Timo Tijhof f06952f2f3 Refactor ve.js utilities and improve documentation
* ve.indexOf
  Renamed from ve.inArray.
  This was named after the jQuery method which in turn has a longer
  story about why it is so unfortunately named. It doesn't return
  a boolean, but an index. Hence the native method being called
  indexOf as well.

* ve.bind
  Renamed from ve.proxy.
  I considered making it use Function.prototype.bind if available.
  As it performs better than $.proxy (which doesn't use to the native
  bind if available). However since bind needs to be bound itself in
  order to use it detached, it turns out with the "call()" and
  "bind()"  it is slower than the $.proxy shim:
  It would've been like this:
  ve.bind = Function.prototype.bind ? Function.prototype.bind ) :
  But instead sticking to ve.bind = $.proxy;

* ve.extendObject
  Documented the parts of jQuery.extend that we use. This makes it
  easier to replace in the future.

* Added function documentation blocks.
* Added annotations to  functions that we will be able to remove
  in the future in favour of the native methods.
  With "@until + when/how".
  In this case "ES5". Meaning, whenever we drop support for browsers
  that don't support ES5. Although in the developer community ES5 is
  still fairly fresh, browsers have been aware for it long enough
  that thee moment we're able to drop it may be sooner than we think.
  The only blocker so far is IE8. The rest of the browsers have had
  it long enough that the traffic we need to support of non-IE
  supports it.

* Removed 'node: true' from .jshintrc since Parsoid is no longer in
  this repo and thus no more nodejs files.
 - This unraveled two lint errors: Usage of 'module' and 'console'.
   (both were considered 'safe globals' due to nodejs, but not in
   browser code).

* Replaced usage (before renaming):
 - $.inArray -> ve.inArray
 - Function.prototype.bind -> ve.proxy
 - Array.isArray -> ve.isArray
 - [].indexOf -> ve.inArray
 - $.fn.bind/live/delegate/unbind/die/delegate -> $.fn.on/off

