Trevor Parscal 7450fa9114 (bug 42836) Formatting drop-down updates
The fix for bug 40339 supposedly modified when we emit contextChange events so that when the node changed, even if the context was the same, we consider it a context change (such as changing the heading level).

Unfortunately I was mentally absent when I wrote the patch and all it actually does it emit more select events.

Basically cb4877b0d0 - which does indeed fix the bug - doesn't do what it's commit message describes, but this fixes it.

Change-Id: I99d74f9ab0ddec15df41320389fe83de9b8b8d1e
2012-12-07 13:17:31 -08:00

348 lines
8.9 KiB

* VisualEditor data model Surface class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* DataModel surface.
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.EventEmitter}
* @param {} doc Document model to create surface for
*/ = function VeDmSurface( doc ) {
// Parent constructor this );
// Properties
this.documentModel = doc;
this.selection = new ve.Range( 0, 0 );
this.selectedNodes = {};
this.smallStack = [];
this.bigStack = [];
this.undoIndex = 0;
this.historyTrackingInterval = null;
this.insertionAnnotations = new ve.AnnotationSet();
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass(, ve.EventEmitter );
/* Methods */
* Start tracking state changes in history.
* @method
*/ = function () {
this.historyTrackingInterval = setInterval( ve.bind( this.breakpoint, this ), 750 );
* Stop tracking state changes in history.
* @method
*/ = function () {
clearInterval( this.historyTrackingInterval );
* Removes all states from history.
* @method
*/ = function () {
this.selection = null;
this.smallStack = [];
this.bigStack = [];
this.undoIndex = 0;
* Gets a list of all history states.
* @method
* @returns {Array[]} List of transaction stacks
*/ = function () {
if ( this.smallStack.length > 0 ) {
return this.bigStack.slice( 0 ).concat( [{ 'stack': this.smallStack.slice(0) }] );
} else {
return this.bigStack.slice( 0 );
* Gets annotations that will be used upon insertion.
* @method
* @returns {ve.AnnotationSet|null} Insertion anotations or null if not being used
*/ = function () {
return this.insertionAnnotations.clone();
* Sets annotations that will be used upon insertion.
* @method
* @param {ve.AnnotationSet|null} Insertion anotations to use or null to disable them
* @emits 'contextChange'
*/ = function ( annotations ) {
this.insertionAnnotations = annotations.clone();
this.emit( 'contextChange' );
* Adds an annotation to the insertion annotations.
* @method
* @param {ve.AnnotationSet} Insertion anotation to add
* @emits 'contextChange'
*/ = function ( annotation ) {
this.insertionAnnotations.push( annotation );
this.emit( 'contextChange' );
* Removes an annotation from the insertion annotations.
* @method
* @param {ve.AnnotationSet} Insertion anotation to remove
* @emits 'contextChange'
*/ = function ( annotation ) {
this.insertionAnnotations.remove( annotation );
this.emit( 'contextChange' );
* Checks if there is a state to redo.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Has a future state
*/ = function() {
return this.undoIndex > 0;
* Checks if there is a state to undo.
* @method
* @returns {Boolean} Has a past state
*/ = function() {
return this.bigStack.length - this.undoIndex > 0;
* Gets the document model of the surface.
* @method
* @returns {} Document model of the surface
*/ = function () {
return this.documentModel;
* Gets the selection
* @method
* @returns {ve.Range} Current selection
*/ = function () {
return this.selection;
* Gets a fragment from this document and selection.
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} [range] Range within target document, current selection used by default
* @param {Boolean} [noAutoSelect] Don't update the surface's selection when making changes
*/ = function ( range, noAutoSelect ) {
return new this, range || this.selection, noAutoSelect );
* Applies a series of transactions to the content data and sets the selection.
* @method
* @param {|[]|null} transactions One or more transactions to
* process, or null to process none
* @param {ve.Range|undefined} selection
