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synced 2024-12-03 02:16:51 +00:00
* Only show the inspector if the selected text has an inspectable annotation * Replace the inline menu with a toolbar containing inspectable annotations * Change the appearance of the inspector to match new mockups * Add the trash can icon for removing annotations * Move iframe handling code into a class that manages all that nonsense Change-Id: I840f72426f9a9e50054a28de950393f0e9913153
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326 lines
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* VisualEditor user interface Context class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.Context object.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param surface
* @param {jQuery} $overlay DOM selection to add nodes to
ve.ui.Context = function VeUiContext( surface, $overlay ) {
if ( !surface ) {
// Properties
this.surface = surface;
this.surfaceModel = surface.getModel();
this.inspectors = {};
this.inspector = null;
this.position = null;
this.visible = false;
// Base elements
this.$ = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context"></div>' );
this.$callout = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context-callout"></div>' );
this.$inner = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context-inner"></div>' )
.appendTo( this.$ );
this.$menu = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context-menu"></div>' )
.appendTo( this.$inner );
// Inspectors
this.$inspectors = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context-inspectors"></div>' )
.appendTo ( this.$inner );
this.$overlay = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context-frame-overlay"></div>' )
.appendTo( this.$ );
// Append base
this.$.prepend( this.$callout );
( $overlay || $( 'body' ) ).append( this.$ );
// Create Frame for inspectors.
this.frameView = new ve.ui.Frame( {
'stylesheets': [
ve.init.platform.getModulesUrl() + '/ve/ui/styles/ve.ui.Inspector.css',
ve.init.platform.getModulesUrl() +
( window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ?
'/ve/ui/styles/ve.ui.Inspector.Icons-vector.css' :
'/ve/ui/styles/ve.ui.Inspector.Icons-raster.css' )
}, this.$inspectors );
this.surface.getView().getDocument().getDocumentNode().$.on( {
'focus': ve.bind( this.onDocumentFocus, this ),
'blur': ve.bind( this.onDocumentBlur, this )
} );
this.surfaceModel.on( 'change', ve.bind( this.onChange, this ) );
/* Static Members */
// Debounced onChange method bound to model change event triggers context update
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onChange = ve.debounce( function ( transaction, selection ) {
if ( selection ) {
ve.bind( ve.ui.Context.prototype.update.call( this ), this );
}, 250 );
* Updates the context icon.
* @method
ve.ui.Context.prototype.update = function () {
var doc = this.surfaceModel.getDocument(),
sel = this.surfaceModel.getSelection(),
annotations = null,
inspectors = [],
if ( doc.getText( sel ).length > 0 ) {
// Clearing out the toolbar & menu to rebuild.
// TODO: Consider more efficient implementation.
// Get annotations.
annotations = doc.getAnnotationsFromRange( sel ).get();
// Look for inspectors that match annotations.
for ( i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++ ) {
name = annotations[i].name.split('/')[0];
// Add inspector on demand.
if ( this.initInspector( name ) ) {
inspectors.push( name );
if ( inspectors.length > 0 ) {
// Toolbar
this.$toolbar = $( '<div class="ve-ui-context-toolbar"></div>' );
// Create inspector toolbar
this.toolbarView = new ve.ui.Toolbar(
[{ 'name': 'inspectors', 'items' : inspectors }]
// Note: Menu attaches the provided $tool element to the container.
this.menuView = new ve.ui.Menu(
[ { 'name': 'tools', '$': this.$toolbar } ], // Tools
null, // Callback
this.$menu, // Container
this.$inner // Parent
} else if ( !this.inspector ) {
} else {
ve.ui.Context.prototype.unset = function () {
if ( this.inspector ) {
this.closeInspector( false );
this.obscure( this.$inspectors );
if ( this.menuView ) {
this.obscure( this.$menu );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.obscure = function ( el ) {
el.css( {
'top': -5000
} );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.reveal = function ( el ) {
el.css( {
'top': 0
} );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.getSelectionPosition = function () {
var selectionRect = this.surface.getView().getSelectionRect();
return new ve.Position( selectionRect.end.x, selectionRect.end.y );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.open = function () {
this.$.css( 'visibility', 'visible' );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.close = function () {
this.$.css( 'visibility', 'hidden' );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.set = function () {
this.position = this.getSelectionPosition();
this.$.css( {
'left': this.position.left,
'top': this.position.top
} );
// Open context.
