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synced 2024-12-01 03:17:04 +00:00
Since we now have a full fledged mobile solution, I think we should strive to have the site 'proper' work as much on any platform as possible. WikiEditor traditionally was not loaded on iOS. No one really knows why this was not loaded. It can have been bugs or just to 'slim down'. It works on iOS 6 and iOS 7, so for that reason I'm now changing the blacklist in this respect. It might work with earlier versions, but I can't really test that right now. Bug: 63277 Change-Id: I605eb0e093b84203f1157d9e20788eaa0040ddbf
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* This plugin provides a way to build a wiki-text editing user interface around a textarea.
* @example To intialize without any modules:
* $( 'div#edittoolbar' ).wikiEditor();
* @example To initialize with one or more modules, or to add modules after it's already been initialized:
* $( 'textarea#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', 'toolbar', { ... config ... } );
/*jshint onevar:false, boss:true */
( function ( $, mw ) {
* Global static object for wikiEditor that provides generally useful functionality to all modules and contexts.
$.wikiEditor = {
* For each module that is loaded, static code shared by all instances is loaded into this object organized by
* module name. The existance of a module in this object only indicates the module is available. To check if a
* module is in use by a specific context check the context.modules object.
modules: {},
* A context can be extended, such as adding iframe support, on a per-wikiEditor instance basis.
extensions: {},
* In some cases like with the iframe's HTML file, it's convienent to have a lookup table of all instances of the
* WikiEditor. Each context contains an instance field which contains a key that corrosponds to a reference to the
* textarea which the WikiEditor was build around. This way, by passing a simple integer you can provide a way back
* to a specific context.
instances: [],
* For each browser name, an array of conditions that must be met are supplied in [operaton, value]-form where
* operation is a string containing a JavaScript compatible binary operator and value is either a number to be
* compared with $.browser.versionNumber or a string to be compared with $.browser.version. If a browser is not
* specifically mentioned, we just assume things will work.
browsers: {
// Left-to-right languages
ltr: {
// The toolbar layout is broken in IE6
msie: [['>=', 7]],
// Layout issues in FF < 2
firefox: [['>=', 2]],
// Text selection bugs galore
opera: [['>=', 9.6]],
// jQuery minimums
safari: [['>=', 3]],
chrome: [['>=', 3]],
netscape: [['>=', 9]],
blackberry: false,
ipod: [['>=', 6]],
iphone: [['>=', 6]]
// Right-to-left languages
rtl: {
// The toolbar layout is broken in IE 7 in RTL mode, and IE6 in any mode
msie: [['>=', 8]],
// Layout issues in FF < 2
firefox: [['>=', 2]],
// Text selection bugs galore
opera: [['>=', 9.6]],
// jQuery minimums
safari: [['>=', 3]],
chrome: [['>=', 3]],
netscape: [['>=', 9]],
blackberry: false,
ipod: [['>=', 6]],
iphone: [['>=', 6]]
* Path to images - this is a bit messy, and it would need to change if this code (and images) gets moved into the
* core - or anywhere for that matter...
imgPath : mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/WikiEditor/modules/images/',
* Checks the current browser against the browsers object to determine if the browser has been black-listed or not.
* Because these rules are often very complex, the object contains configurable operators and can check against
* either the browser version number or string. This process also involves checking if the current browser is amung
* those which we have configured as compatible or not. If the browser was not configured as comptible we just go on
* assuming things will work - the argument here is to prevent the need to update the code when a new browser comes
* to market. The assumption here is that any new browser will be built on an existing engine or be otherwise so
* similar to another existing browser that things actually do work as expected. The merrits of this argument, which
* is essentially to blacklist rather than whitelist are debateable, but at this point we've decided it's the more
* "open-web" way to go.
* @param module Module object, defaults to $.wikiEditor
isSupported: function ( module ) {
// Fallback to the wikiEditor browser map if no special map is provided in the module
var mod = module && 'browsers' in module ? module : $.wikiEditor;
// Check for and make use of cached value and early opportunities to bail
if ( typeof mod.supported !== 'undefined' ) {
// Cache hit
return mod.supported;
// Run a browser support test and then cache and return the result
return mod.supported = $.client.test( mod.browsers );
* Checks if a module has a specific requirement
* @param module Module object
* @param requirement String identifying requirement
isRequired: function ( module, requirement ) {
if ( typeof module.req !== 'undefined' ) {
for ( var req in module.req ) {
if ( module.req[req] === requirement ) {
return true;
return false;
* Provides a way to extract messages from objects. Wraps the mediaWiki.msg() function, which
* may eventually become a wrapper for some kind of core MW functionality.
