Gabriel Wicke b344e140aa Start to use the tokenCollector for links
Now that we have access to the contents we can more easily compare the content
with link targets. This is still to do- this commit only converts the link
handler to work on the collected tokens.

* Start to implement latest RDFa spec from
* Capitalize types, add mw:Entity type for html entities
* Detect changes to entities using tokenCollector and srcContent

Change-Id: I45429f4b930858a16e166ef8377c8f6f5114c414
2012-07-19 14:56:32 -07:00

455 lines
12 KiB

* Simple link handler. Registers after template expansions, as an
* asynchronous transform.
* @author Gabriel Wicke <>
* TODO: keep round-trip information in meta tag or the like
var jshashes = require('jshashes'),
PegTokenizer = require('./mediawiki.tokenizer.peg.js').PegTokenizer,
WikitextConstants = require('./mediawiki.wikitext.constants.js').WikitextConstants;
function WikiLinkHandler( manager, isInclude ) {
this.manager = manager;
this.manager.addTransform( this.onWikiLink.bind( this ), this.rank, 'tag', 'wikilink' );
// create a new peg parser for image options..
if ( !this.imageParser ) {
// Actually the regular tokenizer, but we'll call it with the
// img_options production only.
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.imageParser = new PegTokenizer();
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.rank = 1.15; // after AttributeExpander
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.onWikiLink = function ( token, frame, cb ) {
var env = this.manager.env,
href = token.attribs[0].v,
hrefStr = env.tokensToString( href );
var title = this.manager.env.makeTitleFromPrefixedText(hrefStr);
if ( title.ns.isFile() ) {
cb( this.renderFile( token, frame, cb, hrefStr, title ) );
} else if ( title.ns.isCategory() ) {
// Simply round-trip category links for now
cb( { tokens: [
new SelfclosingTagTk( 'meta',
[new KV( 'data-gen', 'both' )],
token.dataAttribs )
} else {
// Check if page exists
//console.warn( 'title: ' + JSON.stringify( title ) );
var normalizedHref = title.makeLink(),
obj = new TagTk( 'a',
new KV( 'href', normalizedHref ),
new KV('rel', 'mw:WikiLink')
], token.dataAttribs
content = token.attribs.slice(2);
if ( href !== normalizedHref ) {
obj.dataAttribs.sHref = hrefStr;
//console.warn('content: ' + JSON.stringify( content, null, 2 ) );
// XXX: handle trail
if ( content.length ) {
var out = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = content.length; i < l ; i++ ) {
out = out.concat( content[i].v );
if ( i < l - 1 ) {
out.push( '|' );
content = out;
} else {
content = [ env.decodeURI(hrefStr) ];
obj.dataAttribs.gc = 1;
var tail = token.attribs[1].v;
if ( tail ) {
obj.dataAttribs.tail = tail;
content.push( tail );
cb ( {
tokens: [obj].concat( content, [ new EndTagTk( 'a' ) ] )
} );
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.renderFile = function ( token, frame, cb, fileName, title ) {
var env = this.manager.env;
// distinguish media types
// if image: parse options
// Slice off the target and tail
var content = token.attribs.slice(2);
var MD5 = new jshashes.MD5(),
hash = MD5.hex( title.key ),
// TODO: Hackhack.. Move to proper test harness setup!
path = [ this.manager.env.wgUploadPath, hash[0],
hash.substr(0, 2), title.key ].join('/');
// extract options
var options = [],
oHash = {},
caption = [];
for( var i = 0, l = content.length; i<l; i++ ) {
var oContent = content[i],
oText = this.manager.env.tokensToString( oContent.v, true );
//console.log( JSON.stringify( oText, null, 2 ) );
if ( oText.constructor === String ) {
var origOText = oText;
oText = oText.trim().toLowerCase();
var imgOption = WikitextConstants.Image.SimpleOptions[oText];
if (imgOption) {
options.push( new KV(imgOption, origOText ) );
oHash[imgOption] = oText;
} else {
var maybeSize = oText.match(/^(\d*)(?:x(\d+))?px$/);
//console.log( maybeSize );
if ( maybeSize !== null ) {
var x = maybeSize[1],
y = maybeSize[2];
if ( x !== undefined ) {
options.push(new KV( 'width', x ) );
oHash.width = x;
if ( y !== undefined ) {
options.push(new KV( 'height', y ) );
oHash.height = y;
} else {
var bits = origOText.split( '=', 2 );
var normalizedBit0 = bits[0].trim().toLowerCase();
var key = WikitextConstants.Image.PrefixOptions[normalizedBit0];
if ( bits[0] && key) {
oHash[key] = bits[1];
// Preserve white space
// FIXME: But this doesn't work for the 'upright' key
if (key === normalizedBit0) {
key = bits[0];
options.push( new KV( key, bits[1] ) );
//console.warn('handle prefix ' + bits );
} else {
// neither simple nor prefix option, add original
// tokens to caption.
