skinOptions = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'Minerva.SkinOptions' ); } /** * Lazy load the permissions object. We don't want to initialize it as it requires many * dependencies, sometimes some of those dependencies cannot be fulfilled (like missing Title * object) * @return IMinervaPagePermissions */ private function getPermissions(): IMinervaPagePermissions { if ( $this->permissions === null ) { $this->permissions = MediaWikiServices::getInstance() ->getService( 'Minerva.Permissions' ); } return $this->permissions; } /** * Initalized main menu. Please use getter. * @var MainMenuDirector */ private $mainMenu; /** * Build the Main Menu Director by passing the skin options * * @return MainMenuDirector */ protected function getMainMenu(): MainMenuDirector { if ( !$this->mainMenu ) { $this->mainMenu = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'Minerva.Menu.MainDirector' ); } return $this->mainMenu; } /** * Returns the site name for the footer, either as a text or tag * @return string * @throws ConfigException */ public function getSitename() { $config = $this->getConfig(); $customLogos = $config->get( 'MinervaCustomLogos' ); $footerSitename = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-footer-sitename' )->text(); // If there's a custom site logo, use that instead of text if ( isset( $customLogos['copyright'] ) ) { $attributes = [ 'src' => $customLogos['copyright'], 'alt' => $footerSitename, ]; if ( pathinfo( $customLogos['copyright'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ) === 'svg' ) { $attributes['srcset'] = $customLogos['copyright'] . ' 1x'; if ( isset( $customLogos['copyright-fallback'] ) ) { $attributes['src'] = $customLogos['copyright-fallback']; } else { $attributes['src'] = preg_replace( '/\.svg$/i', '.png', $customLogos['copyright'] ); } } if ( isset( $customLogos['copyright-height'] ) ) { $attributes['height'] = $customLogos['copyright-height']; } if ( isset( $customLogos['copyright-width'] ) ) { $attributes['width'] = $customLogos['copyright-width']; } $sitename = Html::element( 'img', $attributes ); } else { $sitename = $footerSitename; } return $sitename; } /** * initialize various variables and generate the template * @return QuickTemplate * @suppress PhanTypeMismatchArgument */ protected function prepareQuickTemplate() { $out = $this->getOutput(); // add head items $out->addMeta( 'viewport', 'initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes, minimum-scale=0.25, ' . 'maximum-scale=5.0, width=device-width' ); // T204691 $theme = $out->getConfig()->get( 'MFManifestThemeColor' ); if ( $theme ) { $out->addMeta( 'theme-color', $theme ); } // Generate skin template $tpl = parent::prepareQuickTemplate(); // Set whether or not the page content should be wrapped in div.content (for // example, on a special page) $tpl->set( 'unstyledContent', $out->getProperty( 'unstyledContent' ) ); // Set the links for page secondary actions $tpl->set( 'secondary_actions', $this->getSecondaryActions( $tpl ) ); // Construct various Minerva-specific interface elements $this->prepareMenus( $tpl ); $this->preparePageContent( $tpl ); $this->prepareHeaderAndFooter( $tpl ); $this->prepareBanners( $tpl ); $this->prepareUserNotificationsButton( $tpl, $tpl->get( 'newtalk' ) ); $this->prepareLanguages( $tpl ); return $tpl; } /** * Prepare all Minerva menus * @param BaseTemplate $tpl * @throws MWException */ private function prepareMenus( BaseTemplate $tpl ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); /** @var \MediaWiki\Minerva\Menu\PageActions\PageActionsDirector $pageActionsDirector */ $pageActionsDirector = $services->getService( 'Minerva.Menu.PageActionsDirector' ); /** @var \MediaWiki\Minerva\Menu\User\UserMenuDirector $userMenuDirector */ $userMenuDirector = $services->getService( 'Minerva.Menu.UserMenuDirector' ); $tpl->set( 'mainMenu', $this->getMainMenu()->getMenuData() ); $tpl->set( 'pageActionsMenu', $pageActionsDirector->buildMenu( $tpl->getToolbox() ) ); $tpl->set( 'userMenuHTML', $userMenuDirector->renderMenuData( $tpl->getPersonalTools() ) ); } /** * Prepares the header and the content of a page * Stores in QuickTemplate prebodytext, postbodytext keys * @param QuickTemplate $tpl */ protected function preparePageContent( QuickTemplate $tpl ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $title = $this->getTitle(); // If it's a talk page, add a link to the main namespace page // In AMC we do not need to do this as there is an easy way back to the article page // via the talk/article tabs. if ( $title->isTalkPage() && !