@import '../../minerva.less/minerva.variables.less';

// The top level user account button in the upper right near the notifications button.
.minerva-user-navigation {
	display: flex;
	// Keep space for at least two buttons.
	min-width: 2 * @menuButtonIconSize;
	// Support Firefox: Needs `min-height` to vertically align icons in menu. See T233517.
	min-height: @siteHeaderHeight;
	height: 100%;
	// Fill empty space left / start so the buttons can stay right / end.
	width: 100%;
	// Center vertically.
	align-items: center;
	// Layout from right / end.
	justify-content: flex-end;
	// Show the list relative the button.
	position: relative;

	// align the last icon (i.e. notification or use menu) with the container edge.
	& > *:last-child {
		margin-right: -@icon-padding-md;