Subramanya Sastry 88fc91a292 Next round of image roundtripping fixes
* Changed PrefixImageOptions so that thumb and thumbnail are
  distinct key-value pairs.  Without this fix, cannot distinguish
  between thumb=foo.jpg and thumbnail=foo.jpg
* Fixed link handler so whitespace is preserved around prefixed image
* Fixed figure handler to process the 3 different kind of image options:
  size, simple image options, and prefixed image options.
* There is a hack/fixme for "upright: aspect" prefixed image option
  which needs to be looked into.
* Still need to fix uppercasing of the image resource name.

With these fixes, the following wikitext roundtrips perfectly
(after newline breaks are removed)

[[Image:Foo.jpg|thumbnail = 'baby.jpg'|100x100px|center| alt =bbbbb|
This is a [[Linked Caption]] in the image]]

Change-Id: I6606df56874c2b97f00f08cb6bbeaec9878167d3
2012-06-28 18:55:47 -05:00

1262 lines
34 KiB

* Serializes a chunk of tokens or an HTML DOM to MediaWiki's wikitext flavor.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param options {Object} List of options for serialization
WikitextSerializer = function( options ) {
this.options = $.extend( {
// defaults
}, options || {} );
var PegTokenizer = require('./mediawiki.tokenizer.peg.js').PegTokenizer;
var WikitextConstants = require('./mediawiki.wikitext.constants.js').WikitextConstants;
var WSP = WikitextSerializer.prototype;
/* *********************************************************************
* Here is what the state attributes mean:
* listStack
* Stack of list contexts to let us emit wikitext for nested lists.
* Each context keeps track of 3 values:
* - itemBullet: the wikitext bullet char for this list
* - itemCount : # of list items encountered so far for the list
* - bullets : cumulative bullet prefix based on all the lists
* that enclose the current list
* onNewline
* true on start of file or after a new line has been emitted.
* onStartOfLine
* true when onNewline is true, and also in other start-of-line contexts
* Ex: after a comment has been emitted, or after include/noinclude tokens.
* singleLineMode
* - if (> 0), we cannot emit any newlines.
* - this value changes as we entire/exit dom subtrees that require
* single-line wikitext output. WSP._tagHandlers specify single-line
* mode for individual tags.
* availableNewlineCount
* # of newlines that have been encountered so far but not emitted yet.
* Newlines are buffered till they need to be output. This lets us
* swallow newlines in contexts where they shouldn't be emitted for
* ensuring equivalent wikitext output. (ex dom: ..</li>\n\n</li>..)
* ********************************************************************* */
WSP.initialState = {
listStack: [],
onNewline: true,
onStartOfLine : true,
availableNewlineCount: 0,
singleLineMode: 0,
tokens: []
WSP.escapeWikiText = function ( state, text ) {
// tokenize the text
var p = new PegTokenizer( state.env ),
tokens = [];
p.on('chunk', function ( chunk ) {
//console.warn( JSON.stringify(chunk));
tokens.push.apply( tokens, chunk );
p.on('end', function(){
//console.warn( JSON.stringify('end'));
// this is synchronous for now, will still need sync version later, or
// alternatively make text processing in the serializer async
var prefixedText = text;
var inNewlineContext = state.onNewLine;
if ( ! inNewlineContext ) {
// Prefix '_' so that no start-of-line wiki syntax matches. Strip it from
// the result.
prefixedText = '_' + text;
if ( state.inIndentPre ) {
prefixedText = prefixedText.replace(/(\r?\n)/g, '$1_');
// FIXME: parse using
p.process( prefixedText );
if ( ! inNewlineContext ) {
// now strip the leading underscore.
if ( tokens[0] === '_' ) {
} else {
tokens[0] = tokens[0].substr(1);
// state.inIndentPre is handled on the complete output
// wrap any run of non-text tokens into <nowiki> tags using the source
// offsets of top-level productions
// return the updated text
var outTexts = [],
nonTextTokenAccum = [],
cursor = 0;
function wrapNonTextTokens () {
if ( nonTextTokenAccum.length ) {
var missingRangeEnd = false;
// TODO: make sure the source positions are always set!
