mediawiki-extensions-Visual.../modules/ve-mw/tests/browser/features/media_interface.feature eea130381a [BrowserTest] Updating test for Media Settings interface
Fixed the following:
1.The workflow was incomplete and incorporated new changes
2.Wrong css pointer to the first image
3.The Given statement was defined as When in step definition file
4.Removed unnecessary/obsolete steps that was making the test to fail while we can verify the basic functionality with miminum steps.

Change-Id: Ic8a265678900ed52bbed6d90e971d6c016ef610d
2015-01-30 18:11:33 -08:00

21 lines
952 B
Gherkin @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @login @safari
Feature: VisualEditor Media Interface
Given I go to the "Media Interface VisualEditor Test" page with content "Media Interface VisualEditor Test"
And I click in the editable part
Scenario Outline: VisualEditor insert new media
Given I click Media
And I enter <search_term> into media Search box
And I select an Image
And I click Use this image
And I click Insert
And I click Save page
And I click Review your changes
Then <expected_markup_text> should appear in the media diff view
And I can click the X on the media save box
| search_term | expected_markup_text |
| bug | [[File:Folgers.ogv\|thumb]] |