function getDimensions () {
var height, width;
if ( this.inspector ) {
height = this.$inspectors.outerHeight( true );
width = this.$inspectors.outerWidth( true );
} else {
height = this.$menu.outerHeight( true );
width = this.$menu.outerWidth( true );
return {
'height': height,
'width': width
function getLeft () {
var width = getDimensions.call( this ).width,
left = -( width / 2 );
// Boundary checking left.
if ( this.position.left < width / 2 ) {
left = -( this.$.children().outerWidth( true ) / 2 ) - ( this.position.left / 2 );
// Checking right.
} else if ( $( 'body' ).width() - this.position.left < width ) {
left = -( width - ( ( $( 'body' ).width() - this.position.left ) / 2) );
return left;
if ( this.inspector ) {
// Reveal inspector
this.reveal( this.$inspectors );
} else {
if ( !this.visible ) {
// Fade in the context.
this.$.fadeIn( 'fast' );
this.visible = true;
// Reveal menu
this.reveal( this.$menu );
// Position inner context.
this.$inner.css( {
'left': getLeft.call( this ),
'height': getDimensions.call( this ).height,
'width': getDimensions.call( this ).width
} );
// Method to position iframe overlay above or below an element.
ve.ui.Context.prototype.setOverlayPosition = function ( config ) {
var left, top;
if (
config === undefined ||
! ( 'overlay' in config )
) {
// Set iframe overlay below element.
left = -( this.$inner.width() / 2 ) + config.el.offset().left;
top = config.el.offset().top + config.el.outerHeight( true );
// Set position.
config.overlay.css( {
'left': left,
'top': top,
// RTL position fix.
'width': config.overlay.children().outerWidth( true )
} );
/* Inspector methods */
/* Lazy load inspectors on demand */
ve.ui.Context.prototype.initInspector = function ( name ) {
// Add inspector on demand.
if ( ve.ui.inspectorFactory.lookup( name ) ) {
if ( !( name in this.inspectors ) ) {
this.addInspector( name, ve.ui.inspectorFactory.create( name, this ) );
this.obscure( this.$inspectors );
return true;
return false;
ve.ui.Context.prototype.addInspector = function ( name, inspector ) {
if ( name in this.inspectors ) {
throw new Error( 'Duplicate inspector error. Previous registration with the same name: ' + name );
this.inspectors[name] = inspector;
this.frameView.$.append( inspector.$ );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.openInspector = function ( name ) {
if ( !this.initInspector( name ) ) {
throw new Error( 'Missing inspector. Can not open nonexistent inspector: ' + name );
// Close menu
if ( this.menuView ) {
this.obscure( this.$menu );
// Fade in context if menu is closed.
// At this point, menuView could be undefined or not open.
if ( this.menuView === undefined || !this.menuView.isOpen() ) {
this.$.fadeIn( 'fast' );
// Open the inspector by name.
// Resize frame to the size of the inspector.
this.resizeFrame( this.inspectors[name] );
// Save name of inspector open.
this.inspector = name;
// Set inspector
ve.ui.Context.prototype.closeInspector = function ( accept ) {
if ( this.inspector ) {
this.obscure( this.$inspectors );
this.inspectors[this.inspector].close( accept );
this.inspector = null;
// Currently sizes to dimensions of specified inspector.
ve.ui.Context.prototype.resizeFrame = function ( inspector ) {
var width = inspector.$.outerWidth(),
height = inspector.$.outerHeight();
this.frameView.$frame.css( {
'width': width,
'height': height
} );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.getSurface = function () {
return this.surface;
/* Events */
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onDocumentFocus = function () {
$( window ).on( 'resize.ve-ui-context scroll.ve-ui-context',
ve.bind( this.set, this ) );
ve.ui.Context.prototype.onDocumentBlur = function () {
if ( !this.inspector ) {
$( window ).off( 'resize.ve-ui-context scroll.ve-ui-context' );