Given(/^I click continue$/) do on(ArticlePage) end Given(/^I click submit$/) do on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.spinner_loading_element.when_not_present end end When(/^I click on the history link in the last modified bar$/) do on(ArticlePage) expect(on(SpecialHistoryPage).side_list_element.when_present(10)).to be_visible end When(/^I click on the page$/) do on(ArticlePage) end When(/^I click the unwatch star$/) do on(ArticlePage) end When(/^I click the watch star$/) do on(ArticlePage) end Then(/^I should see a toast notification$/) do # To avoid flakey tests check the notification area element first (T170890) on(ArticlePage) do |page| # Minerva loads mediawiki.notify at startup which defers the loading of this module # We must wait until the lazy loading has happened before checking for the toast (T170890) page.wait_until_rl_module_ready('mediawiki.notification') expect(page.notification_area_element.when_present).to be_visible end end Then(/^I should see a toast with message "(.+)"$/) do |msg| on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.wait_until_rl_module_ready('mediawiki.notification') expect(page.toast_element.when_present.text).to match msg end end Then /^I should see a drawer with message "(.+)"$/ do |text| expect(on(ArticlePage).drawer_element.when_present.text).to match text end Then(/^the text of the first heading should be "(.*)"$/) do |title| on(ArticlePage) do |page| page.wait_until do page.first_heading_element.when_present.text.include? title end expect(page.first_heading_element.when_present.text).to match title end end Then /^the watch star should be selected$/ do expect(on(ArticlePage).unwatch_star_element).to be_visible end Then /^the watch star should not be selected$/ do expect(on(ArticlePage).watch_star_element).to be_visible end