// The start range
var startRange = nonTextTokenAccum[0].dataAttribs.tsr,
rangeStart, rangeEnd;
if ( ! startRange ) {
console.warn( 'No tsr on ' + nonTextTokenAccum[0] );
rangeStart = cursor;
} else {
rangeStart = startRange[0];
if ( ! inNewlineContext ) {
// compensate for underscore.
cursor = rangeStart;
var endRange = nonTextTokenAccum.last().dataAttribs.tsr;
if ( ! endRange ) {
// FIXME: improve this!
//rangeEnd = state.env.tokensToString( tokens ).length;
// Be conservative and extend the range to the end for now.
// Alternatives: only extend it to the next token with range
// info on it.
missingRangeEnd = true;
rangeEnd = text.length;
} else {
rangeEnd = endRange[1];
if ( ! inNewlineContext ) {
// compensate for underscore.
var escapedSource = text.substr( rangeStart, rangeEnd - rangeStart )
.replace( /<(\/?nowiki)>/g, '&lt;$1&gt;' );
outTexts.push( '<nowiki>' );
outTexts.push( escapedSource );
outTexts.push( '</nowiki>' );
cursor += 17 + escapedSource.length;
if ( missingRangeEnd ) {
throw 'No tsr on end token: ' + nonTextTokenAccum.last();
nonTextTokenAccum = [];
try {
for ( var i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var token = tokens[i];
switch ( token.constructor ) {
case String:
// Angle brackets forming HTML tags are picked up as
// tags and escaped with nowiki. Remaining angle
// brackets can remain unescaped in the wikitext. They
// are entity-escaped by the HTML5 DOM serializer when
// outputting the HTML DOM.
//.replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
cursor += token.length;
case NlTk:
outTexts.push( '\n' );
case EOFTk:
case TagTk:
case SelfclosingTagTk:
var argDict = state.env.KVtoHash( token.attribs );
if ( argDict['data-gen'] === 'both' &&
// XXX: move the decision whether to escape or not
// into individual handlers!
token.dataAttribs.src )
// push out the original source
// XXX: This assumes the content was not
// modified for now.
outTexts.push( token.dataAttribs.src );
// skip generated tokens
for ( ; i < l; i ++) {
var tk = tokens[i];
if ( tk.constructor === EndTagTk && === ) {
} else {
//console.warn('pushing ' + token);
} catch ( e ) {
console.warn( e );
//console.warn( 'escaped wikiText: ' + outTexts.join('') );
var res = outTexts.join('');
if ( state.inIndentPre ) {
return res.replace(/\n_/g, '\n');
} else {
return res;
var id = function(v) {
return function( state ) {
return v;
WSP._listHandler = function( handler, bullet, state, token ) {
function isListItem(token) {
if (token.constructor !== TagTk) return false;
var tokenName =;
return (tokenName === 'li' || tokenName === 'dt' || tokenName === 'dd');
if ( state.singleLineMode ) {
var bullets, res;
var stack = state.listStack;
if (stack.length === 0) {
bullets = bullet;
res = bullets;
handler.startsNewline = true;
} else {
var curList = stack.last();
//console.warn(JSON.stringify( stack ));
bullets = curList.bullets + curList.itemBullet + bullet;
// A nested list, not directly after a list item
if (curList.itemCount > 1 && !isListItem(state.prevToken)) {
res = bullets;
handler.startsNewline = true;
} else {
res = bullet;
handler.startsNewline = false;
stack.push({ itemCount: 0, bullets: bullets, itemBullet: ''});
state.env.dp('lh res', bullets, res, handler );
return res;
WSP._listEndHandler = function( state, token ) {
return '';
WSP._listItemHandler = function ( handler, bullet, state, token ) {
function isRepeatToken(state, token) {
return state.prevToken.constructor === EndTagTk && ===;
function isMultiLineDtDdPair(state, token) {
return === 'dd' &&
token.dataAttribs.stx !== 'row' &&
state.prevTagToken.constructor === EndTagTk && === 'dt';
var stack = state.listStack;
var curList = stack[stack.length - 1];
curList.itemBullet = bullet;
// Output bullet prefix only if:
// - this is not the first list item
// - we are either in:
// * a new line context,
// * seeing an identical token as the last one (..</li><li>...)
