mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 02:50:58 +00:00
Right now, the Special Characters interface in WikiEditor shows all characters in a monospace font which makes it especially difficult to distinguish the different dash characters. The solution implemented in this change is to add title tooltips to the following characters: en dash, em dash, minus sign. The title tooltips are localizable and can be added to any other characters as needed. If we eventually want to add title tooltips to all the characters, we should come up with a config shortcut like we're using for Hebrew vowels. Change-Id: I7eb207acda045a868ec4c625c39bfd3d1f78ea17
794 lines
25 KiB
794 lines
25 KiB
* Toolbar module for wikiEditor
( function ( mw, $ ) { $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar = {
* API accessible functions
api : {
addToToolbar : function( context, data ) {
var smooth = true, type, i;
for ( type in data ) {
switch ( type ) {
case 'sections':
var $sections = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.sections' ),
$tabs = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.tabs' );
for ( var section in data[type] ) {
if ( section == 'main' ) {
// Section
context, section, data[type][section]
// Section
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildSection( context, section, data[type][section] )
// Tab
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTab( context, section, data[type][section] )
case 'groups':
if ( ! ( 'section' in data ) ) {
var $section = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section' );
for ( var group in data[type] ) {
// Group
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildGroup( context, group, data[type][group] )
smooth = false;
case 'tools':
if ( ! ( 'section' in data && 'group' in data ) ) {
var $group = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section ' + 'div[rel="' + data.group + '"].group'
for ( var tool in data[type] ) {
// Tool
$group.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTool( context, tool, data[type][tool] ) );
if ( $group.children().length ) {
smooth = false;
case 'pages':
if ( ! ( 'section' in data ) ) {
var $pages = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section .pages'
var $index = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section .index'
for ( var page in data[type] ) {
// Page
$pages.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildPage( context, page, data[type][page] ) );
// Index
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildBookmark( context, page, data[type][page] )
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.updateBookletSelection( context, page, $pages, $index );
smooth = false;
case 'rows':
if ( ! ( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
var $table = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section ' + 'div[rel="' + data.page + '"].page table'
for ( i = 0; i < data.rows.length; i++ ) {
// Row
$table.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildRow( context, data.rows[i] ) );
smooth = false;
case 'characters':
if ( ! ( 'section' in data && 'page' in data ) ) {
var $characters = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find(
'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section ' + 'div[rel="' + data.page + '"].page div'
var actions = $characters.data( 'actions' );
for ( i = 0; i < data.characters.length; i++ ) {
// Character
$( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildCharacter( data.characters[i], actions ) )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( e ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $(this).parent().data( 'context' ),
$(this).parent().data( 'actions' )[$(this).attr( 'rel' )] );
return false;
} )
smooth = false;
default: break;
// Fix div.section size after adding things; if smooth is true uses a smooth
// animation, otherwise just change height (breaking any ongoing animation)
var $divSections = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( 'div.sections' );
var $visibleSection = $divSections.find( '.section:visible' );
if ( $visibleSection.size() ) {
if ( smooth ) {
$divSections.animate( { 'height': $visibleSection.outerHeight() }, 'fast' );
} else {
$divSections.height( $visibleSection.outerHeight() );
removeFromToolbar : function( context, data ) {
if ( typeof data.section == 'string' ) {
// Section
var tab = 'div.tabs span[rel="' + data.section + '"].tab';
var target = 'div[rel="' + data.section + '"].section';
var group = null;
if ( typeof data.group == 'string' ) {
// Toolbar group
target += ' div[rel="' + data.group + '"].group';
if ( typeof data.tool == 'string' ) {
// Save for later checking if empty
group = target;
// Tool
target += ' a[rel="' + data.tool + '"].tool';
} else if ( typeof data.page == 'string' ) {
// Booklet page
var index = target + ' div.index div[rel="' + data.page + '"]';
target += ' div.pages div[rel="' + data.page + '"].page';
if ( typeof data.character == 'string' ) {
// Character
target += ' span[rel="' + data.character + '"]';
} else if ( typeof data.row == 'number' ) {
// Table row
target += ' table tr:not(:has(th)):eq(' + data.row + ')';
} else {
// Just a page, remove the index too!
