vikassy c5688eea20 [BrowserTest] Language Screenshot (browser test and their screenshots) for Headings and Formatting
This is an illustration of how one can get a screenshot of
the Headings pull-down menu and formatting pull-down menu for the Visual Editor User guide[1].
To see how it works:
* Set environment variable LANGUAGE_SCREENSHOT_CODE to which ever
language you are planning to run browser test for.
(Eg: de for German/en for English)
* Set environment variable LANGUAGE_SCREENSHOT_PATH (optional)
to store the screenshot in that path. If not provided the ./screenshots folder will be used.
* Run the browser test as usual using cucumber or you can use @language_screenshot tag while executing
(bundle exec cucumber --tags @language_screenshot)


Bug: 62737
Change-Id: I0f27aec482458b6f04aa913426042f78695d451d
2014-06-26 19:13:24 +05:30

14 lines
407 B

@firefox @language_screenshot
Feature: Language Screenshot
Scenario: VisualEditor_Toolbar_Headings
Given I am editing a random page
When I click the down arrow on Headings interface
Then I should see Headings pull-down menu
Scenario: VisualEditor_Toolbar_Formatting
Given I am editing a random page
When I click the text style menu
Then I should see Formatting pull-down menu