@import '../../minerva.less/minerva.variables.less'; @import '../../minerva.less/minerva.mixins.less'; // style that applies only to minerva footer .minerva-footer { border-top: solid 1px @footerBorderColor; overflow: auto; padding-bottom: 6px; } // styles that apply to nested footer components .mw-footer { .indicator { .client-nojs & { // Certain browsers e.g. Opera Mini do not support css transforms // We assume that we do not run JS on these browsers so hide the chevron display: none; } } // links should be separated by same color .hlist { li:after { color: @color-link; } } > .post-content { overflow: auto; margin-top: 42px; > * { margin-bottom: 9px; } > h2 { border-bottom: solid 1px @footerBorderColor; padding-bottom: 10px; margin-top: 42px; font-size: 1em; font-weight: bold; &:first-child { margin-top: 0; } } .hlist, .license { font-size: 0.875em; } } } @import 'LastModifiedBar.less';