$this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::AMC_MODE ) ) { // if it's a talk page for which we have a special message, use it switch ( $title->getNamespace() ) { case NS_USER_TALK: $msg = 'mobile-frontend-talk-back-to-userpage'; break; case NS_PROJECT_TALK: $msg = 'mobile-frontend-talk-back-to-projectpage'; break; case NS_FILE_TALK: $msg = 'mobile-frontend-talk-back-to-filepage'; break; default: // generic (all other NS) $msg = 'mobile-frontend-talk-back-to-page'; } $subjectPage = $services->getNamespaceInfo()->getSubjectPage( $title ); $tpl->set( 'subject-page', MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLinkRenderer()->makeLink( $subjectPage, $this->msg( $msg, $title->getText() )->text(), [ 'class' => 'return-link' ] ) ); } } /** * Overrides Skin::doEditSectionLink * @param Title $nt * @param string $section * @param string|null $tooltip * @param Language $lang * @return string */ public function doEditSectionLink( Title $nt, $section, $tooltip, Language $lang ) { if ( $this->getPermissions()->isAllowed( IMinervaPagePermissions::EDIT ) && !$nt->isMainPage() ) { $message = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-editor-edit' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(); $html = Html::openElement( 'span', [ 'class' => 'mw-editsection' ] ); $html .= Html::element( 'a', [ 'href' => $this->getTitle()->getLocalURL( [ 'action' => 'edit', 'section' => $section ] ), 'title' => $this->msg( 'editsectionhint', $tooltip )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(), 'data-section' => $section, // Note visibility of the edit section link button is controlled by .edit-page in ui.less so // we default to enabled even though this may not be true. 'class' => MinervaUI::iconClass( 'edit-enabled', 'element', 'edit-page' ), ], $message ); $html .= Html::closeElement( 'span' ); return $html; } return ''; } /** * Takes a title and returns classes to apply to the body tag * @param Title $title * @return string */ public function getPageClasses( $title ) { $className = parent::getPageClasses( $title ); $className .= ' ' . ( $this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::BETA_MODE ) ? 'beta' : 'stable' ); if ( $title->isMainPage() ) { $className .= ' page-Main_Page '; } if ( $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn() ) { $className .= ' is-authenticated'; } // The new treatment should only apply to the main namespace if ( $title->getNamespace() === NS_MAIN && $this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::PAGE_ISSUES ) ) { $className .= ' issues-group-B'; } return $className; } /** * Whether the output page contains category links and the category feature is enabled. * @return bool */ private function hasCategoryLinks() { if ( !$this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::CATEGORIES ) ) { return false; } $categoryLinks = $this->getOutput()->getCategoryLinks(); if ( !count( $categoryLinks ) ) { return false; } return !empty( $categoryLinks['normal'] ) || !empty( $categoryLinks['hidden'] ); } /** * @return SkinUserPageHelper */ public function getUserPageHelper() { return MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'Minerva.SkinUserPageHelper' ); } /** * Initializes output page and sets up skin-specific parameters * @param OutputPage $out object to initialize */ public function initPage( OutputPage $out ) { parent::initPage( $out ); $out->addJsConfigVars( $this->getSkinConfigVariables() ); } /** * Returns, if Extension:Echo should be used. * @return bool */ protected function useEcho() { return ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Echo' ); } /** * Get