mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 11:01:36 +00:00
![Jon Harald Søby](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
This reverts commit 250a2a3ff3
Reason for revert: For me (I use the Dvorak keyboard), this makes Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy/paste completely unusable. My "c" key is physically the "I" key (`KeyI`), and the "V" key is physically the "." key (`Period`).
When dealing with shortcuts like this, one should use `KeyboardEvent.key`, not `KeyboardEvent.code`.
Bug: T62928
Change-Id: I64f625e0f32bd699790417d0d74a14251ac7dc36
835 lines
27 KiB
835 lines
27 KiB
* Toolbar module for wikiEditor
* @memberof module:ext.wikiEditor
var toolbarModule = {
* API accessible functions
api: {
addToToolbar: function ( context, data ) {
for ( var type in data ) {
var i;
switch ( type ) {
case 'sections':
var $sections = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.sections' );
var $tabs = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.tabs' );
for ( var section in data[ type ] ) {
if ( section === 'main' || section === 'secondary' ) {
// Section
context, section, data[ type ][ section ]
// Section
toolbarModule.fn.buildSection( context, section, data[ type ][ section ] )
// Tab
toolbarModule.fn.buildTab( context, section, data[ type ][ section ] )
case 'groups':
if ( !( 'section' in data ) ) {
var $section = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section' );
for ( var group in data[ type ] ) {
// Group
toolbarModule.fn.buildGroup( context, group, data[ type ][ group ] )
case 'tools':
if ( !( 'section' in data && 'group' in data ) ) {
var $group = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section ' +
'div[rel="' + data.group + '"].group'
for ( var tool in data[ type ] ) {
// Tool
$group.append( toolbarModule.fn.buildTool( context, tool, data[ type ][ tool ] ) );
if ( $group.children().length ) {
$group.removeClass( 'empty' );
case 'pages':
if ( !( 'section' in data ) ) {
var $pages = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section .pages'
var $index = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section .index'
for ( var page in data[ type ] ) {
// Page
$pages.append( toolbarModule.fn.buildPage( context, page, data[ type ][ page ] ) );
// Index
toolbarModule.fn.buildBookmark( context, page, data[ type ][ page ] )
toolbarModule.fn.updateBookletSelection( context, data.section, $pages, $index );
case 'rows':
if ( !( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
var $table = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section ' +
'div[rel="' + data.page + '"].page table'
for ( i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++ ) {
// Row
$table.append( toolbarModule.fn.buildRow( context, data.rows[ i ] ) );
case 'characters':
if ( !( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
var $characters = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section ' +
'div[rel="' + data.page + '"].page div'
var actions = $characters.data( 'actions' );
for ( i = 0; i < data.characters.length; i++ ) {
// Character
$( toolbarModule.fn.buildCharacter( data.characters[ i ], actions ) )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
toolbarModule.fn.doAction( $( this ).parent().data( 'context' ),
$( this ).parent().data( 'actions' )[ $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ] );
return false;
} )
default: break;
removeFromToolbar: function ( context, data ) {
if ( typeof data.section === 'string' ) {
// Section
var tab = 'div.tabs span[rel="' + data.section + '"].tab';
var target = 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section';
var group = null;
if ( typeof data.group === 'string' ) {
// Toolbar group
target += ' div[rel="' + data.group + '"].group';
if ( typeof data.tool === 'string' ) {
// Save for later checking if empty
group = target;
// Tool
target = target + ' [rel="' + data.tool + '"].tool';
} else if ( typeof data.page === 'string' ) {
// Booklet page
var index = target + ' div.index div[rel="' + data.page + '"]';
target += ' div.pages div[rel="' + data.page + '"].page';
if ( typeof data.character === 'string' ) {
// Character
target += ' span[rel="' + data.character + '"]';
} else if ( typeof data.row === 'number' ) {
// Table row
target += ' table tr:not(:has(th)):eq(' + data.row + ')';
} else {
// Just a page, remove the index too!
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( index ).remove();
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( target ),
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( index )
} else {
// Just a section, remove the tab too!
