Trevor Parscal c40174b60c Changed to use MIT license per agreement with the VisualEditor team
This license change is aimed at maximizing the reusability of this code
in other projects. VisualEditor is more than just an awesome editor for
MediaWiki, it's the new editor for the entire internet.

Added license and author files, plus mentions of the license to all
VisualEditor PHP, JavaScript and CSS files. Parser files have not been
modified but are effectively re-licensed since there's no overriding
license information. 3rd party libraries are not changed, but are all
already MIT licensed.

Change-Id: I895b256325db7c8689756edab34523de4418b0f2
2012-07-19 13:25:45 -07:00

256 lines
7.4 KiB

* VisualEditor content editable BranchNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* ContentEditable node that can have branch or leaf children.
* @class
* @abstract
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.BranchNode}
* @extends {ve.ce.Node}
* @param {String} type Symbolic name of node type
* @param model {} Model to observe
* @param {jQuery} [$element] Element to use as a container
ve.ce.BranchNode = function( type, model, $element ) {
// Inheritance this ); this, type, model, $element );
// Properties
this.domWrapperElementType = this.$.get(0).nodeName.toLowerCase();
this.$slugs = $();
// Events
this.model.addListenerMethod( this, 'splice', 'onSplice' );
// DOM Changes
this.$.addClass( 've-ce-branchNode' );
// Initialization
if ( model.getChildren().length ) {
this.onSplice.apply( this, [0, 0].concat( model.getChildren() ) );
/* Static Members */
if ( $.browser.msie ) {
ve.ce.BranchNode.$slugTemplate = $( '<span class="ve-ce-slug">&nbsp;</span>' );
} else {
ve.ce.BranchNode.$slugTemplate = $( '<span class="ve-ce-slug">&#xFEFF;</span>' );
/* Static Methods */
* Gets the appropriate element type for the DOM wrapper of a node.
* This method reads the {key} attribute from a {model} and looks up a type in the node's statically
* defined {domWrapperElementTypes} member, which is a mapping of possible values of that attribute
* and DOM element types.
* @method
* @param {} model Model node is based on
* @param {String} key Attribute name to read type value from
* @returns {String} DOM element type for wrapper
* @throws 'Undefined attribute' if attribute is not defined in the model
* @throws 'Invalid attribute value' if attribute value is not a key in {domWrapperElementTypes}
ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapperType = function( model, key ) {
var types,
value = model.getAttribute( key );
if ( value === undefined ) {
throw 'Undefined attribute: ' + key;
types = ve.ce.nodeFactory.lookup( model.getType() ).domWrapperElementTypes;
if ( types[value] === undefined ) {
throw 'Invalid attribute value: ' + value;
return types[value];
* Gets a jQuery selection of a new DOM wrapper for a node.
* This method uses {getDomWrapperType} to determine the proper element type to use.
* @method
* @param {} model Model node is based on
* @param {String} key Attribute name to read type value from
* @returns {jQuery} Selection of DOM wrapper
ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapper = function( model, key ) {
var type = ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapperType( model, key );
return $( '<' + type + '></' + type + '>' );
/* Methods */
ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.addSlugs = function() {
var i, $slug;
// Remove all slugs in this branch
$slug = ve.ce.BranchNode.$slugTemplate.clone();
if ( this.canHaveGrandchildren() ) {
$slug.css( 'display', 'block');
// Iterate over all children of this branch and add slugs in appropriate places
if ( this.getLength() === 0 ) {
this.$slugs = this.$slugs.add(
$slug.clone().appendTo( this.$ )
for ( i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
if ( this.children[i].canHaveSlug() ) {
if ( i === 0 ) {
// First sluggable child (left side)
this.$slugs = this.$slugs.add(
$slug.clone().insertBefore( this.children[i].$ )
if (
// Last sluggable child (right side)
i === this.children.length - 1 ||
// Sluggable child followed by another sluggable child (in between)
( this.children[i + 1] && this.children[i + 1].canHaveSlug() )
) {
this.$slugs = this.$slugs.add(
$slug.clone().insertAfter( this.children[i].$ )
* Updates the DOM wrapper of this node if needed.
* This method uses {getDomWrapperType} to determine the proper element type to use.
* WARNING: The contents, .data( 'node' ) and any classes the wrapper already has will be moved to
* the new wrapper, but other attributes and any other information added using $.data() will be
* lost upon updating the wrapper. To retain information added to the wrapper, subscribe to the
* 'rewrap' event and copy information from the {$old} wrapper the {$new} wrapper.
* @method
* @param {String} key Attribute name to read type value from
* @emits rewrap ($old, $new)
ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.updateDomWrapper = function( key ) {
var $element,
type = ve.ce.BranchNode.getDomWrapperType( this.model, key );
if ( type !== this.domWrapperElementType ) {
$element = $( '<' + type + '></' + type + '>' );
// Copy classes
$element.attr( 'class', this.$.attr( 'class' ) );
// Copy .data( 'node' )
$ 'node', this.$.data( 'node' ) );
// Move contents
$element.append( this.$.contents() );
// Emit an event that can be handled to copy other things over if needed
this.emit( 'rewrap', this.$, $element );
// Swap elements
this.$.replaceWith( $element );
// Use new element from now on
this.$ = $element;
// Remember which type we are using now
this.domWrapperElementType = type;
* Responds to splice events on a
* ve.ce.Node objects are generated from the inserted objects, producing a view that's a
* mirror of its model.
* @method
* @param {Integer} index Index to remove and or insert nodes at
* @param {Integer} howmany Number of nodes to remove
* @param {} [...] Variadic list of nodes to insert
ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.onSplice = function( index, howmany ) {
var i,
args = arguments, 0 ),
// Convert models to views and attach them to this node
if ( args.length >= 3 ) {
for ( i = 2, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) {
args[i] = ve.ce.nodeFactory.create( args[i].getType(), args[i] );
removals = this.children.splice.apply( this.children, args );
for ( i = 0, length = removals.length; i < length; i++ ) {
// Update DOM
if ( args.length >= 3 ) {
if ( index ) {
// Get the element before the insertion point
$anchor = this.$.children(':not(.ve-ce-slug)').eq( index - 1 );
for ( i = args.length - 1; i >= 2; i-- ) {
args[i].attach( this );
if ( index ) {
$anchor.after( args[i].$ );
} else {
this.$.prepend( args[i].$ );
ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.hasSlugAtOffset = function( offset ) {
var i, nodeOffset, nodeLength;
if ( this.getLength() === 0 ) {
return true;
for ( i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
if ( this.children[i].canHaveSlug() ) {
nodeOffset = this.children[i].model.getRoot().getOffsetFromNode( this.children[i].model );
nodeLength = this.children[i].model.getOuterLength();
if ( i === 0 ) {
if ( nodeOffset === offset ) {
return true;
if ( i === this.children.length - 1 || ( this.children[i + 1] && this.children[i + 1].canHaveSlug() ) ) {
if ( nodeOffset + nodeLength === offset ) {
return true;
return false;
ve.ce.BranchNode.prototype.clean = function() {
for ( var i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++ ) {
this.$.append( this.children[i].$ );
/* Inheritance */
ve.extendClass( ve.ce.BranchNode, ve.BranchNode, ve.ce.Node );