Echo notification target user * @param User $user * @return MWEchoNotifUser */ protected function getEchoNotifUser( User $user ) { return MWEchoNotifUser::newFromUser( $user ); } /** * Get the last time user has seen particular type of notifications. * @param User $user * @param string $type Type of seen time to get * @return string|bool Timestamp in TS_ISO_8601 format, or false if no stored time */ protected function getEchoSeenTime( User $user, $type = 'all' ) { return EchoSeenTime::newFromUser( $user )->getTime( $type, TS_ISO_8601 ); } /** * Get formatted Echo notification count * @param int $count * @return string */ protected function getFormattedEchoNotificationCount( $count ) { return EchoNotificationController::formatNotificationCount( $count ); } /** * Prepares the user button. * @param QuickTemplate $tpl * @param string $newTalks New talk page messages for the current user */ protected function prepareUserNotificationsButton( QuickTemplate $tpl, $newTalks ) { // Set user button to empty string by default $tpl->set( 'userNotificationsData', '' ); $notificationsTitle = ''; $count = 0; $countLabel = ''; $isZero = true; $hasUnseen = false; $user = $this->getUser(); $currentTitle = $this->getTitle(); // If Echo is available, the user is logged in, and they are not already on the // notifications archive, show the notifications icon in the header. if ( $this->useEcho() && $user->isLoggedIn() ) { $notificationsTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Notifications' ); if ( $currentTitle->equals( $notificationsTitle ) ) { // Don't show the secondary button at all $notificationsTitle = null; } else { $notificationsMsg = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-user-button-tooltip' )->text(); $notifUser = $this->getEchoNotifUser( $user ); $count = $notifUser->getNotificationCount(); $seenAlertTime = $this->getEchoSeenTime( $user, 'alert' ); $seenMsgTime = $this->getEchoSeenTime( $user, 'message' ); $alertNotificationTimestamp = $notifUser->getLastUnreadAlertTime(); $msgNotificationTimestamp = $notifUser->getLastUnreadMessageTime(); $isZero = $count === 0; $hasUnseen = $count > 0 && ( $seenMsgTime !== false && $msgNotificationTimestamp !== false && $seenMsgTime < $msgNotificationTimestamp->getTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601 ) ) || ( $seenAlertTime !== false && $alertNotificationTimestamp !== false && $seenAlertTime < $alertNotificationTimestamp->getTimestamp( TS_ISO_8601 ) ); $countLabel = $this->getFormattedEchoNotificationCount( $count ); } } elseif ( !empty( $newTalks ) ) { $notificationsTitle = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Mytalk' ); $notificationsMsg = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-user-newmessages' )->text(); } if ( $notificationsTitle ) { $url = $notificationsTitle->getLocalURL( [ 'returnto' => $currentTitle->getPrefixedText() ] ); $tpl->set( 'userNotificationsData', [ 'notificationIconClass' => MinervaUI::iconClass( 'bellOutline-base20', 'element', '', 'wikimedia' ), 'title' => $notificationsMsg, 'url' => $url, 'notificationCountRaw' => $count, 'notificationCountString' => $countLabel, 'isNotificationCountZero' => $isZero, 'hasNotifications' => $hasUnseen, 'hasUnseenNotifications' => $hasUnseen ] ); } } /** * Rewrites the language list so that it cannot be contaminated by other extensions with things * other than languages * See bug 57094. * * @todo Remove when Special:Languages link goes stable * @param QuickTemplate $tpl */ protected function prepareLanguages( $tpl ) { $lang = $this->getTitle()->getPageViewLanguage(); $tpl->set( 'pageLang', $lang->getHtmlCode() ); $tpl->set( 'pageDir', $lang->getDir() ); // If the array is empty, then instead give the skin boolean false $language_urls = $this->getLanguages() ?: false; $tpl->set( 'language_urls', $language_urls ); } /** * Get a history link which describes author and relative time of last edit * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed * @param int $timestamp * @return array */ protected function