// (since we are in this handler on encountering a list item token,
// this means we are the 2nd or later item in the list, BUT without
// any intervening new lines or other tokens in between)
// * on the dd part of a multi-line dt-dd pair
// (The dd on a single-line dt-dd pair sticks to the dt.
// which means it won't get the bullets that the dt already got).
// SSS FIXME: This condition could be rephrased as:
// if (isRepeatToken(state, token) ||
// (curList.itemCount > 1 && (inStartOfLineContext(state) || isMultiLineDtDdPair(state, token))))
var res;
if (curList.itemCount > 1 &&
( state.onStartOfLine ||
isRepeatToken(state, token) ||
isMultiLineDtDdPair(state, token)
handler.startsNewline = true;
res = curList.bullets + bullet;
} else {
handler.startsNewline = false;
res = bullet;
state.env.dp( 'lih', token, res, handler );
return res;
WSP._serializeTableTag = function ( symbol, optionEndSymbol, state, token ) {
if ( token.attribs.length ) {
return symbol + ' ' + WSP._serializeAttributes( token.attribs ) + optionEndSymbol;
} else {
return symbol;
WSP._emptyTags = { br: true, meta: true };
WSP._serializeHTMLTag = function ( state, token ) {
var close = '';
if ( WSP._emptyTags[ ] ) {
close = '/';
if ( === 'pre' ) {
// html-syntax pre is very similar to nowiki
state.inHTMLPre = true;
if ( token.attribs.length ) {
return '<' + + ' ' +
WSP._serializeAttributes( token.attribs ) + close + '>';
} else {
return '<' + + close + '>';
WSP._serializeHTMLEndTag = function ( state, token ) {
if ( === 'pre' ) {
state.inHTMLPre = false;
if ( ! WSP._emptyTags[ ] ) {
return '</' + + '>';
} else {
return '';
WSP._linkHandler = function( state, token ) {
//return '[[';
// TODO: handle internal/external links etc using RDFa and dataAttribs
// Also convert unannotated html links to external wiki links for html
// import. Might want to consider converting relative links without path
// component and file extension to wiki links.
var env = state.env;
var attribDict = env.KVtoHash( token.attribs );
if ( attribDict.rel && attribDict.href !== undefined ) {
var tokenData = token.dataAttribs;
if ( attribDict.rel === 'mw:wikiLink' ) {
var base = env.wgScriptPath;
var href = attribDict.href;
var prefix = href.substr(0, base.length);
var target = (prefix === base) ? href.substr(base.length) : href;
target = decodeURIComponent(target);
var tail = tokenData.tail;
if ( tail && tail.length ) {
state.dropTail = tail;
target = tokenData.gc ? tokenData.sHref : target.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
} else {
var origLinkTgt = tokenData.sHref;
if (origLinkTgt) {
// Normalize the source target so that we can compare it
// with href.
var normalizedOrigLinkTgt = env.normalizeTitle( env.tokensToString(origLinkTgt) );
if ( normalizedOrigLinkTgt === target ) {
// Non-standard capitalization
target = origLinkTgt;
} else {
target = target.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
// FIXME: Properly handle something like [[{{Foo}}]]s
target = env.tokensToString( target );
if ( tokenData.gc ) {
state.dropContent = true;
return '[[' + target;
} else {
return '[[' + target + '|';
} else if ( attribDict.rel === 'mw:extLink' ) {
if ( tokenData.stx === 'urllink' ) {
state.dropContent = true;
return attribDict.href;
} else if ( tokenData.gc ) {
state.dropContent = true;
return '[' + attribDict.href;
} else {
return '[' + attribDict.href + ' ';
} else {
// TODO: default to extlink for simple links without rel set, and
// switch to html only when needed to support attributes
return WSP._serializeHTMLTag( state, token );
} else {
return WSP._serializeHTMLTag( state, token );
//if ( rtinfo.type === 'wikilink' ) {
// return '[[' + + ']]';
//} else {
// // external link
// return '[' + rtinfo.
