Ed Sanders f0e9ec7922 Fix issues with copy-pasting MWTransclusionNodes
* Implement getClonedElement to remove originalDomElements
  and originalMw. We don't want to put these in the clipboard
  as there is no guarantee they are the rendering of the current
  set of parameters (a refresh may be in progress) and they may
  confuse the converter on the way back in.
  Remove about attribute to prevent about grouping of duplicated
* Set an extra attribute to flag that the outputted DOM doesn't
  have any generated content attached to it that can be stored
  on load.
* Check for said attribute in toDataElement and skip the
  storeGeneratedContents step. This will trigger an async update
  of the generated contents on paste.

* Call cloneElements before writing to pasteTarget so data in external
  clipboard is stripped of generated contents.
* Only strip data-parsoid as other attributes may be meaningful.,
* Update tests

Bug: 58241
Change-Id: I3e15cc97e94747647078204a0b398e6ac3ec6382
2013-12-12 00:02:11 +00:00

2121 lines
63 KiB

* VisualEditor ContentEditable Surface class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
/*global rangy */
* ContentEditable surface.
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.Element
* @mixins OO.EventEmitter
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} $container
* @param {} model Surface model to observe
* @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface user interface
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ce.Surface = function VeCeSurface( model, surface, options ) {
var $documentNode;
// Parent constructor this, options );
// Mixin constructors this );
// Properties
this.surface = surface;
this.inIme = false;
this.model = model;
this.documentView = new ve.ce.Document( model.getDocument(), this );
this.surfaceObserver = new ve.ce.SurfaceObserver( this.documentView );
this.selectionTimeout = null;
this.$document = this.$( this.getElementDocument() );
this.eventSequencer = new ve.EventSequencer( [
'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'mousedown', 'mouseup',
'mousemove', 'compositionstart', 'compositionend'
] );
this.clipboard = [];
this.clipboardId = String( Math.random() );
this.renderLocks = 0;
this.dragging = false;
this.relocating = false;
this.selecting = false;
this.resizing = false;
this.contentBranchNodeChanged = false;
this.$phantoms = this.$( '<div>' );
this.$highlights = this.$( '<div>' );
this.$pasteTarget = this.$( '<div>' );
this.pasting = false;
this.pasteSpecial = false;
this.clickHistory = [];
this.focusedNode = null;
// This is set on entering changeModel, then unset when leaving.
// It is used to test whether a reflected change event is emitted.
this.newModelSelection = null;
// Events
this, { 'contentChange': 'onContentChange', 'selectionChange': 'onSelectionChange' }
this.model.connect( this,
{ 'select': 'onModelSelect', 'documentUpdate': 'onModelDocumentUpdate' }
$documentNode = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$element;
$documentNode.on( {
'cut': ve.bind( this.onCut, this ),
'copy': ve.bind( this.onCopy, this )
} );
this.$pasteTarget.on( {
'cut': ve.bind( this.onCut, this ),
'copy': ve.bind( this.onCopy, this )
} );
// blur and focus fire in the wrong order in jQuery 1.8 . Bind to the native events which do
// fire in the correct order.
$documentNode[0].addEventListener( 'focus', ve.bind( this.documentOnFocus, this ) );
$documentNode[0].addEventListener( 'blur', ve.bind( this.documentOnBlur, this ) );
// $pasteTarget is focused when selecting a FocusableNode
this.$pasteTarget[0].addEventListener( 'focus', ve.bind( this.documentOnFocus, this ) );
this.$pasteTarget[0].addEventListener( 'blur', ve.bind( this.documentOnBlur, this ) );
$documentNode.on( $.browser.msie ? 'beforepaste' : 'paste', ve.bind( this.onPaste, this ) );
$documentNode.on( 'focus', 'a', function () {
// Opera triggers 'blur' on document node before any link is
// focused and we don't want that
} );
this.$element.on( {
'dragover': ve.bind( this.onDocumentDragOver, this ),
'drop': ve.bind( this.onDocumentDrop, this )
} );
// Add listeners to the eventSequencer. They won't get called until
// eventSequencer.attach(node) has been called.
this.eventSequencer.on( {
'keydown': ve.bind( this.onDocumentKeyDown, this ),
'keyup': ve.bind( this.onDocumentKeyUp, this ),
'keypress': ve.bind( this.onDocumentKeyPress, this ),
'mousedown': ve.bind( this.onDocumentMouseDown, this ),
'mouseup': ve.bind( this.onDocumentMouseUp, this ),
'mousemove': ve.bind( this.onDocumentMouseMove, this ),
'compositionstart': ve.bind( this.onDocumentCompositionStart, this ),
'compositionend': ve.bind( this.onDocumentCompositionEnd, this )
} );
this.eventSequencer.after( {
'keypress': ve.bind( this.afterDocumentKeyPress, this )
} );
// Initialization
this.$element.addClass( 've-ce-surface' );
this.$phantoms.addClass( 've-ce-surface-phantoms' );
this.$highlights.addClass( 've-ce-surface-highlights' );
this.$pasteTarget.addClass( 've-ce-surface-paste' ).prop( 'contentEditable', 'true' );
// Add elements to the DOM
this.$element.append( this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$element, this.$pasteTarget );
this.surface.$localOverlayBlockers.append( this.$phantoms, this.$highlights );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ce.Surface, OO.ui.Element );
OO.mixinClass( ve.ce.Surface, OO.EventEmitter );
/* Events */
* @event selectionStart
* @event selectionEnd
* @event relocationStart
* @event relocationEnd
* @event focus
* Note that it's possible for a focus event to occur immediately after a blur event, if the focus
* moves to or from a FocusableNode. In this case the surface doesn't lose focus conceptually, but
* a pair of blur-focus events is emitted anyway.
* @event blur
* Note that it's possible for a focus event to occur immediately after a blur event, if the focus
* moves to or from a FocusableNode. In this case the surface doesn't lose focus conceptually, but
* a pair of blur-focus events is emitted anyway.
/* Static methods */
* When pasting, browsers normalize HTML to varying degrees.
* This hash creates a comparable string for validating clipboard contents.
* @param {jQuery} $elements Clipboard HTML elements
* @returns {string} Hash
ve.ce.Surface.static.getClipboardHash = function ( $elements ) {
var hash = '';
// Collect text contents, or just node name for content-less nodes.