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( index ).remove();
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( target ),
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( index )
} else {
// Just a section, remove the tab too!
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( tab ).remove();
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( target ).remove();
// Hide empty groups
if ( group ) {
var $group = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( group );
if ( $group.children().length === 0 ) {
* Event handlers
evt: {
resize: function( context, event ) {
context.$ui.find( '.sections' ).height( context.$ui.find( '.sections .section-visible' ).outerHeight() );
tocCollapse: function( context, event ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.evt.resize( context, event );
tocExpand: function( context, event ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.evt.resize( context, event );
* Internally used functions
fn: {
* Creates a toolbar module within a wikiEditor
* @param {Object} context Context object of editor to create module in
* @param {Object} config Configuration object to create module from
create : function( context, config ) {
if ( '$toolbar' in context.modules.toolbar ) {
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar = $( '<div/>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.build( context, config );
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-top' ).append( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
* Performs an operation based on parameters
* @param {Object} context
* @param {Object} action
* @param {Object} source
doAction : function( context, action, source ) {
// Verify that this has been called from a source that's within the toolbar
// 'trackAction' defined in click tracking
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgWikiEditorToolbarClickTracking' ) && $.trackAction !== undefined && source.closest( '.wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' ).size() ) {
// Build a unique id for this action by tracking the parent rel attributes up to the toolbar level
var rels = [];
var step = source;
var i = 0;
while ( !step.hasClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-toolbar' ) ) {
if ( i > 25 ) {
var rel = step.attr( 'rel' );
if ( rel ) {
rels.push( step.attr( 'rel' ) );
step = step.parent();
var id = rels.join( '.' );
$.trackAction( id );
switch ( action.type ) {
case 'replace':
case 'encapsulate':
var parts = {
'pre' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'pre' ),
'peri' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'peri' ),
'post' : $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( action.options, 'post' )
var replace = action.type == 'replace';
if ( 'regex' in action.options && 'regexReplace' in action.options ) {
var selection = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getSelection' );
if ( selection !== '' && selection.match( action.options.regex ) ) {
parts.peri = selection.replace( action.options.regex,
action.options.regexReplace );
parts.pre = parts.post = '';
replace = true;
$.extend( {}, action.options, parts, { 'replace': replace } )
if ( context.$iframe !== undefined ) {
case 'callback':
if ( typeof action.execute == 'function' ) {
action.execute( context );
case 'dialog':
context.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'openDialog', action.module );
default: break;
buildGroup : function( context, id, group ) {
var $group = $( '<div/>' ).attr( { 'class' : 'group group-' + id, 'rel' : id } );
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( group, 'label' );
if ( label ) {
$group.append( '<div class="label">' + label + '</div>' );
var empty = true;
if ( 'tools' in group ) {
for ( var tool in group.tools ) {
tool = $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTool( context, tool, group.tools[tool] );
if ( tool ) {
// Consider a group with only hidden tools empty as well
// .is( ':visible' ) always returns false because tool is not attached to the DOM yet
empty = empty && tool.css( 'display' ) == 'none';
$group.append( tool );
if ( empty ) {
return $group;
buildTool : function( context, id, tool ) {
if ( 'filters' in tool ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < tool.filters.length; i++ ) {
