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synced 2024-12-02 01:46:47 +00:00
See also http://stackoverflow.com/a/13139830/319266: > Some are unstable and cause CSS glitches. [If] you have an > <img> and you use the tiniest transparent GIF possible, it > works fine[. if] you then want your transparent GIF to have a > background-image, then this is impossible. For some reason, > some GIFs such as the following prevent CSS backgrounds (in > some browsers). > > == Shortest (but unstable) == >  > > == Stable (but slightly longer) *use this one* == > >  > > Also: don't ommit image/gif. This will break in several browsers. For the record, this is not limited to rare browsers. It also affects latest Chrome in some cases as confirmed by Christian (it'd be white instead of transparent in some cases when uses as a css background-image without border). Change-Id: If9ff8a0820c217b6c23e3335944907939a37bef7
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* VisualEditor ContentEditable RelocatableNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* ContentEditable relocatable node.
* Requires that the node also is Focusable
* @class
* @abstract
* @constructor
* @param {jQuery} [$relocatable=this.$] Element which can be relocated
ve.ce.RelocatableNode = function VeCeRelocatableNode( $relocatable ) {
// Properties
this.relocatingSurface = null;
this.$relocatable = $relocatable || this.$;
this.$relocatableMarker = this.$$( '<img>' );
// Events
this.connect( this, {
'focus': 'onRelocatableFocus',
'blur': 'onRelocatableBlur',
'resize': 'onRelocatableResize',
'live': 'onRelocatableLive'
} );
// Initialization
.addClass( 've-ce-relocatableNode-marker' )
.attr( 'src', '' )
.on( {
'dragstart': ve.bind( this.onRelocatableDragStart, this ),
'dragend': ve.bind( this.onRelocatableDragEnd, this )
} );
/* Static Properties */
/* Methods */
* Handle node live.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableLive = function () {
var surfaceModel = this.root.getSurface().getModel();
if ( this.live ) {
surfaceModel.connect( this, { 'history': 'setRelocatableMarkerSizeAndPosition' } );
} else {
surfaceModel.disconnect( this, { 'history': 'setRelocatableMarkerSizeAndPosition' } );
* Handle node focus.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableFocus = function () {
this.$relocatableMarker.appendTo( this.root.getSurface().getSurface().$localOverlayControls );
* Handle node blur.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableBlur = function () {
* Handle node resize.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableResize = function () {
* Handle element drag start.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableDragStart = function () {
// Store a copy of the surface, when dragend occurs the node will be detached
this.relocatingSurface = this.root.getSurface();
if ( this.relocatingSurface ) {
// Allow dragging this node in the surface
this.relocatingSurface.startRelocation( this );
this.$relocatableMarker.addClass( 'relocating' );
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
this.$relocatableMarker.css( { 'top': -10000, 'left': -10000 } );
}, this ), 0 );
* Handle element drag end.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.onRelocatableDragEnd = function () {
if ( this.relocatingSurface ) {
this.relocatingSurface = null;
this.$relocatableMarker.removeClass( 'relocating' );
* Set the correct size and position of the relocatable marker.
* @method
ve.ce.RelocatableNode.prototype.setRelocatableMarkerSizeAndPosition = function () {
var offset = ve.Element.getRelativePosition(
this.$relocatable, this.getRoot().getSurface().getSurface().$
this.$relocatableMarker.css( {
'height': this.$relocatable.height(),
'width': this.$relocatable.width(),
'top': offset.top,
'left': offset.left
} );