$elements.each( function () {
hash += this.textContent || '<' + this.nodeName + '>';
} );
// Whitespace may be added/removed, so strip it all
return hash.replace( /\s/gm, '' );
/* Methods */
* Get the coordinates of the selection anchor.
* @method
* @returns {Object|null} { 'start': { 'x': ..., 'y': ... }, 'end': { 'x': ..., 'y': ... } }
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getSelectionRect = function () {
var sel, rect, $span, lineHeight, startRange, startOffset, endRange, endOffset, focusedOffset;
if ( this.focusedNode ) {
focusedOffset = this.focusedNode.$element.offset();
return {
'start': {
'x': focusedOffset.left,
'end': {
'x': focusedOffset.left + this.focusedNode.$element.width(),
'y': + this.focusedNode.$element.height()
if ( !rangy.initialized ) {
sel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
// We can't do anything if there's no selection
if ( sel.rangeCount === 0 ) {
return null;
rect = sel.getBoundingDocumentRect();
// Sometimes the selection will have invalid bounding rect information, which presents as all
// rectangle dimensions being 0 which causes #getStartDocumentPos and #getEndDocumentPos to
// throw exceptions
if ( === 0 || rect.bottom === 0 || rect.left === 0 || rect.right === 0 ) {
// Calculate starting range position
startRange = sel.getRangeAt( 0 );
$span = this.$( '<span>|</span>', startRange.startContainer.ownerDocument );
startRange.insertNode( $span[0] );
startOffset = $span.offset();
// Calculate ending range position
endRange = startRange.cloneRange();
endRange.collapse( false );
endRange.insertNode( $span[0] );
endOffset = $span.offset();
lineHeight = $span.height();
// Restore the selection
// Return the selection bounding rectangle
return {
'start': {
'x': startOffset.left,
'end': {
'x': endOffset.left,
// Adjust the vertical position by the line-height to get the bottom dimension
'y': + lineHeight
} else {
return {
'start': sel.getStartDocumentPos(),
'end': sel.getEndDocumentPos()
/*! Initialization */
* Initialize surface.
* This should be called after the surface has been attached to the DOM.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.initialize = function () {
if ( !rangy.initialized ) {
this.documentView.getDocumentNode().setLive( true );
// Turn off native object editing. This must be tried after the surface has been added to DOM.
try {
this.$document[0].execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, false );
this.$document[0].execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, false );
} catch ( e ) { /* Silently ignore */ }
* Enable editing.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.enable = function () {
* Disable editing.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.disable = function () {
* Destroy the surface, removing all DOM elements.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.destroy = function () {
this.documentView.getDocumentNode().setLive( false );
* Give focus to the surface, reapplying the model selection.
* This is used when switching between surfaces, e.g. when closing a dialog window.
* If the surface is already focused, this does nothing. In particular, the selection won't be
* reapplied.
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.focus = function () {
// Focus the documentNode for text selections, or the pasteTarget for focusedNode selections
if ( this.focusedNode ) {
} else {
// documentOnFocus takes care of the rest
/*! Native Browser Events */
* Handle document focus events.
* @method
* @param {Event} e Focus event (native event, NOT a jQuery event!)
* @fires focus
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnFocus = function ( e ) {
if ( === this.documentView.getDocumentNode().$element[0] && !this.focusedNode ) {
// The document node was focused (as opposed to the paste target)
// Restore the selection
this.onModelSelect( this.surface.getModel().getSelection() );
this.eventSequencer.attach( this.$element );
this.emit( 'focus' );
* Handle document blur events.
* @method
* @param {Event} e Blur event (native event, NOT a jQuery event!)
* @fires blur
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.documentOnBlur = function () {
this.dragging = false;
this.emit( 'blur' );
* Handle document mouse down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse down event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentMouseDown = function ( e ) {
var selection, node;
// Remember the mouse is down
this.dragging = true;
// Old code to figure out if user clicked inside the document or not - leave it here for now
// this.$( ).closest( '.ve-ce-documentNode' ).length === 0
if ( e.which === 1 ) {
// TODO: guard with incRenderLock?
// Handle triple click
if ( this.getClickCount( e.originalEvent ) >= 3 ) {
// Browser default behaviour for triple click won't behave as we want
selection = this.model.getSelection();
node = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
// Find the nearest non-content node
while ( node.parent !== null && node.model.isContent() ) {
node = node.parent;
this.model.setSelection( node.model.getRange() );
* Handle document mouse up events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse up event
* @fires selectionEnd
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentMouseUp = function ( e ) {
// TODO: guard with incRenderLock?
if ( !e.shiftKey && this.selecting ) {
this.emit( 'selectionEnd' );
this.selecting = false;
this.dragging = false;
* Handle document mouse move events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse move event
* @fires selectionStart
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentMouseMove = function () {
// Detect beginning of selection by moving mouse while dragging
if ( this.dragging && !this.selecting ) {
this.selecting = true;
this.emit( 'selectionStart' );
* Handle document dragover events.
* Limits native drag and drop behavior.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Drag over event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentDragOver = function () {
if ( !this.relocating ) {
return false;
} else if ( this.selecting ) {
this.emit( 'selectionEnd' );
this.selecting = false;
this.dragging = false;
* Handle document drop events.
* Limits native drag and drop behavior.
* TODO: Look into using drag and drop data transfer to embed the dragged element's original range
* (for dragging within one document) and serialized linear model data (for dragging between
* multiple documents) and use a special mimetype, like application-x/VisualEditor, to allow
* dragover and drop events on the surface, removing the need to give the surface explicit
* instructions to allow and prevent dragging and dropping a certain node.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Drag drop event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentDrop = function ( e ) {
var node = this.relocating;
if ( node ) {
// Process drop operation after native drop has been prevented below
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
var dropPoint, nodeData, originFragment, targetFragment,
nodeRange = node.getModel().getOuterRange();
// Get a fragment from the drop point
dropPoint = rangy.positionFromPoint(
e.originalEvent.pageX - this.$document.scrollLeft(),
e.originalEvent.pageY - this.$document.scrollTop()
if ( !dropPoint ) {
// Getting position from point supported
return false;
targetFragment = this.model.getFragment(
new ve.Range( ve.ce.getOffset( dropPoint.node, dropPoint.offset ) ), false
// Get a fragment and data of the node being dragged
originFragment = this.model.getFragment( nodeRange, false );
nodeData = originFragment.getData();
// Remove node from old location (auto-updates targetFragment's range)
// Re-insert node at new location and re-select it
targetFragment.insertContent( nodeData ).select();
}, this ) );
return false;
* Handle document key down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key down event
* @fires selectionStart
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentKeyDown = function ( e ) {
var trigger,
updateFromModel = false;
// Ignore keydowns while in IME mode but do not preventDefault them (so text actually appear on
// the screen).
if ( this.inIme === true ) {
// When entering IME mode IE first keydown (e.which = 229) before it fires compositionstart, so
// IME detection have to happen here instead of onDocumentCompositionStart.
