Brad Jorsch 1bcdb0374a ApiVisualEditorEdit: ApiParse ignores 'page' when 'oldid' is supplied
And since Iae0e2ce3 supplying both is an error.

Bug: T152547
Change-Id: Ib1b35c886bbebfe8505c52a944a8252d8174c979
2016-12-07 18:53:54 -08:00

434 lines
13 KiB

* Parsoid/RESTBase+MediaWiki API wrapper.
* @file
* @ingroup Extensions
* @copyright 2011-2016 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
use \MediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactory;
class ApiVisualEditorEdit extends ApiVisualEditor {
public function __construct( ApiMain $main, $name, Config $config ) {
parent::__construct( $main, $name, $config );
protected function saveWikitext( $title, $wikitext, $params ) {
$apiParams = [
'action' => 'edit',
'title' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'text' => $wikitext,
'summary' => $params['summary'],
'basetimestamp' => $params['basetimestamp'],
'starttimestamp' => $params['starttimestamp'],
'token' => $params['token'],
if ( $params['minor'] ) {
$apiParams['minor'] = true;
} else {
$apiParams['notminor'] = true;
// FIXME add some way that the user's preferences can be respected
$apiParams['watchlist'] = $params['watch'] ? 'watch' : 'unwatch';
if ( $params['captchaid'] ) {
$apiParams['captchaid'] = $params['captchaid'];
if ( $params['captchaword'] ) {
$apiParams['captchaword'] = $params['captchaword'];
$api = new ApiMain(
new DerivativeRequest(
$apiParams + $this->getRequest()->getValues(),
true // was posted
true // enable write
return $api->getResult()->getResultData();
protected function parseWikitext( $newRevId ) {
$apiParams = [
'action' => 'parse',
'oldid' => $newRevId,
'prop' => 'text|revid|categorieshtml|displaytitle|modules|jsconfigvars',
$api = new ApiMain(
new DerivativeRequest(
false // was posted?
true // enable write?
$result = $api->getResult()->getResultData( null, [
'BC' => [], // Transform content nodes to '*'
'Types' => [], // Add back-compat subelements
'Strip' => 'all', // Remove any metadata keys from the links array
] );
$content = isset( $result['parse']['text']['*'] ) ? $result['parse']['text']['*'] : false;
$categorieshtml = isset( $result['parse']['categorieshtml']['*'] ) ?
$result['parse']['categorieshtml']['*'] : false;
$links = isset( $result['parse']['links'] ) ? $result['parse']['links'] : [];
$revision = Revision::newFromId( $result['parse']['revid'] );
$timestamp = $revision ? $revision->getTimestamp() : wfTimestampNow();
$displaytitle = isset( $result['parse']['displaytitle'] ) ?
$result['parse']['displaytitle'] : false;
$modules = isset( $result['parse']['modules'] ) ? $result['parse']['modules'] : [];
$jsconfigvars = isset( $result['parse']['jsconfigvars'] ) ?
$result['parse']['jsconfigvars'] : [];
if ( $content === false || ( strlen( $content ) && $revision === null ) ) {
return false;
if ( $displaytitle !== false ) {
// Escape entities as in OutputPage::setPageTitle()
$displaytitle = Sanitizer::normalizeCharReferences(
Sanitizer::removeHTMLtags( $displaytitle ) );
return [
'content' => $content,
'categorieshtml' => $categorieshtml,
'basetimestamp' => $timestamp,
'starttimestamp' => wfTimestampNow(),
'displayTitleHtml' => $displaytitle,
'modules' => $modules,
'jsconfigvars' => $jsconfigvars
protected function tryDeflate( $content ) {
if ( substr( $content, 0, 11 ) === 'rawdeflate,' ) {
$deflated = base64_decode( substr( $content, 11 ) );
$inflated = gzinflate( $deflated );
if ( $deflated === $inflated || $inflated === false ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-invaliddeflate', 'invaliddeflate' );
return $inflated;
return $content;
protected function getWikitext( $title, $params, $parserParams ) {
if ( $params['cachekey'] !== null ) {
$wikitext = $this->trySerializationCache( $params['cachekey'] );
if ( !is_string( $wikitext ) ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-badcachekey', 'badcachekey' );
} else {
$wikitext = $this->getWikitextNoCache( $title, $params, $parserParams );
return $wikitext;
protected function getWikitextNoCache( $title, $params, $parserParams ) {
$this->requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, 'html' );
$wikitext = $this->postHTML(
$title, $this->tryDeflate( $params['html'] ), $parserParams, $params['etag']
if ( $wikitext === false ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-docserver', 'docserver' );
return $wikitext;
