mediawiki-extensions-Visual.../modules/ve-mw/tests/browser/features/media_general_settings.feature cefb9b265a [BrowserTest] [WIP]Fixing the test media_general_settings.feature
Change-Id: Ic83477f12db08ed25452f19ca3dc410940a8ebf5
2015-02-06 16:16:33 -07:00

19 lines
725 B
Gherkin @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @login @safari
Feature: VisualEditor Media Interface
Given I go to the "Media Interface VisualEditor Test" page with content "Media Interface VisualEditor Test"
And I click in the editable part
Scenario: VisualEditor insert new media
Given I click Media
And I enter bug into media Search box
And I select an Image
And I click Use this image
And I fill up the Caption field with "caption"
And I fill up the Alternative text with "alt text"
And I click Insert
And I click Save page
And I click Review your changes
Then diff view should show media file with caption and alt text