/* * JavaScript for WikiEditor */ ( function () { var editingSessionId; // This sets $.wikiEditor and $.fn.wikiEditor require( './jquery.wikiEditor.js' ); function log() { // mw.log is a no-op unless resource loader is in debug mode, so // this allows trackdebug to work independently (T211698) // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log.apply( console, arguments ); } function sampledLogger( schema, callback, transformCallback ) { var trackdebug = !!mw.util.getParamValue( 'trackdebug' ); return function () { if ( mw.loader.getState( 'ext.eventLogging' ) === null ) { return; } var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments ); mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.eventLogging' ] ).done( function () { // Sampling // We have to do this on the client too because the unload handler // can cause an editingSessionId to be generated on the client // Not using mw.eventLog.inSample() because we need to be able to pass our own editingSessionId var inSample = mw.eventLog.randomTokenMatch( 1 / mw.config.get( 'wgWMESchemaEditAttemptStepSamplingRate' ), editingSessionId ); if ( !inSample && !mw.config.get( 'wgWMESchemaEditAttemptStepOversample' ) && !trackdebug ) { return; } var data = callback.apply( this, [ inSample ].concat( args ) ); if ( trackdebug ) { log( schema, data ); return; } mw.eventLog.logEvent( schema, data ); // T309013: If applicable, log via the Metrics Platform: if ( transformCallback ) { var transformed = transformCallback.apply( this, [ data ] ); mw.eventLog.dispatch( transformed[ 0 ], transformed[ 1 ] ); } } ); }; } function addABTestData( data ) { // DiscussionTools New Topic A/B test for logged out users if ( !mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsABTest' ) ) { return; } if ( mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsABTestBucket' ) ) { data.bucket = mw.config.get( 'wgDiscussionToolsABTestBucket' ); } } var actionPrefixMap = { firstChange: 'first_change', saveIntent: 'save_intent', saveAttempt: 'save_attempt', saveSuccess: 'save_success', saveFailure: 'save_failure' }; var logEditEvent = sampledLogger( 'EditAttemptStep', function ( inSample, action, data ) { var actionPrefix = actionPrefixMap[ action ] || action; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ data = $.extend( { version: 1, action: action, is_oversample: !inSample, editing_session_id: editingSessionId, page_token: mw.user.getPageviewToken(), session_token: mw.user.sessionId(), editor_interface: 'wikitext', platform: 'desktop', // FIXME T249944 integration: 'page', page_id: mw.config.get( 'wgArticleId' ), page_title: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ), page_ns: mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ), revision_id: mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' ) || +$( 'input[name=parentRevId]' ).val() || 0, user_id: mw.user.getId(), user_editcount: mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCount', 0 ), mw_version: mw.config.get( 'wgVersion' ) }, data ); if ( mw.user.isAnon() ) { data.user_class = 'IP'; } addABTestData( data ); // Schema's kind of a mess of special properties if ( data.action === 'init' || data.action === 'abort' || data.action === 'saveFailure' ) { data[ actionPrefix + '_type' ] = data.type; } if ( data.action === 'init' || data.action === 'abort' ) { data[ actionPrefix + '_mechanism' ] = data.mechanism; } if ( data.action !== 'init' ) { data[ actionPrefix + '_timing' ] = data.timing === undefined ? 0 : Math.floor( data.timing ); } /* eslint-enable camelcase */ // Remove renamed properties delete data.type; delete data.mechanism; delete data.timing; return data; }, // Transforms the data produced by the callback above into an event name/custom data pair // to be logged via the Metrics Platform. function ( data ) { var actionPrefix = actionPrefixMap[ data.action ] || data.action, eventName = 'eas.wt.' + actionPrefix, customData = $.extend( {}, data ); delete customData.version; delete customData.action; // Sampling rate (and therefore whether a stream should oversample) is captured in // the stream config ($wgEventStreams). delete customData.is_oversample; delete customData.page_token; delete customData.session_token; // Platform can be derived from the agent_client_platform_family context attribute // mixed in by the JavaScript Metrics Platform Client. The context attribute will be // "desktop_browser" or "mobile_browser" depending on whether the MobileFrontend // extension has signalled that it is enabled. delete customData.platform; delete customData.page_id; delete customData.page_title; delete customData.page_ns; // If the revision ID can be fetched from the config, then it will be mixed in by the // JavaScript Metrics Platform Client. if ( mw.config.exists( 'wgRevisionId' ) ) { delete customData.revision_id; } delete customData.user_id; delete customData.user_editcount; delete customData.mw_version; return [ eventName, customData ]; } ); var logEditFeature = sampledLogger( 'VisualEditorFeatureUse', function ( inSample, feature, action ) { /* eslint-disable camelcase */ var data = { feature: feature, action: action, editingSessionId: editingSessionId, user_id: mw.user.getId(), user_editcount: mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCount', 0 ), platform: 'desktop', // FIXME T249944 integration: 'page', editor_interface: 'wikitext' }; addABTestData( data ); /* eslint-enable camelcase */ return data; } ); function logAbort( switchingToVE, unmodified ) { if ( switchingToVE ) { logEditFeature( 'editor-switch', 'visual-desktop' ); } var abortType; if ( switchingToVE && unmodified ) { abortType = 'switchnochange'; } else if ( switchingToVE ) { abortType = 'switchwithout'; } else if ( unmodified ) { abortType = 'nochange'; } else { abortType = 'abandon'; } logEditEvent( 'abort', { type: abortType } ); } $( function () { var $textarea = $( '#wpTextbox1' ), $editingSessionIdInput = $( '#editingStatsId' ), origText = $textarea.val(); // T263505, T249038 $( '#wikieditorUsed' ).val( 'yes' ); if ( $editingSessionIdInput.length ) { editingSessionId = $editingSessionIdInput.val(); if ( window.performance && window.performance.timing ) { // We want to track from the time the user started to try to // launch the editor which navigationStart approximates. All // of our supported browsers *should* allow this. Rather than // fall back to the timestamp when the page loaded for those // that don't, we just ignore them, so as to not skew the // results towards better-performance in those cases. var readyTime = Date.now(); logEditEvent( 'ready', { timing: readyTime - window.performance.timing.navigationStart } ); $textarea.on( 'wikiEditor-toolbar-doneInitialSections', function () { logEditEvent( 'loaded', { timing: Date.now() - window.performance.timing.navigationStart } ); } ).one( 'input', function () { logEditEvent( 'firstChange', { timing: Date.now() - readyTime } ); } ); } var $form = $textarea.closest( 'form' ); if ( mw.user.options.get( 'uselivepreview' ) ) { $form.find( '#wpPreview' ).on( 'click', function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-live' ); } ); } var submitting; $form.on( 'submit', function () { submitting = true; } ); var onUnloadFallback = window.onunload; window.onunload = function () { var unmodified = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) !== 'submit' && origText === $textarea.val(), caVeEdit = $( '#ca-ve-edit' )[ 0 ], switchingToVE = caVeEdit && ( document.activeElement === caVeEdit || $.contains( caVeEdit, document.activeElement ) ); var fallbackResult; if ( onUnloadFallback ) { fallbackResult = onUnloadFallback(); } if ( !submitting ) { logAbort( switchingToVE, unmodified ); } // If/when the user uses the back button to go back to the edit form // and the browser serves this from bfcache, regenerate the session ID // so we don't use the same ID twice. Ideally we'd do this by listening to the pageshow // event and checking e.originalEvent.persisted, but that doesn't work in Chrome: // https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=344507 // So instead we modify the DOM here, after sending the abort event. editingSessionId = mw.user.generateRandomSessionId(); $editingSessionIdInput.val( editingSessionId ); return fallbackResult; }; $textarea.on( 'wikiEditor-switching-visualeditor', function () { var unmodified = mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) !== 'submit' && origText === $textarea.val(); // A non-navigation switch to VE has occurred. As such, avoid eventually // double-logging an abort when VE is done. window.onunload = onUnloadFallback; logAbort( true, unmodified ); } ); // Add logging for Realtime Preview. mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.enable' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-on' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.inuse' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-inuse' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.disable' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-off' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.loaded' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-loaded' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.stop' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-error-stopped' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.reloadError' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-reload-error' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.reloadHover' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-reload-hover' ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.reloadManual' ).add( function () { logEditFeature( 'preview', 'preview-realtime-reload-manual' ); } ); } // The old toolbar is still in place and needs to be removed so there aren't two toolbars $( '#toolbar' ).remove(); // Add toolbar module // TODO: Implement .wikiEditor( 'remove' ) mw.addWikiEditor( $textarea ); } ); mw.addWikiEditor = function ( $textarea ) { if ( $textarea.css( 'display' ) === 'none' ) { return; } $textarea.wikiEditor( 'addModule', require( './jquery.wikiEditor.toolbar.config.js' ) ); var dialogsConfig = require( './jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js' ); // Replace icons dialogsConfig.replaceIcons( $textarea ); // Add dialogs module $textarea.wikiEditor( 'addModule', dialogsConfig.getDefaultConfig() ); }; }() );