Christian Williams e03cef06a7 Nicely highlightable alien nodes
Browsers handle highlighting of our alien nodes differently. This change normalizes by hiding the native selection on the aliens, inserting blank image "shields" with native highlighting enabled.

Change-Id: Ica3576ef0e3c42b4aeae1da374cd1dc92f203d7d
2012-11-13 10:25:05 -08:00

224 lines
4.7 KiB

* VisualEditor content editable Node class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Generic ContentEditable node.
* @class
* @abstract
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.Node}
* @param {String} type Symbolic name of node type
* @param {} model Model to observe
* @param {jQuery} [$element] Element to use as a container
ve.ce.Node = function VeCeNode( type, model, $element ) {
// Parent constructor this, type );
// Properties
this.model = model;
this.$ = $element || $( '<div>' );
this.parent = null;
this.$.data( 'node', this );
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass( ve.ce.Node, ve.Node );
/* Static Memebers */
ve.ce.Node.static = {};
* Template for shield elements.
* Uses data URI to inject a 1x1 transparent GIF image into the DOM.
* @static
* @member
ve.ce.Node.static.$shieldTemplate = $(
'<img src="" ' +
/* Methods */
* Gets a list of allowed child node types.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {String[]|null} List of node types allowed as children or null if any type is allowed
ve.ce.Node.prototype.getChildNodeTypes = function () {
return this.model.getChildNodeTypes();
* Gets a list of allowed parent node types.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {String[]|null} List of node types allowed as parents or null if any type is allowed
ve.ce.Node.prototype.getParentNodeTypes = function () {
return this.model.getParentNodeTypes();
* Checks if model is for a node that can have children.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Model node can have children
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveChildren = function () {
return this.model.canHaveChildren();
* Checks if model is for a node that can have children.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Model node can have children
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveChildren = function () {
return this.model.canHaveChildren();
* Checks if model is for a node that can have grandchildren.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Model node can have grandchildren
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveGrandchildren = function () {
return this.model.canHaveGrandchildren();
* Checks if model is for a wrapped element.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Model node is a wrapped element
ve.ce.Node.prototype.isWrapped = function () {
return this.model.isWrapped();
* Checks if this node can contain content.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Node can contain content
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canContainContent = function () {
return this.model.canContainContent();
* Checks if this node is content.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Node is content
ve.ce.Node.prototype.isContent = function () {
return this.model.isContent();
* Checks if this node can have a slug before it
* @static
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the node can have a slug before it
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveSlugBefore = function () {
return !this.canContainContent() && this.getParentNodeTypes() === null && this.type !== 'text';
* Checks if this node can have a slug after it
* @static
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the node can have a slug after it
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveSlugAfter = ve.ce.Node.prototype.canHaveSlugBefore;
* Gets model length.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {Number} Model length
ve.ce.Node.prototype.getLength = function () {
return this.model.getLength();
* Gets model outer length.
* This method passes through to the model.
* @method
* @returns {Number} Model outer length
ve.ce.Node.prototype.getOuterLength = function () {
return this.model.getOuterLength();
* Checks if this node can be split.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Node can be split
ve.ce.Node.prototype.canBeSplit = function () {
return ve.ce.nodeFactory.canNodeBeSplit( this.type );
* Gets a reference to the model this node observes.
* @method
* @returns {} Reference to the model this node observes
ve.ce.Node.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
ve.ce.Node.getSplitableNode = function ( node ) {
var splitableNode = null;
ve.Node.traverseUpstream( node, function ( node ) {
if ( node.canBeSplit() ) {
splitableNode = node;
return true;
} else {
return false;
} );
return splitableNode;