mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 19:11:22 +00:00
1144 lines
45 KiB
1144 lines
45 KiB
* JavaScript for WikiEditor Dialogs
$( document ).ready( function() {
if ( !$.wikiEditor.isSupported( $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs ) ) {
// Replace icons
$( '#wpTextbox1' )
.wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'main', 'group': 'insert', 'tool': 'xlink' } )
.wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'main', 'group': 'insert', 'tool': 'ilink' } )
.wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'main', 'group': 'insert', 'tool': 'reference' } )
.wikiEditor( 'removeFromToolbar', { 'section': 'advanced', 'group': 'insert', 'tool': 'table' } )
.wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'section': 'main',
'group': 'insert',
'tools': {
'link': {
'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link',
'type': 'button',
'icon': 'insert-link.png',
'offset': [2, -1654],
'action': {
'type': 'dialog',
'module': 'insert-link'
'reference': {
'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference',
'type': 'button',
'icon': 'insert-reference.png',
'offset': [2, -1798],
'action': {
'type': 'dialog',
'module': 'insert-reference'
} )
.wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'section': 'advanced',
'group': 'insert',
'tools': {
'table': {
'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table',
'type': 'button',
'icon': 'insert-table.png',
'offset': [2, -1942],
'action': {
'type': 'dialog',
'module': 'insert-table'
} )
.wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', {
'section': 'advanced',
'groups': {
'search': {
'tools': {
'replace': {
'labelMsg': 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace',
'type': 'button',
'icon': 'search-replace.png',
'offset': [-70, -214],
'action': {
'type': 'dialog',
'module': 'search-and-replace'
} );
// Add dialogs module
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addModule', { 'dialogs': {
'insert-link': {
titleMsg: 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-title',
id: 'wikieditor-toolbar-link-dialog',
html: '\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target" id="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-label"></label>\
<div id="wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status"></div>\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target" />\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text"></label>\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text" />\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-floated-field-wrapper">\
<input type="radio" id="wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int" name="wikieditor-toolbar-link-type" selected />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int"></label>\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-floated-field-wrapper">\
<input type="radio" id="wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext" name="wikieditor-toolbar-link-type" />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-ext"></label>\
init: function() {
function isExternalLink( s ) {
// The following things are considered to be external links:
// * Starts a URL protocol
// * Starts with www.
// All of these are potentially valid titles, and the latter two categories match about 6300
// titles in enwiki's ns0. Out of 6.9M titles, that's 0.09%
if ( typeof arguments.callee.regex == 'undefined' ) {
// Cache the regex
arguments.callee.regex =
new RegExp( "^(" + wgUrlProtocols + "|www\\.)", 'i');
return s.match( arguments.callee.regex );
// Updates the status indicator above the target link
function updateWidget( status ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' ).children().hide();
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).parent()
'status-invalid status-external status-notexists status-exists status-loading'
if ( status ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-' + status ).show();
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).parent().addClass( 'status-' + status );
if ( status == 'invalid' ) {
$( '.ui-dialog:visible .ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first' )
.attr( 'disabled', true )
.addClass( 'disabled' );
} else {
$( '.ui-dialog:visible .ui-dialog-buttonpane button:first' )
// Updates the UI to show if the page title being inputed by the user exists or not
// accepts parameter internal for bypassing external link detection
function updateExistence( internal ) {
// ensure the internal parameter is a boolean
if ( internal != true ) internal = false;
// Abort previous request
var request = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' ).data( 'request' );
if ( request ) {
var target = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val();
var cache = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' ).data( 'existencecache' );
if ( cache[target] ) {
updateWidget( cache[target] );
if ( target.replace( /^\s+$/,'' ) == '' ) {
// Hide the widget when the textbox is empty
updateWidget( false );
// If the forced internal paremter was not true, check if the target is an external link
if ( !internal && isExternalLink( target ) ) {
updateWidget( 'external' );
if ( target.indexOf( '|' ) != -1 ) {
// Title contains | , which means it's invalid
// but confuses the API. Show invalid and bypass API
updateWidget( 'invalid' );
// Show loading spinner while waiting for the API to respond
updateWidget( 'loading' );
// Call the API to check page status, saving the request object so it can be aborted if
// necessary
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' ).data(
$.ajax( {
url: wgScriptPath + '/api.php',
dataType: 'json',
data: {
'action': 'query',
'indexpageids': '',
'titles': target,
'converttitles': '',
'format': 'json'
success: function( data ) {
var status;
if ( !data || typeof data.query == 'undefined' ) {
// This happens in some weird cases
status = false;
} else {
var page = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]];
status = 'exists';
if ( typeof page.missing != 'undefined' )
status = 'notexists';
else if ( typeof page.invalid != 'undefined' )
status = 'invalid';
// Cache the status of the link target if the force internal parameter was not
// passed
if ( !internal ) cache[target] = status;
updateWidget( status );
} )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' ).click( function() {
if( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
// Abort previous request
var request = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' ).data( 'request' );
if ( request ) {
updateWidget( 'external' );
if( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).is( ':checked' ) )
updateExistence( true );
// Set labels of tabs based on rel values
$(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function() {
$(this).text( mediaWiki.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