// TODO: This code and code in onDocumentCompositionStart are very similar, consider moving them
// to one method.
if ( $.browser.msie === true && e.which === 229 ) {
this.inIme = true;
try {
// TODO: is this correct?
} finally {
switch ( e.keyCode ) {
case OO.ui.Keys.LEFT:
case OO.ui.Keys.RIGHT:
case OO.ui.Keys.UP:
case OO.ui.Keys.DOWN:
if ( !this.dragging && !this.selecting && e.shiftKey ) {
this.selecting = true;
this.emit( 'selectionStart' );
if ( ve.ce.isLeftOrRightArrowKey( e.keyCode ) ) {
this.handleLeftOrRightArrowKey( e );
} else {
this.handleUpOrDownArrowKey( e );
updateFromModel = true;
case OO.ui.Keys.ENTER:
this.handleEnter( e );
updateFromModel = true;
case OO.ui.Keys.BACKSPACE:
this.handleDelete( e, true );
updateFromModel = true;
case OO.ui.Keys.DELETE:
this.handleDelete( e, false );
updateFromModel = true;
trigger = new ve.ui.Trigger( e );
if ( trigger.isComplete() && this.surface.execute( trigger ) ) {
updateFromModel = true;
if ( !updateFromModel ) {
try {
} finally {
if ( !updateFromModel ) {
* Handle document key press events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key press event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentKeyPress = function ( e ) {
var selection, prevNode, documentModel = this.model.getDocument();
// Prevent IE from editing Aliens/Entities
// This is for cases like <p><div>alien</div></p>, to put the cursor outside
// the alien tag.
if ( $.browser.msie === true ) {
selection = this.model.getSelection();
if ( selection.start !== 0 && selection.isCollapsed() ) {
prevNode = documentModel.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start - 1 );
if (
!this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( selection.start ) &&
prevNode.isContent() && selection.start - 1 )
) {
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
// Filter out non-character keys. If those keys wouldn't be filtered out unexpected content
// deletion would occur in case when selection is not collapsed and user press home key for
// instance (Firefox fires keypress for home key).
// TODO: Should be covered with Selenium tests.
if ( e.which === 0 || e.charCode === 0 || ve.ce.isShortcutKey( e ) ) {
* Poll again after the native key press
* @param {jQuery.Event} ev
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.afterDocumentKeyPress = function () {
* Handle document key up events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Key up event
* @fires selectionEnd
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentKeyUp = function ( e ) {
// Detect end of selecting by letting go of shift
if ( !this.dragging && this.selecting && e.keyCode === OO.ui.Keys.SHIFT ) {
this.selecting = false;
this.emit( 'selectionEnd' );
* Handle cut events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Cut event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCut = function ( e ) {
// TODO: no pollOnce here: but should we add one?
this.onCopy( e );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
var selection, tx;
// We don't like how browsers cut, so let's undo it and do it ourselves.
this.$document[0].execCommand( 'undo', false, false );
selection = this.model.getSelection();
// Transact
tx = this.documentView.model, selection );
// Document may not have had real focus (e.g. with a FocusableNode)
this.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
}, this ) );
* Handle copy events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Copy event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onCopy = function ( e ) {
var rangyRange, sel, originalRange,
clipboardIndex, clipboardItem, pasteData,
view = this,
slice = this.model.documentModel.cloneSliceFromRange( this.model.getSelection() ),
clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData,
$window = this.$( OO.ui.Element.getWindow( this.$.context ) );
pasteData =;
// Clone the elements in the slice; = slice.getStore(); = slice.getInternalList(); slice.getData(), this.$pasteTarget[0] );
// Some browsers strip out spans when they match the styling of the
// paste target (e.g. plain spans) so we must protect against this
// by adding a dummy class, which we can remove after paste.
this.$pasteTarget.find( 'span' ).addClass( 've-pasteProtect' );
clipboardItem = { 'slice': slice, 'hash': null };
clipboardIndex = this.clipboard.push( clipboardItem ) - 1;
// Check we have setData and that it actually works (returns true)
if (
clipboardData && clipboardData.setData &&
clipboardData.setData( 'text/xcustom', '' ) &&
clipboardData.setData( 'text/html', '' )
) {
// Webkit allows us to directly edit the clipboard
// Disable the default event so we can override the data
clipboardData.setData( 'text/xcustom', this.clipboardId + '-' + clipboardIndex );
// As we've disabled the default event we need to set the normal clipboard data
clipboardData.setData( 'text/html', this.$pasteTarget.html() );
clipboardData.setData( 'text/plain', this.$pasteTarget.text() );
} else {
clipboardItem.hash = this.constructor.static.getClipboardHash( this.$pasteTarget.contents() );
this.$( '<span>' ).attr( 'data-ve-clipboard-key', this.clipboardId + '-' + clipboardIndex )
// If direct clipboard editing is not allowed, we must use the pasteTarget to
// select the data we want to go in the clipboard
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.getElementDocument() );
rangyRange.setStart( this.$pasteTarget[0], 0 );
rangyRange.setEnd( this.$pasteTarget[0], this.$pasteTarget[0].childNodes.length );
// Save scroll position before changing focus to "offscreen" paste target
scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
sel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
originalRange = sel.getRangeAt( 0 ).cloneRange();
sel.addRange( rangyRange, false );
setTimeout( function () {
sel = rangy.getSelection( view.getElementDocument() );
sel.addRange( originalRange );
$window.scrollTop( scrollTop );
} );
* Handle native paste event
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Paste event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onPaste = function ( e ) {
// Prevent pasting until after we are done
if ( this.pasting ) {
return false;
this.pasting = true;
this.beforePaste( e );
setTimeout( ve.bind( this.afterPaste, this, e ) );
* Handle pre-paste events.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Paste event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.beforePaste = function ( e ) {
var tx, node, range, rangyRange, sel,
context, leftText, rightText, textNode, textStart, textEnd,
$window = this.$( OO.ui.Element.getWindow( this.$.context ) ),
selection = this.model.getSelection(),
clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData,
doc = this.model.documentModel;
this.beforePasteData = {};
if ( clipboardData ) {
this.beforePasteData.custom = clipboardData.getData( 'text/xcustom' );
this.beforePasteData.html = clipboardData.getData( 'text/html' );
// TODO: no pollOnce here: but should we add one?
