Catrope e6c7aa4275 Clear phantoms on teardown in ProtectedNode
When you typed after a ProtectedNode that was previously at the end of
a paragraph, then moved the mouse, you'd get a JS error.

What happened was the typing caused a new TextNode to be created after
the ProtectedNode, which caused the ParagraphNode to be rebuilt,
detaching the original ProtectedNode and creating a new one. The
detached ProtectedNode was still bound to mousemove on the body, and
when that event fired it would try to remove its phantoms from the
surface and fail because detached nodes can't get to the surface.

Change-Id: I9f38776f0267645b14d7b26e2a25007cf3be8ec7
2013-05-26 12:23:55 +02:00

240 lines
5.3 KiB

* VisualEditor ContentEditable ProtectedNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* ContentEditable relocatable node.
* @class
* @abstract
* @constructor
ve.ce.ProtectedNode = function VeCeProtectedNode() {
// Properties
this.$phantoms = $( [] );
this.$shields = $( [] );
// Events
this.connect( this, {
'setup': 'onProtectedSetup',
'teardown': 'onProtectedTeardown'
} );
// Initialization
this.$.addClass( 've-ce-protectedNode' );
/* Static Properties */
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.static = {};
* Template for shield elements.
* Uses data URI to inject a 1x1 transparent GIF image into the DOM.
* @property {jQuery}
* @static
* @inheritable
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.static.$shieldTemplate = $( '<img>' )
.addClass( 've-ce-protectedNode-shield' )
.attr( 'src', '' );
* Phantom element template.
* @property {jQuery}
* @static
* @inheritable
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.static.$phantomTemplate = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 've-ce-protectedNode-phantom' )
.attr( 'draggable', false );
/* Methods */
* Handle setup events.
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onProtectedSetup = function () {
var $shield,
node = this,
$shieldTemplate = this.constructor.static.$shieldTemplate,
surfaceModel = this.getRoot().getSurface().getModel();
// Events
this.$.on( '', ve.bind( this.onProtectedMouseEnter, this ) );
surfaceModel.connect( this, { 'change': 'onSurfaceModelChange' } );
// Shields
this.$.add( this.$.find( '*' ) ).each( function () {
var $this = $( this );
if ( this.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
if (
( $this.css( 'float' ) === 'none' || $this.css( 'float' ) === '' ) &&
!$this.hasClass( 've-ce-protectedNode' )
) {
$shield = $shieldTemplate.clone().appendTo( $this );
node.$shields = node.$shields.add( $shield );
} );
* Handle teardown events.
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onProtectedTeardown = function () {
var surfaceModel = this.getRoot().getSurface().getModel();
// Events
this.$.off( '.ve-ce-protectedNode' );
surfaceModel.disconnect( this, { 'change': 'onSurfaceModelChange' } );
// Shields
this.$shields = $( [] );
// Phantoms
* Handle phantom click events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse click event
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onPhantomClick = function ( e ) {
var surfaceModel = this.getRoot().getSurface().getModel(),
selectionRange = surfaceModel.getSelection(),
nodeRange = this.model.getOuterRange();
e.shiftKey ?
[ selectionRange, nodeRange ], selectionRange.from > nodeRange.from
) :
* Handle mouse enter events.
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onProtectedMouseEnter = function () {
if ( !this.root.getSurface().dragging ) {
* Handle surface mouse move events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse move event
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onSurfaceMouseMove = function ( e ) {
var $target = $( );
if (
!$target.hasClass( 've-ce-protectedNode-phantom' ) &&
$target.closest( '.ve-ce-protectedNode' ).length === 0
) {
* Handle surface mouse out events.
* @method
* @param {jQuery.Event} e
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onSurfaceMouseOut = function ( e ) {
if ( e.toElement === null ) {
* Handle surface model change events
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.onSurfaceModelChange = function () {
if ( this.$phantoms.length ) {
* Creates phantoms
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.createPhantoms = function () {
var $phantomTemplate = this.constructor.static.$phantomTemplate,
surface = this.root.getSurface();
this.$.find( '.ve-ce-protectedNode-shield' ).each(
ve.bind( function () {
this.$phantoms = this.$phantoms.add(
$phantomTemplate.clone().on( 'click', ve.bind( this.onPhantomClick, this ) )
}, this )
surface.replacePhantoms( this.$phantoms );
surface.$.on( {
'': ve.bind( this.onSurfaceMouseMove, this ),
'': ve.bind( this.onSurfaceMouseOut, this )
} );
* Positions phantoms
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.positionPhantoms = function () {
this.$.find( '.ve-ce-protectedNode-shield' ).each(
ve.bind( function ( i, element ) {
var $shield = $( element ),
offset = $shield.offset();
this.$phantoms.eq( i ).css( {
'left': offset.left,
'height': $shield.height(),
'width': $shield.width(),
'background-position': -offset.left + 'px ' + + 'px'
} );
}, this )
* Clears all phantoms and unbinds .ve-ce-protectedNode namespace event handlers
* @method
ve.ce.ProtectedNode.prototype.clearPhantoms = function () {
var surface = this.root.getSurface();
surface.replacePhantoms( null );
surface.$.unbind( '.ve-ce-protectedNode' );
this.$phantoms = $( [] );