if ( $( tool.filters[i] ).size() === 0 ) {
return null;
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( tool, 'label' );
switch ( tool.type ) {
case 'button':
var src = $.wikiEditor.autoIcon( tool.icon, $.wikiEditor.imgPath + 'toolbar/' );
var $button = null;
if ( 'offset' in tool ) {
var offsetOrIcon = $.wikiEditor.autoIconOrOffset( tool.icon, tool.offset,
$.wikiEditor.imgPath + 'toolbar/'
if ( typeof offsetOrIcon == 'object' ) {
$button = $( '<a/>' )
.attr( {
'href' : '#',
'alt' : label,
'title' : label,
'rel' : id,
'class' : 'tool tool-button wikiEditor-toolbar-spritedButton'
} )
.text( label )
.css( 'backgroundPosition', offsetOrIcon[0] + 'px ' + offsetOrIcon[1] + 'px' );
if ( !$button ) {
$button = $( '<img/>' )
.attr( {
'src' : src,
'width' : 22,
'height' : 22,
'alt' : label,
'title' : label,
'rel' : id,
'class' : 'tool tool-button'
} );
if ( 'action' in tool ) {
.data( 'action', tool.action )
.data( 'context', context )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( e ) {
$(this).data( 'context' ), $(this).data( 'action' ), $(this)
return false;
} );
return $button;
case 'select':
var $select = $( '<div/>' )
.attr( { 'rel' : id, 'class' : 'tool tool-select' } );
var $options = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'options' );
if ( 'list' in tool ) {
for ( var option in tool.list ) {
var optionLabel = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( tool.list[option], 'label' );
$( '<a/>' )
.data( 'action', tool.list[option].action )
.data( 'context', context )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( e ) {
$(this).data( 'context' ), $(this).data( 'action' ), $(this)
// Hide the dropdown
// Sanity check: if this somehow gets called while the dropdown
// is hidden, don't show it
if ( $(this).parent().is( ':visible' ) ) {
$(this).parent().animate( { 'opacity': 'toggle' }, 'fast' );
return false;
} )
.text( optionLabel )
.addClass( 'option' )
.attr( { 'rel': option, 'href': '#' } )
$select.append( $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'menu' ).append( $options ) );
$select.append( $( '<a/>' )
.addClass( 'label' )
.text( label )
.data( 'options', $options )
.attr( 'href', '#' )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( e ) {
$(this).data( 'options' ).animate( { 'opacity': 'toggle' }, 'fast' );
return false;
} )
return $select;
return null;
buildBookmark : function( context, id, page ) {
var label = $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( page, 'label' );
return $( '<div/>' )
.text( label )
.attr( 'rel', id )
.data( 'context', context )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( event ) {
$(this).parent().parent().find( '.page' ).hide();
$(this).parent().parent().find( '.page-' + $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ).show();
$(this).siblings().removeClass( 'current' );
$(this).addClass( 'current' );
var section = $(this).parent().parent().attr( 'rel' );
'wikiEditor-' + $(this).data( 'context' ).instance + '-booklet-' + section + '-page',
$(this).attr( 'rel' ),
{ expires: 30, path: '/' }
// Click tracking
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgWikiEditorToolbarClickTracking' ) && $.trackAction !== undefined ) {
$.trackAction(section + '.' + $(this).attr('rel'));
// No dragging!
return false;
} );
buildPage : function( context, id, page ) {
var html;
var $page = $( '<div/>' ).attr( {
'class' : 'page page-' + id,
'rel' : id
} );
switch ( page.layout ) {
case 'table':
$page.addClass( 'page-table' );
html =
'<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 ' + 'border=0 width="100%" class="table table-' + id + '">';
if ( 'headings' in page ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildHeading( context, page.headings );
if ( 'rows' in page ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < page.rows.length; i++ ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildRow( context, page.rows[i] );
$page.html( html + '</table>');
case 'characters':
$page.addClass( 'page-characters' );
var $characters = $( '<div/>' ).data( 'context', context ).data( 'actions', {} );
var actions = $characters.data( 'actions' );
if ( 'language' in page ) {
$characters.attr( 'lang', page.language );
if ( 'direction' in page ) {
$characters.attr( 'dir', page.direction );
} else {
// By default it should be explicit ltr for all scripts.