// Pasting into a range? Remove first.
if ( !rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] ).isCollapsed ) {
tx = doc, selection );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
this.model.change( tx, selection );
selection = this.model.getSelection();
// Save scroll position before changing focus to "offscreen" paste target
this.beforePasteData.scrollTop = $window.scrollTop();
// Get node from cursor position
node = doc.getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
if ( node.canContainContent() ) {
// If this is a content branch node, then add its DM HTML
// to the paste target to give CE some context.
textStart = textEnd = 0;
range = node.getRange();
context = [ node.getClonedElement() ];
// If there is content to the left of the cursor, put a placeholder
// character to the left of the cursor
if ( selection.start > range.start ) {
leftText = '☀';
context.push( leftText );
textStart = textEnd = 1;
// If there is content to the right of the cursor, put a placeholder
// character to the right of the cursor
if ( selection.end < range.end ) {
rightText = '☂';
context.push( rightText );
// If there is no text context, select some text to be replaced
if ( !leftText && !rightText ) {
context.push( '☁' );
textEnd = 1;
context.push( { 'type': '/' + context[0].type } ); = doc.getStore(); = doc.getInternalList(); context, this.$pasteTarget[0] );
// Giving the paste target focus too late can cause problems in FF (!?)
// so do it up here.
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.getElementDocument() );
// Assume that the DM node only generated one child
textNode = this.$pasteTarget.children().contents()[0];
// Place the cursor between the placeholder characters
rangyRange.setStart( textNode, textStart );
rangyRange.setEnd( textNode, textEnd );
sel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
sel.addRange( rangyRange, false );
this.beforePasteData.context = context;
this.beforePasteData.leftText = leftText;
this.beforePasteData.rightText = rightText;
} else {
// If we're not in a content branch node, don't bother trying to do
// anything clever with paste context
* Handle post-paste events.
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Paste event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.afterPaste = function () {
var clipboardKey, clipboardId, clipboardIndex,
$elements, parts, pasteData, slice, tx, internalListRange,
data, doc, htmlDoc,
context, left, right, contextRange,
beforePasteData = this.beforePasteData || {},
$window = this.$( OO.ui.Element.getWindow( this.$.context ) ),
selection = this.model.getSelection();
// If the selection doesn't collapse after paste then nothing was inserted
if ( !rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() ).isCollapsed ) {
// Remove the pasteProtect class. See #onCopy.
this.$pasteTarget.find( 'span' ).removeClass( 've-pasteProtect' );
// Find the clipboard key
if ( beforePasteData.custom ) {
clipboardKey = beforePasteData.custom;
} else {
$elements = beforePasteData.html ? this.$( $.parseHTML( beforePasteData.html ) ) : this.$pasteTarget.contents();
// Try to find the clipboard key hidden in the HTML
$elements = $elements.filter( function () {
var val = this.getAttribute && this.getAttribute( 'data-ve-clipboard-key' );
if ( val ) {
clipboardKey = val;
// Remove the clipboard key span once read
return false;
return true;
} );
// If we have a clipboard key, validate it and fetch data
if ( clipboardKey ) {
parts = clipboardKey.split( '-' );
clipboardId = parts[0];
clipboardIndex = parts[1];
if ( clipboardId === this.clipboardId && this.clipboard[clipboardIndex] ) {
// Hash validation: either text/xcustom was used or the hash must be
// equal to the hash of the pasted HTML to assert that the HTML
// hasn't been modified in another editor before being pasted back.
if ( beforePasteData.custom ||
this.clipboard[clipboardIndex].hash ===
this.constructor.static.getClipboardHash( $elements )
) {
slice = this.clipboard[clipboardIndex].slice;
if ( slice ) {
// Internal paste
try {
// Try to paste in the orignal data
// Take a copy to prevent the data being annotated a second time in the catch block
// and to prevent actions in the data model affecting view.clipboard
pasteData = new
ve.copy( slice.getOriginalData() )
if ( this.pasteSpecial ) {
pasteData.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), true );
// Annotate pasteData.getData(), this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() );
// Transaction
tx =
} catch ( err ) {
// If that fails, use the balanced data
// Take a copy to prevent actions in the data model affecting view.clipboard
pasteData = new
ve.copy( slice.getBalancedData() )
if ( this.pasteSpecial ) {
pasteData.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), true );
// Annotate pasteData.getData(), this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() );
// Transaction
tx =
} else {
if ( clipboardKey && beforePasteData.html ) {
// If the clipboardKey is set (paste from other VE instance), and clipboard
// data is available, then make sure important spans haven't been dropped
if ( !$elements ) {
$elements = this.$( $.parseHTML( beforePasteData.html ) );
if (
$elements.filter( 'span[id],span[typeof],span[rel]' ).length > 0 &&
this.$pasteTarget.filter('span[id],span[typeof],span[rel]').length === 0
) {
// CE destroyed an important span, so revert to using clipboard data
htmlDoc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( beforePasteData.html );
// Remove the pasteProtect class. See #onCopy.
$( htmlDoc ).find( 'span' ).removeClass( 've-pasteProtect' );
beforePasteData.context = null;
if ( !htmlDoc ) {
// If there were no problems, let CE do its sanitizing as it may
// contain all sorts of horrible metadata (head tags etc.)