getRelativeHistoryLink( Title $title, $timestamp ) { $user = $this->getUser(); $userDate = $this->getLanguage()->userDate( $timestamp, $user ); $text = $this->msg( 'minerva-last-modified-date', $userDate, $this->getLanguage()->userTime( $timestamp, $user ) )->parse(); return [ // Use $edit['timestamp'] (Unix format) instead of $timestamp (MW format) 'data-timestamp' => wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $timestamp ), 'href' => $this->getHistoryUrl( $title ), 'text' => $text, ] + $this->getRevisionEditorData( $title ); } /** * Get a history link which makes no reference to user or last edited time * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed * @return array */ protected function getGenericHistoryLink( Title $title ) { $text = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-history' )->plain(); return [ 'href' => $this->getHistoryUrl( $title ), 'text' => $text, ]; } /** * Get the URL for the history page for the given title using Special:History * when available. * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed * @return string */ protected function getHistoryUrl( Title $title ) { return ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'MobileFrontend' ) && SpecialMobileHistory::shouldUseSpecialHistory( $title, $this->getUser() ) ? SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'History', $title )->getLocalURL() : $title->getLocalURL( [ 'action' => 'history' ] ); } /** * Prepare the content for the 'last edited' message, e.g. 'Last edited on 30 August * 2013, at 23:31'. This message is different for the main page since main page * content is typically transcluded rather than edited directly. * * The relative time is only rendered on the latest revision. * For older revisions the last modified information will not render with a relative time * nor will it show the name of the editor. * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed * @return array */ protected function getHistoryLink( Title $title ) { $isLatestRevision = $this->getRevisionId() === $title->getLatestRevID(); // Get rev_timestamp of current revision (preloaded by MediaWiki core) $timestamp = $this->getOutput()->getRevisionTimestamp(); # No cached timestamp, load it from the database if ( $timestamp === null ) { $timestamp = Revision::getTimestampFromId( $this->getTitle(), $this->getRevisionId() ); } return !$isLatestRevision || $title->isMainPage() ? $this->getGenericHistoryLink( $title ) : $this->getRelativeHistoryLink( $title, $timestamp ); } /** * Returns data attributes representing the editor for the current revision. * @param Title $title The Title object of the page being viewed * @return array representing user with name and gender fields. Empty if the editor no longer * exists in the database or is hidden from public view. */ private function getRevisionEditorData( Title $title ) { $rev = Revision::newFromTitle( $title ); $result = []; if ( $rev ) { $revUserId = $rev->getUser(); // Note the user will only be returned if that information is public if ( $revUserId ) { $revUser = User::newFromId( $revUserId ); $editorName = $revUser->getName(); $editorGender = $revUser->getOption( 'gender' ); $result += [ 'data-user-name' => $editorName, 'data-user-gender' => $editorGender, ]; } } return $result; } /** * Returns the HTML representing the tagline * @return string HTML for tagline */ protected function getTaglineHtml() { $tagline = ''; if ( $this->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() ) { $pageUser = $this->getUserPageHelper()->getPageUser(); $fromDate = $pageUser->getRegistration(); if ( is_string( $fromDate ) ) { $fromDateTs = wfTimestamp( TS_UNIX, $fromDate ); // This is shown when js is disabled. js enhancement made due to caching $tagline = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-user-page-member-since', $this->getLanguage()->userDate( new MWTimestamp( $fromDateTs ), $this->getUser() ), $pageUser )->text(); // Define html attributes for usage with js enhancement (unix timestamp, gender) $attrs = [ 'id' => 'tagline-userpage', 'data-userpage-registration-date' => $fromDateTs, 