protected function storeInSerializationCache( $title, $wikitext ) {
global $wgMemc;
if ( $wikitext === false ) {
return false;
// Store the corresponding wikitext, referenceable by a new key
$hash = md5( $wikitext );
$key = wfMemcKey( 'visualeditor', 'serialization', $hash );
$wgMemc->set( $key, $wikitext,
$this->veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorSerializationCacheTimeout' ) );
// Also parse and prepare the edit in case it might be saved later
$page = WikiPage::factory( $title );
$content = ContentHandler::makeContent( $wikitext, $title, CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT );
$status = ApiStashEdit::parseAndStash( $page, $content, $this->getUser(), '' );
if ( $status === ApiStashEdit::ERROR_NONE ) {
$logger = LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'StashEdit' );
$logger->debug( "Cached parser output for VE content key '$key'." );
$this->getStats()->increment( "editstash.ve_cache_stores.$status" );
return $hash;
protected function trySerializationCache( $hash ) {
global $wgMemc;
$key = wfMemcKey( 'visualeditor', 'serialization', $hash );
return $wgMemc->get( $key );
protected function postData( $path, $title, $data, $parserParams, $etag ) {
if ( $parserParams['oldid'] === 0 ) {
$parserParams['oldid'] = '';
$path .= urlencode( $title->getPrefixedDBkey() );
if ( $parserParams['oldid'] ) {
$path .= '/' . $parserParams['oldid'];
return $this->requestRestbase(
'POST', $path, $data,
[ 'If-Match' => $etag ]
protected function postHTML( $title, $html, $parserParams, $etag ) {
return $this->postData(
'transform/html/to/wikitext/', $title,
[ 'html' => $html, 'scrub_wikitext' => 1 ], $parserParams, $etag
protected function diffWikitext( $title, $wikitext, $section = null ) {
$apiParams = [
'action' => 'query',
'prop' => 'revisions',
'titles' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(),
'rvdifftotext' => $this->pstWikitext( $title, $wikitext ),
'rvsection' => $section
$api = new ApiMain(
new DerivativeRequest(
false // was posted?
false // enable write?
$result = $api->getResult()->getResultData( null, [
'BC' => [], // Transform content nodes to '*'
'Types' => [], // Add back-compat subelements
] );
if ( !isset( $result['query']['pages'][$title->getArticleID()]['revisions'][0]['diff']['*'] ) ) {
return [ 'result' => 'fail' ];
$diffRows = $result['query']['pages'][$title->getArticleID()]['revisions'][0]['diff']['*'];
if ( $diffRows !== '' ) {
$context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() );
$context->setTitle( $title );
$engine = new DifferenceEngine( $context );
return [
'result' => 'success',
'diff' => $engine->addHeader(
$context->msg( 'currentrev' )->parse(),
$context->msg( 'yourtext' )->parse()
} else {
return [ 'result' => 'nochanges' ];
public function execute() {
$user = $this->getUser();
$params = $this->extractRequestParams();
$title = Title::newFromText( $params['page'] );
if ( !$title ) {
$this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-invalidtitle', wfEscapeWikiText( $params['page'] ) ] );
$parserParams = [];
if ( isset( $params['oldid'] ) ) {
$parserParams['oldid'] = $params['oldid'];
if ( isset( $params['wikitext'] ) ) {
$wikitext = $params['wikitext'];
} else {
$wikitext = $this->getWikitext( $title, $params, $parserParams );
if ( $params['paction'] === 'serialize' ) {
$result = [ 'result' => 'success', 'content' => $wikitext ];
} elseif ( $params['paction'] === 'serializeforcache' ) {
$key = $this->storeInSerializationCache(
$result = [ 'result' => 'success', 'cachekey' => $key ];
} elseif ( $params['paction'] === 'diff' ) {
$section = isset( $params['section'] ) ? $params['section'] : null;
$diff = $this->diffWikitext( $title, $wikitext, $section );
if ( $diff['result'] === 'fail' ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-difffailed', 'difffailed' );
$result = $diff;
} elseif ( $params['paction'] === 'save' ) {
$saveresult = $this->saveWikitext( $title, $wikitext, $params );
$editStatus = $saveresult['edit']['result'];
// Error
if ( $editStatus !== 'Success' ) {
$result = [
'result' => 'error',
'edit' => $saveresult['edit']
if ( isset( $saveresult['edit']['spamblacklist'] ) ) {
$matches = explode( '|', $saveresult['edit']['spamblacklist'] );
$matcheslist = $this->getLanguage()->listToText( $matches );
$result['edit']['sberrorparsed'] = $this->msg( 'spamprotectiontext' )->parse() . ' ' .