caption = caption.concat( oContent.v );
} else {
caption = caption.concat( oContent.v );
//var contentPos = token.dataAttribs.contentPos;
//var optionSource = token.source.substr( contentPos[0], contentPos[1] - contentPos[0] );
//console.log( 'optionSource: ' + optionSource );
// XXX: The trouble with re-parsing is the need to re-expand templates.
// Figure out how often non-image links contain image-like parameters!
//var options = this.imageParser.processImageOptions( optionSource );
//console.log( JSON.stringify( options, null, 2 ) );
// XXX: check if the file exists, generate thumbnail, get size
// XXX: render according to mode (inline, thumb, framed etc)
if ( oHash.format && ( oHash.format === 'thumb' || oHash.format === 'thumbnail') ) {
return this.renderThumb( token, this.manager, cb, title, fileName, path, caption, oHash, options );
} else {
// TODO: get /wiki from config!
var a = new TagTk( 'a', [
new KV( 'href', title.makeLink() ),
new KV( 'data-gen', 'both' )
] );
a.dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
var width, height;
if ( ! oHash.height && ! oHash.width ) {
width = '200px';
} else {
width = oHash.width;
height = oHash.height;
var img = new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img',
new KV( 'height', height || '' ),
new KV( 'width', width || '' ),
new KV( 'src', path ),
new KV( 'alt', oHash.alt || title.key )
] );
return { tokens: [ a, img, new EndTagTk( 'a' )] };
WikiLinkHandler.prototype.renderThumb = function ( token, manager, cb, title, fileName, path, caption, oHash, options ) {
// TODO: get /wiki from config!
var a = new TagTk( 'a', [ new KV( 'href', title.makeLink() ) ] );
a.dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
a.dataAttribs.optionHash = oHash;
a.dataAttribs.optionList = options;
// clear src string since we can serialize this
a.dataAttribs.src = undefined;
var width = 165;
// Handle upright
if ( 'aspect' in oHash ) {
if ( oHash.aspect > 0 ) {
width = width * oHash.aspect;
} else {
width *= 0.75;
var figurestyle = "width: " + (width + 5) + "px;",
figureclass = "thumb tright thumbinner";
// set horizontal alignment
if ( oHash.halign ) {
if ( oHash.halign === 'left' ) {
figurestyle += ' float: left;';
figureclass = "thumb tleft thumbinner";
} else if ( oHash.halign === 'center' ) {
figureclass = "thumb center thumbinner";
} else if ( oHash.halign === 'none' ) {
figureclass = "thumb thumbinner";
} else {
figurestyle += ' float: right;';
} else {
figurestyle += ' float: right;';
// XXX: set vertical alignment (valign)
// XXX: support other formats (border, frameless, frame)
// XXX: support prefixes
var thumb =
new TagTk(
new KV('data-gen', 'both'),
new KV('class', figureclass),
new KV('style', figurestyle),
new KV('typeof', ''),
// XXX: define this globally?
new KV('prefix', "mw:")
new TagTk(
new KV('href', title.makeLink()),
new KV('class', 'image')
new SelfclosingTagTk(
new KV('src', path),
new KV('width', width + 'px'),
//new KV('height', '160px'),
new KV('class', 'thumbimage'),
new KV('alt', oHash.alt || title.key ),
// Add resource as CURIE- needs global default prefix
// definition.