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( tab ).remove();
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( target ).remove();
// Hide empty groups
if ( group ) {
var $group = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( group );
if ( $group.children().length === 0 ) {
$group.addClass( 'empty' );
* Internally used functions
fn: {
* Creates a toolbar module within a wikiEditor
* @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
create: function ( context, config ) {
if ( '$toolbar' in context.modules.toolbar ) {
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' );
toolbarModule.fn.build( context, config );
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-top' ).append( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
* Performs an operation based on parameters
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} action
doAction: function ( context, action ) {
switch ( action.type ) {
case 'replace':
case 'encapsulate':
if ( context.$textarea.prop( 'readonly' ) ) {
var parts = {
pre: $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'pre' ),
peri: $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'peri' ),
post: $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'post' )
var replace = action.type === 'replace';
if ( 'regex' in action.options && 'regexReplace' in action.options ) {
var selection = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getSelection' );
if ( selection !== '' && action.options.regex.test( selection ) ) {
parts.peri = selection.replace( action.options.regex,
action.options.regexReplace );
parts.pre = parts.post = '';
replace = true;
Object.assign( {}, action.options, parts, { replace: replace } )
case 'callback':
if ( typeof action.execute === 'function' ) {
action.execute( context );
case 'dialog':
context.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'openDialog', action.module );
default: break;
buildGroup: function ( context, id, group ) {
var $group = $( '<div>' ).attr( { class: 'group group-' + id, rel: id } ),
label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( group, 'label' );
if ( label ) {
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'label' ).text( label ).appendTo( $group );
var empty = true;
if ( 'tools' in group ) {
for ( var tool in group.tools ) {
var $tool = toolbarModule.fn.buildTool( context, tool, group.tools[ tool ] );
if ( $tool ) {
// Consider a group with only hidden tools empty as well
// .is( ':visible' ) always returns false because tool is not attached to the DOM yet
empty = empty && $tool.css( 'display' ) === 'none';
$group.append( $tool );
if ( empty ) {
$group.addClass( 'empty' );
return $group;
buildTool: function ( context, id, tool ) {
if ( 'filters' in tool ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < tool.filters.length; i++ ) {
if ( $( tool.filters[ i ] ).length === 0 ) {
return null;
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( tool, 'label' );
switch ( tool.type ) {
case 'button':
case 'toggle':
var $button;
if ( tool.oouiIcon ) {
var config = {
framed: false,
classes: [ 'tool' ],
icon: tool.oouiIcon,
title: label
var oouiButton;
if ( tool.type === 'button' ) {
oouiButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( config );
} else if ( tool.type === 'toggle' ) {
oouiButton = new OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget( config );
$button = oouiButton.$element
.attr( 'rel', id )
.data( 'ooui', oouiButton );
} else {
$button = $( '<a>' )
.attr( {
tabindex: 0,
title: label,
rel: id,
role: 'button',
class: 'tool tool-button'
} )
.text( label );
if ( tool.icon ) {
var icon = $.wikiEditor.autoIcon(
$.wikiEditor.imgPath + 'toolbar/'
$button.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + icon + ')' );
$button.data( 'setActive', function ( active ) {
$button.toggleClass( 'tool-active', active );
// OOUI button
if ( $button.data( 'ooui' ) && tool.type === 'toggle' ) {
$button.data( 'ooui' ).setValue( active );
// Use progressive icon in WMUI theme
if ( OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme && OO.ui.theme instanceof OO.ui.WikimediaUITheme ) {
// Wait for updateElementClasses to run
setTimeout( function () {
$button.data( 'ooui' ).$icon.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-image-progressive', active );
} );
} );
if ( 'action' in tool ) {
.data( 'action', tool.action )
.data( 'context', context )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} );
if ( $button.data( 'ooui' ) ) {
