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synced 2024-12-19 03:21:02 +00:00
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385 lines
13 KiB
const ResizingDragBar = require( './ResizingDragBar.js' );
const TwoPaneLayout = require( './TwoPaneLayout.js' );
const ErrorLayout = require( './ErrorLayout.js' );
const ManualWidget = require( './ManualWidget.js' );
const localStorage = require( 'mediawiki.storage' ).local;
* @class
function RealtimePreview() {
this.configData = mw.loader.moduleRegistry[ 'ext.wikiEditor' ].script.files[ 'data.json' ];
// Preference name, must match what's in extension.json and Hooks.php.
this.prefName = 'wikieditor-realtimepreview';
this.userPref = this.getUserPref();
this.enabled = this.userPref;
this.twoPaneLayout = new TwoPaneLayout();
this.pagePreview = require( 'mediawiki.page.preview' );
// @todo This shouldn't be required, but the preview element is added in PHP
// and can have attributes with values (such as `dir`) that aren't easily accessible from here,
// and we need to duplicate here what Live Preview does in core.
const $previewContent = $( '#wikiPreview .mw-content-ltr, #wikiPreview .mw-content-rtl' ).first().clone();
this.$previewNode = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-preview' )
.attr( 'tabindex', '1' ) // T317108
.append( $previewContent );
// Loading bar.
this.$loadingBar = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-loadingbar' ).append( '<div>' );
// Error layout.
this.errorLayout = new ErrorLayout();
this.errorLayout.getReloadButton().connect( this, {
click: function () {
this.doRealtimePreview( true );
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.reloadError' ).fire( this );
}.bind( this )
} );
// Manual reload button (visible on hover).
this.reloadButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
classes: [ 'ext-WikiEditor-reloadButton' ],
icon: 'reload',
label: mw.msg( 'wikieditor-realtimepreview-reload' ),
accessKey: mw.msg( 'accesskey-wikieditor-realtimepreview' ),
title: mw.msg( 'wikieditor-realtimepreview-reload-title' )
} );
this.reloadButton.connect( this, {
click: function () {
// Only refresh the preview if we're enabled.
if ( this.enabled ) {
this.doRealtimePreview( true );
// Let other things happen after refreshing.
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.reloadHover' ).fire( this );
}.bind( this )
} );
// Manual mode widget.
this.manualWidget = new ManualWidget( this, this.reloadButton );
// Set up a property for reducedMotion — useful for customising the UI message.
this.reducedMotion = window.matchMedia( '(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)' ).matches;
// If the user has "prefers-reduced-motion" set, force us into manual mode.
this.inManualMode = this.reducedMotion;
this.twoPaneLayout.getPane2().append( this.manualWidget.$element, this.reloadButton.$element, this.$loadingBar, this.$previewNode, this.errorLayout.$element );
this.eventNames = 'change.realtimepreview input.realtimepreview cut.realtimepreview paste.realtimepreview';
// Used to ensure we wait for a response before making new requests.
this.isPreviewing = false;
this.previewPending = false;
this.lastWikitext = null;
// Used to average response times and automatically disable realtime preview if it's very slow.
this.responseTimes = [];
* @public
* @param {Object} context The WikiEditor context.
* @return {jQuery}
RealtimePreview.prototype.getToolbarButton = function ( context ) {
this.context = context;
const $uiText = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-text' );
// Fix the height of the textarea, before adding a resizing bar below it.
const height = context.$textarea.height();
$uiText.css( 'height', height + 'px' );
context.$textarea.removeAttr( 'rows cols' );
context.$textarea.addClass( 'ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-textbox' );
// Add the resizing bar.
const bottomDragBar = new ResizingDragBar( { isEW: false } );
$uiText.after( bottomDragBar.$element );
// Create and configure the toolbar button.
this.button = new OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'wikieditor-realtimepreview-preview' ),
icon: 'article',
value: this.enabled,
framed: false,
// T305953; So we can find usage of this class later: .tool
classes: [ 'tool', 'ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-button' ]
} );
this.button.connect( this, { change: [ this.toggle, true ] } );
if ( !this.isScreenWideEnough() ) {
this.enabled = false;
this.button.toggle( false );
// Hide or show the preview and toolbar button when the window is resized.
