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synced 2025-01-07 02:34:18 +00:00
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383 lines
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383 lines
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require( './EditCheckContextItem.js' );
require( './EditCheckInspector.js' );
mw.editcheck = {};
mw.editcheck.config = require( './config.json' );
mw.editcheck.accountShouldSeeEditCheck = function ( config ) {
// account status:
// loggedin, loggedout, or any-other-value meaning 'both'
// we'll count temporary users as "logged out" by using isNamed here
if ( config.account === 'loggedout' && mw.user.isNamed() ) {
return false;
if ( config.account === 'loggedin' && !mw.user.isNamed() ) {
return false;
if ( config.maximumEditcount && mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCount', 0 ) > config.maximumEditcount ) {
return false;
return true;
mw.editcheck.shouldApplyToSection = function ( documentModel, selection, config ) {
const ignoreSections = config.ignoreSections || [];
if ( ignoreSections.length === 0 && !config.ignoreLeadSection ) {
// Nothing is forbidden, so everything is permitted
return true;
const isHeading = function ( nodeType ) {
return nodeType === 'mwHeading';
// Note: we set a limit of 1 here because otherwise this will turn around
// to keep looking when it hits the document boundary:
const heading = documentModel.getNearestNodeMatching( isHeading, selection.getRange().start, -1, 1 );
if ( !heading ) {
// There's no preceding heading, so work out if we count as being in a
// lead section. It's only a lead section if there's more headings
// later in the document, otherwise it's just a stub article.
return !(
config.ignoreLeadSection &&
!!documentModel.getNearestNodeMatching( isHeading, selection.getRange().start, 1 )
if ( ignoreSections.length === 0 ) {
// There's nothing left to deny
return true;
const compare = new Intl.Collator( documentModel.getLang(), { sensitivity: 'accent' } ).compare;
const headingText = documentModel.data.getText( false, heading.getRange() );
for ( let i = ignoreSections.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( compare( headingText, ignoreSections[ i ] ) === 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
* Find added content in the document model that might need a reference
* @param {ve.dm.DocumentModel} documentModel Document model
* @param {boolean} [includeReferencedContent] Include content ranges that already
* have a reference.
* @return {ve.dm.Selection[]} Content ranges that might need a reference
mw.editcheck.findAddedContentNeedingReference = function ( documentModel, includeReferencedContent ) {
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) !== mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' )[ '' ] ) {
return [];
if ( !documentModel.completeHistory.getLength() ) {
return [];
let operations;
try {
operations = documentModel.completeHistory.squash().transactions[ 0 ].operations;
} catch ( err ) {
// TransactionSquasher can sometimes throw errors; until T333710 is
// fixed just count this as not needing a reference.
mw.errorLogger.logError( err, 'error.visualeditor' );
return [];
const ranges = [];
let offset = 0;
const endOffset = documentModel.getDocumentRange().end;
operations.every( ( op ) => {
if ( op.type === 'retain' ) {
offset += op.length;
} else if ( op.type === 'replace' ) {
const insertedRange = new ve.Range( offset, offset + op.insert.length );
offset += op.insert.length;
// 1. Only trigger if the check is a pure insertion, with no adjacent content removed (T340088)
if ( op.remove.length === 0 ) {
// 2. Only fully inserted paragraphs (ranges that cover the whole node) (T345121)
mw.editcheck.getContentRanges( documentModel, insertedRange, true )
// Reached the end of the doc / start of internal list, stop searching
return offset < endOffset;
} );
const addedTextRanges = ranges.filter( ( range ) => {
const minimumCharacters = mw.editcheck.config.addReference.minimumCharacters;
// 3. Check that at least minimumCharacters characters have been inserted sequentially
if ( range.getLength() >= minimumCharacters ) {
// 4. Exclude any ranges that already contain references
if ( !includeReferencedContent ) {
for ( let i = range.start; i < range.end; i++ ) {
if ( documentModel.data.isElementData( i ) && documentModel.data.getType( i ) === 'mwReference' ) {
return false;
// 5. Exclude any ranges that aren't at the document root (i.e. image captions, table cells)
const branchNode = documentModel.getBranchNodeFromOffset( range.start );
if ( branchNode.getParent() !== documentModel.attachedRoot ) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
} );
return addedTextRanges
.map( ( range ) => new ve.dm.LinearSelection( range ) )
.filter( ( selection ) => mw.editcheck.shouldApplyToSection( documentModel, selection, mw.editcheck.config.addReference ) );
* Return the content ranges (content branch node interiors) contained within a range
* For a content branch node entirely contained within the range, its entire interior
* range will be included. For a content branch node overlapping with the range boundary,
* only the covered part of its interior range will be included.