$this->msg( 'spamprotectionmatch', $matcheslist )->parse();
// Success
} else {
if ( isset( $saveresult['edit']['newrevid'] ) ) {
$newRevId = intval( $saveresult['edit']['newrevid'] );
if ( $this->veConfig->get( 'VisualEditorUseChangeTagging' ) ) {
// Defer till after the RC row is inserted
// @TODO: doEditContent should let callers specify desired tags
$tag = $params['wikitext'] ? 'visualeditor-wikitext' : 'visualeditor';
DeferredUpdates::addCallableUpdate( function() use ( $tag, $newRevId ) {
ChangeTags::addTags( $tag, null, $newRevId, null );
} );
} else {
$newRevId = $title->getLatestRevId();
// Return result of parseWikitext instead of saveWikitext so that the
// frontend can update the page rendering without a refresh.
$result = $this->parseWikitext( $newRevId );
if ( $result === false ) {
$this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-docserver', 'docserver' );
$result['isRedirect'] = (string) $title->isRedirect();
if ( class_exists( 'FlaggablePageView' ) ) {
$view = FlaggablePageView::singleton();
$originalRequest = $view->getContext()->getRequest();
$originalTitle = RequestContext::getMain()->getTitle();
// Defeat !$this->isPageView( $request ) || $request->getVal( 'oldid' ) check in setPageContent
$newRequest = new DerivativeRequest(
'diff' => null,
'oldid' => '',
'title' => $title->getPrefixedText(),
'action' => 'view'
] + $this->getRequest()->getValues()
$view->getContext()->setRequest( $newRequest );
RequestContext::getMain()->setTitle( $title );
// The two parameters here are references but we don't care
// about what FlaggedRevs does with them.
$outputDone = null;
$useParserCache = null;
$view->setPageContent( $outputDone, $useParserCache );
$view->getContext()->setRequest( $originalRequest );
RequestContext::getMain()->setTitle( $originalTitle );
$context = new RequestContext;
$context->setTitle( $title );
$tempOut = new OutputPage( $context );
$tempOut->setArticleFlag( true );
$subpagestr = $this->getSkin()->subPageSubtitle( $tempOut );
if ( $subpagestr !== '' ) {
$subpagestr = '<span class="subpages">' . $subpagestr . '</span>';
$result['contentSub'] = $subpagestr . $this->getOutput()->getSubtitle();
$lang = $this->getLanguage();
if ( isset( $saveresult['edit']['newtimestamp'] ) ) {
$ts = $saveresult['edit']['newtimestamp'];
$result['lastModified'] = [
'date' => $lang->userDate( $ts, $user ),
'time' => $lang->userTime( $ts, $user )
if ( isset( $saveresult['edit']['newrevid'] ) ) {
$result['newrevid'] = intval( $saveresult['edit']['newrevid'] );
$result['result'] = 'success';
$this->getResult()->addValue( null, $this->getModuleName(), $result );
public function getAllowedParams() {
return [
'paction' => [
ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => [
ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT => 'save',
'page' => [
ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
'token' => [
ApiBase::PARAM_REQUIRED => true,
'wikitext' => null,
'section' => null,
'basetimestamp' => null,
'starttimestamp' => null,
'oldid' => null,
'minor' => null,
'watch' => null,
'html' => null,
'etag' => null,
'summary' => null,
'captchaid' => null,
'captchaword' => null,
'cachekey' => null,
public function needsToken() {
return 'csrf';
public function mustBePosted() {
return true;
public function isWriteMode() {
return true;