WSP._linkEndHandler = function( state, token ) {
var attribDict = state.env.KVtoHash( token.attribs );
if ( attribDict.rel && attribDict.href !== undefined ) {
if ( attribDict.rel === 'mw:wikiLink' ) {
state.dropContent = false;
state.dropTail = false;
return "]]" + (token.dataAttribs.tail ? token.dataAttribs.tail : "");
} else if ( attribDict.rel === 'mw:extLink' ) {
state.dropContent = false;
return (token.dataAttribs.stx === 'urllink') ? '' : ']';
} else {
return WSP._serializeHTMLEndTag( state, token );
} else {
return WSP._serializeHTMLEndTag( state, token );
/* *********************************************************************
* startsNewline
* if true, the wikitext for the dom subtree rooted
* at this html tag requires a new line context.
* endsLine
* if true, the wikitext for the dom subtree rooted
* at this html tag ends the line.
* pairsSepNlCount
* # of new lines required between wikitext for dom siblings
* of the same tag type (..</p><p>.., etc.)
* newlineTransparent
* if true, this token does not change the newline status
* after it is emitted.
* singleLine
* if 1, the wikitext for the dom subtree rooted at this html tag
* requires all content to be emitted on the same line without
* any line breaks. +1 sets the single-line mode (on descending
* the dom subtree), -1 clears the single-line mod (on exiting
* the dom subtree).
* ignore
* if true, the serializer pretends as if it never saw this token.
* ********************************************************************* */
WSP.tagHandlers = {
body: {
end: {
handle: function(state, token) {
// swallow trailing new line
state.emitNewlineOnNextToken = false;
return '';
ul: {
start: {
startsNewline : true,
handle: function ( state, token ) {
return WSP._listHandler( this, '*', state, token );
pairSepNLCount: 2,
newlineTransparent: true
end: {
endsLine: true,
handle: WSP._listEndHandler
ol: {
start: {
startsNewline : true,
handle: function ( state, token ) {
return WSP._listHandler( this, '#', state, token );
pairSepNLCount: 2,
newlineTransparent: true
end: {
endsLine : true,
handle: WSP._listEndHandler
dl: {
start: {
startsNewline : true,
handle: function ( state, token ) {
return WSP._listHandler( this, '', state, token );
pairSepNLCount: 2
end: {
endsLine: true,
handle: WSP._listEndHandler
li: {
start: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
return WSP._listItemHandler( this, '', state, token );
singleLine: 1,
pairSepNLCount: 1
end: {
singleLine: -1
// XXX: handle single-line vs. multi-line dls etc
dt: {
start: {
singleLine: 1,
handle: function ( state, token ) {
return WSP._listItemHandler( this, ';', state, token );
pairSepNLCount: 1,
newlineTransparent: true
end: {
singleLine: -1
dd: {
start: {
singleLine: 1,
handle: function ( state, token ) {
return WSP._listItemHandler( this, ':', state, token );
pairSepNLCount: 1,
newlineTransparent: true
end: {
endsLine: true,
singleLine: -1
// XXX: handle options
table: {
start: {
handle: WSP._serializeTableTag.bind(null, "{|", '')
end: {
handle: function(state, token) {
if ( state.prevTagToken && === 'tr' ) {
this.startsNewline = true;
} else {
this.startsNewline = false;
return "|}";
tbody: { start: { ignore: true }, end: { ignore: true } },
th: {
start: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
if ( token.dataAttribs.stx_v === 'row' ) {
this.startsNewline = false;
return WSP._serializeTableTag("!!", ' |', state, token);
} else {
this.startsNewline = true;
return WSP._serializeTableTag( "!", ' |', state, token);
tr: {
start: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
if ( state.prevToken.constructor === TagTk && === 'tbody' ) {
// Omit for first row in a table. XXX: support optional trs
// for first line (in source wikitext) too using some flag in
// data-mw (stx: 'wikitext' ?)