$button.data( 'ooui' ).on( 'click', function () {
context, tool.action
} );
} else {
$button.on( 'click keydown', function ( e ) {
if (
e.type === 'click' ||
e.type === 'keydown' && e.key === 'Enter'
) {
context, tool.action
return false;
} );
return $button;
case 'select':
var menuId = 'menu-' + Date.now();
var $select = $( '<div>' )
.attr( { rel: id, class: 'tool tool-select' } );
var $options = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'options' );
if ( 'list' in tool ) {
for ( var option in tool.list ) {
var optionLabel = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( tool.list[ option ], 'label' );
$( '<a>' )
.data( 'action', tool.list[ option ].action )
.data( 'context', context )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.on( 'click keydown', function ( e ) {
if (
e.type === 'click' ||
e.type === 'keydown' && e.key === 'Enter'
) {
$( this ).data( 'context' ), $( this ).data( 'action' ), $( this )
// Hide the dropdown
$( this ).closest( '.tool-select' ).removeClass( 'options-shown' );
return false;
} )
.text( optionLabel )
.addClass( 'option' )
.attr( { rel: option, tabindex: 0, role: 'menuitem' } )
$select.append( $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'label skin-invert' )
.text( label )
.data( 'options', $options )
.attr( { role: 'button', tabindex: 0, 'aria-expanded': false, 'aria-controls': menuId, 'aria-haspopup': 'menu' } )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.on( 'click keydown', function ( e ) {
if (
e.type === 'click' ||
e.type === 'keydown' && e.key === 'Enter'
) {
var $opts = $( this ).data( 'options' );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state
var canShowOptions = !$opts.closest( '.tool-select' ).hasClass( 'options-shown' );
$opts.closest( '.tool-select' ).toggleClass( 'options-shown', canShowOptions );
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', canShowOptions.toString() );
return false;
} )
$select.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'menu' ).append( $options ) );
return $select;
case 'element':
// A raw 'element' type can be {htmlString|Element|Text|Array|jQuery|OO.ui.HTMLSnippet|function}.
var $element;
if ( tool.element instanceof OO.ui.HtmlSnippet ) {
$element = tool.element.toString();
} else if ( typeof tool.element === 'function' ) {
$element = tool.element( context );
} else {
$element = tool.element;
return $( '<div>' )
.attr( { rel: id, class: 'tool tool-element' } )
.append( $element );
return null;
buildBookmark: function ( context, id, page ) {
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( page, 'label' );
return $( '<div>' )
.text( label )
.attr( {
rel: id,
role: 'option'
} )
.data( 'context', context )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.on( 'click', function ( event ) {
$( this ).parent().parent().find( '.page' ).hide();
$( this ).parent().parent().find( '.page-' + $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ).show().trigger( 'loadPage' );
$( this )
.addClass( 'current' )
.siblings().removeClass( 'current' );
var section = $( this ).parent().parent().attr( 'rel' );
'wikiEditor-' + $( this ).data( 'context' ).instance + '-booklet-' + section + '-page',
$( this ).attr( 'rel' ),
{ expires: 30, path: '/' }
// No dragging!
return false;
} );
buildPage: function ( context, id, page, deferLoad ) {
var $page = $( '<div>' ).attr( {
class: 'page page-' + id,
rel: id
} );
if ( deferLoad ) {
$page.one( 'loadPage', function () {
toolbarModule.fn.reallyBuildPage( context, id, page, $page );
} );
} else {
toolbarModule.fn.reallyBuildPage( context, id, page, $page );
return $page;
reallyBuildPage: function ( context, id, page, $page ) {
var i;
switch ( page.layout ) {
case 'table':
$page.addClass( 'page-table' );
var html = '';
if ( 'headings' in page ) {
html += toolbarModule.fn.buildHeading( context, page.headings );
if ( 'rows' in page ) {
for ( i = 0; i < page.rows.length; i++ ) {
html += toolbarModule.fn.buildRow( context, page.rows[ i ] );
$page.html( '<table class="table-' + id + '">' + html + '</table>' );
case 'characters':
$page.addClass( 'page-characters' );
var $characters = $( '<div>' ).data( 'context', context ).data( 'actions', {} );
var actions = $characters.data( 'actions' );
if ( 'language' in page ) {
$characters.attr( 'lang', page.language );
if ( 'direction' in page ) {
$characters.attr( 'dir', page.direction );
} else {
// By default it should be explicit ltr for all scripts.
// Without this some conjoined ltr characters look
// weird in rtl wikis.