'data-userpage-gender' => $pageUser->getOption( 'gender' ) ]; } } else { $title = $this->getTitle(); if ( $title ) { $out = $this->getOutput(); $tagline = $out->getProperty( 'wgMFDescription' ); } } $attrs[ 'class' ] = 'tagline'; return Html::element( 'div', $attrs, $tagline ); } /** * Returns the HTML representing the heading. * @return string HTML for header */ protected function getHeadingHtml() { if ( $this->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() ) { // The heading is just the username without namespace $heading = $this->getUserPageHelper()->getPageUser()->getName(); } else { $heading = $this->getOutput()->getPageTitle(); } return Html::rawElement( 'h1', [ 'id' => 'section_0' ], $heading ); } /** * Create and prepare header and footer content * @param BaseTemplate $tpl */ protected function prepareHeaderAndFooter( BaseTemplate $tpl ) { $title = $this->getTitle(); $user = $this->getUser(); $out = $this->getOutput(); $tpl->set( 'taglinehtml', $this->getTaglineHtml() ); if ( $this->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() && // when overflow menu is visible, we don't need to build secondary options // as most of options are visible on Toolbar/Overflow menu !$this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::TOOLBAR_SUBMENU ) ) { $pageUser = $this->getUserPageHelper()->getPageUser(); $talkPage = $pageUser->getTalkPage(); $data = [ // Talk page icon is provided by mobile.userpage.icons for time being 'userPageIconClass' => MinervaUI::iconClass( 'talk', 'before', 'talk', 'mf' ), 'talkPageTitle' => $talkPage->getPrefixedURL(), 'talkPageLink' => $talkPage->getLocalURL(), 'talkPageLinkTitle' => $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-user-page-talk' )->escaped(), 'contributionsPageLink' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Contributions', $pageUser )->getLocalURL(), 'contributionsPageTitle' => $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-user-page-contributions' )->escaped(), 'uploadsPageLink' => SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'Uploads', $pageUser )->getLocalURL(), 'uploadsPageTitle' => $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-user-page-uploads' )->escaped(), ]; $templateParser = new TemplateParser( __DIR__ ); $tpl->set( 'postheadinghtml', $templateParser->processTemplate( 'user_page_links', $data ) ); } elseif ( $title->isMainPage() ) { if ( $user->isLoggedIn() ) { $pageTitle = $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-logged-in-homepage-notification', $user->getName() )->text(); } else { $pageTitle = ''; } $out->setPageTitle( $pageTitle ); } if ( $this->canUseWikiPage() && $this->getWikiPage()->exists() ) { $tpl->set( 'historyLink', $this->getHistoryLink( $title ) ); } $tpl->set( 'headinghtml', $this->getHeadingHtml() ); $tpl->set( 'footer-site-heading-html', $this->getSitename() ); // set defaults if ( !isset( $tpl->data['postbodytext'] ) ) { $tpl->set( 'postbodytext', '' ); // not currently set in desktop skin } } /** * Load internal banner content to show in pre content in template * Beware of HTML caching when using this function. * Content set as "internalbanner" * @param BaseTemplate $tpl */ protected function prepareBanners( BaseTemplate $tpl ) { // Make sure Zero banner are always on top $banners = [ '
' ]; if ( $this->getConfig()->get( 'MinervaEnableSiteNotice' ) ) { $siteNotice = $this->getSiteNotice(); if ( $siteNotice ) { $banners[] = $siteNotice; } } $tpl->set( 'banners', $banners ); // These banners unlike 'banners' show inside the main content chrome underneath the // page actions. $tpl->set( 'internalBanner', '' ); } /** * Returns an array with details for a language button. * @return array */ protected function getLanguageButton() { $languageUrl = SpecialPage::getTitleFor( 'MobileLanguages', $this->getSkin()->getTitle() )->getLocalURL(); return [ 'attributes' => [ 'class' => 'language-selector', 'href' => $languageUrl, ], 'label' => $this->msg( 'mobile-frontend-language-article-heading' )->text() ]; } /** * Returns an array with details for a talk