return '';
} else {
return WSP._serializeTableTag("|-", '', state, token );
startsNewline: true
td: {
start: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
if ( token.dataAttribs.stx_v === 'row' ) {
this.startsNewline = false;
return WSP._serializeTableTag("||", ' |', state, token);
} else {
this.startsNewline = true;
return WSP._serializeTableTag("|", ' |', state, token);
caption: {
start: {
startsNewline: true,
handle: WSP._serializeTableTag.bind(null, "|+", ' |')
p: {
make: function(state, token) {
// Special case handling in a list context
// VE embeds list content in paragraph tags
return state.singleLineMode ? WSP.defaultHTMLTagHandler : this;
start: {
startsNewline : true,
pairSepNLCount: 2
end: {
endsLine: true
// XXX: support indent variant instead by registering a newline handler?
pre: {
start: {
startsNewline: true,
handle: function( state, token ) {
state.inIndentPre = true;
state.textHandler = function( t ) {
return t.replace(/\n/g, '\n ' );
return ' ';
end: {
endsLine: true,
handle: function( state, token) {
state.inIndentPre = false;
state.textHandler = null;
return '';
meta: {
start: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
var argDict = state.env.KVtoHash( token.attribs );
if ( argDict['typeof'] === 'mw:tag' ) {
// we use this currently for nowiki and noinclude & co
this.newlineTransparent = true;
if ( argDict.content === 'nowiki' ) {
state.inNoWiki = true;
} else if ( argDict.content === '/nowiki' ) {
state.inNoWiki = false;
} else {
console.warn( JSON.stringify( argDict ) );
return '<' + argDict.content + '>';
} else if ( argDict['typeof'] === 'mw:noinclude' ) {
this.newlineTransparent = true;
if ( token.dataAttribs.src === '<noinclude>' ) {
return '<noinclude>';
} else {
return '</noinclude>';
} else {
this.newlineTransparent = false;
return WSP._serializeHTMLTag( state, token );
span: {
start: {
handle: function( state, token ) {
var argDict = state.env.KVtoHash( token.attribs );
if ( argDict['data-gen'] === 'both' ) {
if ( argDict['typeof'] === 'mw:nowiki' ) {
state.inNoWiki = true;
return '<nowiki>';
} else if ( token.dataAttribs.src ) {
// FIXME: compare content with original content
state.dropContent = true;
return token.dataAttribs.src;
} else {
// Fall back to plain HTML serialization for spans created
// by the editor
return WSP._serializeHTMLTag( state, token );
end: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
var argDict = state.env.KVtoHash( token.attribs );
if ( argDict['data-gen'] === 'both' ) {
if ( argDict['typeof'] === 'mw:nowiki' ) {
state.inNoWiki = false;
return '</nowiki>';
} else if ( token.dataAttribs.src ) {
state.dropContent = false;
return '';
} else {
// Fall back to plain HTML serialization for spans created
// by the editor
return WSP._serializeHTMLEndTag( state, token );
figure: {
start: {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
state.inCollectionMode = true;
state.collectorToken =;
state.tokens = [token];
return '';
end : {
handle: function ( state, token ) {
// clear collection mode first thing!
state.inCollectionMode = false;
var figTokens = state.tokens;
// skip tokens looking for the image tag
var img;
var i = 1, n = figTokens.length;
while (i < n) {
if (figTokens[i].name === "img") {
img = figTokens[i];
// skip tokens looking for the start and end caption tags
var fcStartIndex = 0, fcEndIndex = 0;
while (i < n) {
if (figTokens[i].name === "figcaption") {
if (fcStartIndex > 0) {
fcEndIndex = i;
} else {
fcStartIndex = i;
// Call the serializer to build the caption
var caption = state.serializer.serializeTokens(figTokens.slice(fcStartIndex+1, fcEndIndex)).join('');
// Get the image resource name
// FIXME: file name has been capitalized -- need some fix in the parser
var argDict = state.env.KVtoHash( img.attribs );
var imgR = argDict.resource.replace(/(^\[:)|(\]$)/g, '');
// Now, build the complete wikitext for the figure
var outBits = [imgR];
var figToken = figTokens[0];
var figAttrs = figToken.dataAttribs.optionList;
var simpleImgOptions = WikitextConstants.Image.SimpleOptions;
var prefixImgOptions = WikitextConstants.Image.PrefixOptions;
var sizeOptions = { "width": 1, "height": 1};
var size = {};
for (i = 0, n = figAttrs.length; i < n; i++) {
var a = figAttrs[i];
var k = a.k, v = a.v;
if (sizeOptions[k]) {
size[k] = v;
} else {
// Output size first and clear it
var w = size.width;
if (w) {
outBits.push(w + (size.height ? "x" + size.height : '') + "px");
size.width = null;
// The values and keys in the parser attributes are a flip
// of how they are in the wikitext constants image hash
// Hence the indexing by 'v' instead of 'k'
if (simpleImgOptions[v] === k) {
} else if (prefixImgOptions[v]) {
outBits.push(prefixImgOptions[k] + "=" + v);
} else if (k === "aspect") {
// SSS: Bad Hack! Need a better solution
// One solution is to search through prefix options hash but seems ugly.
