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synced 2024-12-11 14:06:19 +00:00
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* Merge jsduck configuration files with a downstream one
/* eslint-env node, es6 */
module.exports = function ( grunt ) {
var _ = grunt.util._;
grunt.registerMultiTask( 'jsduckcatconfig', function () {
var targetFile = this.data.target,
from = this.data.from,
output = [];
from.forEach( function ( src ) {
var srcCategories;
if ( typeof src === 'string' ) {
src = {
file: src
srcCategories = grunt.file.readJSON( src.file );
if ( !src.include && !src.aggregate ) {
// Default to a straight inclusion
output.push.apply( output, srcCategories );
if ( src.aggregate ) {
_.forIn( src.aggregate, function ( targetCat, targetCatName ) {
var targetGroups = [];
// For each of the target category groups...
targetCat.forEach( function ( targetGroupName ) {
// ... find the category in the aggregate source
srcCategories.forEach( function ( aggrCat ) {
var targetGroup;
if ( aggrCat.name === targetGroupName ) {
targetGroup = {
name: targetGroupName,
classes: []
aggrCat.groups.forEach( function ( group ) {
targetGroup.classes = targetGroup.classes.concat( group.classes );
} );
targetGroups.push( targetGroup );
} );
} );
output.push( {
name: targetCatName,
groups: targetGroups
} );
} );
if ( src.include ) {
src.include.forEach( function ( targetCatName ) {
srcCategories.forEach( function ( aggrCat ) {
if ( aggrCat.name === targetCatName ) {
output.push( aggrCat );
} );
} );
} );
grunt.file.write( targetFile, JSON.stringify( output, null, '\t' ) + '\n' );
grunt.log.ok( 'File "' + targetFile + '" written.' );
} );