$( window ).on( 'resize', this.enableFeatureWhenScreenIsWideEnough.bind( this ) );
// Remove the old onboarding-status storage that was discontinued in March 2023.
localStorage.remove( 'WikiEditor-RealtimePreview-onboarding-dismissed' );
return $( '<div>' ).append( this.button.$element );
* Get the user preference for Realtime Preview.
* @public
* @return {boolean}
RealtimePreview.prototype.getUserPref = function () {
return ( typeof this.userPref !== 'undefined' ) ? this.userPref : mw.user.options.get( this.prefName ) > 0;
* Enable or disable Realtime Preview.
* @param {boolean} [enable=true] Whether to enable or disable.
* @param {boolean} [saveUserPref=true] Whether to save the user preference.
* @public
RealtimePreview.prototype.setEnabled = function ( enable, saveUserPref ) {
// Set this.enabled to the opposite of what we want, and then toggle it to the desired state.
this.enabled = ( typeof enable === 'boolean' ) ? !enable : false;
this.toggle( saveUserPref );
* Save the user preference for Realtime Preview.
* @private
RealtimePreview.prototype.saveUserPref = function () {
this.userPref = this.enabled ? 1 : 0;
( new mw.Api() ).saveOption( this.prefName, this.userPref );
* Toggle the two-pane preview display.
* @param {boolean} [saveUserPref=true] Whether to save the user preference.
* @private
RealtimePreview.prototype.toggle = function ( saveUserPref ) {
const $uiText = this.context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-text' );
const $textarea = this.context.$textarea;
const $form = $textarea.parents( 'form' );
// Save the current cursor selection and focused element.
const cursorPos = $textarea.textSelection( 'getCaretPosition', { startAndEnd: true } );
const focusedElement = document.activeElement;
// Remove or add the layout to the DOM.
if ( this.enabled ) {
// Move height from the TwoPaneLayout to the text UI div.
$uiText.css( 'height', this.twoPaneLayout.$element.height() + 'px' );
// Put the text div back to being after the layout, and then hide the layout.
this.twoPaneLayout.$element.after( $uiText );
// Remove the keyup handler.
$textarea.off( this.eventNames );
$form.off( 'reset.realtimepreview' );
// Let other things happen after disabling.
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.disable' ).fire( this );
} else {
// Add the layout before the text div of the UI and then move the text div into it.
$uiText.before( this.twoPaneLayout.$element );
this.twoPaneLayout.setPane1( $uiText );
// Move explicit height from text-ui (which may have been set via manual resizing), to panes.
this.twoPaneLayout.$element.css( 'height', $uiText.height() + 'px' );
$uiText.css( 'height', '100%' );
// Load the preview when enabling,
// and also on keyup, change, paste etc.
.off( this.eventNames )
.on( this.eventNames, this.getEventHandler() );
$form.off( 'reset.realtimepreview' )
.on( 'reset.realtimepreview', this.getEventHandler() );
// Hide or show the manual-reload message bar.
this.manualWidget.toggle( this.inManualMode );
// Let other things happen after enabling.
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.enable' ).fire( this );
// Restore current selection.
$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: cursorPos[ 0 ], end: cursorPos[ 1 ] } );
$textarea.textSelection( 'scrollToCaretPosition' );
// Focus on whatever had focus before, in case it wasn't the textarea.
// Record the toggle state and update the button.
this.enabled = !this.enabled;
this.button.$element.toggleClass( 'tool-active', this.enabled ); // T305953
this.button.setFlags( { progressive: this.enabled } );
if ( typeof saveUserPref === 'undefined' || ( typeof saveUserPref === 'boolean' && saveUserPref ) ) {
* @public
* @return {Function}
RealtimePreview.prototype.getEventHandler = function () {
return mw.util.debounce(
() => {
// Only do preview if we're not in manual mode (as set in this.checkResponseTimes()).
if ( !this.inManualMode ) {
* Check if screen meets minimum width requirement for Realtime Preview.