button. * @param Title $talkTitle Title object of the talk page * @param array $talkButton Array with data of desktop talk button * @param bool $addSection (optional) when added the talk button will render * as an add topic button. Defaults to false. * @return array */ protected function getTalkButton( $talkTitle, $talkButton, $addSection = false ) { if ( $addSection ) { $params = [ 'action' => 'edit', 'section' => 'new' ]; $className = 'talk continue add'; } else { $params = []; $className = 'talk'; } return [ 'attributes' => [ 'href' => $talkTitle->getLinkURL( $params ), 'data-title' => $talkTitle->getFullText(), 'class' => $className, ], 'label' => $talkButton['text'], ]; } /** * Returns an array with details for a categories button. * @return array */ protected function getCategoryButton() { return [ 'attributes' => [ 'href' => '#/categories', // add hidden class (the overlay works only, when JS is enabled (class will // be removed in categories/init.js) 'class' => 'category-button hidden', ], 'label' => $this->msg( 'categories' )->text() ]; } /** * Returns an array of links for page secondary actions * @param BaseTemplate $tpl * @return array */ protected function getSecondaryActions( BaseTemplate $tpl ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $namespaceInfo = $services->getNamespaceInfo(); /** @var \MediaWiki\Minerva\LanguagesHelper $languagesHelper */ $languagesHelper = $services->getService( 'Minerva.LanguagesHelper' ); $buttons = []; // always add a button to link to the talk page // in beta it will be the entry point for the talk overlay feature, // in stable it will link to the wikitext talk page $title = $this->getTitle(); $subjectPage = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $namespaceInfo->getSubjectPage( $title ) ); $talkAtBottom = !$this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::TALK_AT_TOP ) || $subjectPage->isMainPage(); $namespaces = $tpl->data['content_navigation']['namespaces']; if ( !$this->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() && $this->getPermissions()->isTalkAllowed() && $talkAtBottom ) { // FIXME [core]: This seems unnecessary.. $subjectId = $title->getNamespaceKey( '' ); $talkId = $subjectId === 'main' ? 'talk' : "{$subjectId}_talk"; if ( isset( $namespaces[$talkId] ) ) { $talkButton = $namespaces[$talkId]; $talkTitle = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $namespaceInfo->getTalkPage( $title ) ); if ( $title->isTalkPage() ) { $talkButton['text'] = wfMessage( 'minerva-talk-add-topic' ); $buttons['talk'] = $this->getTalkButton( $title, $talkButton, true ); } else { $buttons['talk'] = $this->getTalkButton( $talkTitle, $talkButton ); } } } if ( $languagesHelper->doesTitleHasLanguagesOrVariants( $title ) && $title->isMainPage() ) { $buttons['language'] = $this->getLanguageButton(); } if ( $this->hasCategoryLinks() ) { $buttons['categories'] = $this->getCategoryButton(); } return $buttons; } /** * Minerva skin do not have sidebar, there is no need to calculate that. * @return array */ public function buildSidebar() { return []; } /** * Returns array of config variables that should be added only to this skin * for use in JavaScript. * @return array */ public function getSkinConfigVariables() { $menuData = $this->getMainMenu()->getMenuData(); $vars = [ 'wgMinervaFeatures' => $this->skinOptions->getAll(), 'wgMinervaDownloadNamespaces' => $this->getConfig()->get( 'MinervaDownloadNamespaces' ), // hamburger icon is already rendered, pass only menu items 'wgMinervaMenuData' => $menuData['items'] ]; return $vars; } /** * Returns true, if the talk page of this page is wikitext-based. * @return bool */ protected function isWikiTextTalkPage() { $title = $this->getTitle(); if ( !