// TODO: IE will always take this path, and so may have bugs with span unwapping
// in edge cases (e.g. pasting a single MWReference)
htmlDoc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( this.$pasteTarget.html() );
// External paste
doc = htmlDoc );
data =;
// Clear metadata
doc.metadata = new doc.getStore(), new Array( 1 + data.getLength() ) );
// If the clipboardKey is set (paste from other VE instance), and it's a non-special paste, skip sanitization
if ( !clipboardKey || this.pasteSpecial ) {
data.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), this.pasteSpecial );
} else {
// ...except not quite - contentEditable can't be trusted not
// to add styles, so for now remove them
// TODO: store original styles in data
data.sanitize( { 'removeStyles': true } );
data.remapInternalListKeys( this.model.getDocument().getInternalList() );
// Initialize node tree
// If the paste was given context, calculate the range of the inserted data
if ( beforePasteData.context ) {
internalListRange = doc.getInternalList().getListNode().getOuterRange();
context = new
ve.copy( beforePasteData.context )
if ( this.pasteSpecial ) {
// The context may have been sanitized, so sanitize here as well for comparison
context.sanitize( this.getSurface().getPasteRules(), this.pasteSpecial, true );
// Remove matching context from the left
left = 0;
while (
context.getLength() &&
data.getData( left ),
data.isElementData( left ) ? context.getData( 0 ) : beforePasteData.leftText
) {
context.splice( 0, 1 );
// Remove matching context from the right
right = internalListRange.start;
while (
context.getLength() &&
data.getData( right - 1 ),
data.isElementData( right - 1 ) ? context.getData( context.getLength() - 1 ) : beforePasteData.rightText
) {
context.splice( context.getLength() - 1, 1 );
contextRange = new ve.Range( left, right );
tx =
// Restore focus and scroll position
$window.scrollTop( beforePasteData.scrollTop );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
this.model.change( tx, new ve.Range( selection.start ) );
// Move cursor to end of selection
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.end ) );
// Allow pasting again
this.pasting = false;
this.pasteSpecial = false;
this.beforePasteData = null;
* Handle document composition start events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Composition start event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentCompositionStart = function () {
if ( $.browser.msie === true ) {
this.inIme = true;
* Handle document composition end events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Composition end event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onDocumentCompositionEnd = function () {
this.inIme = false;
try {
} finally {
/*! Custom Events */
* Handle model select events.
* @see
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} selection
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onModelSelect = function ( selection ) {
var start, end, rangySel, rangyRange,
next = null,
previous = this.focusedNode;
this.contentBranchNodeChanged = false;
// Detect when only a single inline element is selected
if ( !selection.isCollapsed() ) {
start = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start + 1 );
if ( start.isFocusable() ) {
end = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.end - 1 );
if ( start === end ) {
next = start;
} else {
// Check we haven't been programmatically placed inside a focusable node with a collapsed selection
start = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
if ( start.isFocusable() ) {
next = start;
// Update nodes
// Even update this if previous === next, because this function is called by the focus handler
// to restore a lost selection state
if ( previous ) {
previous.setFocused( false );
this.focusedNode = null;
if ( !next ) {
// If the selection is moving from a focusable node (in the paste target) back
// to a normal selection (in the document node), give the focus back to the
// document node.
if ( next ) {
next.setFocused( true );
this.focusedNode = start;
// As FF won't fire a copy event with nothing selected, make
// a dummy selection of one space in the pasteTarget.
// onCopy will ignore this native selection and use the DM selection
this.$pasteTarget.text( ' ' );
rangySel = rangy.getSelection( this.getElementDocument() );
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.getElementDocument() );
rangyRange.setStart( this.$pasteTarget[0], 0 );
rangyRange.setEnd( this.$pasteTarget[0], 1 );
rangySel.addRange( rangyRange, false );
// Since the selection is no longer in the documentNode, clear the SurfaceObserver's
// selection state. Otherwise, if the user places the selection back into the documentNode
// in exactly the same place where it was before, the observer won't consider that a change.
// If there is no focused node, use native selection, but ignore the selection if
// changeModelSelection is currently being called with the same (object-identical)
// selection object (i.e. if the model is calling us back)
if ( !this.focusedNode && !this.isRenderingLocked() && selection !== this.newModelSelection ) {
this.showSelection( selection );
// Update the selection state in the SurfaceObserver
* Handle documentUpdate events on the surface model.
* @param {} transaction Transaction that was processed
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onModelDocumentUpdate = function () {
if ( this.contentBranchNodeChanged ) {
// Update the selection state from model
this.onModelSelect( this.surface.getModel().selection );
// Update the state of the SurfaceObserver
* Handle selection change events.
* @see ve.ce.SurfaceObserver#pollOnce
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} oldRange
* @param {ve.Range} newRange
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onSelectionChange = function ( oldRange, newRange ) {
if ( oldRange && newRange.flip().equals( oldRange ) ) {
// Ignore when the newRange is just a flipped oldRange
try {
this.changeModel( null, newRange );
} finally {
* Handle content change events.
* @see ve.ce.SurfaceObserver#pollOnce
* @method
* @param {ve.ce.Node} node CE node the change occured in
* @param {Object} previous Old data
* @param {Object} previous.text Old plain text content
* @param {Object} previous.hash Old DOM hash
* @param {ve.Range} previous.range Old selection
* @param {Object} next New data
* @param {Object} next.text New plain text content
* @param {Object} next.hash New DOM hash
* @param {ve.Range} next.range New selection
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onContentChange = function ( node, previous, next ) {
var data, range, len, annotations, offsetDiff, lengthDiff, sameLeadingAndTrailing,
previousStart, nextStart, newRange,
previousData, nextData,
i, length, annotation, annotationIndex, dataString,
annotationsLeft, annotationsRight,
fromLeft = 0,
fromRight = 0,
nodeOffset = node.getModel().getOffset();
if ( previous.range && next.range ) {
offsetDiff = ( previous.range.isCollapsed() && next.range.isCollapsed() ) ?