// Set tabindexes on form fields
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $(this).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
// Setup the tooltips in the textboxes
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' )
.data( 'tooltip', mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-tooltip' ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
.data( 'tooltip', mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-text-tooltip' ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
.each( function() {
var tooltip = mediaWiki.msg( $( this ).attr( 'id' ) + '-tooltip' );
if ( $( this ).val() == '' )
$( this )
.addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.val( $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', true );
} )
.focus( function() {
if( $( this ).val() == $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
$( this )
.val( '' )
.removeClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', false );
.bind( 'change', function() {
if ( $( this ).val() != $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
$( this )
.removeClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', false );
.bind( 'blur', function() {
if ( $( this ).val() == '' ) {
$( this )
.addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.val( $( this ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
.data( 'tooltip-mode', true );
// Automatically copy the value of the internal link page title field to the link text field unless the
// user has changed the link text field - this is a convenience thing since most link texts are going to
// be the the same as the page title - Also change the internal/external radio button accordingly
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).bind( 'change keydown paste cut', function() {
// $(this).val() is the old value, before the keypress - Defer this until $(this).val() has
// been updated
setTimeout( function() {
if ( isExternalLink( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() ) ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
updateWidget( 'external' );
} else {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched' ) )
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() ==
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'tooltip' ) ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
.addClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
.val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'tooltip' ) )
} else {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' )
.val( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() )
}, 0 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).bind( 'change keydown paste cut', function() {
var oldVal = $(this).val();
var that = this;
setTimeout( function() {
if ( $(that).val() != oldVal )
$(that).data( 'untouched', false );
}, 0 );
// Add images to the page existence widget, which will be shown mutually exclusively to communicate if
// the page exists, does not exist or the title is invalid (like if it contains a | character)
var existsMsg = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-exists' );
var notexistsMsg = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-notexists' );
var invalidMsg = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-invalid' );
var externalMsg = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-external' );
var loadingMsg = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-target-status-loading' );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status' )
.append( $( '<div />' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-exists' )
.append( existsMsg )
.append( $( '<div />' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-notexists' )
.append( notexistsMsg )
.append( $( '<div />' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-invalid' )
.append( invalidMsg )
.append( $( '<div />' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-external' )
.append( externalMsg )
.append( $( '<div />' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-loading' )
.append( $( '<img />' ).attr( {
'src': $.wikiEditor.imgPath + 'dialogs/' + 'loading.gif',
'alt': loadingMsg,
'title': loadingMsg
} ) )
.data( 'existencecache', {} )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' )
.bind( 'keyup paste cut', function() {
// Cancel the running timer if applicable
if ( typeof $(this).data( 'timerID' ) != 'undefined' ) {
clearTimeout( $(this).data( 'timerID' ) );
// Delay fetch for a while
// FIXME: Make 120 configurable elsewhere
var timerID = setTimeout( updateExistence, 120 );
$(this).data( 'timerID', timerID );
} )
.change( function() {
// Cancel the running timer if applicable
if ( typeof $(this).data( 'timerID' ) != 'undefined' ) {
clearTimeout( $(this).data( 'timerID' ) );
// Fetch right now
} );
// Title suggestions
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'suggcache', {} ).suggestions( {
fetch: function( query ) {
var that = this;
var title = $(this).val();
if ( isExternalLink( title ) || title.indexOf( '|' ) != -1 || title == '') {
$(this).suggestions( 'suggestions', [] );
var cache = $(this).data( 'suggcache' );
if ( typeof cache[title] != 'undefined' ) {
$(this).suggestions( 'suggestions', cache[title] );
var request = $.ajax( {
url: wgScriptPath + '/api.php',
data: {
'action': 'opensearch',
'search': title,
'namespace': 0,
'suggest': '',
'format': 'json'
dataType: 'json',
success: function( data ) {
cache[title] = data[1];
$(that).suggestions( 'suggestions', data[1] );
$(this).data( 'request', request );
cancel: function() {
var request = $(this).data( 'request' );
if ( request )
dialog: {
width: 500,
dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog',
buttons: {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-insert': function() {
function escapeInternalText( s ) {
// FIXME: Should this escape [[ too? Seems to work without that
return s.replace( /(]{2,})/g, '<nowiki>$1</nowiki>' );
function escapeExternalTarget( s ) {
return s.replace( / /g, '%20' )
.replace( /\[/g, '%5B' )
.replace( /]/g, '%5D' );
function escapeExternalText( s ) {
// FIXME: Should this escape [ too? Seems to work without that
return s.replace( /(]+)/g, '<nowiki>$1</nowiki>' );
var insertText = '';
var whitespace = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-dialog' ).data( 'whitespace' );
var target = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val();
var text = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).val();
// check if the tooltips were passed as target or text
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).data( 'tooltip-mode' ) )
target = "";
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'tooltip-mode' ) )
text = "";
if ( target == '' ) {
alert( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-empty' ) );