* @param object Object to extract messages from
* @param property String of name of property which contains the message. This should be the base name of the
* property, which means that in the case of the object { this: 'that', fooMsg: 'bar' }, passing property as 'this'
* would return the raw text 'that', while passing property as 'foo' would return the internationalized message
* with the key 'bar'.
autoMsg: function ( object, property ) {
var i, p;
// Accept array of possible properties, of which the first one found will be used
if ( typeof property === 'object' ) {
for ( i in property ) {
if ( property[i] in object || property[i] + 'Msg' in object ) {
property = property[i];
if ( property in object ) {
return object[property];
} else if ( property + 'Msg' in object ) {
p = object[property + 'Msg'];
if ( $.isArray( p ) && p.length >= 2 ) {
return mw.message.apply( mw.message, p ).plain();
} else {
return mw.message( p ).plain();
} else {
return '';
* Provides a way to extract a property of an object in a certain language, falling back on the property keyed as
* 'default' or 'default-rtl'. If such key doesn't exist, the object itself is considered the actual value, which
* should ideally be the case so that you may use a string or object of any number of strings keyed by language
* with a default.
* @param object Object to extract property from
* @param lang Language code, defaults to wgUserLanguage
autoLang: function ( object, lang ) {
var defaultKey = $( 'body' ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ? 'default-rtl' : 'default';
return object[lang || mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' )] || object[defaultKey] || object['default'] || object;
* Provides a way to extract the path of an icon in a certain language, automatically appending a version number for
* caching purposes and prepending an image path when icon paths are relative.
* @param icon Icon object from e.g. toolbar config
* @param path Default icon path, defaults to $.wikiEditor.imgPath
* @param lang Language code, defaults to wgUserLanguage
autoIcon: function ( icon, path, lang ) {
var src = $.wikiEditor.autoLang( icon, lang );
path = path || $.wikiEditor.imgPath;
// Prepend path if src is not absolute
if ( src.substr( 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' && src.substr( 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' && src[0] !== '/' ) {
src = path + src;
return src + '?' + mw.loader.getVersion( 'jquery.wikiEditor' );
* Get the sprite offset for a language if available, icon for a language if available, or the default offset or icon,
* in that order of preference.
* @param icon Icon object, see autoIcon()
* @param offset Offset object
* @param path Icon path, see autoIcon()
* @param lang Language code, defaults to wgUserLanguage
autoIconOrOffset: function ( icon, offset, path, lang ) {
lang = lang || mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' );
if ( typeof offset === 'object' && lang in offset ) {
return offset[lang];
} else if ( typeof icon === 'object' && lang in icon ) {
return $.wikiEditor.autoIcon( icon, undefined, lang );
} else {
return $.wikiEditor.autoLang( offset, lang );
* jQuery plugin that provides a way to initialize a wikiEditor instance on a textarea.
$.fn.wikiEditor = function () {
// Skip any further work when running in browsers that are unsupported
if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported() ) {
return $( this );
/* Initialization */
// The wikiEditor context is stored in the element's data, so when this function gets called again we can pick up right
// where we left off
var context = $( this ).data( 'wikiEditor-context' );
// On first call, we need to set things up, but on all following calls we can skip right to the API handling
if ( !context || typeof context === 'undefined' ) {
// Star filling the context with useful data - any jQuery selections, as usual should be named with a preceding $
context = {
// Reference to the textarea element which the wikiEditor is being built around
'$textarea': $( this ),
// Container for any number of mutually exclusive views that are accessible by tabs
'views': {},
// Container for any number of module-specific data - only including data for modules in use on this context
'modules': {},
// General place to shouve bits of data into
'data': {},
// Unique numeric ID of this instance used both for looking up and differentiating instances of wikiEditor
'instance': $.wikiEditor.instances.push( $( this ) ) - 1,
// Saved selection state for old IE (<=10)
'savedSelection': null,
// List of extensions active on this context
'extensions': []
* Externally Accessible API
* These are available using calls to $( selection ).wikiEditor( call, data ) where selection is a jQuery selection
* of the textarea that the wikiEditor instance was built around.
context.api = {
* Activates a module on a specific context with optional configuration data.
