const watchstar = require( '' ).watchstar; const WATCHED_ICON_CLASS = 'minerva-icon--unStar'; const TEMP_WATCHED_ICON_CLASS = 'minerva-icon--halfStar'; const UNWATCHED_ICON_CLASS = 'minerva-icon--star'; /** * Tweaks the global watchstar handler in core to use the correct classes for Minerva. * * @param {jQuery} $icon * @ignore */ function init( $icon ) { const $watchlink = $icon.find( 'a' ); watchstar( $watchlink, mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ), toggleClasses ); } /** * @param {jQuery} $link * @param {boolean} isWatched * @param {string} expiry * @private */ function toggleClasses( $link, isWatched, expiry ) { const $icon = $link.find( '.minerva-icon' ); $icon.removeClass( [ WATCHED_ICON_CLASS, UNWATCHED_ICON_CLASS, TEMP_WATCHED_ICON_CLASS ] ) .addClass( () => { let classes = UNWATCHED_ICON_CLASS; if ( isWatched ) { if ( expiry !== null && expiry !== undefined && expiry !== 'infinity' ) { classes = TEMP_WATCHED_ICON_CLASS; } else { classes = WATCHED_ICON_CLASS; } } return classes; } ); } module.exports = { init: init, test: { toggleClasses, TEMP_WATCHED_ICON_CLASS, WATCHED_ICON_CLASS, UNWATCHED_ICON_CLASS } };