if ( $.trim( text ) == '' ) {
// [[Foo| ]] creates an invisible link
// Instead, generate [[Foo|]]
text = '';
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int' ).is( ':checked' ) ) {
// FIXME: Exactly how fragile is this?
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target-status-invalid' ).is( ':visible' ) ) {
// Refuse to add links to invalid titles
alert( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-int-invalid' ) );
if ( target == text || !text.length )
insertText = '[[' + target + ']]';
insertText = '[[' + target + '|' + escapeInternalText( text ) + ']]';
} else {
// Prepend http:// if there is no protocol
if ( !target.match( /^[a-z]+:\/\/./ ) )
target = 'http://' + target;
// Detect if this is really an internal link in disguise
var match = target.match( $(this).data( 'articlePathRegex' ) );
if ( match && !$(this).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal' ) ) {
var buttons = { };
var that = this;
buttons[ mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-int' ) ] =
function() {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val( match[1] ).change();
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
buttons[ mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal-ext' ) ] =
function() {
$(that).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal', true );
$(that).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button:first' ).click();
$(that).data( 'ignoreLooksInternal', false );
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-lookslikeinternal', match[1] ),
{ buttons: buttons }
var escTarget = escapeExternalTarget( target );
var escText = escapeExternalText( text );
if ( escTarget == escText )
insertText = escTarget;
else if ( text == '' )
insertText = '[' + escTarget + ']';
insertText = '[' + escTarget + ' ' + escText + ']';
// Preserve whitespace in selection when replacing
if ( whitespace ) insertText = whitespace[0] + insertText + whitespace[1];
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
$.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $(this).data( 'context' ), {
type: 'replace',
options: {
pre: insertText
}, $(this) );
// Blank form
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).val( '' );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-int, #wikieditor-toolbar-link-type-ext' )
.attr( 'checked', '' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-link-cancel': function() {
// Clear any saved selection state
var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
open: function() {
// Cache the articlepath regex
$(this).data( 'articlePathRegex', new RegExp(
'^' + ( wgServer + wgArticlePath ).escapeRE()
.replace( /\\\$1/g, '(.*)' ) + '$'
) );
// Pre-fill the text fields based on the current selection
var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
// Restore and immediately save selection state, needed for inserting stuff later
var selection = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getSelection' );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).focus();
// Trigger the change event, so the link status indicator is up to date
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).change();
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-dialog' ).data( 'whitespace', [ '', '' ] );
if ( selection != '' ) {
var target, text, type;
var matches;
if ( ( matches = selection.match( /^(\s*)\[\[([^\]\|]+)(\|([^\]\|]*))?\]\](\s*)$/ ) ) ) {
// [[foo|bar]] or [[foo]]
target = matches[2];
text = ( matches[4] ? matches[4] : matches[2] );
type = 'int';
// Preserve whitespace when replacing
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-dialog' ).data( 'whitespace', [ matches[1], matches[5] ] );
} else if ( ( matches = selection.match( /^(\s*)\[([^\] ]+)( ([^\]]+))?\](\s*)$/ ) ) ) {
// [http://www.example.com foo] or [http://www.example.com]
target = matches[2];
text = ( matches[4] ? matches[4] : '' );
type = 'ext';
// Preserve whitespace when replacing
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-dialog' ).data( 'whitespace', [ matches[1], matches[5] ] );
} else {
// Trim any leading and trailing whitespace from the selection,
// but preserve it when replacing
target = text = $.trim( selection );
if ( target.length < selection.length ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-dialog' ).data( 'whitespace', [
selection.substr( 0, selection.indexOf( target.charAt( 0 ) ) ),
selection.lastIndexOf( target.charAt( target.length - 1 ) ) + 1
) ]
// Change the value by calling val() doesn't trigger the change event, so let's do that
// ourselves
if ( typeof text != 'undefined' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).val( text ).change();
if ( typeof target != 'undefined' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val( target ).change();
if ( typeof type != 'undefined' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-' + type ).attr( 'checked', 'checked' );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched',
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).val() ==
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).val() ||
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).hasClass( 'wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-hint' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-target' ).suggestions();
//don't overwrite user's text
if( selection != '' ){
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text' ).data( 'untouched', false );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-link-int-text, #wikiedit-toolbar-link-int-target' )
.each( function() {
if ( $(this).val() == '' )
$(this).parent().find( 'label' ).show();
if ( !( $(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) ) {
$(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function( e ) {
if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function() {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
'insert-reference': {
titleMsg: 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-title',
id: 'wikieditor-toolbar-reference-dialog',
html: '\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-wrapper">\
<fieldset><div class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-form">\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-reference-text"\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-reference-text" />\
init: function() {
// Insert translated strings into labels
$( this ).find( '[rel]' ).each( function() {
$( this ).text( mediaWiki.msg( $( this ).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
} );
dialog: {
dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog',
width: 590,
buttons: {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-insert': function() {
var insertText = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-text' ).val();