*/ = function ( transactions, selection ) {
var i, len, offset, annotations,
selectedNodes = {},
selectionChange = false,
contextChange = false;
// Process transactions and apply selection changes
if ( transactions ) {
if ( transactions instanceof ) {
transactions = [transactions];
this.emit( 'lock' );
for ( i = 0, len = transactions.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( !transactions[i].isNoOp() ) {
this.bigStack = this.bigStack.slice( 0, this.bigStack.length - this.undoIndex );
this.undoIndex = 0;
this.smallStack.push( transactions[i] ); this.documentModel, transactions[i] );
this.emit( 'unlock' );
if ( selection ) {
// Detect if selection range changed
if ( !this.selection || !this.selection.equals( selection ) ) {
selectionChange = true;
// Detect if selected nodes changed
selectedNodes.start = this.documentModel.getNodeFromOffset( selection.start );
if ( selection.getLength() ) {
selectedNodes.end = this.documentModel.getNodeFromOffset( selection.end );
if (
selectedNodes.start !== this.selectedNodes.start ||
selectedNodes.end !== this.selectedNodes.end
) {
contextChange = true;
this.selectedNodes = selectedNodes;
if ( selectionChange ) {
this.emit( 'select', this.selection.clone() );
this.selection = selection;
// Only emit a transact event if transactions were actually processed
if ( transactions ) {
this.emit( 'transact', transactions );
// Detect context change, if not detected already, when element attributes have changed
if ( !contextChange ) {
for ( i = 0, len = transactions.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( transactions[i].hasElementAttributeOperations() ) {
contextChange = true;
// Figure out which offset which we should get insertion annotations from
if ( this.selection.isCollapsed() ) {
// Get annotations from the left of the cursor
offset = this.documentModel.getNearestContentOffset(
Math.max( 0, this.selection.start - 1 ), -1
} else {
// Get annotations from the first character of the selection
offset = this.documentModel.getNearestContentOffset( this.selection.start );
if ( offset === -1 ) {
// Document is empty, use empty set
annotations = new ve.AnnotationSet();
} else {
annotations = this.documentModel.getAnnotationsFromOffset( offset );
// Only emit an annotations change event if there's a meaningful difference
if (
!annotations.containsAllOf( this.insertionAnnotations ) ||
!this.insertionAnnotations.containsAllOf( annotations )
) {
this.insertionAnnotations = annotations;
contextChange = true;
// Only emit one context change event
if ( contextChange ) {
this.emit( 'contextChange' );
this.emit( 'change', transactions, selection );
* Sets a history state breakpoint.
* @method
* @param {ve.Range} selection New selection range
*/ = function ( selection ) {
if ( this.smallStack.length > 0 ) {
this.bigStack.push( {
stack: this.smallStack,
selection: selection || this.selection.clone()
} );
this.smallStack = [];
this.emit( 'history' );
* Steps backwards in history.
* @method
* @returns {ve.Range} Selection or null if no further state could be reached
*/ = function () {
var item, i, transaction, selection;
if ( this.bigStack[this.bigStack.length - this.undoIndex] ) {
this.emit( 'lock' );
item = this.bigStack[this.bigStack.length - this.undoIndex];
selection = item.selection;
for ( i = item.stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
transaction = item.stack[i];
selection = transaction.translateRange( selection, true );
this.documentModel.rollback( item.stack[i] );
this.emit( 'unlock' );
this.emit( 'history' );
return selection;
return null;
* Steps forwards in history.
* @method
* @returns {ve.Range} Selection or null if no further state could be reached
*/ = function () {
var selection, item, i;
if ( this.undoIndex > 0 && this.bigStack[this.bigStack.length - this.undoIndex] ) {
this.emit( 'lock' );
item = this.bigStack[this.bigStack.length - this.undoIndex];
selection = item.selection;
for ( i = 0; i < item.stack.length; i++ ) {
this.documentModel.commit( item.stack[i] );
this.emit( 'unlock' );
this.emit( 'history' );
return selection;
return null;