mirror of
synced 2024-12-02 01:46:47 +00:00
ve.ui.Inspector * Removed disabled state and interfaces - this isn't needed * Renamed prepareSelection to onInitialize * Using event emitter to run onInitialize, onOpen and onClose methods * Left removal up to the child class to handle in the onClose method * Replaced calls on context to close inspector to calling close directly * Renamed prepareSelection stub to onInitialize * Emitting initialize event from within the open method * Added recursion guarding to close method * Changed the close method's argument to be remove instead of accept - the more common case is to save changes, and the only time you wouldn't save changes is if you were to remove the annotation * Moved focus restore to close method ve.ui.Context * Moved the majority of the code in openInspector and closeInspector to event handlers for onInspectorOpen and onInspectorClose * Updated calls to closeInspector re: accept->remove argument change ve.ui.LinkInspector * Renamed prepareSelection to onInitialize and rewrote logic and documentation * Removed unused onLocationInputChange method * Moved restore focus (now it's in the inspector base class) ve.dm.SurfaceFragment * Added word mode for expandRange ve.dm.Surface * Added locking/unlocking while processing transactions - this was not an issue before because this was effectively being done manually throughout ce (which needs to be cleaned up) but once we started using the content action to insert content dm and ce started playing off each other and inserting in a loop - we already do this for undo/redo so it makes sense to do it here as well ve.InspectorAction * Updated arguments re: close method's accept->remove argument change Change-Id: I38995d4101fda71bfb2e6fe516603507ce820937
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381 lines
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/*global mw */
* VisualEditor user interface LinkInspector class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.LinkInspector object.
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.ui.Inspector}
* @param context
ve.ui.LinkInspector = function VeUiLinkInspector( context ) {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.Inspector.call( this, context );
// Properties
this.context = context;
this.initialTarget = null;
this.isNewAnnotation = false;
this.$locationInput = this.frame.$$(
'<input type="text" class="ve-ui-linkInspector-location ve-ui-icon-down" />'
// Initialization
this.$form.append( this.$locationInput );
// FIXME: MediaWiki-specific
if ( 'mw' in window ) {
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass( ve.ui.LinkInspector, ve.ui.Inspector );
/* Static properties */
ve.ui.LinkInspector.static.icon = 'link';
ve.ui.LinkInspector.static.titleMessage = 'visualeditor-linkinspector-title';
ve.ui.LinkInspector.static.typePattern = /^link(\/MW(in|ex)ternal)?$/;
/* Methods */
* Responds to the inspector being initialized.
* There are 4 scenarios:
* * Zero-length selection not near a word -> no change, text will be inserted on close
* * Zero-length selection inside or adjacent to a word -> expand selection to cover word
* * Selection covering non-link text -> trim selection to remove leading/trailing whitespace
* * Selection covering link text -> expand selection to cover link
* @method
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.onInitialize = function () {
var fragment = this.context.getSurface().getModel().getFragment(),
annotation = this.getMatchingAnnotations( fragment ).get( 0 );
if ( !annotation ) {
if ( fragment.getRange().isCollapsed() ) {
// Expand to nearest word
fragment = fragment.expandRange( 'word' );
} else {
// Trim whitespace
fragment = fragment.trimRange();
if ( !fragment.getRange().isCollapsed() ) {
// Create annotation from selection
'set', this.getAnnotationFromTarget( fragment.truncateRange( 255 ).getText() )
this.isNewAnnotation = true;
} else {
// Expand range to cover annotation
fragment = fragment.expandRange( 'annotation', annotation );
// Update selection
* Responds to the inspector being opened.
* @method
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.onOpen = function () {
var target = '',
fragment = this.context.getSurface().getModel().getFragment(),
annotation = this.getMatchingAnnotations( fragment ).get( 0 );
if ( annotation ) {
if ( annotation instanceof ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation ) {
// Internal link
target = annotation.data.title || '';
} else {
// External link
target = annotation.data.href || '';
this.initialTarget = target;
// Initialize form
this.$locationInput.val( target );
// Set focus on the location input
setTimeout( ve.bind( function () {
}, this ), 0 );
* Responds to the inspector being opened.
* @method
* @param {Boolean} remove Annotation should be removed
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.onClose = function ( remove ) {
var i, len, annotations,
insert = false,
undo = false,
clear = false,
set = false,
target = this.$locationInput.val(),
surface = this.context.getSurface(),
selection = surface.getModel().getSelection(),
fragment = surface.getModel().getFragment( this.initialSelection, false );
// Empty target is a shortcut for removal
if ( target === '' ) {
remove = true;
if ( remove ) {
clear = true;
} else {
if ( this.initialSelection.isCollapsed() ) {
insert = true;
if ( target !== this.initialTarget ) {
if ( this.isNewAnnotation ) {
undo = true;
} else {
clear = true;
set = true;
if ( insert ) {
// Insert default text and select it
fragment = fragment.insertContent( target, false ).adjustRange( -target.length );
if ( undo ) {
// Go back to before we added an annotation in an onInitialize handler
surface.execute( 'history', 'undo' );
if ( clear ) {
// Clear all existing annotations
annotations = this.getMatchingAnnotations( fragment ).get();
for ( i = 0, len = annotations.length; i < len; i++ ) {
fragment.annotateContent( 'clear', annotations[i] );
if ( set ) {
// Apply new annotation
fragment.annotateContent( 'set', this.getAnnotationFromTarget( target ) );
// Selection changes may have occured in the insertion and annotation hullabaloo - restore it
surface.execute( 'content', 'select', selection );
// Reset state
this.isNewAnnotation = false;
* Gets an annotation object from a target.