* @param {ve.dm.Document} documentModel The documentModel to search
* @param {ve.Range} range The range to include
* @param {boolean} covers Only include ranges which cover the whole of their node
* @return {ve.Range[]} The contained content ranges (content branch node interiors)
mw.editcheck.getContentRanges = function ( documentModel, range, covers ) {
const ranges = [];
documentModel.selectNodes( range, 'branches' ).forEach( ( spec ) => {
if (
spec.node.canContainContent() && (
!covers || (
!spec.range || // an empty range means the node is covered
spec.range.equalsSelection( spec.nodeRange )
) {
ranges.push( spec.range || spec.nodeRange );
} );
return ranges;
mw.editcheck.rejections = [];
mw.editcheck.getRejectionReasons = function () {
return mw.editcheck.rejections;
mw.editcheck.refCheckShown = false;
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ).editCheckTagging ) {
mw.hook( 've.activationComplete' ).add( () => {
const target = ve.init.target;
function getRefNodes() {
// The firstNodes list is a numerically indexed array of reference nodes in the document.
// The list is append only, and removed references are set to undefined in place.
// To check if a new reference is being published, we just need to know if a reference
// with an index beyond the initial list (initLength) is still set.
const internalList = target.getSurface().getModel().getDocument().getInternalList();
const group = internalList.getNodeGroup( 'mwReference/' );
return group ? group.firstNodes || [] : [];
const initLength = getRefNodes().length;
target.saveFields.vetags = function () {
const refNodes = getRefNodes();
const newLength = refNodes.length;
let newNodesInDoc = false;
for ( let i = initLength; i < newLength; i++ ) {
if ( refNodes[ i ] ) {
newNodesInDoc = true;
const tags = [];
if ( newNodesInDoc ) {
tags.push( 'editcheck-newreference' );
if ( mw.editcheck.refCheckShown ) {
tags.push( 'editcheck-references-activated' );
return tags.join( ',' );
} );
mw.hook( 've.deactivationComplete' ).add( () => {
const target = ve.init.target;
delete target.saveFields.vetags;
} );
if (
( mw.config.get( 'wgVisualEditorConfig' ).editCheck && mw.editcheck.accountShouldSeeEditCheck( mw.editcheck.config.addReference ) ) ||
// ecenable will bypass normal account-status checks as well:
new URL( location.href ).searchParams.get( 'ecenable' ) ||
) {
let saveProcessDeferred;
mw.hook( 've.preSaveProcess' ).add( ( saveProcess, target ) => {
const surface = target.getSurface();
if ( surface.getMode() !== 'visual' ) {
// Some checks will entirely work in source mode for most cases.
// But others will fail spectacularly -- e.g. reference check
// isn't aware of <ref> tags and so will suggest that all content
// has references added. As such, disable in source mode for now.
