Antoine Musso 513b2e85b7 proper argument handling (requires 'optimist' module)
Handle arguments and options properly by using the 'optimist' node module.
Please note wordwrapping in usage does not seem to work on my setup :(

Only --help implemented yet.


$ node parserTests.js --help
Starting up JS parser tests
Usage: node ./parserTests.js

  --filter, --regex  Only run tests whose descriptions which match given regex (option not implemented)
  --help, -h         Show this help message                                                            
  --disabled         Run disabled tests (default false) (option not implemented)                         [boolean]
2011-11-30 16:33:26 +00:00

14 lines
380 B

Work in progress. :)
Batch-testing tools loading the parsing code into node.js, and going through a MediaWiki XML export dump to run round-trip tests over it. Currently not much will succeed as there's bad handling of newlines. ;)
Need npm modules:
* colors
* html5
* jquery
* jsdom
* diff
* libxmljs (requires native compilation)
* optimist (for argument handling)
* webworker