Ed Sanders edcaaf9edc Use once for ce and dm nodes
Add a property to ce nodes and make sure both ce
and dm nodes always use the property in constructors
and registration calls.

The result of this is that any given node type should now only
appear once in the code as a string.

Bug: 45701
Change-Id: Ibf31de16ab28ad58209c1443cd74f93dda278998
2013-03-07 17:19:39 -08:00

347 lines
12 KiB

* VisualEditor ModelRegistry class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
( function ( ve ) {
* Registry for models. A model is a node or an annotation.
* To register a new node type or annotation type, call
* @extends ve.Registry
* @constructor
*/ = function VeDmModelRegistry() {
// Parent constructor this );
// Map of func presence and tag names to model names
// [ { tagName: [modelNamesWithoutFunc] }, { tagName: [modelNamesWithFunc] } ]
this.modelsByTag = [ {}, {} ];
// Map of func presence and rdfaTypes to model names; only rdfaTypes specified as strings are in here
// { matchFunctionPresence: { rdfaType: { tagName: [modelNames] } } }
// [ { rdfaType: { tagName: [modelNamesWithoutFunc] } }, { rdfaType: { tagName: [modelNamesWithFunc] } ]
this.modelsByTypeAndTag = [];
// Map of func presence to array of model names with rdfaType regexps
// [ [modelNamesWithoutFunc], [modelNamesWithFunc] ]
this.modelsWithTypeRegExps = [ [], [] ];
// Map tracking registration order
// { nameA: 0, nameB: 1, ... }
this.registrationOrder = {};
this.nextNumber = 0;
this.extSpecificTypes = [];
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass(, ve.Registry );
/* Private helper functions */
* Helper function for register(). Adds a value to the front of an array in a nested object.
* Objects and arrays are created if needed. You can specify one or more keys and a value.
* Specifically:
* addType( obj, keyA, value ) does obj[keyA].unshift( value );
* addType( obj, keyA, keyB, value ) does obj[keyA][keyB].unshift( value );
* etc.
* @param {Object} obj Object to add to
function addType( obj /*, ...*/ ) {
var i, len, o = obj;
for ( i = 1, len = arguments.length - 2; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( o[arguments[i]] === undefined ) {
o[arguments[i]] = {};
o = o[arguments[i]];
if ( o[arguments[i]] === undefined ) {
o[arguments[i]] = [];
o[arguments[i]].unshift( arguments[i + 1] );
/* Public methods */
* Register a model type.
* @param {string} name Symbolic name for the model
* @param {|} constructor Subclass of or
*/ = function ( constructor ) {
var i, j, tags, types, name = constructor.static &&;
if ( typeof name !== 'string' || name === '' ) {
throw new Error( 'Model names must be strings and must not be empty' );
// Register the model with the right factory
if ( constructor.prototype instanceof ) { name, constructor );
} else if ( constructor.prototype instanceof ) { constructor );
} else {
throw new Error( 'Models must be subclasses of or' );
// Call parent implementation this, name, constructor );
tags = constructor.static.matchTagNames === null ?
[ '' ] :
types = constructor.static.matchRdfaTypes === null ?
[ '' ] :
for ( i = 0; i < tags.length; i++ ) {
// +!!foo is a shorter equivalent of Number( Boolean( foo ) ) or foo ? 1 : 0
addType( this.modelsByTag, +!!constructor.static.matchFunction,
tags[i], name
for ( i = 0; i < types.length; i++ ) {
if ( types[i] instanceof RegExp ) {
addType( this.modelsWithTypeRegExps, +!!constructor.static.matchFunction, name );
} else {
for ( j = 0; j < tags.length; j++ ) {
addType( this.modelsByTypeAndTag,
+!!constructor.static.matchFunction, types[i], tags[j], name
this.registrationOrder[name] = this.nextNumber++;
* Register an extension-specific RDFa type or set of types. Unrecognized extension-specific types
* skip non-type matches and are alienated.
* If a DOM node has RDFa types that are extension-specific, any matches that do not involve one of
* those extension-specific types will be ignored. This means that if 'bar' is an
* extension-specific type, and there are no models specifying 'bar' in their .matchRdfaTypes, then
* `<foo typeof="bar baz">` will not match anything, not even a model with .matchTagNames=['foo']
* or one with .matchRdfaTypes=['baz'] .
* @param {string|RegExp} type Type, or regex matching types, to designate as extension-specifics
*/ = function ( type ) {
this.extSpecificTypes.push( type );
* Checks whether a given type matches one of the registered extension-specific types.
* @param {string} type Type to check
* @returns {boolean} Whether type is extension-specific
*/ = function ( type ) {
var i, len, t;
for ( i = 0, len = this.extSpecificTypes.length; i < len; i++ ) {
t = this.extSpecificTypes[i];
if ( t === type || ( t instanceof RegExp && type.match( t ) ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Determine which model best matches the given element
* Model matching works as follows:
* Get all models whose tag and rdfaType rules match
* Rank them in order of specificity:
* * tag, rdfaType and func specified
* * rdfaType and func specified
* * tag and func specified
* * func specified
* * tag and rdfaType specified
* * rdfaType specified
* * tag specified
* * nothing specified
* If there are multiple candidates with the same specificity, they are ranked in reverse order of
* registration (i.e. if A was registered before B, B will rank above A).
* The highest-ranking model whose test function does not return false, wins.
* @param {HTMLElement} element Element to match
* @returns {string|null} Model type, or null if none found