* The type of link is automatically detected based on some crude heuristics.
* @method
* @param {String} target Link target
* @returns {ve.dm.Annotation}
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.getAnnotationFromTarget = function ( target ) {
var title, annotation;
// FIXME: MediaWiki-specific
if ( 'mw' in window ) {
// Figure out if this is an internal or external link
if ( target.match( /^(https?:)?\/\// ) ) {
// External link
annotation = new ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation();
annotation.data.href = target;
} else {
// Internal link
// TODO: In the longer term we'll want to have autocompletion and existence and validity
// checks using AJAX
try {
title = new mw.Title( target );
if ( title.getNamespaceId() === 6 || title.getNamespaceId() === 14 ) {
// File: or Category: link
// We have to prepend a colon so this is interpreted as a link
// rather than an image inclusion or categorization
target = ':' + target;
} catch ( e ) { }
annotation = new ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation();
annotation.data.title = target;
} else {
// Default to generic external link
annotation = new ve.dm.LinkAnnotation();
annotation.data.href = target;
return annotation;
* Initalizes the multi-suggest plugin for the location input.
* TODO: Consider cleaning up and organizing this all a bit.
* @method
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.initMultiSuggest = function () {
var options,
inspector = this,
context = inspector.context,
$overlay = context.$overlay,
suggestionCache = {},
pageStatusCache = {},
api = new mw.Api();
function updateLocationStatus( status ) {
inspector.$locationInput.data( 'status', status );
// Multi Suggest configuration.
options = {
'parent': $overlay,
'prefix': 've-ui',
// Disable CSS Ellipsis.
// Using MediaWiki jQuery.autoEllipsis() for center ellipsis.
'cssEllipsis': false,
// Build suggestion groups in order.
'suggestions': function ( params ) {
var modifiedQuery, title, prot,
groups = {},
results = params.results,
query = params.query;
// Add existing pages.
if ( results.length > 0 ) {
groups.existingPage = {
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-existing-page' ),
'items': results,
'itemClass': 've-ui-suggest-item-existingPage'
// Run the query through the mw.Title object to handle correct capitalization,
// whitespace and and namespace alias/localization resolution.
try {
title = new mw.Title( query );
modifiedQuery = title.getPrefixedText();
// If page doesn't exist, add New Page group.
if ( ve.indexOf( modifiedQuery, results ) === -1 ) {
groups.newPage = {
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-new-page' ),
'items': [modifiedQuery],
'itemClass': 've-ui-suggest-item-newPage'
} catch ( e ) {
// invalid input
ve.log( e );
// Add external
groups.externalLink = {
'label': ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-suggest-external-link' ),
'items': [],
'itemClass': 've-ui-suggest-item-externalLink'
// Find a protocol and suggest an external link.
prot = query.match(
if ( prot ) {
groups.externalLink.items = [query];
// No protocol, default to http
} else {
groups.externalLink.items = ['http://' + query];
return groups;
// Called on succesfull input.
'input': function ( callback ) {
var $input = $( this ),
query = $input.val(),
cKey = query.toLowerCase();
// Query page and set status data on the location input.
if ( pageStatusCache[query] !== undefined ) {
updateLocationStatus( pageStatusCache[query] );
} else {
api.get( {
'action': 'query',
'indexpageids': '',
'titles': query,
'converttitles': ''
} )
.done( function ( data ) {
var status, page;
if ( data.query ) {
page = data.query.pages[data.query.pageids[0]];
status = 'exists';
if ( page.missing !== undefined ) {
status = 'notexists';
} else if ( page.invalid !== undefined ) {
status = 'invalid';
// Cache the status of the link query.
pageStatusCache[query] = status;
updateLocationStatus( status );
} );
// Set overlay position.
// Build from cache.
if ( suggestionCache[cKey] !== undefined ) {
callback( {
'query': query,
'results': suggestionCache[cKey]
} );
} else {
// No cache, build fresh api request.
api.get( {
'action': 'opensearch',
'search': query
} )
.done( function ( data ) {
suggestionCache[cKey] = data[1];
// Build
callback( {
'query': query,
'results': data[1]
} );
} );
// Called when multiSuggest dropdown is updated.
'update': function () {
// Ellipsis
$( '.ve-ui-suggest-item' )
.autoEllipsis( {
'hasSpan': true,
'tooltip': true
} );
// Position the iframe overlay below the input.
'position': function () {
context.positionOverlayBelow( $overlay, inspector.$locationInput );
// Fired when a suggestion is selected.
'select': function () {
// Assume page suggestion is valid.
updateLocationStatus( 'valid' );
// Setup Multi Suggest
this.$locationInput.multiSuggest( options );
/* Registration */
ve.ui.inspectorFactory.register( 'link', ve.ui.LinkInspector );