* @param data Either a string of the name of a module to add without any additional configuration parameters,
* or an object with members keyed with module names and valued with configuration objects.
'addModule': function ( context, data ) {
var module, call,
modules = {};
if ( typeof data === 'string' ) {
modules[data] = {};
} else if ( typeof data === 'object' ) {
modules = data;
for ( module in modules ) {
// Check for the existance of an available / supported module with a matching name and a create function
if ( typeof module === 'string' && typeof $.wikiEditor.modules[module] !== 'undefined' &&
$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) )
// Extend the context's core API with this module's own API calls
if ( 'api' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) {
for ( call in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].api ) {
// Modules may not overwrite existing API functions - first come, first serve
if ( !( call in context.api ) ) {
context.api[call] = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].api[call];
// Activate the module on this context
if ( 'fn' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] && 'create' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].fn ) {
// Add a place for the module to put it's own stuff
context.modules[module] = {};
// Tell the module to create itself on the context
$.wikiEditor.modules[module].fn.create( context, modules[module] );
* Event Handlers
* These act as filters returning false if the event should be ignored or returning true if it should be passed
* on to all modules. This is also where we can attach some extra information to the events.
context.evt = {
/* Empty until extensions add some; see jquery.wikiEditor.iframe.js for examples. */
/* Internal Functions */
context.fn = {
* Executes core event filters as well as event handlers provided by modules.
trigger: function ( name, event ) {
// Event is an optional argument, but from here on out, at least the type field should be dependable
if ( typeof event === 'undefined' ) {
event = { 'type': 'custom' };
// Ensure there's a place for extra information to live
if ( typeof event.data === 'undefined' ) {
event.data = {};
// Allow filtering to occur
if ( name in context.evt ) {
if ( !context.evt[name]( event ) ) {
return false;
var returnFromModules = null; //they return null by default
// Pass the event around to all modules activated on this context
for ( var module in context.modules ) {
if (
module in $.wikiEditor.modules &&
'evt' in $.wikiEditor.modules[module] &&
name in $.wikiEditor.modules[module].evt
) {
var ret = $.wikiEditor.modules[module].evt[name]( context, event );
if ( ret !== null ) {
//if 1 returns false, the end result is false
if ( returnFromModules === null ) {
returnFromModules = ret;
} else {
returnFromModules = returnFromModules && ret;
if ( returnFromModules !== null ) {
return returnFromModules;
} else {
return true;
* Adds a button to the UI
addButton: function ( options ) {
// Ensure that buttons and tabs are visible
return $( '<button>' )
.text( $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( options, 'caption' ) )
.click( options.action )
.appendTo( context.$buttons );
* Adds a view to the UI, which is accessed using a set of tabs. Views are mutually exclusive and by default a
* wikitext view will be present. Only when more than one view exists will the tabs will be visible.
addView: function ( options ) {
// Adds a tab
function addTab( options ) {
// Ensure that buttons and tabs are visible
// Return the newly appended tab
return $( '<div>' )
.attr( 'rel', 'wikiEditor-ui-view-' + options.name )
.addClass( context.view === options.name ? 'current' : null )
.append( $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', '#' )
.mousedown( function () {
// No dragging!
return false;
} )
.click( function ( event ) {
context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-view' ).hide();
context.$ui.find( '.' + $( this ).parent().attr( 'rel' ) ).show();
context.$tabs.find( 'div' ).removeClass( 'current' );
$( this ).parent().addClass( 'current' );
$( this ).blur();
if ( 'init' in options && typeof options.init === 'function' ) {
options.init( context );
return false;
} )
.text( $.wikiEditor.autoMsg( options, 'title' ) )
.appendTo( context.$tabs );
// Automatically add the previously not-needed wikitext tab
if ( !context.$tabs.children().length ) {
addTab( { 'name': 'wikitext', 'titleMsg': 'wikieditor-wikitext-tab' } );
// Add the tab for the view we were actually asked to add
addTab( options );
// Return newly appended view
return $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-view wikiEditor-ui-view-' + options.name )
.appendTo( context.$ui );
* Save scrollTop and cursor position for IE
saveCursorAndScrollTop: function () {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
var IHateIE = {
'scrollTop' : context.$textarea.scrollTop(),
'pos': context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getCaretPosition', { startAndEnd: true } )
context.$textarea.data( 'IHateIE', IHateIE );
* Restore scrollTo and cursor position for IE
restoreCursorAndScrollTop: function () {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
var IHateIE = context.$textarea.data( 'IHateIE' );
if ( IHateIE ) {
context.$textarea.scrollTop( IHateIE.scrollTop );
context.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: IHateIE.pos[0], end: IHateIE.pos[1] } );
context.$textarea.data( 'IHateIE', null );
* Save text selection for old IE (<=10)
saveSelection: function () {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && document.selection && document.selection.createRange ) {
context.savedSelection = document.selection.createRange();
* Restore text selection for old IE (<=10)
restoreSelection: function () {
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' && context.savedSelection !== null ) {
context.savedSelection = null;
* Workaround for a scrolling bug in IE8 (bug 61908)
if ( $.client.profile().name === 'msie' ) {
context.$textarea.css( 'height', context.$textarea.height() );
* Base UI Construction
* The UI is built from several containers, the outer-most being a div classed as "wikiEditor-ui". These containers
* provide a certain amount of "free" layout, but in some situations procedural layout is needed, which is performed
* as a response to the "resize" event.