next.range.start - previous.range.start : null;
lengthDiff = next.text.length - previous.text.length;
previousStart = previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1;
nextStart = next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1;
sameLeadingAndTrailing = offsetDiff !== null && (
// TODO: rewrite to static method with tests
lengthDiff > 0 &&
previous.text.substring( 0, previousStart ) ===
next.text.substring( 0, previousStart ) &&
previous.text.substring( previousStart ) ===
next.text.substring( nextStart )
) ||
lengthDiff < 0 &&
previous.text.substring( 0, nextStart ) ===
next.text.substring( 0, nextStart ) &&
previous.text.substring( previousStart - lengthDiff + offsetDiff ) ===
next.text.substring( nextStart )
// Simple insertion
if ( lengthDiff > 0 && offsetDiff === lengthDiff /* && sameLeadingAndTrailing */) {
data = ve.splitClusters( next.text ).slice(
previous.range.start - nodeOffset - 1,
next.range.start - nodeOffset - 1
// Apply insertion annotations
annotations = this.model.getInsertionAnnotations();
if ( annotations instanceof ) { data, this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() );
try {
this.documentView.model, previous.range.start, data
} finally {
// Simple deletion
if ( ( offsetDiff === 0 || offsetDiff === lengthDiff ) && sameLeadingAndTrailing ) {
if ( offsetDiff === 0 ) {
range = new ve.Range( next.range.start, next.range.start - lengthDiff );
} else {
range = new ve.Range( next.range.start, previous.range.start );
try {
this.changeModel( this.documentView.model,
range ),
} finally {
// Complex change
previousData = ve.splitClusters( previous.text );
nextData = ve.splitClusters( next.text );
len = Math.min( previousData.length, nextData.length );
// Count same characters from left
while ( fromLeft < len && previousData[fromLeft] === nextData[fromLeft] ) {
// Count same characters from right
while (
fromRight < len - fromLeft &&
previousData[previousData.length - 1 - fromRight] ===
nextData[nextData.length - 1 - fromRight]
) {
data = nextData.slice( fromLeft, nextData.length - fromRight );
// Get annotations to the left of new content and apply
annotations = this.model.getDocument().data.getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft );
if ( annotations.getLength() ) {
annotationsLeft = this.model.getDocument().data.getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + fromLeft );
annotationsRight = this.model.getDocument().data.getAnnotationsFromOffset( nodeOffset + 1 + previousData.length - fromRight );
for ( i = 0, length = annotations.getLength(); i < length; i++ ) {
annotation = annotations.get( i );
annotationIndex = annotations.getIndex( i );
if ( annotation.constructor.static.splitOnWordbreak ) {
dataString = new nextData );
if (
// if no annotation to the right, check for wordbreak
!annotationsRight.containsIndex( annotationIndex ) &&
unicodeJS.wordbreak.isBreak( dataString, fromLeft )
) ||
// if no annotation to the left, check for wordbreak
!annotationsLeft.containsIndex( annotationIndex ) &&
unicodeJS.wordbreak.isBreak( dataString, nextData.length - fromRight )
) {
annotations.removeAt( i );
} data, annotations );
newRange = next.range;
if ( newRange.isCollapsed() ) {
newRange = new ve.Range( this.getNearestCorrectOffset( newRange.start, 1 ) );
if ( data.length > 0 ) {
this.documentView.model, nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft,
if ( fromLeft + fromRight < previousData.length ) {
new ve.Range(
data.length + nodeOffset + 1 + fromLeft,
data.length + nodeOffset + 1 +
previousData.length - fromRight
/*! Relocation */
* Start a relocation action.
* @see ve.ce.RelocatableNode
* @method
* @param {ve.ce.Node} node Node being relocated
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.startRelocation = function ( node ) {
this.relocating = node;
this.emit( 'relocationStart', node );
* Complete a relocation action.
* @see ve.ce.RelocatableNode
* @method
* @param {ve.ce.Node} node Node being relocated
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.endRelocation = function () {
this.emit( 'relocationEnd', this.relocating );
this.relocating = null;
/*! Utilities */
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleLeftOrRightArrowKey = function ( e ) {
var selection, range, direction;
// On Mac OS pressing Command (metaKey) + Left/Right is same as pressing Home/End.
// As we are not able to handle it programmatically (because we don't know at which offsets
// lines starts and ends) let it happen natively.
if ( e.metaKey ) {
// Selection is going to be displayed programmatically so prevent default browser behaviour
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
try {
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
} finally {
selection = this.model.getSelection();
if ( this.$( ).css( 'direction' ) === 'rtl' ) {
// If the language direction is RTL, switch left/right directions:
direction = e.keyCode === OO.ui.Keys.LEFT ? 1 : -1;
} else {
direction = e.keyCode === OO.ui.Keys.LEFT ? -1 : 1;
range = this.getDocument().getRelativeRange(
( e.altKey === true || e.ctrlKey === true ) ? 'word' : 'character',
this.model.setSelection( range );
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown does this anyway
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleUpOrDownArrowKey = function ( e ) {
var selection, rangySelection, rangyRange, range, $element, nativeSel;
if ( !$.browser.msie ) {
// Firefox doesn't update its internal reference of the appropriate cursor position
// on the next or previous lines when the cursor is moved programmatically.
// By wiggling the selection, Firefox scraps its internal reference.
nativeSel = window.getSelection();
nativeSel.modify( 'extend', 'right', 'character' );
nativeSel.modify( 'extend', 'left', 'character' );
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown did this already
selection = this.model.getSelection();
rangySelection = rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] );
// Perform programatic handling only for selection that is expanded and backwards according to
// model data but not according to browser data.
if ( !selection.isCollapsed() && selection.isBackwards() && !rangySelection.isBackwards() ) {
$element = this.$( this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( ) );
if ( !$element ) {
$element = this.$( '<span>' )
.html( ' ' )
.css( { 'width': '0px', 'display': 'none' } );
rangySelection.anchorNode.splitText( rangySelection.anchorOffset );
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.$document[0] );
rangyRange.selectNode( $element[0] );
rangySelection.setSingleRange( rangyRange );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
if ( !$element.hasClass( 've-ce-branchNode-slug' ) ) {
if ( e.shiftKey === true ) { // expanded range
range = new ve.Range( selection.from, this.model.getSelection().to );
} else { // collapsed range (just a cursor)
range = new ve.Range( this.model.getSelection().to );
this.model.setSelection( range );
}, this ), 0 );
} else {
// TODO: onDocumentKeyDown does this anyway
* Handle insertion of content.