// Another is to flip prefix options hash and use it to search.
outBits.push("upright=" + v);
} else {
console.warn("Unknown image option encountered: " + JSON.stringify(a));
if (caption) {
return "[[" + outBits.join('|') + "]]";
hr: {
start: {
startsNewline: true,
endsLine: true,
handle: id("----")
h1: {
start: { startsNewline: true, handle: id("="), defaultStartNewlineCount: 2 },
end: { endsLine: true, handle: id("=") }
h2: {
start: { startsNewline: true, handle: id("=="), defaultStartNewlineCount: 2 },
end: { endsLine: true, handle: id("==") }
h3: {
start: { startsNewline: true, handle: id("==="), defaultStartNewlineCount: 2 },
end: { endsLine: true, handle: id("===") }
h4: {
start: { startsNewline: true, handle: id("===="), defaultStartNewlineCount: 2 },
end: { endsLine: true, handle: id("====") }
h5: {
start: { startsNewline: true, handle: id("====="), defaultStartNewlineCount: 2 },
end: { endsLine: true, handle: id("=====") }
h6: {
start: { startsNewline: true, handle: id("======"), defaultStartNewlineCount: 2 },
end: { endsLine: true, handle: id("======") }
br: {
start: {
startsNewline: true,
endsLine: true,
handle: id("")
b: {
start: { handle: id("'''") },
end: { handle: id("'''") }
i: {
start: { handle: id("''") },
end: { handle: id("''") }
a: {
start: { handle: WSP._linkHandler },
end: { handle: WSP._linkEndHandler }
WSP._serializeAttributes = function ( attribs ) {
var out = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = attribs.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var kv = attribs[i];
if (kv.k.length) {
if ( kv.v.length ) {
out.push( kv.k + '=' +
'"' + kv.v.replace( '"', '&quot;' ) + '"');
} else {
out.push( kv.k );
} else if ( kv.v.length ) {
// not very likely..
out.push( kv.v );
// XXX: round-trip optional whitespace / line breaks etc
return out.join(' ');
* Serialize a chunk of tokens
WSP.serializeTokens = function( tokens, chunkCB ) {
var state = $.extend({}, this.initialState, this.options),
i, l;
state.serializer = this;
if ( chunkCB === undefined ) {
var out = [];
state.chunkCB = out.push.bind(out);
for ( i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++ ) {
this._serializeToken( state, tokens[i] );
return out;
} else {
state.chunkCB = chunkCB;
for ( i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i++ ) {
this._serializeToken( state, tokens[i] );
WSP.defaultHTMLTagHandler = {
start: { isNewlineEquivalent: true, handle: WSP._serializeHTMLTag },
end : { isNewlineEquivalent: true, handle: WSP._serializeHTMLEndTag }
WSP._getTokenHandler = function(state, token) {
var handler;
if ( token.dataAttribs.src !== undefined &&
state.env.lookup( token.attribs, 'data-gen' ) === 'both' ) {
if ( token.constructor === TagTk ) {
state.inCollectionMode = true;
state.collectorToken =;
return { handle: id( token.dataAttribs.src ) };
} else if ( token.constructor === SelfclosingTagTk ) {
return { handle: id( token.dataAttribs.src ) };
} else { // EndTagTk
state.inCollectionMode = false;
return { handle: id('') };
} else if (token.dataAttribs.stx === 'html') {
handler = this.defaultHTMLTagHandler;
} else {
var tname =;
handler = this.tagHandlers[tname];
if ( handler && handler.make ) {
handler = handler.make(state, token);
if ( ! handler ) {
handler = this.defaultHTMLTagHandler;
if ( token.constructor === TagTk || token.constructor === SelfclosingTagTk ) {
return handler.start || {};
} else {
return handler.end || {};
* Serialize a token.
