module.exports = function () { var // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties M = mw.mobileFrontend, mobile = M.require( 'mobile.startup' ), headers = mobile.headers, icons = mobile.icons, Overlay = mobile.Overlay, features = mw.config.get( 'wgMinervaFeatures', {} ), OverlayManager = mobile.OverlayManager, overlayManager = OverlayManager.getSingleton(), eventBus = mobile.eventBusSingleton, isAnon = mw.user.isAnon(); // check the categories feature has been turned on if ( !features.categories ) { return; } // categories overlay overlayManager.add( /^\/categories$/, function () { return mobile.categoryOverlay( { api: new mw.Api(), isAnon: isAnon, title: mobile.currentPage().title, eventBus: eventBus } ); } ); overlayManager.add( /^\/categories\/add$/, function () { // A transitional overlay that loads instantly that will be replaced with a // CategoryAddOverlay as soon as it is available. var spinnerOverlay = Overlay.make( { headers: [ headers.header( '', [ icons.spinner() ], icons.back() ) ], heading: '' }, icons.spinner() ); // Load the additional code and replace the temporary overlay with the new overlay. mw.loader.using( 'mobile.categories.overlays' ).then( function () { var CategoryAddOverlay = M.require( 'mobile.categories.overlays' ).CategoryAddOverlay; overlayManager.replaceCurrent( new CategoryAddOverlay( { api: new mw.Api(), isAnon: isAnon, title: mobile.currentPage().title } ) ); } ); return spinnerOverlay; } ); /** * Enable the categories button * @ignore */ function initButton() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '.category-button' ).removeClass( 'hidden' ); } $( initButton ); };