var ResizingDragBar = require( './ResizingDragBar.js' ); var TwoPaneLayout = require( './TwoPaneLayout.js' ); /** * @class */ function RealtimePreview() { this.enabled = false; this.twoPaneLayout = new TwoPaneLayout(); this.pagePreview = require( '' ); // @todo This shouldn't be required, but the preview element is added in PHP // and can have attributes with values that aren't easily accessible from here, // and we need to duplicate here what Live Preview does in core. var $previewContent = $( '#wikiPreview' ).clone().html(); this.$previewNode = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-preview' ) .append( $previewContent ); this.$errorNode = $( '
' ) .addClass( 'error' ); this.twoPaneLayout.getPane2().append( this.$previewNode, this.$errorNode ); this.eventNames = 'change.realtimepreview input.realtimepreview cut.realtimepreview paste.realtimepreview'; } /** * @public * @param {Object} context The WikiEditor context. * @return {OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget} */ RealtimePreview.prototype.getToolbarButton = function ( context ) { this.context = context; var $uiText = context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-text' ); // Fix the height of the textarea, before adding a resizing bar below it. var height = context.$textarea.height(); $uiText.css( 'height', height + 'px' ); context.$textarea.removeAttr( 'rows cols' ); // Add the resizing bar. var bottomDragBar = new ResizingDragBar( { isEW: false } ); $uiText.after( bottomDragBar.$element ); // Create and configure the toolbar button. this.button = new OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget( { label: mw.msg( 'wikieditor-realtimepreview-preview' ), icon: 'article', value: this.enabled, framed: false } ); this.button.connect( this, { change: this.toggle } ); return this.button; }; /** * Toggle the two-pane preview display. * * @private * @param {Object} context The WikiEditor context object. */ RealtimePreview.prototype.toggle = function () { var $uiText = this.context.$ui.find( '.wikiEditor-ui-text' ); var $textarea = this.context.$textarea; // Remove or add the layout to the DOM. if ( this.enabled ) { // Move height from the TwoPaneLayout to the text UI div. $uiText.css( 'height', this.twoPaneLayout.$element.height() + 'px' ); // Put the text div back to being after the layout, and then hide the layout. this.twoPaneLayout.$element.after( $uiText ); this.twoPaneLayout.$element.hide(); // Remove the keyup handler. $ this.eventNames ); // Let other things happen after disabling. mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.disable' ).fire( this ); } else { // Add the layout before the text div of the UI and then move the text div into it. $uiText.before( this.twoPaneLayout.$element ); this.twoPaneLayout.setPane1( $uiText ); this.twoPaneLayout.$; // Move explicit height from text-ui (which may have been set via manual resizing), to panes. this.twoPaneLayout.$element.css( 'height', $uiText.height() + 'px' ); $uiText.css( 'height', '100%' ); // Enable realtime previewing. this.addPreviewListener( $textarea ); // Let other things happen after enabling. mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.enable' ).fire( this ); } // Record the toggle state and update the button. this.enabled = !this.enabled; this.button.setFlags( { progressive: this.enabled } ); }; /** * @public * @param {jQuery} $editor The element to listen to changes on. */ RealtimePreview.prototype.addPreviewListener = function ( $editor ) { // Get preview when enabling. this.doRealtimePreview(); // Also get preview on keyup, change, paste etc. $editor .off( this.eventNames ) .on( this.eventNames, mw.util.debounce( 2000, this.doRealtimePreview.bind( this ) ) ); }; /** * @private */ RealtimePreview.prototype.doRealtimePreview = function () { this.twoPaneLayout.getPane2().addClass( 'ext-WikiEditor-twopanes-loading' ); var loadingSelectors = this.pagePreview.getLoadingSelectors(); loadingSelectors.push( '.ext-WikiEditor-realtimepreview-preview' ); this.$errorNode.empty(); this.pagePreview.doPreview( { $previewNode: this.$previewNode, $spinnerNode: false, loadingSelectors: loadingSelectors } ).fail( function ( code, result ) { var $errorMsg = ( new mw.Api() ).getErrorMessage( result ); this.$previewNode.hide(); this.$errorNode.append( $errorMsg ); }.bind( this ) ).always( function () { this.twoPaneLayout.getPane2().removeClass( 'ext-WikiEditor-twopanes-loading' ); }.bind( this ) ); }; module.exports = RealtimePreview;