new KV('resource', '[:' + fileName + ']')
new EndTagTk( 'a' ),
new SelfclosingTagTk (
new KV('href', title.makeLink()),
new KV('class', 'internal sprite details magnify'),
new KV('title', 'View photo details')
new TagTk( 'figcaption',
new KV('class', 'thumbcaption'),
new KV('property', 'mw:thumbcaption')
] )
new EndTagTk( 'figcaption' ),
new EndTagTk( 'figure' )
// set round-trip information on the wrapping figure token
thumb[0].dataAttribs = token.dataAttribs;
* Wikia DOM:
<figure class="thumb tright thumbinner" style="width:270px;">
<a href="Delorean.jpg" class="image" data-image-name="DeLorean.jpg" id="DeLorean-jpg">
<img alt="" src="Delorean.jpg" width="268" height="123" class="thumbimage">
<a href="File:DeLorean.jpg" class="internal sprite details magnify" title="View photo details"></a>
<figcaption class="thumbcaption">
A DeLorean DMC-12 from the front with the gull-wing doors open
Continuation of the caption
<div class="picture-attribution">
<img src="Christian-Avatar.png" width="16" height="16" class="avatar" alt="Christian">Added by <a href="User:Christian">Christian</a>
//console.warn( 'thumbtokens: ' + JSON.stringify( thumb, null, 2 ) );
return { tokens: thumb };
function ExternalLinkHandler( manager, isInclude ) {
this.manager = manager;
this.manager.addTransform( this.onUrlLink.bind( this ), this.rank, 'tag', 'urllink' );
this.manager.addTransform( this.onExtLink.bind( this ),
this.rank - 0.001, 'tag', 'extlink' );
this.manager.addTransform( this.onEnd.bind( this ),
this.rank, 'end' );
// create a new peg parser for image options..
if ( !this.imageParser ) {
// Actually the regular tokenizer, but we'll call it with the
// img_options production only.
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.imageParser = new PegTokenizer();
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype._reset = function () {
this.linkCount = 1;
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.rank = 1.15;
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype._imageExtensions = {
'jpg': true,
'png': true,
'gif': true,
'svg': true
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype._isImageLink = function ( href ) {
var bits = href.split( '.' );
return bits.length > 1 &&
this._imageExtensions[ bits[bits.length - 1] ] &&
href.match( /^https?:\/\// );
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.onUrlLink = function ( token, frame, cb ) {
var env = this.manager.env,
href = env.sanitizeURI(
env.tokensToString( env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'href' ).v )
if ( this._isImageLink( href ) ) {
cb( { tokens: [ new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img',
new KV( 'src', href ),
new KV( 'alt', href.split('/').last() ),
new KV('rel', 'mw:externalImage')
{ stx: 'urllink' }
} );
} else {
cb( {
tokens: [
new TagTk( 'a',
new KV( 'href', href ),
new KV('rel', 'mw:ExtLink')
{ stx: 'urllink' } ),
new EndTagTk( 'a' )
} );
// Bracketed external link
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.onExtLink = function ( token, manager, cb ) {
var env = this.manager.env,
href = env.tokensToString( env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'href' ).v ),
content= env.lookupKV( token.attribs, 'content' ).v;
href = env.sanitizeURI( href );
//console.warn('extlink href: ' + href );
//console.warn( 'content: ' + JSON.stringify( content, null, 2 ) );
// validate the href
if ( this.imageParser.tokenizeURL( href ) ) {
if ( ! content.length ) {
content = ['[' + this.linkCount + ']'];
if ( content.length === 1 &&
content[0].constructor === String &&
this.imageParser.tokenizeURL( content[0] ) &&
this._isImageLink( content[0] ) )
var src = content[0];
content = [ new SelfclosingTagTk( 'img',
new KV( 'src', src ),
new KV( 'alt', src.split('/').last() )
{ type: 'extlink' })
cb( {
new TagTk ( 'a',
new KV('href', href),
new KV('rel', 'mw:ExtLink')
].concat( content, [ new EndTagTk( 'a' )])
} );
} else {
var tokens = ['[', href ];
if ( content.length ) {
tokens = tokens.concat( [' '], content );
cb( {
tokens: tokens
} );
ExternalLinkHandler.prototype.onEnd = function ( token, manager, cb ) {
cb( { tokens: [ token ] } );
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.WikiLinkHandler = WikiLinkHandler;
module.exports.ExternalLinkHandler = ExternalLinkHandler;