var whitespace = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-dialog' ).data( 'whitespace' );
var attributes = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-dialog' ).data( 'attributes' );
// Close the dialog
$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
$( this ).data( 'context' ),
type: 'replace',
options: {
pre: whitespace[0] + '<ref' + attributes + '>',
peri: insertText,
post: '</ref>' + whitespace[1]
$( this )
// Restore form state
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-text' ).val( "" );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-reference-cancel': function() {
// Clear any saved selection state
var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
open: function() {
// Pre-fill the text fields based on the current selection
var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
// Restore and immediately save selection state, needed for inserting stuff later
var selection = context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getSelection' );
// set focus
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-text' ).focus();
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-dialog' )
.data( 'whitespace', [ '', '' ] )
.data( 'attributes', '' );
if ( selection != '' ) {
var matches, text;
if ( ( matches = selection.match( /^(\s*)<ref([^\>]*)>([^\<]*)<\/ref\>(\s*)$/ ) ) ) {
text = matches[3];
// Preserve whitespace when replacing
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-dialog' )
.data( 'whitespace', [ matches[1], matches[4] ] );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-dialog' ).data( 'attributes', matches[2] );
} else {
text = selection;
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-reference-text' ).val( text );
if ( !( $( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) ) {
$( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function( e ) {
if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $( this ).find( 'button:first' );
} );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function() {
$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
} );
'insert-table': {
titleMsg: 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-title',
id: 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-dialog',
// FIXME: Localize 'x'?
html: '\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-dialog-wrapper">\
<fieldset><div class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-form">\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<input type="checkbox" id="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header" checked />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header"\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<input type="checkbox" id="wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable" checked />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-wikitable"></label>\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<input type="checkbox" id="wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable" />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-sortable"></label>\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimension-fields">\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows"\
rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-rows"></label><br />\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows" size="4" />\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns"\
rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-dimensions-columns"></label><br />\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns" size="4" />\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-wrapper" >\
<span rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example"></span>\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-content">\
<table id="wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview" class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview wikitable">\
<tr class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-header">\
<th rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header"></th>\
<th rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header"></th>\
<th rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header"></th>\
</tr><tr class="wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden" style="display: none;">\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
<td rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-cell-text"></td>\
init: function() {
$(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function() {
$(this).text( mediaWiki.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
// Set tabindexes on form fields
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $(this).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows' ).val( 3 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns' ).val( 3 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable' ).click( function() {
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' ).toggleClass( 'wikitable' );
// Hack for sortable preview: dynamically adding
// sortable class doesn't work, so we use a clone
// FIXME: Relies on sortable table internals
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' )
.addClass( 'sortable' )
.insertAfter( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' ) )
if ( typeof ts_makeSortable == 'function' )
ts_makeSortable( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' ).get( 0 ) );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).click( function() {
// Swap the currently shown one clone with the other one
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview3' );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' )
.attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview3' ).attr( 'id', 'wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header' ).click( function() {
// Instead of show/hiding, switch the HTML around
// We do this because the sortable tables script styles the first row,
// visible or not
var headerHTML = $( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-header' ).html();
var hiddenHTML = $( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden' ).html();
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-header' ).html( hiddenHTML );
$( '.wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview-hidden' ).html( headerHTML );
if ( typeof ts_makeSortable == 'function' )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview, #wikieditor-toolbar-table-preview2' )
.filter( '.sortable' )
.get( 0 )
dialog: {
resizable: false,
dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog',
width: 590,
buttons: {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-insert': function() {
var rowsVal = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows' ).val();
var colsVal = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns' ).val();
