mediawiki-extensions-Visual.../modules/ve-mw/tests/browser/features/options.feature a8807c6af4 [BrowserTest] Adding tests for checking fields under Page Settings
Change-Id: I31d8d3327bd8abe6a7c5f3c4941174253104bbac
2014-12-15 21:37:42 +00:00

51 lines
2 KiB
Gherkin @firefox @internet_explorer_10 @safari
Feature: VisualEditor Options
Given I go to the "Options VisualEditor Test" page with content "Options VisualEditor Test"
And I click in the editable part
And I click the hamburger menu
Scenario: Options
When I click Options
Then I should see the options overlay
Scenario: Advanced Settings
When I click Advanced Settings
Then I should see the options overlay
And the options overlay should display Advanced Settings
Scenario: Page Settings
When I click Page Settings
Then I should see the options overlay
And the options overlay should display Page Settings
Scenario: Categories
When I click Categories
Then I should see the options overlay
And the options overlay should display Categories
Scenario: Advanced Settings setting fields
When I click Advanced Settings
And I click Yes for Indexed by Search Engines
And I click Yes for showing tab for adding new section
And I check the option for Enable display title
And I type "automated test" for display title textbox
And I click Apply Changes button
And I click Save page
And I click Review your changes
Then the options set in Advanced Settings panel should appear in diff view
Scenario: Setting the fields in Page Settings
When I click Page Settings
And I check the option for Redirect this page to
And I type "Linux" for redirect page
And I check the option for Prevent this redirect being updated when target page is moved
And I select the option Always for showing Table of Contents
And I check the option for Disable edit links next to each heading on this page
And I check the option for This is a Disambiguation page
And I click Apply Changes button
And I click Save page
And I click Review your changes
Then the options set in Page Settings panel should appear in diff view