$characters.attr( 'dir', 'ltr' );
if ( 'characters' in page ) {
html = '';
for ( i = 0; i < page.characters.length; i++ ) {
html += toolbarModule.fn.buildCharacter( page.characters[ i ], actions );
.html( html )
.attr( 'role', 'option' )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
$( this ).parent().data( 'context' ),
$( this ).parent().data( 'actions' )[ $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ],
$( this )
return false;
} );
$page.append( $characters );
buildHeading: function ( context, headings ) {
var html = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < headings.length; i++ ) {
html += '<th>' + $.wikiEditor.autoSafeMsg( headings[ i ], [ 'html', 'text' ] ) + '</th>';
return '<tr>' + html + '</tr>';
buildRow: function ( context, row ) {
var html = '';
for ( var cell in row ) {
// FIXME: This currently needs to use the "unsafe" .text() message because it embeds raw HTML
// in the messages (as used exclusively by the 'help' toolbar panel).
html += '<td class="cell cell-' + cell + '"><span>' +
$.wikiEditor.autoMsg( row[ cell ], [ 'html', 'text' ] ) + '</span></td>';
return '<tr>' + html + '</tr>';
buildCharacter: function ( character, actions ) {
if ( typeof character === 'string' ) {
character = {
label: character,
action: {
type: 'replace',
options: {
peri: character,
selectPeri: false
// In some cases the label for the character isn't the same as the
// character that gets inserted (e.g. Hebrew vowels)
} else if ( character && 0 in character && 1 in character ) {
character = {
label: character[ 0 ],
action: {
type: 'replace',
options: {
peri: character[ 1 ],
selectPeri: false
if ( character && 'action' in character && 'label' in character ) {
actions[ character.label ] = character.action;
// eslint-disable-next-line mediawiki/msg-doc
var title = character.titleMsg ? mw.msg( character.titleMsg ) : character.title;
return mw.html.element(
{ rel: character.label, title: title || false },
mw.log( 'A character for the toolbar was undefined. This is not supposed to happen. Double check the config.' );
// bug 31673; also an additional fix for bug 24208...
return '';
buildTab: function ( context, id, section ) {
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
// Re-save cookie
if ( selected !== null ) {
$.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section', selected, { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
var $link =
$( '<a>' )
.addClass( selected === id ? 'current' : null )
.addClass( 'skin-invert' )
.attr( {
tabindex: 0,
role: 'button',
'aria-expanded': ( selected === id ).toString(),
'aria-controls': 'wikiEditor-section-' + id
} )
.text( $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( section, 'label' ) )
.data( 'context', context )
.on( 'mouseup', function () {
$( this ).trigger( 'blur' );
} )
.on( 'mousedown', function ( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.on( 'click keydown', function ( e ) {
if (
e.type !== 'click' &&
( e.type !== 'keydown' || e.key !== 'Enter' )
) {
// We have to set aria-pressed over here, as NVDA wont recognize it
// if we do it in the below .each as it seems
$( this ).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'true' );
$( '.tab > a' ).each( function ( i, elem ) {
if ( elem !== e.target ) {
$( elem ).attr( 'aria-pressed', 'false' );
} );
var $sections = $( this ).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.sections' );
var $section = $sections.find( '.section-' + $( this ).parent().attr( 'rel' ) );
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state
var show = !$section.hasClass( 'section-visible' );
$sections.find( '.section-visible' )
.removeClass( 'section-visible' )
.addClass( 'section-hidden' );
$( this )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'false' )
.parent().parent().find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'current' );
if ( show ) {
.removeClass( 'section-hidden' )
.attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' )
.addClass( 'section-visible' );
$( this ).attr( 'aria-expanded', 'true' )
.addClass( 'current' );
// Save the currently visible section
'wikiEditor-' + $( this ).data( 'context' ).instance + '-toolbar-section',
show ? $section.attr( 'rel' ) : null,
{ expires: 30, path: '/' }
return false;
} );
return $( '<span>' )
.attr( {
class: 'tab tab-' + id,
rel: id
} )
.append( $link );
buildSection: function ( context, id, section ) {
var $section = $( '<div>' ).attr( {
class: section.type + ' section section-' + id,
rel: id,
id: 'wikiEditor-section-' + id
} );