Change-Id: Idcf1fa6a685b6ed3d7c99ffe17bd57a7bc586a2c
2012-08-12 20:32:45 +02:00

289 lines
8 KiB

* VisualEditor user interface Context class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.Context object.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} $overlay DOM selection to add nodes to
ve.ui.Context = function ( surfaceView, $overlay ) {
// Inheritance
if ( !surfaceView ) {
// Properties
this.surfaceView = surfaceView;
this.inspectors = {};
this.inspector = null;
this.position = null;
this.clicking = false;
this.$ = $( '<div class="es-contextView"></div>' ).appendTo( $overlay || $( 'body' ) );
this.$toolbar = $( '<div class="es-contextView-toolbar"></div>' );
// Create iframe which will contain context inspectors.
this.$icon = $( '<div class="es-contextView-icon"></div>' ).appendTo( this.$ );
this.toolbarView = new ve.ui.Toolbar(
[{ 'name': 'textStyle', 'items' : [ 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'clear' ] }]
this.menuView = new ve.ui.Menu( [
// Example menu items
{ 'name': 'tools', '$': this.$toolbar }
// Events
this.$icon.on( {
'mousedown': ve.bind( this.onMouseDown, this ),
'mouseup': ve.bind( this.onMouseUp, this )
} );
this.surfaceView.getDocument().getDocumentNode().$.on( {
'focus': ve.bind( this.onDocumentFocus, this ),
'blur': ve.bind( this.onDocumentBlur, this )
} );
// Intitialize link inspector
this.addInspector( 'link', new ve.ui.LinkInspector( this.toolbarView, this ) );
/* Methods */
ve.ui.Context.prototype.setupInspectorFrame = function () {
var $styleLink;
// Create and append an iframe for inspectors.
// Use of iframe is required to retain selection while inspector controls are focused.
this.$inspectors =
$( '<iframe class="es-contextView-inspectors"></iframe>' )
'frameborder': '0'
.appendTo( this.$ );
// Stash iframe document reference to properly create & append elements.
this.inspectorDoc = this.$inspectors.prop( 'contentWindow' ).document;
// Cross browser trick to append content to an iframe
// Write a containing element to the iframe
this.inspectorDoc.write( '<div class="ve-inspector-wrapper"></div>' );
this.$inspectorWrapper = $( this.inspectorDoc ).find( '.ve-inspector-wrapper' );
// Create style element in iframe document scope
$styleLink =
$( '<link>', this.inspectorDoc )
.attr( {
'rel': 'stylesheet',
'type': 'text/css',
'media': 'screen',
'href': ve.init.platform.getModulesUrl() + '/ve/ui/styles/ve.ui.Inspector.css'
} );
// Append inspector styles to iframe head
$( this.inspectorDoc ).find( 'head' ).append( $styleLink );
// Adjust iframe body styles.
$( this.inspectorDoc ).find( 'body' ).css( {
'padding': '0px 5px 10px 5px',
'margin': 0
} );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onDocumentFocus = function () {
$( window ).on( '', ve.bind( this.set, this ) );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onDocumentBlur = function () {
$( window ).off( '' );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onMouseDown = function ( e ) {
this.clicking = true;
return false;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onMouseUp = function ( e ) {
if ( this.clicking && e.which === 1 ) {
if ( this.inspector ) {
} else {
if ( this.isMenuOpen() ) {
} else {
this.clicking = false;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.getSurfaceView = function () {
return this.surfaceView;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.openMenu = function () {;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.closeMenu = function () {
ve.ui.Context.prototype.isMenuOpen = function () {
return this.menuView.isOpen();
ve.ui.Context.prototype.areChildrenCurrentlyVisible = function () {
return this.inspector !== null || this.menuView.isOpen();
ve.ui.Context.prototype.set = function () {
if ( this.surfaceView.getModel().getSelection().getLength() > 0 ) {
if ( this.position ) {
this.positionOverlay( this.menuView.$ );
if ( this.inspector ) {
this.positionOverlay ( this.$inspectors );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.positionIcon = function () {
this.$.removeClass( 'es-contextView-position-start es-contextView-position-end' );
var selection = this.surfaceView.model.getSelection(),
selectionRect = this.surfaceView.getSelectionRect();
if ( > selection.from ) {
this.position = new ve.Position( selectionRect.end.x, selectionRect.end.y );
this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-end' );
} else {
this.position = new ve.Position( selectionRect.start.x, selectionRect.start.y );
this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-start' );
this.$.css( {
'left': this.position.left,
} );
this.$icon.fadeIn( 'fast' );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.positionOverlay = function ( $overlay ) {
var overlayMargin = 5,
overlayWidth = $overlay.outerWidth(),
overlayHeight = $overlay.outerHeight(),
$window = $( window ),
windowWidth = $window.width(),
windowHeight = $window.height(),
windowScrollTop = $window.scrollTop(),
selection = this.surfaceView.model.getSelection(),
// Center align overlay
overlayLeft = -Math.round( overlayWidth / 2 );
// Adjust overlay left or right depending on viewport
if ( ( this.position.left - overlayMargin ) + overlayLeft < 0 ) {
// Move right a bit past center
overlayLeft -= this.position.left + overlayLeft - overlayMargin;
} else if ( ( overlayMargin + this.position.left ) - overlayLeft > windowWidth ) {
// Move left a bit past center
overlayLeft += windowWidth - overlayMargin - ( this.position.left - overlayLeft );
$overlay.css( 'left', overlayLeft );
// Position overlay on top or bottom depending on viewport
this.$.removeClass( 'es-contextView-position-below es-contextView-position-above' );
if (
selection.from < && + overlayHeight + ( overlayMargin * 2 ) < windowHeight + windowScrollTop
) {
this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-below' );
} else {
this.$.addClass( 'es-contextView-position-above' );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.clear = function () {
if ( this.inspector ) {
ve.ui.Context.prototype.openInspector = function ( name ) {
if ( !( name in this.inspectors ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing inspector error. Can not open nonexistent inspector: ' + name );
this.resizeInspectorFrame( this.inspectors[name] );
this.positionOverlay( this.$inspectors );
this.inspector = name;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.closeInspector = function ( accept ) {
if ( this.inspector ) {
this.inspectors[this.inspector].close( accept );
this.inspector = null;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.getInspector = function ( name ) {
if ( name in this.inspectors ) {
return this.inspectors[name];
return null;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.addInspector = function ( name, inspector ) {
if ( name in this.inspectors ) {
throw new Error( 'Duplicate inspector error. Previous registration with the same name: ' + name );
this.inspectors[name] = inspector;
this.$inspectorWrapper.append( inspector.$ );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.hideInspectorFrame = function () {
'width': 0,
'height': 0,
'visibility': 'hidden'
ve.ui.Context.prototype.resizeInspectorFrame = function ( inspector ) {
this.$inspectors.css( {
'width': inspector.$.outerWidth( true ) + 10,
'height': inspector.$.outerHeight( true ) + 10,
'visibility': 'visible'
} );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.removeInspector = function ( name ) {
if ( name in this.inspectors ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing inspector error. Can not remove nonexistent inspector: ' + name );
delete this.inspectors[name];
this.inspector = null;