// Without this some conjoined ltr characters look
// weird in rtl wikis.
$characters.attr( 'dir', 'ltr' );
if ( 'characters' in page ) {
html = '';
for ( var i = 0; i < page.characters.length; i++ ) {
html += $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildCharacter( page.characters[i], actions );
.html( html )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( e ) {
$(this).parent().data( 'context' ),
$(this).parent().data( 'actions' )[$(this).attr( 'rel' )],
return false;
} );
$page.append( $characters );
return $page;
buildHeading : function( context, headings ) {
var html = '<tr>';
for ( var i = 0; i< headings.length; i++ ) {
html += '<th>' + $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( headings[i], ['html', 'text'] ) + '</th>';
return html + '</tr>';
buildRow : function( context, row ) {
var html = '<tr>';
for ( var cell in row ) {
html += '<td class="cell cell-' + cell + '" valign="top"><span>' +
$.wikiEditor.autoMsg( row[cell], ['html', 'text'] ) + '</span></td>';
return html + '</tr>';
buildCharacter : function( character, actions ) {
if ( typeof character == 'string' ) {
character = {
'label' : character,
'action' : {
'type' : 'replace',
'options' : {
'peri' : character,
'selectPeri': false
// In some cases the label for the character isn't the same as the
// character that gets inserted (e.g. Hebrew vowels)
} else if ( character && 0 in character && 1 in character ) {
character = {
'label' : character[0],
'action' : {
'type' : 'replace',
'options' : {
'peri' : character[1],
'selectPeri': false
if ( character && 'action' in character && 'label' in character ) {
actions[character.label] = character.action;
if ( character.titleMsg !== undefined ) {
return mw.html.element(
{ 'rel': character.label, 'title': mw.msg( character.titleMsg ) },
} else {
return mw.html.element( 'span', { 'rel': character.label }, character.label );
mw.log( "A character for the toolbar was undefined. This is not supposed to happen. Double check the config." );
return ""; // bug 31673; also an additional fix for bug 24208...
buildTab : function( context, id, section ) {
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
// Re-save cookie
if ( selected !== null ) {
$.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section', selected, { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
var $link =
$( '<a/>' )
.addClass( selected == id ? 'current' : null )
.attr( 'href', '#' )
.text( $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( section, 'label' ) )
.data( 'context', context )
.mouseup( function( e ) {
} )
.mousedown( function( e ) {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function( e ) {
var $sections = $(this).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.sections' );
var $section =
$(this).data( 'context' ).$ui.find( '.section-' + $(this).parent().attr( 'rel' ) );
var show = $section.css( 'display' ) == 'none';
var $previousSections = $section.parent().find( '.section-visible' );
$previousSections.css( 'position', 'absolute' );
$previousSections.removeClass( 'section-visible' );
$previousSections.fadeOut( 'fast', function() { $(this).css( 'position', 'static' ); } );
$(this).parent().parent().find( 'a' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$sections.css( 'overflow', 'hidden' );
var animate = function( $that ) {
.css( 'display', 'block' )
.animate( { 'height': $section.outerHeight() }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function() {
$that.css( 'overflow', 'visible' ).css( 'height', 'auto' );
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
} );
if ( show ) {
$section.addClass( 'section-visible' );
$section.fadeIn( 'fast' );
if ( $section.hasClass( 'loading' ) ) {
// Loading of this section was deferred, load it now
var $that = $(this);
$that.addClass( 'current loading' );
setTimeout( function() {
$section.trigger( 'loadSection' );
animate( $that );
$that.removeClass( 'loading' );
}, 1000 );
} else {
animate( $(this) );
$(this).addClass( 'current' );
} else {
.css( 'height', $section.outerHeight() )
.animate( { 'height': 'hide' }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function() {
$(this).css( { 'overflow': 'visible', 'height': 0 } );
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
} );
// Click tracking
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgWikiEditorToolbarClickTracking' ) && $.trackAction !== undefined ) {
$.trackAction( $section.attr('rel') + '.' + ( show ? 'show': 'hide' ) );
// Save the currently visible section