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
var show = selected === id;
toolbarModule.fn.reallyBuildSection( context, id, section, $section, section.deferLoad );
// Show or hide section
if ( id !== 'main' && id !== 'secondary' ) {
.attr( 'aria-expanded', show.toString() )
.addClass( show ? 'section-visible' : 'section-hidden' );
return $section;
reallyBuildSection: function ( context, id, section, $section, deferLoad ) {
context.$textarea.trigger( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-buildSection-' + $section.attr( 'rel' ), [ section ] );
switch ( section.type ) {
case 'toolbar':
if ( 'groups' in section ) {
for ( var group in section.groups ) {
toolbarModule.fn.buildGroup( context, group, section.groups[ group ] )
case 'booklet':
var $pages = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'pages' )
.attr( {
tabindex: '0',
role: 'listbox'
} )
.on( 'keydown', function ( event ) {
var $selected = $pages.children().filter( function () {
return $( this ).css( 'display' ) !== 'none';
} );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.handleKeyDown( $selected.children().first(), event, $pages );
} );
var $index = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'index' )
.attr( {
tabindex: '0',
role: 'listbox'
} )
.on( 'keydown', function ( event ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.handleKeyDown( $index, event, $index );
} );
if ( 'pages' in section ) {
for ( var page in section.pages ) {
toolbarModule.fn.buildPage( context, page, section.pages[ page ], deferLoad )
toolbarModule.fn.buildBookmark( context, page, section.pages[ page ] )
$section.append( $index, $pages );
toolbarModule.fn.updateBookletSelection( context, id, $pages, $index );
updateBookletSelection: function ( context, id, $pages, $index ) {
var cookie = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-booklet-' + id + '-page',
selected = $.cookie( cookie );
// Re-save cookie
if ( selected !== null ) {
$.cookie( cookie, selected, { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
var $selectedIndex = $index.find( '*[rel="' + selected + '"]' );
if ( $selectedIndex.length === 0 ) {
$selectedIndex = $index.children().eq( 0 );
selected = $selectedIndex.attr( 'rel' );
$pages.find( '*[rel="' + selected + '"]' ).show().trigger( 'loadPage' );
$index.children().removeClass( 'current' );
$selectedIndex.addClass( 'current' );
build: function ( context, config ) {
var $tabs = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'tabs' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar ),
$sections = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'sections' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.append( $( '<div>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ) );
for ( var section in config ) {
if ( section === 'main' || section === 'secondary' ) {
toolbarModule.fn.buildSection( context, section, config[ section ] )
} else {
$sections.append( toolbarModule.fn.buildSection( context, section, config[ section ] ) );
$tabs.append( toolbarModule.fn.buildTab( context, section, config[ section ] ) );
setTimeout( function () {
context.$textarea.trigger( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-doneInitialSections' );
// Use hook for attaching new toolbar tools to avoid race conditions
mw.hook( 'wikiEditor.toolbarReady' ).fire( context.$textarea );
} );
handleKeyDown: function ( $element, event, $parent ) {
var $currentItem = $element.find( '.wikiEditor-character-highlighted' ),
optionOffset = $parent.find( '.wikiEditor-character-highlighted' ).offset(),
optionTop = optionOffset ? optionOffset.top : 0,
selectTop = $parent.offset().top;
var $nextItem;
switch ( event.keyCode ) {
// Up arrow
case 38:
if ( $currentItem.length ) {
$currentItem.removeClass( 'wikiEditor-character-highlighted' );
$nextItem = $currentItem.prev();
$nextItem = $nextItem.length ? $nextItem : $currentItem;
$nextItem.addClass( 'wikiEditor-character-highlighted' );
} else {
$element.children().first().addClass( 'wikiEditor-character-highlighted' );
// Down arrow
case 40:
if ( $currentItem.length ) {
$currentItem.removeClass( 'wikiEditor-character-highlighted' );
$nextItem = $currentItem.next();
$nextItem = $nextItem.length ? $nextItem : $currentItem;
$nextItem.addClass( 'wikiEditor-character-highlighted' );
} else {
$element.children().first().addClass( 'wikiEditor-character-highlighted' );
// Enter
case 13:
$currentItem.trigger( 'click' );
$parent.scrollTop( $parent.scrollTop() + ( optionTop - selectTop ) );
module.exports = toolbarModule;