Christian Williams 68f635b482 Local Overlay Stacks
After a spirited discussion, localOverlay is getting some children.

* localOverlayBlockers - UI elements that are meant to prevent
interaction with the element. This includes Phantoms and

*localOverlayControls - UI elements that are meant to be
interacted with in order to modify the element. This includes
resize handles and drag marker.

*localOverlayMenus - UI elements that should always position
above all other controls. This includes the context menu.

Bug: 50159
Change-Id: Ic69c2ad275389a31c9fbaf47f3665dcdbb7ac2af
2013-06-28 00:30:54 +00:00

118 lines
2.7 KiB

* VisualEditor ContentEditable RelocatableNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* ContentEditable relocatable node.
* Requires that the node also is Focusable
* @class
* @abstract
* @constructor
ve.ce.RelocatableNode = function VeCeRelocatableNode() {
// Properties
this.relocatingSurface = null;
this.$relocatableMarker = this.$$( '<img>' );
// Events
this.connect( this, {
'focus': 'onRelocatableFocus',
'blur': 'onRelocatableBlur',
'resize': 'onRelocatableResize'
} );
// Initialization
.addClass( 've-ce-relocatableNode-marker' )
.attr( 'src', '' )
.on( {
'dragstart': ve.bind( this.onRelocatableDragStart, this ),
'dragend': ve.bind( this.onRelocatableDragEnd, this )
} );
/* Static Properties */
/* Methods */
* Handle node focus.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableFocus = function () {
this.$relocatableMarker.appendTo( this.root.getSurface().getSurface().$localOverlayControls );
* Handle node blur.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableBlur = function () {
* Handle node resize.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableResize = function () {
* Handle element drag start.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableDragStart = function () {
// Store a copy of the surface, when dragend occurs the node will be detached
this.relocatingSurface = this.getRoot().getSurface();
if ( this.relocatingSurface ) {
// Allow dragging this node in the surface
this.relocatingSurface.startRelocation( this );
this.$relocatableMarker.addClass( 'relocating' );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
this.$relocatableMarker.css( { 'top': -10000, 'left': -10000 } );
}, this ), 0 );
* Handle element drag end.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableDragEnd = function () {
if ( this.relocatingSurface ) {
this.relocatingSurface = null;
this.$relocatableMarker.removeClass( 'relocating' );
* Set the correct size and position of the relocatable marker.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.setRelocatableMarkerSizeAndPosition = function () {
this.$relocatableMarker.css( {
'height': this.$.height(),
'width': this.$.width(),
'top': this.$.offset().top,
'left': this.$.offset().left
} );