WSP._serializeToken = function ( state, token ) {
if (state.inCollectionMode) {
if (state.collectorToken !== {
var handler = {},
res = '',
dropContent = state.dropContent;
state.prevToken = state.curToken;
state.curToken = token;
// The serializer is logically in a new line context if a new line is pending
if (state.emitNewlineOnNextToken || (state.availableNewlineCount > 0)) {
state.onNewline = true;
state.onStartOfLine = true;
switch( token.constructor ) {
case TagTk:
case SelfclosingTagTk:
handler = WSP._getTokenHandler( state, token );
if ( ! handler.ignore ) {
state.prevTagToken = state.currTagToken;
state.currTagToken = token;
res = handler.handle ? handler.handle( state, token ) : '';
case EndTagTk:
handler = WSP._getTokenHandler( state, token );
if ( ! handler.ignore ) {
state.prevTagToken = state.currTagToken;
state.currTagToken = token;
if ( handler.singleLine < 0 && state.singleLineMode ) {
res = handler.handle ? handler.handle( state, token ) : '';
case String:
res = ( state.inNoWiki || state.inHTMLPre ) ? token
: this.escapeWikiText( state, token );
res = state.textHandler ? state.textHandler( res ) : res;
case CommentTk:
res = '<!--' + token.value + '-->';
// don't consider comments for changes of the onStartOfLine status
// XXX: convert all non-tag handlers to a similar handler
// structure as tags?
handler = { newlineTransparent: true };
case NlTk:
res = '\n';
res = state.textHandler ? state.textHandler( res ) : res;
case EOFTk:
res = '';
for ( var i = 0, l = state.availableNewlineCount; i < l; i++ ) {
res += '\n';
res = '';
console.warn( 'Unhandled token type ' + JSON.stringify( token ) );
if (! dropContent || ! state.dropContent ) {
var newTrailingNLCount = 0;
if (res !== '') {
// Strip leading or trailing newlines from the returned string
var match = res.match( /^((?:\r?\n)*)((?:.*?|[\r\n]+[^\r\n])*?)((?:\r?\n)*)$/ ),
leadingNLs = match[1],
trailingNLs = match[3];
if (leadingNLs === res) {
// all newlines, accumulate count, and clear output
state.availableNewlineCount += leadingNLs.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').length;
res = "";
} else {
newTrailingNLCount = trailingNLs.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').length;
if ( leadingNLs !== '' ) {
state.availableNewlineCount += leadingNLs.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').length;
// strip newlines
res = match[2];
// Check if we have a pair of identical tag tokens </p><p>; </ul><ul>; etc.
// that have to be separated by extra newlines and add those in.
if (handler.pairSepNLCount && state.prevTagToken &&
state.prevTagToken.constructor === EndTagTk && === )
if ( state.availableNewlineCount < handler.pairSepNLCount) {
state.availableNewlineCount = handler.pairSepNLCount;
if (state.env.debug) {
console.warn(token +
", res: " + JSON.stringify( res ) +
", nl: " + state.onNewline +
", sol: " + state.onStartOfLine +
', eon:' + state.emitNewlineOnNextToken +
", #nl: " + state.availableNewlineCount +
', #new:' + newTrailingNLCount);
if (res !== '') {
var out = '';
// If this is not a html tag and the serializer is not in single-line mode,
// allocate a newline if
// - prev token needs a single line,
// - handler starts a new line and we aren't on a new line,
// Newline-equivalent tokens (HTML tags for example) don't get
// implicit newlines.