// clear rejection-reasons between runs of the save process, so only the last one counts
mw.editcheck.rejections.length = 0;
const selections = mw.editcheck.findAddedContentNeedingReference( surface.getModel().getDocument() );
if ( selections.length ) {
mw.editcheck.refCheckShown = true;
const surfaceView = surface.getView();
const toolbar = target.getToolbar();
const reviewToolbar = new ve.ui.PositionedTargetToolbar( target, target.toolbarConfig );
reviewToolbar.setup( [
name: 'back',
type: 'bar',
include: [ 'editCheckBack' ]
// Placeholder toolbar groups
// TODO: Make a proper TitleTool?
name: 'title',
type: 'bar',
include: []
name: 'save',
// TODO: MobileArticleTarget should ignore 'align'
align: OO.ui.isMobile() ? 'before' : 'after',
type: 'bar',
include: [ 'showSaveDisabled' ]
], surface );
reviewToolbar.items[ 1 ].$element.removeClass( 'oo-ui-toolGroup-empty' );
reviewToolbar.items[ 1 ].$group.append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 've-ui-editCheck-toolbar-title' ).text( ve.msg( 'editcheck-dialog-title' ) )
if ( OO.ui.isMobile() ) {
reviewToolbar.$element.addClass( 've-init-mw-mobileArticleTarget-toolbar' );
target.toolbar.$element.before( reviewToolbar.$element );
target.toolbar = reviewToolbar;
const selection = selections[ 0 ];
const highlightNodes = surfaceView.getDocument().selectNodes( selection.getCoveringRange(), 'branches' ).map( ( spec ) => spec.node );
surfaceView.drawSelections( 'editCheck', [ ve.ce.Selection.static.newFromModel( selection, surfaceView ) ] );
surfaceView.setReviewMode( true, highlightNodes );
toolbar.toggle( false );
saveProcess.next( () => {
saveProcessDeferred = ve.createDeferred();
const fragment = surface.getModel().getFragment( selection, true );
const context = surface.getContext();
// Select the found content to correctly the context on desktop
// Deactivate to prevent selection suppressing mobile context
context.addPersistentSource( {
embeddable: false,
data: {
fragment: fragment,
saveProcessDeferred: saveProcessDeferred
name: 'editCheckReferences'
} );
// Once the context is positioned, clear the selection
setTimeout( () => {
} );
return saveProcessDeferred.promise().then( ( data ) => {
context.removePersistentSource( 'editCheckReferences' );
surfaceView.drawSelections( 'editCheck', [] );
surfaceView.setReviewMode( false );
toolbar.toggle( true );
target.toolbar = toolbar;
// Check the user inserted a citation
if ( data && data.action ) {
if ( data.action !== 'reject' ) {
mw.notify( ve.msg( 'editcheck-dialog-addref-success-notify' ), { type: 'success' } );
} else if ( data.reason ) {
mw.editcheck.rejections.push( data.reason );
const delay = ve.createDeferred();
// If they inserted, wait 2 seconds on desktop before showing save dialog
setTimeout( () => {
}, !OO.ui.isMobile() && data.action !== 'reject' ? 2000 : 0 );
return delay.promise();
} else {
return ve.createDeferred().reject().promise();
} );
} );
} );
mw.hook( 've.deactivationComplete' ).add( () => {
if ( saveProcessDeferred ) {
} );
ve.ui.EditCheckBack = function VeUiEditCheckBack() {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.super.apply( this, arguments );
this.setDisabled( false );
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.EditCheckBack, ve.ui.Tool );
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.static.name = 'editCheckBack';
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.static.icon = 'previous';
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.static.autoAddToCatchall = false;
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.static.autoAddToGroup = false;
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.static.title =
OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-backbutton-tooltip' );
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.prototype.onSelect = function () {
const context = this.toolbar.getSurface().getContext();
if ( context.inspector ) {
} else {
context.items[ 0 ].close();
this.setActive( false );
ve.ui.EditCheckBack.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {
this.setDisabled( false );
ve.ui.toolFactory.register( ve.ui.EditCheckBack );
ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled = function VeUiEditCheckSaveDisabled() {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled.super.apply( this, arguments );
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled, ve.ui.MWSaveTool );
ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled.static.name = 'showSaveDisabled';
ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled.static.autoAddToCatchall = false;
ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled.static.autoAddToGroup = false;
ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {
this.setDisabled( true );
ve.ui.toolFactory.register( ve.ui.EditCheckSaveDisabled );