'wikiEditor-' + $(this).data( 'context' ).instance + '-toolbar-section',
show ? $section.attr( 'rel' ) : null,
{ expires: 30, path: '/' }
return false;
return $( '<span/>' )
'class' : 'tab tab-' + id,
'rel' : id
.append( $link );
buildSection: function( context, id, section ) {
var $section = $( '<div/>' ).attr( { 'class': section.type + ' section section-' + id, 'rel': id } );
var selected = $.cookie( 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-toolbar-section' );
var show = selected == id;
if ( section.deferLoad !== undefined && section.deferLoad && id !== 'main' && !show ) {
// This class shows the spinner and serves as a marker for the click handler in buildTab()
$section.addClass( 'loading' ).append( $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'spinner' ) );
$section.bind( 'loadSection', function() {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.reallyBuildSection( context, id, section, $section );
$section.removeClass( 'loading' );
} );
} else {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.reallyBuildSection( context, id, section, $section );
// Show or hide section
if ( id !== 'main' ) {
$section.css( 'display', show ? 'block' : 'none' );
if ( show ) {
$section.addClass( 'section-visible' );
return $section;
reallyBuildSection: function( context, id, section, $section ) {
context.$textarea.trigger( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-buildSection-' + $section.attr( 'rel' ), [section] );
switch ( section.type ) {
case 'toolbar':
if ( 'groups' in section ) {
for ( var group in section.groups ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildGroup( context, group, section.groups[group] )
case 'booklet':
var $pages = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'pages' );
var $index = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'index' );
if ( 'pages' in section ) {
for ( var page in section.pages ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildPage( context, page, section.pages[page] )
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildBookmark( context, page, section.pages[page] )
$section.append( $index ).append( $pages );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.updateBookletSelection( context, id, $pages, $index );
updateBookletSelection : function( context, id, $pages, $index ) {
var cookie = 'wikiEditor-' + context.instance + '-booklet-' + id + '-page';
var selected = $.cookie( cookie );
// Re-save cookie
if ( selected != null ) {
$.cookie( cookie, selected, { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
var $selectedIndex = $index.find( '*[rel="' + selected + '"]' );
if ( $selectedIndex.size() === 0 ) {
$selectedIndex = $index.children().eq( 0 );
selected = $selectedIndex.attr( 'rel' );
$.cookie( cookie, selected, { expires: 30, path: '/' } );
$pages.find( '*[rel="' + selected + '"]' ).show();
$index.children().removeClass( 'current' );
$selectedIndex.addClass( 'current' );
build : function( context, config ) {
var $tabs = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'tabs' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
var $sections = $( '<div/>' ).addClass( 'sections' ).appendTo( context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar );
context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.append( $( '<div/>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ) );
var sectionQueue = [];
for ( var section in config ) {
if ( section == 'main' ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildSection( context, section, config[section] )
} else {
sectionQueue.push( {
'$sections' : $sections,
'context' : context,
'id' : section,
'config' : config[section]
} );
$tabs.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildTab( context, section, config[section] ) );
$.eachAsync( sectionQueue, {
'bulk' : 0,
'end' : function() {
// HACK: Opera doesn't seem to want to redraw after these bits
// are added to the DOM, so we can just FORCE it!
var oldValue = $( 'body' ).css( 'position' );
$( 'body' ).css( 'position', 'static' );
$( 'body' ).css( 'position', oldValue );
'loop' : function( i, s ) {
s.$sections.append( $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.buildSection( s.context, s.id, s.config ) );
var $section = s.$sections.find( '.section:visible' );
if ( $section.size() ) {
$sections.animate( { 'height': $section.outerHeight() }, $section.outerHeight() * 2, function( ) {
context.fn.trigger( 'resize' );
} );
} );
}; } )( mediaWiki, jQuery );