( $skin->hasCategoryLinks(), $expected ); } public function provideHasCategoryLinks() { return [ [ [], false ], [ [ 'normal' => '' ], true ], [ [ 'hidden' => '' ], true ], [ [ 'normal' => '', 'hidden' => '' ], true ], [ [ 'unexpected' => '' ], false ], ]; } /** * Test whether the font changer module is correctly added to the list context modules * * @covers ::getContextSpecificModules * @dataProvider provideGetContextSpecificModules * @param mixed $backToTopValue whether back to top feature is enabled * @param string $moduleName Module name that is being tested * @param bool $expected Whether the module is expected to be returned by the function being tested */ public function testGetContextSpecificModules( $backToTopValue, $moduleName, $expected ) { $skin = new SkinMinerva(); $title = Title::newFromText( 'Test' ); $testContext = RequestContext::getMain(); $testContext->setTitle( $title ); $skin->setContext( $testContext ); $skin->setSkinOptions( [ 'backToTop' => $backToTopValue, ] ); if ( $expected ) { $this->assertContains( $moduleName, $skin->getContextSpecificModules() ); } else { $this->assertNotContains( $moduleName, $skin->getContextSpecificModules() ); } } public function provideGetContextSpecificModules() { return [ [ true, 'skins.minerva.backtotop', true ], [ false, 'skins.minerva.backtotop', false ], ]; } /** * Test the notification user button * * @covers ::prepareUserButton * @dataProvider providePrepareUserButton * @param array|string $expectedSecondaryButtonData Expected test case outcome * @param string $message Test message * @param Title $title * @param bool $useEcho Whether to use Extension:Echo * @param bool $isUserLoggedIn * @param string $newtalks New talk page messages for the current user * @param MWTimestamp|bool $lastUnreadAlertTime Timestamp or false * @param MWTimestamp|bool $lastUnreadMessageTime Timestamp or false * @param int|bool $echoNotificationCount * @param string|bool $alertSeenTime String in format TS_ISO_8601 or false * @param string|bool $msgSeenTime String in format TS_ISO_8601 or false * @param string|bool $formattedEchoNotificationCount */ public function testPrepareUserButton( $expectedSecondaryButtonData, $message, $title, $useEcho, $isUserLoggedIn, $newtalks, $lastUnreadAlertTime = false, $lastUnreadMessageTime = false, $echoNotificationCount = false, $alertSeenTime = false, $msgSeenTime = false, $formattedEchoNotificationCount = false ) { $user = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->setMethods( [ 'isLoggedIn' ] ) ->getMock(); $user->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'isLoggedIn' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $isUserLoggedIn ) ); $skin = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->getMockBuilder( SkinMinerva::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->setMethods( [ 'getTitle', 'getUser', 'getNewtalks', 'useEcho', 'getEchoNotifUser', 'getEchoSeenTime', 'getFormattedEchoNotificationCount' ] ) ->getMock() ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getTitle' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $title ) ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getUser' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $user ) ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getNewtalks' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $newtalks ) ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'useEcho' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $useEcho ) ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getEchoNotifUser' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( new EchoNotifUser( $lastUnreadAlertTime, $lastUnreadMessageTime, $echoNotificationCount ) ) ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getEchoSeenTime' ) ->will( $this->returnValueMap( [ [ $user, 'alert', $alertSeenTime ], [ $user, 'message', $msgSeenTime ] ] ) ); $skin->expects( $this->any() ) ->method( 'getFormattedEchoNotificationCount' ) ->will( $this->returnValue( $formattedEchoNotificationCount ) ); $tpl = new Template(); $skin->prepareUserButton( $tpl ); $this->assertEquals( $expectedSecondaryButtonData, $tpl->get( 'secondaryButtonData' ), $message ); } /** * Utility function that returns the expected secondary button data given parameters * @param Title $title Page title * @param string $notificationsMsg * @param string $notificationsTitle * @param string $countLabel * @param bool $isZero * @param bool $hasUnseen * @return array */ private function getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, $notificationsMsg, $notificationsTitle, $count, $countLabel, $isZero, $hasUnseen ) { return [ 'notificationIconClass' => MinervaUI::iconClass( 'notifications' ), 'title' => $notificationsMsg, 'url' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( $notificationsTitle ) ->getLocalURL( [ 'returnto' => $title->getPrefixedText() ] ), 'notificationCountRaw' => $count, 'notificationCountString' => $countLabel, 'isNotificationCountZero' => $isZero, 'hasNotifications' => $hasUnseen, 'hasUnseenNotifications' => $hasUnseen ]; } /** * Data provider for the test case testPrepareUserButton with Echo enabled * @param Title @title Page title * @return array */ private function providePrepareUserButtonEcho( Title $title ) { return [ [ '', 'Echo, not logged in, no talk page alerts', $title, true, false, '' ], [ '', 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts', Title::newFromText( 'Special:Notifications' ), true, true, '' ], [ '', 'Echo, logged in, talk page alert', Title::newFromText( 'Special:Notifications' ), true, true, 'newtalks alert' ], [ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, 'Show my notifications', 'Notifications', 110, '99+', false, true ), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 110 notifications, ' + 'last un-read alert time after last alert seen time, ' + 'last un-read message time after last message seen time', $title, true, true, '', MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-05-11T21:23:20Z' ) ), MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-05-12T07:18:42Z' ) ), 110, '2017-05-11T20:28:11Z', '2017-05-11T20:28:11Z', '99+' ], [ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, 'Show my notifications', 'Notifications', 3, '3', false, true ), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 3 notifications, ' + 'last un-read alert time after last alert seen time, ' + 'last un-read message time before last message seen time', $title, true, true, '', MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-03-26T14:11:48Z' ) ), MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-03-27T17:07:57Z' ) ), 3, '2017-03-25T00:17:44Z', '2017-03-28T19:00:42Z', '3' ], [ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, 'Show my notifications', 'Notifications', 3, '3', false, false ), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 3 notifications, ' + 'last un-read alert time before last alert seen time, ' + 'last un-read message time before last message seen time', $title, true, true, '', MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-04-11T13:21:15Z' ) ), MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-04-10T15:12:31Z' ) ), 3, '2017-04-12T10:37:13Z', '2017-04-11T12:55:47Z', '3' ], [ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, 'Show my notifications', 'Notifications', 5, '5', false, false ), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 5 notifications, ' + 'no last un-read alert time, ' + 'last un-read message time before last message seen time', $title, true, true, '', false, MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-12-15T08:14:33Z' ) ), 5, '2017-12-21T18:07:24Z', '2017-12-19T16:55:52Z', '5' ], [ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, 'Show my notifications', 'Notifications', 0, '0', true, false ), 'Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts, 0 notifications, ' + 'no last alert and message seen time', $title, true, true, '', MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-08-09T10:54:07Z' ) ), MWTimestamp::getInstance( strtotime( '2017-08-11T14:18:36Z' ) ), 0, false, false, '0' ] ]; } /** * Data provider for the test case testPrepareUserButton with Echo disabled * @param Title @title Page title * @return array */ private function providePrepareUserButtonNoEcho( Title $title ) { return [ [ '', 'No Echo, not logged in, no talk page alerts', $title, false, false, '' ], [ '', 'No Echo, logged in, no talk page alerts', $title, false, true, '' ], [ $this->getSecondaryButtonExpectedResult( $title, 'You have new messages on your talk page', 'Mytalk', 0, '', true, false ), 'No Echo, not logged in, talk page alert', $title, false, false, 'newtalks alert' ], ]; } /** * Data provider for the test case testPrepareUserButton * @return array */ public function providePrepareUserButton() { $title = Title::newFromText( 'Test' ); return array_merge( $this->providePrepareUserButtonEcho( $title ), $this->providePrepareUserButtonNoEcho( $title ) ); } }