if (!handler.isNewlineEquivalent &&
!state.singleLineMode &&
!state.availableNewlineCount &&
((!res.match(/^\s*$/) && state.emitNewlineOnNextToken) ||
(!state.onStartOfLine && handler.startsNewline)))
state.availableNewlineCount = handler.defaultStartNewlineCount || 1;
// Add required # of new lines in the beginning
for (; state.availableNewlineCount; state.availableNewlineCount--) {
out += '\n';
// FIXME: This might modify not just the last content token in a
// link, which would be wrong. We'll likely have to collect tokens
// between a tags instead, and strip only the last content token.
if (state.dropTail && res.substr(- state.dropTail.length) === state.dropTail) {
res = res.substr(0, res.length - state.dropTail.length);
if ( state.singleLineMode ) {
res = res.replace(/\n/g, ' ');
out += res;
state.env.dp(' =>', out);
state.chunkCB( out );
// Update new line state
// 1. If this token generated new trailing new lines, we are in a newline state again.
// If not, we are not! But, handle onStartOfLine specially.
if (newTrailingNLCount > 0) {
state.availableNewlineCount = newTrailingNLCount;
state.onNewline = true;
state.onStartOfLine = true;
} else {
state.availableNewlineCount = 0;
state.onNewline = false;
if (!handler.newlineTransparent) {
state.onStartOfLine = false;
// 2. Previous token nl state is no longer relevant
state.emitNewlineOnNextToken = false;
} else if ( handler.startsNewline && !state.onStartOfLine ) {
state.emitNewlineOnNextToken = true;
if (handler.endsLine) {
// Record end of line
state.emitNewlineOnNextToken = true;
if ( handler.singleLine > 0 ) {
state.singleLineMode += handler.singleLine;
* Serialize an HTML DOM document.
WSP.serializeDOM = function( node, chunkCB ) {
try {
var state = $.extend({}, this.initialState, this.options);
state.serializer = this;
//console.warn( node.innerHTML );
if ( ! chunkCB ) {
var out = [];
state.chunkCB = out.push.bind( out );
this._serializeDOM( node, state );
this._serializeToken( state, new EOFTk() );
return out.join('');
} else {
state.chunkCB = chunkCB;
this._serializeDOM( node, state );
this._serializeToken( state, new EOFTk() );
} catch (e) {
* Internal worker. Recursively serialize a DOM subtree by creating tokens and
* calling _serializeToken on each of these.
WSP._serializeDOM = function( node, state ) {
// serialize this node
switch( node.nodeType ) {
//console.warn( node.nodeName.toLowerCase() );
var children = node.childNodes,
name = node.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
tkAttribs = this._getDOMAttribs(node.attributes),
tkRTInfo = this._getDOMRTInfo(node.attributes);
// Serialize the start token
this._serializeToken(state, new TagTk(name, tkAttribs, tkRTInfo));
// then children
for ( var i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i++ ) {
this._serializeDOM( children[i], state );
// then the end token
this._serializeToken(state, new EndTagTk(name, tkAttribs, tkRTInfo));
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
this._serializeToken( state, );
// delay the newline creation until after the comment
var savedEmitNewlineOnNextToken = state.emitNewlineOnNextToken;
state.emitNewlineOnNextToken = false;
this._serializeToken( state, new CommentTk( ) );
state.emitNewlineOnNextToken = savedEmitNewlineOnNextToken;
console.warn( "Unhandled node type: " +
node.outerHTML );
WSP._getDOMAttribs = function( attribs ) {
// convert to list fo key-value pairs
var out = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = attribs.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var attrib = attribs.item(i);
if ( !== 'data-mw' ) {
out.push( { k:, v: attrib.value } );
return out;
WSP._getDOMRTInfo = function( attribs ) {
if ( attribs['data-mw'] ) {
return JSON.parse( attribs['data-mw'].value || '{}' );
} else {
return {};
// Quick HACK: define Node constants locally
var Node = {
if (typeof module == "object") {
module.exports.WikitextSerializer = WikitextSerializer;