( function ( M, $ ) { var AB = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/AB' ), allIssues = {}, KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS = 'all', ACTION_EDIT = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) === 'edit', NS_MAIN = 0, NS_TALK = 1, NS_CATEGORY = 14, isInGroupB = new AB( 'WME.PageIssuesAB', mw.config.get( 'wgMinervaABSamplingRate', 0 ), mw.user.sessionId() ).getBucket() === 'B', Icon = M.require( 'mobile.startup/Icon' ); ( function () { var page = M.getCurrentPage(), getIconFromAmbox = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/utils' ) .getIconFromAmbox, overlayManager = M.require( 'skins.minerva.scripts/overlayManager' ), CleanupOverlay = M.require( 'mobile.issues/CleanupOverlay' ); /** * Extract a summary message from a cleanup template generated element that is * friendly for mobile display. * @param {Object} $box element to extract the message from * @ignore * @typedef {Object} IssueSummary * @prop {string} icon HTML string. * @prop {string} text HTML string. * @return {IssueSummary} */ function extractMessage( $box ) { var selector = '.mbox-text, .ambox-text', $container = $( '
' ); $box.find( selector ).each( function () { var contents, $this = $( this ); // Clean up talk page boxes $this.find( 'table, .noprint' ).remove(); contents = $this.html(); if ( contents ) { $( '

' ).html( contents ).appendTo( $container ); } } ); return { icon: getIconFromAmbox( $box ).toHtmlString(), text: $container.html() }; } /** * Create a link element that opens the issues overlay. * * @ignore * * @param {string} labelText The text value of the element * @return {JQuery} */ function createLinkElement( labelText ) { return $( '' ) .text( labelText ); } /** * Render a banner in a containing element. * if in group B, a learn more link will be append to any amboxes inside $container * if in group A or control, any amboxes in container will be removed and a link "page issues" * will be rendered above the heading. * This function comes with side effects. It will populate a global "allIssues" object which * will link section numbers to issues. * @param {JQuery.Object} $container to render the page issues banner inside. * @param {string} labelText what the label of the page issues banner should say * @param {number|string} section that the banner and its issues belong to. * If string KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS banner should apply to entire page. * @param {boolean} inline - if true the first ambox in the section will become the entry point for the issues overlay * and if false, a link will be rendered under the heading. * @ignore */ function createBanner( $container, labelText, section, inline ) { var $learnMore, issueUrl = section === KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ? '#/issues/' + KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS : '#/issues/' + section, selector = 'table.ambox, table.tmbox, table.cmbox, table.fmbox', $metadata = $container.find( selector ), issues = [], $link; // clean it up a little $metadata.find( '.NavFrame' ).remove(); $metadata.each( function () { var issue, $this = $( this ); if ( $this.find( selector ).length === 0 ) { issue = extractMessage( $this ); // Some issues after "extractMessage" has been run will have no text. // For example in Template:Talk header the table will be removed and no issue found. // These should not be rendered. if ( issue.text ) { issues.push( issue ); } } } ); // store it for late allIssues[section] = issues; if ( inline ) { new Icon( { glyphPrefix: 'minerva', name: 'warning', isSmall: true } ).prependTo( $metadata.find( '.mbox-text' ) ); $learnMore = $( '' ) .addClass( 'ambox-learn-more' ) .text( mw.msg( 'skin-minerva-issue-learn-more' ) ); if ( $( '.mw-collapsible-content' ).length ) { // e.g. Template:Multiple issues $learnMore.insertBefore( $metadata.find( '.mw-collapsible-content' ) ); } else { // e.g. Template:merge from $learnMore.appendTo( $metadata.find( '.mbox-text-span' ) ); } $metadata.click( function () { overlayManager.router.navigate( issueUrl ); return false; } ); } else { $link = createLinkElement( labelText ); // In group B, we link to all issues no matter where the banner is. $link.attr( 'href', '#/issues/' + KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ); if ( $metadata.length ) { $link.insertAfter( $( 'h1#section_0' ) ); $metadata.remove(); } } } /** * Obtains the list of issues for the current page and provided section * @param {number|string} section either KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS or a number relating to the section * the issues belong to * @return {jQuery.Object[]} array of all issues. */ function getIssues( section ) { if ( section === KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ) { // Note section.all may not exist, depending on the structure of the HTML page. // It will only exist when Minerva has been run in desktop mode. // If it's absent, we'll reduce all the other lists into one. return section.all || Object.keys( allIssues ).reduce( function ( all, key ) { return all.concat( allIssues[key] ); }, [] ); } else { return allIssues[section] || []; } } /** * Obtain a suitable heading for the issues overlay based on the namespace * @param {number} ns is the namespace to generate heading for * @return {string} heading for overlay */ function getNamespaceHeadingText( ns ) { switch ( ns ) { case NS_CATEGORY: return mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues-categories' ); case NS_TALK: return mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues-talk' ); case NS_MAIN: return mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues' ); default: return ''; } } /** * Scan an element for any known cleanup templates and replace them with a button * that opens them in a mobile friendly overlay. * @ignore */ function initPageIssues() { var ns = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ), label, headingText = ACTION_EDIT ? mw.msg( 'edithelp' ) : getNamespaceHeadingText( ns ), $lead = page.getLeadSectionElement(), issueOverlayShowAll = ns === NS_CATEGORY || ns === NS_TALK || ACTION_EDIT || !$lead, inline = isInGroupB && ns === 0, $container = $( '#bodyContent' ); // set A-B test class. $( 'html' ).addClass( isInGroupB ? 'issues-group-B' : 'issues-group-A' ); if ( ACTION_EDIT ) { // Editor uses different parent element $container = $( '#mw-content-text' ); createBanner( $container, mw.msg( 'edithelp' ), KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS, inline ); } else if ( ns === NS_TALK || ns === NS_CATEGORY ) { // e.g. Template:English variant category; Template:WikiProject createBanner( $container, mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues-header-talk' ), KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS, inline ); } else if ( ns === NS_MAIN ) { label = mw.msg( 'mobile-frontend-meta-data-issues-header' ); if ( issueOverlayShowAll ) { createBanner( $container, label, KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS, inline ); } else { // parse lead createBanner( $lead, label, 0, inline ); if ( isInGroupB ) { // parse other sections but only in group B. In treatment A no issues are shown for sections. $lead.nextAll( '[class^="mf-section"]' ).each( function ( i, sectionEl ) { createBanner( $( sectionEl ), label, i + 1, inline ); } ); } } } // Setup the overlay route. overlayManager.add( new RegExp( '^/issues/(\\d+|' + KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS + ')$' ), function ( section ) { return new CleanupOverlay( { issues: getIssues( section ), // Note only the main namespace is expected to make use of section issues, so the heading will always be // minerva-meta-data-issues-section-header regardless of namespace headingText: section === '0' || section === KEYWORD_ALL_SECTIONS ? headingText : mw.msg( 'minerva-meta-data-issues-section-header' ) } ); } ); } // Setup the issues banner on the page // Pages which dont exist (id 0) cannot have issues if ( !page.isMissing ) { initPageIssues(); } }() ); }( mw.mobileFrontend, jQuery ) );