var rows = parseInt( rowsVal, 10 );
var cols = parseInt( colsVal, 10 );
var header = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header' ).is( ':checked' ) ? 1 : 0;
if ( isNaN( rows ) || isNaN( cols ) || rows != rowsVal || cols != colsVal ) {
alert( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-invalidnumber' ) );
if ( rows + header == 0 || cols == 0 ) {
alert( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-zero' ) );
if ( rows * cols > 1000 ) {
alert( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-toomany', 1000 ) );
var headerText = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example-header' );
var normalText = mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-example' );
var table = "";
for ( var r = 0; r < rows + header; r++ ) {
table += "|-\n";
for ( var c = 0; c < cols; c++ ) {
var isHeader = ( header && r == 0 );
var delim = isHeader ? '!' : '|';
if ( c > 0 ) {
delim += delim;
table += delim + ' ' + ( isHeader ? headerText : normalText ) + ' ';
// Replace trailing space by newline
// table[table.length - 1] is read-only
table = table.substr( 0, table.length - 1 ) + "\n";
var classes = [];
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable' ).is( ':checked' ) )
classes.push( 'wikitable' );
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).is( ':checked' ) )
classes.push( 'sortable' );
var classStr = classes.length > 0 ? ' class="' + classes.join( ' ' ) + '"' : '';
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
$(this).data( 'context' ),
type: 'replace',
options: {
pre: '{|' + classStr + "\n",
peri: table,
post: '|}',
ownline: true
// Restore form state
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows' ).val( 3 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-columns' ).val( 3 );
// Simulate clicks instead of setting values, so the according
// actions are performed
if ( !$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header' ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-header' ).click();
if ( !$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable' ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-wikitable' ).click();
if ( $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).is( ':checked' ) )
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-sortable' ).click();
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-table-cancel': function() {
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
open: function() {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-table-dimensions-rows' ).focus();
if ( !( $(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) ) {
$(this).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function( e ) {
if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function() {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
'search-and-replace': {
'browsers': {
// Left-to-right languages
'ltr': {
'msie': false,
'firefox': [['>=', 2]],
'opera': false,
'safari': [['>=', 3]],
'chrome': [['>=', 3]]
// Right-to-left languages
'rtl': {
'msie': false,
'firefox': [['>=', 2]],
'opera': false,
'safari': [['>=', 3]],
'chrome': [['>=', 3]]
titleMsg: 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-title',
id: 'wikieditor-toolbar-replace-dialog',
html: '\
<div id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-message">\
<div id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-nomatch"></div>\
<div id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-success"></div>\
<div id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-emptysearch" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-emptysearch"></div>\
<div id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-invalidregex"></div>\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-search"></label>\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search" style="width: 100%;" />\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-replace" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-replace"></label>\
<input type="text" id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-replace" style="width: 100%;" />\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<input type="checkbox" id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-case" />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-case" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-case"></label>\
<div class="wikieditor-toolbar-field-wrapper">\
<input type="checkbox" id="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-regex" />\
<label for="wikieditor-toolbar-replace-regex" rel="wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-regex"></label>\
init: function() {
$(this).find( '[rel]' ).each( function() {
$(this).text( mediaWiki.msg( $(this).attr( 'rel' ) ) );
// Set tabindexes on form fields
$.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.fn.setTabindexes( $(this).find( 'input' ).not( '[tabindex]' ) );
// TODO: Find a cleaner way to share this function
$(this).data( 'replaceCallback', function( mode ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-success, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-emptysearch, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-invalidregex' ).hide();
var searchStr = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search' ).val();
if ( searchStr == '' ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-emptysearch' ).show();
var replaceStr = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-replace' ).val();
var flags = 'm';
var matchCase = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-case' ).is( ':checked' );
var isRegex = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-regex' ).is( ':checked' );
if ( !matchCase ) {
flags += 'i';
if ( mode == 'replaceAll' ) {
flags += 'g';
if ( !isRegex ) {
searchStr = searchStr.escapeRE();
try {
var regex = new RegExp( searchStr, flags );
} catch( e ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-invalidregex' )
.text( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-invalidregex',
e.message ) )
var $textarea = $(this).data( 'context' ).$textarea;
var text = $textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' );
var match = false;
var offset, s;
if ( mode != 'replaceAll' ) {
offset = $(this).data( 'offset' );
s = text.substr( offset );
match = s.match( regex );
if ( !match ) {
// Search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP
offset = 0;
s = text;
match = s.match( regex );
if ( !match ) {
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch' ).show();
} else if ( mode == 'replaceAll' ) {
// Instead of using repetitive .match() calls, we use one .match() call with /g
// and indexOf() followed by substr() to find the offsets. This is actually
// faster because our indexOf+substr loop is faster than a match loop, and the
// /g match is so ridiculously fast that it's negligible.