* @public
* @return {boolean}
RealtimePreview.prototype.isScreenWideEnough = function () {
return this.context.$ui.width() > 600;
* Display feature (buttons and functionality) only when screen is wide enough
* @private
RealtimePreview.prototype.enableFeatureWhenScreenIsWideEnough = function () {
const previewButtonIsVisible = this.button.isVisible();
const isScreenWideEnough = this.isScreenWideEnough();
if ( !isScreenWideEnough && previewButtonIsVisible ) {
this.button.toggle( false );
this.reloadButton.setDisabled( true );
if ( this.enabled ) {
this.setEnabled( false, false );
} else if ( isScreenWideEnough && !previewButtonIsVisible ) {
this.button.toggle( true );
this.reloadButton.setDisabled( false );
// if user preference and realtime disable
if ( !this.enabled && this.getUserPref() ) {
this.setEnabled( true, false );
* @private
* @param {jQuery} $msg
RealtimePreview.prototype.showError = function ( $msg ) {
this.reloadButton.toggle( false );
this.manualWidget.toggle( false );
// There is no need for a default message because mw.Api.getErrorMessage() will
// always provide something (even for no network connection, server-side fatal errors, etc.).
this.errorLayout.setMessage( $msg );
this.errorLayout.toggle( true );
* @private
* @param {number} time
RealtimePreview.prototype.checkResponseTimes = function ( time ) {
// Don't track response times if we're already in manual mode or an error is shown.
if ( this.inManualMode || this.errorLayout.isVisible() ) {
this.responseTimes.push( Date.now() - time );
if ( this.responseTimes.length < 3 ) {
const totalResponseTime = this.responseTimes.reduce( ( a, b ) => a + b, 0 );
if ( ( totalResponseTime / this.responseTimes.length ) > this.configData.realtimeDisableDuration ) {
this.inManualMode = true;
this.manualWidget.toggle( true );
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.stop' ).fire( this );
* @private
* @param {boolean} forceUpdate For the preview to update, even if the wikitext is unchanged,
* e.g. when the user presses the 'reload' button.
RealtimePreview.prototype.doRealtimePreview = function ( forceUpdate ) {
// Wait for a response before making any new requests.
if ( this.isPreviewing ) {
// Queue up one final preview once this one finishes.
this.previewPending = true;
const $textareaNode = $( '#wpTextbox1' );
const wikitext = $textareaNode.textSelection( 'getContents' );
if ( !forceUpdate && wikitext === this.lastWikitext ) {
// Wikitext unchanged, no update necessary
this.lastWikitext = wikitext;
this.isPreviewing = true;
this.reloadButton.setDisabled( true );
this.manualWidget.setDisabled( true );
this.errorLayout.toggle( false );
const loadingSelectors = this.pagePreview.getLoadingSelectors()
// config.$previewNode below is a clone of #wikiPreview with a different selector!
// config.$diffNode defaults to #wikiDiff but is disabled below and never updated.
.filter( ( selector ) => selector.indexOf( '#wiki' ) !== 0 );
loadingSelectors.push( '.ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-preview' );
loadingSelectors.push( '.ext-WikiEditor-ManualWidget' );
loadingSelectors.push( '.ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-ErrorLayout' );
const time = Date.now();
this.pagePreview.doPreview( {
$textareaNode: $textareaNode,
$previewNode: this.$previewNode,
$spinnerNode: false,
loadingSelectors: loadingSelectors,
// Don't hide the diff view, if visible.
$diffNode: null
} ).done( () => {
this.errorLayout.toggle( false );
} ).fail( ( code, result ) => {
this.showError( ( new mw.Api() ).getErrorMessage( result ) );
mw.log.error( 'WikiEditor realtime preview error', result );
} ).always( () => {
this.reloadButton.setDisabled( false );
if ( !this.errorLayout.isVisible() ) {
// Only re-show the reload button if no error message is currently showing.
this.reloadButton.toggle( true );
// Show the manual mode if applicable (but not if an error is displayed).
this.manualWidget.toggle( this.inManualMode && !this.errorLayout.isVisible() );
this.manualWidget.setDisabled( false );
this.isPreviewing = false;
this.checkResponseTimes( time );
if ( this.previewPending ) {
this.previewPending = false;
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.loaded' ).fire( this );
} );
module.exports = RealtimePreview;