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleInsertion = function () {
var slug, data, range, annotations, insertionAnnotations, placeholder,
selection = this.model.getSelection(), documentModel = this.model.getDocument();
// Handles removing expanded selection before inserting new text
if ( !selection.isCollapsed() ) {
// Pull annotations from the first character in the selection
annotations =
new ve.Range( selection.start, selection.start + 1 )
this.model.change( this.documentView.model, selection ),
new ve.Range( selection.start )
selection = this.model.getSelection();
this.model.setInsertionAnnotations( annotations );
insertionAnnotations = this.model.getInsertionAnnotations() ||
new documentModel.getStore() );
if ( selection.isCollapsed() ) {
slug = this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( selection.start );
// Always pawn in a slug
if ( slug || this.needsPawn( selection, insertionAnnotations ) ) {
placeholder = '♙';
if ( !insertionAnnotations.isEmpty() ) {
placeholder = [placeholder, insertionAnnotations.getIndexes()];
// is this a slug and if so, is this a block slug?
if ( slug && selection.start ) ) {
range = new ve.Range( selection.start + 1, selection.start + 2 );
data = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, placeholder, { 'type': '/paragraph' }];
} else {
range = new ve.Range( selection.start, selection.start + 1 );
data = [placeholder];
this.documentView.model, selection.start, data
* Handle enter key down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Enter key down event
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleEnter = function ( e ) {
var tx, outerParent, outerChildrenCount, list,
selection = this.model.getSelection(),
documentModel = this.model.getDocument(),
emptyParagraph = [{ 'type': 'paragraph' }, { 'type': '/paragraph' }],
advanceCursor = true,
node = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( selection.from ),
nodeModel = node.getModel(),
cursor = selection.from,
contentBranchModel = nodeModel.isContent() ? nodeModel.getParent() : nodeModel,
contentBranchModelRange = contentBranchModel.getRange(),
stack = [],
outermostNode = null;
// Handle removal first
if ( selection.from !== ) {
tx = documentModel, selection );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
// We do want this to propagate to the surface
this.model.change( tx, selection );
// Handle insertion
if (
contentBranchModel.getType() !== 'paragraph' &&
cursor === contentBranchModelRange.from ||
cursor ===
) {
// If we're at the start/end of something that's not a paragraph, insert a paragraph
// before/after
if ( cursor === contentBranchModelRange.from ) {
tx =
documentModel, contentBranchModel.getOuterRange().from, emptyParagraph
advanceCursor = false;
} else if ( cursor === ) {
tx =
documentModel, contentBranchModel.getOuterRange().to, emptyParagraph
} else if ( e.shiftKey && contentBranchModel.hasSignificantWhitespace() ) {
// Insert newline
tx = documentModel, selection.from, '\n' );
} else {
// Split
node.traverseUpstream( function ( node ) {
if ( !node.canBeSplit() ) {
return false;
stack.length / 2,
{ 'type': '/' + node.type },
outermostNode = node;
if ( e.shiftKey ) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} );
outerParent = outermostNode.getModel().getParent();
outerChildrenCount = outerParent.getChildren().length;
if (
// This is a list item
outermostNode.type === 'listItem' &&
// This is the last list item
outerParent.getChildren()[outerChildrenCount - 1] === outermostNode.getModel() &&
// There is one child
outermostNode.children.length === 1 &&
// The child is empty
node.model.length === 0
) {
// Enter was pressed in an empty list item.
list = outermostNode.getModel().getParent();
if ( list.getChildren().length === 1 ) {
// The list item we're about to remove is the only child of the list
// Remove the list
tx =
documentModel, list.getOuterRange()
} else {
// Remove the list item
tx =
documentModel, outermostNode.getModel().getOuterRange()
this.model.change( tx );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
// Insert a paragraph
tx =
documentModel, list.getOuterRange().to, emptyParagraph
advanceCursor = false;
} else {
// We must process the transaction first because getRelativeContentOffset can't help us
// yet
tx = documentModel, selection.from, stack );
// Commit the transaction
this.model.change( tx );
selection = tx.translateRange( selection );
// Now we can move the cursor forward
if ( advanceCursor ) {
cursor = selection.from, 1 );
} else {
cursor = selection.from );
if ( cursor === -1 ) {
// Cursor couldn't be placed in a nearby content node, so create an empty paragraph
documentModel, selection.from, emptyParagraph
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( selection.from + 1 ) );
} else {
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( cursor ) );
// Reset and resume polling
* Handle delete and backspace key down events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Delete key down event
* @param {boolean} backspace Key was a backspace
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.handleDelete = function ( e, backspace ) {
var rangeToRemove = this.model.getSelection(),
offset = 0,
docLength, tx, startNode, endNode, endNodeData, nodeToDelete;
if ( rangeToRemove.isCollapsed() ) {
// In case when the range is collapsed use the same logic that is used for cursor left and
// right movement in order to figure out range to remove.
rangeToRemove = this.getDocument().getRelativeRange(
backspace ? -1 : 1,
( e.altKey === true || e.ctrlKey === true ) ? 'word' : 'character',
offset = rangeToRemove.start;
docLength = this.model.getDocument().data.getLength();
if ( offset < docLength ) {
while ( offset < docLength && this.model.getDocument().data.isCloseElementData( offset ) ) {
// If the user tries to delete a focusable node from a collapsed selection,
// just select the node and cancel the deletion.
startNode = this.documentView.getDocumentNode().getNodeFromOffset( offset + 1 );
if ( startNode.isFocusable() ) {
this.model.setSelection( startNode.getModel().getOuterRange() );
if ( rangeToRemove.isCollapsed() ) {
// For instance beginning or end of the document.
tx = this.documentView.model, rangeToRemove );
this.model.change( tx );
rangeToRemove = tx.translateRange( rangeToRemove );
if ( !rangeToRemove.isCollapsed() ) {
// If after processing removal transaction range is not collapsed it means that not
// everything got merged nicely (at this moment transaction processor is capable of merging
// nodes of the same type and at the same depth level only), so we process with another
// merging that takes remaing data from endNode and inserts it at the end of startNode,
// endNode or recrusivly its parent (if have only one child) gets removed.
// If startNode has no content then we just delete that node instead of merging.
// This prevents content being inserted into empty structure which, e.g. and empty heading
// will be deleted, rather than "converting" the paragraph beneath to a heading.
endNode = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( rangeToRemove.end, false );
// If endNode is within our rangeToRemove, then we shouldn't delete it
if ( endNode.getModel().getRange().start >= rangeToRemove.end ) {
startNode = this.documentView.getNodeFromOffset( rangeToRemove.start, false );
if ( startNode.getModel().getRange().isCollapsed() ) {
// Remove startNode
this.model.change( [
this.documentView.model, startNode.getModel().getOuterRange()
] );
} else {
endNodeData = this.documentView.model.getData( endNode.getModel().getRange() );
nodeToDelete = endNode;
nodeToDelete.traverseUpstream( function ( node ) {
var parent = node.getParent();
if ( parent.children.length === 1 ) {
nodeToDelete = parent;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} );
// Move contents of endNode into startNode, and delete nodeToDelete
this.model.change( [
this.documentView.model, nodeToDelete.getModel().getOuterRange()
this.documentView.model, rangeToRemove.start, endNodeData
] );
this.model.setSelection( new ve.Range( rangeToRemove.start ) );
* Show selection on a range.
