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* VisualEditor UserInterface MWTocWidget class.
* @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates a ve.ui.MWTocWidget object.
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.Widget
* @constructor
* @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ui.MWTocWidget = function VeUiMWTocWidget( surface, config ) {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.super.call( this, config );
// Properties
this.surface = surface;
this.doc = surface.getModel().getDocument();
this.metaList = this.doc.getMetaList();
// Topic level 0 lives inside of a toc item
this.rootLength = 0;
this.initialized = false;
// Page settings cache
this.mwTOCForce = false;
this.mwTOCDisable = false;
this.$tocList = $( '<ul>' );
this.$element.addClass( 'toc ve-ui-mwTocWidget ve-ce-focusableNode' ).append(
$( '<div>' ).addClass( 'toctitle' ).append(
$( '<h2>' ).text( ve.msg( 'toc' ) )
).prop( 'contentEditable', 'false' );
// Setup toggle link
mw.hook( 'wikipage.content' ).fire( this.$element );
// Events
this.metaList.connect( this, {
insert: 'onMetaListInsert',
remove: 'onMetaListRemove'
} );
this.buildDebounced = ve.debounce( this.build.bind( this ) );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWTocWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
* Bound to MetaList insert event to set TOC display options
* @param {ve.dm.MetaItem} metaItem
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.onMetaListInsert = function ( metaItem ) {
// Responsible for adding UI components
if ( metaItem instanceof ve.dm.MWTOCMetaItem ) {
var property = metaItem.getAttribute( 'property' );
if ( property === 'mw:PageProp/forcetoc' ) {
this.mwTOCForce = true;
} else if ( property === 'mw:PageProp/notoc' ) {
this.mwTOCDisable = true;
* Bound to MetaList insert event to set TOC display options
* @param {ve.dm.MetaItem} metaItem
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.onMetaListRemove = function ( metaItem ) {
if ( metaItem instanceof ve.dm.MWTOCMetaItem ) {
var property = metaItem.getAttribute( 'property' );
if ( property === 'mw:PageProp/forcetoc' ) {
this.mwTOCForce = false;
} else if ( property === 'mw:PageProp/notoc' ) {
this.mwTOCDisable = false;
* Initialize TOC based on the presence of magic words
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.initFromMetaList = function () {
var i = 0,
items = this.metaList.getItemsInGroup( 'mwTOC' ),
len = items.length;
if ( len > 0 ) {
for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( items[ i ] instanceof ve.dm.MWTOCMetaItem ) {
var property = items[ i ].getAttribute( 'property' );
if ( property === 'mw:PageProp/forcetoc' ) {
this.mwTOCForce = true;
if ( property === 'mw:PageProp/notoc' ) {
this.mwTOCDisable = true;
* Hides or shows the TOC based on page and default settings
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.updateVisibility = function () {
// In MediaWiki if `__FORCETOC__` is anywhere TOC is always displayed
// ... Even if there is a `__NOTOC__` in the article
this.toggle( !this.mwTOCDisable && ( this.mwTOCForce || this.rootLength >= 3 ) );
* Rebuild TOC on ve.ce.MWHeadingNode teardown or setup
* Rebuilds on both teardown and setup of a node, so build is debounced
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.rebuild = function () {
if ( this.initialized ) {
// Wait for transactions to process
* Update the text content of a specific heading node
* @param {ve.ce.MWHeadingNode} viewNode Heading node
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.updateNode = function ( viewNode ) {
if ( viewNode.$tocText ) {
viewNode.$tocText.text( viewNode.$element.text() );
* Build TOC from mwHeading dm nodes
* Based on generateTOC in Linker.php
ve.ui.MWTocWidget.prototype.build = function () {
var $newTocList = $( '<ul>' ),
nodes = this.doc.getNodesByType( 'mwHeading', true ),
surfaceView = this.surface.getView(),
documentView = surfaceView.getDocument(),
lastLevel = 0,
stack = [],
url = new URL( location.href );
function getItemIndex( $el, n ) {
return $el.children( 'li' ).length + ( n === stack.length - 1 ? 1 : 0 );
function linkClickHandler( /* heading */ ) {
// TODO: Impement heading scroll
return false;
for ( var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var modelNode = nodes[ i ];
var level = modelNode.getAttribute( 'level' );
if ( level > lastLevel ) {
var $list;
if ( stack.length ) {
$list = $( '<ul>' );
stack[ stack.length - 1 ].children().last().append( $list );
} else {
$list = $newTocList;
stack.push( $list );
} else if ( level < lastLevel ) {
var levelDiff = lastLevel - level;
while ( levelDiff > 0 && stack.length > 1 ) {
var tocNumber = stack.map( getItemIndex ).join( '.' );
var viewNode = documentView.getBranchNodeFromOffset( modelNode.getRange().start );
url.searchParams.set( 'section', ( i + 1 ).toString() );
// The following classes are used here:
// * toclevel-1, toclevel-2, ...
// * tocsection-1, tocsection-2, ...
var $item = $( '<li>' ).addClass( 'toclevel-' + stack.length ).addClass( 'tocsection-' + ( i + 1 ) );
var $link = $( '<a>' ).attr( 'href', url.toString() ).append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'tocnumber' ).text( tocNumber )
var $text = $( '<span>' ).addClass( 'toctext' );
viewNode.$tocText = $text;
this.updateNode( viewNode );
stack[ stack.length - 1 ].append( $item.append( $link.append( $text ) ) );
$link.on( 'click', linkClickHandler.bind( this, viewNode ) );
lastLevel = level;
this.$tocList.empty().append( $newTocList.children() );
if ( nodes.length ) {
this.rootLength = this.$tocList.children().length;
var tocBeforeNode = documentView.getBranchNodeFromOffset( nodes[ 0 ].getRange().start );
tocBeforeNode.$element.before( this.$element );
} else {
this.rootLength = 0;
this.initialized = true;