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* VisualEditor UserInterface MWLinkAction class.
* @copyright See AUTHORS.txt
* Link action.
* Opens either MWLinkAnnotationInspector or MWLinkNodeInspector depending on what is selected.
* @class
* @extends ve.ui.LinkAction
* @constructor
* @param {ve.ui.Surface} surface Surface to act on
ve.ui.MWLinkAction = function VeUiMWLinkAction( surface ) {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.super.call( this, surface );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWLinkAction, ve.ui.LinkAction );
/* Static Properties */
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.static.methods = ve.ui.MWLinkAction.super.static.methods.concat( [ 'open', 'autolinkMagicLink' ] );
/* Static methods */
* Get a link annotation from specified link text
* This is a static version of the method that can be used in the converter.
* @static
* @param {string} linktext Link text
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc Document
* @return {ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation|ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation} The annotation to use
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.static.getLinkAnnotation = function ( linktext, doc ) {
var href = linktext;
// Is this a "magic link"?
if ( ve.dm.MWMagicLinkNode.static.validateContent( linktext ) ) {
return ve.dm.MWMagicLinkNode.static.annotationFromContent( linktext );
// Is this an internal link?
var targetData = mw.libs.ve.getTargetDataFromHref( href, doc );
if ( targetData.isInternal ) {
var title = mw.Title.newFromText( targetData.title );
return ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation.static.newFromTitle( title );
// It's an external link.
return new ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation( {
type: 'link/mwExternal',
attributes: { href: href }
} );
/* Methods */
* Match the trailing punctuation set used for autolinks in wikitext.
* Closing parens are only stripped if open parens are missing from the
* candidate text, so that URLs with embedded matched parentheses (like
* wiki articles with disambiguation text) autolink nicely.
* @inheritdoc
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.prototype.getTrailingPunctuation = function ( candidate ) {
// This is:
// * the "trailing punctuation" character set from
// Parse.php::makeFreeExternalLink(): [,;.:!?] and sometimes [)]
// * extended with characters banned by EXT_LINK_URL_CLASS: []<>"
// * further extended with international close quotes: "'”’›»“‘‹«」』
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark
// We could unescape '\[' but better to keep it balanced with '\]'
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
return /\(/.test( candidate ) ?
/[,;.:!?\[\]<>"'”’›»“‘‹«」』]+$/ :
/* eslint-enable no-useless-escape */
* @inheritdoc
* @return {ve.dm.MWExternalLinkAnnotation|ve.dm.MWInternalLinkAnnotation} The annotation to use
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.prototype.getLinkAnnotation = function ( linktext ) {
return this.constructor.static.getLinkAnnotation( linktext, this.surface.getModel().getDocument().getHtmlDocument() );
* Autolink the selected RFC/PMID/ISBN, which may have trailing punctuation
* followed by whitespace.
* @see ve.ui.LinkAction#autolinkUrl
* @return {boolean}
* True if the selection is a valid RFC/PMID/ISBN and the autolink action
* was executed; otherwise false.
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.prototype.autolinkMagicLink = function () {
return this.autolink( ( linktext ) => ve.dm.MWMagicLinkNode.static.validateContent( linktext ), ( doc, range, linktext ) => {
var annotations = doc.data.getAnnotationsFromRange( range ),
data = new ve.dm.ElementLinearData( annotations.store, [
type: 'link/mwMagic',
attributes: {
content: linktext
type: '/link/mwMagic'
] );
// Apply annotations which covered the range.
// Before we get here #autolink has guaranteed that the annotations
// do not contain any link annotations.
data.setAnnotationsAtOffset( 0, annotations );
return ve.dm.TransactionBuilder.static.newFromReplacement(
doc, range, data.getData()
} );
* Open either the 'link' or 'linkNode' window, depending on what is selected.
* @return {boolean} Action was executed
ve.ui.MWLinkAction.prototype.open = function () {
var fragment = this.surface.getModel().getFragment(),
selectedNode = fragment.getSelectedNode(),
windowName = 'link';
if ( selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWNumberedExternalLinkNode ) {
windowName = 'linkNode';
} else if ( selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWMagicLinkNode ) {
windowName = 'linkMagicNode';
this.surface.executeWithSource( 'window', 'open', this.source, windowName );
return true;
/* Registration */
ve.ui.actionFactory.register( ve.ui.MWLinkAction );
new ve.ui.Command(
'autolinkMagicLink', ve.ui.MWLinkAction.static.name, 'autolinkMagicLink',
{ supportedSelections: [ 'linear' ] }
// The regexps don't have to be precise; we'll validate the magic
// link in #autolinkMagicLink above.
new ve.ui.Sequence(
'autolinkMagicLinkIsbn10', 'autolinkMagicLink', /\bISBN\s+(?!97[89])([0-9][ -]?){9}[0-9Xx]$/, 0,
setSelection: true,
delayed: false,
checkOnPaste: true
new ve.ui.Sequence(
'autolinkMagicLinkIsbn13', 'autolinkMagicLink', /\bISBN\s+(97[89])[ -]?([0-9][ -]?){9}[0-9Xx]$/, 0,
setSelection: true,
delayed: false,
checkOnPaste: true
new ve.ui.Sequence(
'autolinkMagicLinkIsbn', 'autolinkMagicLink', /\bISBN\s+(97[89][ -]?)?([0-9][ -]?){9}[0-9Xx]$/, 0,
setSelection: true,
delayed: true,
checkOnPaste: true
new ve.ui.Sequence(
'autolinkMagicLinkRfcPmid', 'autolinkMagicLink', /\b(RFC|PMID)\s+[0-9]+$/, 0,
setSelection: true,
delayed: true,
checkOnPaste: true