*/ = function ( element ) {
var i, name, model, matches, winner, types, elementExtSpecificTypes, matchTypes,
tag = element.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
typeAttr = element.getAttribute( 'typeof' ) || element.getAttribute( 'rel' ) ||
element.getAttribute( 'property' ),
reg = this;
function byRegistrationOrderDesc( a, b ) {
return reg.registrationOrder[b] - reg.registrationOrder[a];
function matchTypeRegExps( type, tag, withFunc ) {
var i, j, types, matches = [], models = reg.modelsWithTypeRegExps[+!!withFunc];
for ( i = 0; i < models.length; i++ ) {
types = reg.registry[models[i]].static.matchRdfaTypes;
for ( j = 0; j < types.length; j++ ) {
if (
type.match( types[j] ) &&
reg.registry[models[i]].static.matchTagNames === null ||
ve.indexOf( tag, reg.registry[models[i]].static.matchTagNames ) !== -1
) {
matches.push( models[i] );
return matches;
function matchWithFunc( types, tag ) {
var i, queue = [], queue2 = [];
for ( i = 0; i < types.length; i++ ) {
// Queue string matches and regexp matches separately
queue = queue.concat( ve.getProp( reg.modelsByTypeAndTag, 1, types[i], tag ) || [] );
queue2 = queue2.concat( matchTypeRegExps( types[i], tag, true ) );
// Try string matches first, then regexp matches
queue.sort( byRegistrationOrderDesc );
queue2.sort( byRegistrationOrderDesc );
queue = queue.concat( queue2 );
for ( i = 0; i < queue.length; i++ ) {
if ( reg.registry[queue[i]].static.matchFunction( element ) ) {
return queue[i];
return null;
function matchWithoutFunc( types, tag ) {
var i, queue = [], queue2 = [], winningName = null;
for ( i = 0; i < types.length; i++ ) {
// Queue string and regexp matches separately
queue = queue.concat( ve.getProp( reg.modelsByTypeAndTag, 0, types[i], tag ) || [] );
queue2 = queue2.concat( matchTypeRegExps( types[i], tag, false ) );
// Only try regexp matches if there are no string matches
queue = queue.length > 0 ? queue : queue2;
for ( i = 0; i < queue.length; i++ ) {
if (
winningName === null ||
reg.registrationOrder[winningName] < reg.registrationOrder[queue[i]]
) {
winningName = queue[i];
return winningName;
types = typeAttr ? typeAttr.split( ' ' ) : [];
elementExtSpecificTypes = ve.filterArray( types, ve.bind( this.isExtensionSpecificType, this ) );
// If the element has extension-specific types, only use those for matching and ignore its
// other types. If it has no extension-specific types, use all of its types.
matchTypes = elementExtSpecificTypes.length === 0 ? types : elementExtSpecificTypes;
if ( types.length ) {
// func+tag+type match
winner = matchWithFunc( matchTypes, tag );
if ( winner !== null ) {
return winner;
// func+type match
// Only look at rules with no tag specified; if a rule does specify a tag, we've
// either already processed it above, or the tag doesn't match
winner = matchWithFunc( matchTypes, '' );
if ( winner !== null ) {
return winner;
// Do not check for type-less matches if the element has extension-specific types
if ( elementExtSpecificTypes.length === 0 ) {
// func+tag match
matches = ve.getProp( this.modelsByTag, 1, tag ) || [];
// No need to sort because individual arrays in modelsByTag are already sorted
// correctly
for ( i = 0; i < matches.length; i++ ) {
name = matches[i];
model = this.registry[name];
// Only process this one if it doesn't specify types
// If it does specify types, then we've either already processed it in the
// func+tag+type step above, or its type rule doesn't match
if ( model.static.matchRdfaTypes === null && model.static.matchFunction( element ) ) {
return matches[i];
// func only
// We only need to get the [''][''] array because the other arrays were either
// already processed during the steps above, or have a type or tag rule that doesn't
// match this element.
// No need to sort because individual arrays in modelsByTypeAndTag are already sorted
// correctly
matches = ve.getProp( this.modelsByTypeAndTag, 1, '', '' ) || [];
for ( i = 0; i < matches.length; i++ ) {
if ( this.registry[matches[i]].static.matchFunction( element ) ) {
return matches[i];
// tag+type
winner = matchWithoutFunc( matchTypes, tag );
if ( winner !== null ) {
return winner;
// type only
// Only look at rules with no tag specified; if a rule does specify a tag, we've
// either already processed it above, or the tag doesn't match
winner = matchWithoutFunc( matchTypes, '' );
if ( winner !== null ) {
return winner;
if ( elementExtSpecificTypes.length > 0 ) {
// There are only type-less matches beyond this point, so if we have any
// extension-specific types, we give up now.
return null;
// tag only
matches = ve.getProp( this.modelsByTag, 0, tag ) || [];
// No need to track winningName because the individual arrays in modelsByTag are
// already sorted correctly
for ( i = 0; i < matches.length; i++ ) {
name = matches[i];
model = this.registry[name];
// Only process this one if it doesn't specify types
// If it does specify types, then we've either already processed it in the
// tag+type step above, or its type rule doesn't match
if ( model.static.matchRdfaTypes === null ) {
return matches[i];
// Rules with no type or tag specified
// These are the only rules that can still qualify at this point, the others we've either
// already processed or have a type or tag rule that disqualifies them
matches = ve.getProp( this.modelsByTypeAndTag, 0, '', '' ) || [];
if ( matches.length > 0 ) {
return matches[0];
// We didn't find anything, give up
return null;
/* Initialization */ = new; /^mw:/ );
} )( ve );