// FIXME: Repetitively calling encapsulateSelection() is probably the best strategy
// in Firefox/Webkit, but in IE replacing the entire content once is better.
var index;
for ( var i = 0; i < match.length; i++ ) {
index = s.indexOf( match[i] );
if ( index == -1 ) {
// This shouldn't happen
var matchedText = s.substr( index, match[i].length );
s = s.substr( index + match[i].length );
var start = index + offset;
var end = start + match[i].length;
// Make regex placeholder substitution ($1) work
var replace = isRegex ? matchedText.replace( regex, replaceStr ) : replaceStr;
var newEnd = start + replace.length;
.textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start, 'end': end } )
.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', {
'peri': replace,
'replace': true } )
.textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start, 'end': newEnd } );
offset = newEnd;
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-success' )
.text( mediaWiki.msg( 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-success', match.length ) )
$(this).data( 'offset', 0 );
} else {
// Make regex placeholder substitution ($1) work
var replace = isRegex ? match[0].replace( regex, replaceStr ): replaceStr;
var start = match.index + offset;
var end = start + match[0].length;
var newEnd = start + replace.length;
var context = $( this ).data( 'context' );
$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start,
'end': end } );
if ( mode == 'replace' ) {
.textSelection( 'encapsulateSelection', {
'peri': replace,
'replace': true } )
.textSelection( 'setSelection', {
'start': start,
'end': newEnd } );
$textarea.textSelection( 'scrollToCaretPosition' );
$textarea.textSelection( 'setSelection', { 'start': start,
'end': mode == 'replace' ? newEnd : end } );
$( this ).data( 'offset', mode == 'replace' ? newEnd : end );
var textbox = typeof context.$iframe != 'undefined' ?
context.$iframe[0].contentWindow : $textarea[0];
dialog: {
width: 500,
dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog',
buttons: {
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-findnext': function( e ) {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', e.target );
$(this).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'find' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replacenext': function( e ) {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', e.target );
$(this).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'replace' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-button-replaceall': function( e ) {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', e.target );
$(this).data( 'replaceCallback' ).call( this, 'replaceAll' );
'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-replace-close': function() {
$(this).dialog( 'close' );
open: function() {
$(this).data( 'offset', 0 );
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-search' ).focus();
$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-replace-nomatch, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-success, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-emptysearch, #wikieditor-toolbar-replace-invalidregex' ).hide();
if ( !( $(this).data( 'onetimeonlystuff' ) ) ) {
$(this).data( 'onetimeonlystuff', true );
// Execute the action associated with the first button
// when the user presses Enter
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function( e ) {
if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
var button = $(this).data( 'dialogaction' ) || $(this).find( 'button:first' );
// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
// Enter do what people expect
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function() {
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );
var dialog = $(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' );
var that = this;
var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
var textbox = typeof context.$iframe != 'undefined' ?
context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document : context.$textarea;
$( textbox )
.bind( 'keypress.srdialog', function( e ) {
if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 13 ) {
// Enter
var button = dialog.data( 'dialogaction' ) || dialog.find( 'button:first' );
} else if ( ( e.keyCode || e.which ) == 27 ) {
// Escape
$(that).dialog( 'close' );
close: function() {
var context = $(this).data( 'context' );
var textbox = typeof context.$iframe != 'undefined' ?
context.$iframe[0].contentWindow.document : context.$textarea;
$( textbox ).unbind( 'keypress.srdialog' );
$(this).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', false );
} } );
} ); |