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} range Range to show selection on
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.showSelection = function ( range ) {
var start, end,
rangySel = rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] ),
rangyRange = rangy.createRange( this.$document[0] );
range = new ve.Range(
this.getNearestCorrectOffset( range.from, -1 ),
this.getNearestCorrectOffset(, 1 )
if ( !range.isCollapsed() ) {
start = this.documentView.getNodeAndOffset( range.start );
end = this.documentView.getNodeAndOffset( range.end );
rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset );
rangyRange.setEnd( end.node, end.offset );
rangySel.addRange( rangyRange, range.start !== range.from );
} else {
start = this.documentView.getNodeAndOffset( range.start );
rangyRange.setStart( start.node, start.offset );
rangySel.setSingleRange( rangyRange );
* Append passed phantoms to phantoms container after emptying it first.
* @method
* @param {jQuery} $phantoms Phantoms to append
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.replacePhantoms = function ( $phantoms ) {
this.$phantoms.empty().append( $phantoms );
* Append passed highlights to highlight container after emptying it first.
* @method
* @param {jQuery} $highlights Highlights to append
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.replaceHighlight = function ( $highlights ) {
this.$highlights.empty().append( $highlights );
/*! Helpers */
* Get the nearest offset that a cursor can be placed at.
* TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method
* @method
* @param {number} offset Offset to start looking at
* @param {number} [direction=-1] Direction to look in, +1 or -1
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getNearestCorrectOffset = function ( offset, direction ) {
var contentOffset, structuralOffset;
direction = direction > 0 ? 1 : -1;
if ( offset ) ||
this.hasSlugAtOffset( offset )
) {
return offset;
contentOffset = offset, direction );
structuralOffset = offset, direction, true );
if ( !this.hasSlugAtOffset( structuralOffset ) ) {
return contentOffset;
if ( direction === 1 ) {
if ( contentOffset < offset ) {
return structuralOffset;
} else {
return Math.min( contentOffset, structuralOffset );
} else {
if ( contentOffset > offset ) {
return structuralOffset;
} else {
return Math.max( contentOffset, structuralOffset );
* Check if an offset is inside a slug.
* TODO: Find a better name and a better place for this method - probably in a document view?
* @method
* @param {number} offset Offset to check for a slug at
* @returns {boolean} A slug exists at the given offset
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.hasSlugAtOffset = function ( offset ) {
return !!this.documentView.getSlugAtOffset( offset );
* Get the number of consecutive clicks the user has performed.
* This is required for supporting double, tripple, etc. clicking across all browsers.
* @method
* @param {Event} e Native event object
* @returns {number} Number of clicks detected
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getClickCount = function ( e ) {
if ( !$.browser.msie ) {
return e.detail;
var i, response = 1;
// Add select MouseEvent properties to the beginning of the clickHistory
this.clickHistory.unshift( {
x: e.x,
y: e.y,
timeStamp: e.timeStamp
} );
// Compare history
if ( this.clickHistory.length > 1 ) {
for ( i = 0; i < this.clickHistory.length - 1; i++ ) {
if (
this.clickHistory[i].x === this.clickHistory[i + 1].x &&
this.clickHistory[i].y === this.clickHistory[i + 1].y &&
this.clickHistory[i].timeStamp - this.clickHistory[i + 1].timeStamp < 500
) {
} else {
// Trim old history if necessary
if ( this.clickHistory.length > 3 ) {
return response;
* Checks if we need to pawn for insertionAnnotations based on the related annotationSet.
* "Related" is typically to the left, unless at the beginning of a node.
* We choose to pawn if the related annotationSet doesn't match insertionAnnotations, or if
* we are at the edge of an annotation that requires pawning (i.e. an annotation requiring pawning
* is present on the left but not on the right, or vice versa).
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} selection
* @param {} insertionAnnotations
* @returns {boolean} Whether we need to pawn
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.needsPawn = function ( selection, insertionAnnotations ) {
var leftAnnotations, rightAnnotations, documentModel = this.model.documentModel;
function isForced( annotation ) {
return ve.ce.annotationFactory.isAnnotationContinuationForced( );
if ( selection.start > 0 ) {
leftAnnotations = selection.start - 1 );
if ( selection.start < ) {
rightAnnotations = selection.start + 1 );
// Take annotations from the left
// TODO reorganize the logic in this function
if ( leftAnnotations && !leftAnnotations.compareTo( insertionAnnotations ) ) {
return true;
// At the beginning of a node, take from the right
if (
rangy.getSelection( this.$document[0] ).anchorOffset === 0 &&
rightAnnotations &&
!rightAnnotations.compareTo( insertionAnnotations )
) {
return true;
if (
leftAnnotations && rightAnnotations &&
!leftAnnotations.filter( isForced ).compareTo( rightAnnotations.filter( isForced ) )
) {
return true;
return false;
/*! Getters */
* Get the top-level surface.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ui.Surface} Surface
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getSurface = function () {
return this.surface;
* Get the surface model.
* @method
* @returns {} Surface model
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
* Get the document view.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ce.Document} Document view
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getDocument = function () {
return this.documentView;
* Get the currently focused node.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ce.Node|undefined} Focused node
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getFocusedNode = function () {
return this.focusedNode;
* Check whether there are any render locks
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Render is locked
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.isRenderingLocked = function () {
return this.renderLocks > 0;
* Add a single render lock (to disable rendering)
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.incRenderLock = function () {
* Remove a single render lock
* @method
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.decRenderLock = function () {
* Surface 'dir' property (Content-Level Direction)
* @returns {string} 'ltr' or 'rtl'
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.getDir = function () {
return this.$element.css( 'direction' );
* Change the model only, not the CE surface
* This avoids event storms when the CE surface is already correct
* @method
* @param {|[]|null} transactions One or more transactions to
* process, or null to process none
* @param {ve.Range} new selection
* @throws {Error} If calls to this method are nested
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.changeModel = function ( transaction, range ) {
if ( this.newModelSelection !== null ) {
throw new Error( 'Nested change of newModelSelection' );
this.newModelSelection = range;
try {
this.model.change( transaction, range );
} finally {
this.newModelSelection = null;
ve.ce.Surface.prototype.setContentBranchNodeChanged = function ( isChanged ) {
this.contentBranchNodeChanged = isChanged;