$title->isTalkPage() ) { $namespaceInfo = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getNamespaceInfo(); $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $namespaceInfo->getTalkPage( $title ) ); } return $title->isWikitextPage(); } /** * Returns an array of modules related to the current context of the page. * @return array */ public function getContextSpecificModules() { $modules = []; $title = $this->getTitle(); if ( $this->getPermissions()->isAllowed( IMinervaPagePermissions::WATCH ) ) { // Explicitly add the mobile watchstar code. $modules[] = 'skins.minerva.watchstar'; } // TalkOverlay feature if ( $this->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() || ( $this->getPermissions()->isTalkAllowed() || $title->isTalkPage() ) && $this->isWikiTextTalkPage() ) { $modules[] = ''; } if ( $this->skinOptions->hasSkinOptions() ) { $modules[] = 'skins.minerva.options'; } return $modules; } /** * Returns the javascript entry modules to load. Only modules that need to * be overriden or added conditionally should be placed here. * @return array */ public function getDefaultModules() { $modules = parent::getDefaultModules(); // FIXME: T223204: Dequeue default content modules except for the history // action. Allow default history action content modules // (, jquery.makeCollapsible, // jquery.makeCollapsible.styles, etc) in order to enable toggling of the // filters. Long term this won't be necessary when T111565 is resolved and a // more general solution can be used. if ( Action::getActionName( $this->getContext() ) !== 'history' ) { // dequeue default content modules (toc, sortable, collapsible, etc.) $modules['content'] = []; // dequeue styles associated with `content` key. $modules['styles']['content'] = []; } $modules['styles']['core'] = $this->getSkinStyles(); // dequeue default watch module (not needed, no watchstar in this skin) $modules['watch'] = []; // disable default skin search modules $modules['search'] = []; $modules['minerva'] = array_merge( $this->getContextSpecificModules(), [ 'skins.minerva.scripts' ] ); if ( $this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::TOGGLING ) ) { // Extension can unload "toggling" modules via the hook $modules['toggling'] = [ 'skins.minerva.toggling' ]; } Hooks::run( 'SkinMinervaDefaultModules', [ $this, &$modules ] ); return $modules; } /** * Modifies the `` element's attributes. * * By default, the `class` attribute is set to the output's "bodyClassName" * property. * * @param OutputPage $out * @param array &$bodyAttrs */ public function addToBodyAttributes( $out, &$bodyAttrs ) { $classes = $out->getProperty( 'bodyClassName' ); if ( $this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::AMC_MODE ) ) { $classes .= ' minerva--amc-enabled'; } else { $classes .= ' minerva--amc-disabled'; } $bodyAttrs[ 'class' ] .= ' ' . $classes; } /** * Provide styles required to present the server rendered page in this skin. Additional styles * may be loaded dynamically by the client. * * Any styles returned by this method are loaded on the critical rendering path as linked * stylesheets. I.e., they are required to load on the client before first paint. * * @return array */ protected function getSkinStyles(): array { $title = $this->getTitle(); $styles = [ 'skins.minerva.base.styles', 'skins.minerva.content.styles', 'skins.minerva.content.styles.images', 'mediawiki.hlist', 'mediawiki.ui.icon', 'mediawiki.ui.button', 'skins.minerva.icons.wikimedia', 'skins.minerva.icons.images', ]; if ( $title->isMainPage() ) { $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.mainPage.styles'; } elseif ( $this->getUserPageHelper()->isUserPage() ) { $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.userpage.styles'; $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.userpage.icons'; } if ( $this->getUser()->isLoggedIn() ) { $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.loggedin.styles'; $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.icons.loggedin'; } if ( $this->skinOptions->isAnyAMCOptionEnabled() ) { $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.amc.styles'; $styles[] = 'wikimedia.ui'; } if ( $this->skinOptions->get( SkinOptions::AMC_MODE ) ) { // ToolbarBuilder is reusing the Contributions icon in toolbar @see T224735 $styles[] = 'skins.minerva.mainMenu.icons'; } return $styles; } } // Setup alias for compatibility with SkinMinervaNeue. class_alias( 'SkinMinerva', 'SkinMinervaNeue' );