Timo Tijhof 1a2daca06a Kranitor: Make JSHint pass
* Change loose comparisons to strict comparisons where
  it seems safe to use a strict comparision instead.
  Mostly comparisons to strings or objects, and comparisons to
  numbers where the other value is known to be a number, too.
  E.g. foo == 'string', bar == node, indexOf() != -1.
* Add eqeqeq:false to files where there are non-obvious usages

onevar, quotmark:
* Disabled in files with lots of style violations.

* Remove unused variables that have no side-effects in their
  assigned expression.

Coding style cleanups on affected lines where trivial.

Change-Id: I5db155a632740e24cb52dba2177c7fc35d5aebd5
2013-11-10 07:36:03 +00:00

34 lines
433 B

/* Common */
// Enforcing
"camelcase": true,
"curly": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"immed": true,
"latedef": true,
"newcap": true,
"noarg": true,
"noempty": true,
"nonew": true,
"quotmark": "single",
"trailing": true,
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
// Legacy
"onevar": true,
/* Local */
// Relaxing
"loopfunc": true,
"multistr": true,
// Environment
"browser": true,
"predef": [