// Assemble a temporary div to place over the wikiEditor while it's being constructed
/* Disabling our loading div for now
var $loader = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-loading' )
.append( $( '<span>' + mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-loading' ) + '</span>' )
.css( 'marginTop', context.$textarea.height() / 2 ) );
/* Preserving cursor and focus state, which will get lost due to wrapAll */
var hasFocus = context.$textarea.is( ':focus' ),
cursorPos = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getCaretPosition', { startAndEnd: true } );
// Encapsulate the textarea with some containers for layout
/* Disabling our loading div for now
.after( $loader )
.add( $loader )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui' ) )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-view wikiEditor-ui-view-wikitext' ) )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-left' ) )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ) )
.wrapAll( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-text' ) );
// Restore scroll position after this wrapAll (tracked by mediawiki.action.edit)
context.$textarea.prop( 'scrollTop', $( '#wpScrolltop' ).val() );
// Restore focus and cursor if needed
if ( hasFocus ) {
context.$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { start: cursorPos[0], end: cursorPos[1] } );
// Get references to some of the newly created containers
context.$ui = context.$textarea.parent().parent().parent().parent().parent();
context.$wikitext = context.$textarea.parent().parent().parent().parent();
// Add in tab and button containers
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-controls' )
.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-tabs' ).hide() )
.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-buttons' ) )
.before( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-clear' ) );
// Get references to some of the newly created containers
context.$controls = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-buttons' ).hide();
context.$buttons = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-buttons' );
context.$tabs = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-tabs' );
// Clear all floating after the UI
context.$ui.after( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-clear' ) );
// Attach a right container
context.$wikitext.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-right' ) );
context.$wikitext.append( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-clear' ) );
// Attach a top container to the left pane
context.$wikitext.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-left' ).prepend( $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'wikiEditor-ui-top' ) );
// Setup the intial view
context.view = 'wikitext';
// Trigger the "resize" event anytime the window is resized
$( window ).resize( function ( event ) {
context.fn.trigger( 'resize', event );
} );
/* API Execution */
// Since javascript gives arguments as an object, we need to convert them so they can be used more easily
var args = $.makeArray( arguments );
// Dynamically setup core extensions for modules that are required
if ( args[0] === 'addModule' && typeof args[1] !== 'undefined' ) {
var modules = args[1];
if ( typeof modules !== 'object' ) {
modules = {};
modules[args[1]] = '';
for ( var module in modules ) {
// Only allow modules which are supported (and thus actually being turned on) affect the decision to extend
if ( module in $.wikiEditor.modules && $.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules[module] ) ) {
// Activate all required core extensions on context
for ( var e in $.wikiEditor.extensions ) {
if (
$.wikiEditor.isRequired( $.wikiEditor.modules[module], e ) &&
$.inArray( e, context.extensions ) === -1
) {
context.extensions[context.extensions.length] = e;
$.wikiEditor.extensions[e]( context );
// There would need to be some arguments if the API is being called
if ( args.length > 0 ) {
// Handle API calls
var call = args.shift();
if ( call in context.api ) {
context.api[call]( context, typeof args[0] === 'undefined' ? {} : args[0] );
// Store the context for next time, and support chaining
return $( this ).data( 'wikiEditor-context', context );
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );