mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 09:26:37 +00:00
(or this shouldn't be allowed) -Revised method for for returning all link annotations in a selection. Now properly clearning all selected links. -Trimming whitespace from selection -Modifying selection if it doesn't contain annotated range -Disabled link creation only if target is blank. This allows Existing link text to be modified while having the same target. Change-Id: I7255dcf1c88fa1cd6e7edbc3baa82cd4c72a95d1
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* VisualEditor user interface LinkInspector class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Creates an ve.ui.LinkInspector object.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {ve.ui.Toolbar} toolbar
ve.ui.LinkInspector = function( toolbar, context ) {
// Inheritance
ve.ui.Inspector.call( this, toolbar, context );
// Properties
this.$clearButton = $( '<div class="es-inspector-button es-inspector-clearButton"></div>', context.inspectorDoc )
.prependTo( this.$ );
$( '<div class="es-inspector-title"></div>', context.inspectorDoc )
.text( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-title' ) )
this.$locationLabel = $( '<label></label>', context.inspectorDoc )
.text( ve.msg( 'visualeditor-linkinspector-label-pagetitle' ) )
.appendTo( this.$form );
this.$locationInput = $( '<input type="text">', context.inspectorDoc ).appendTo( this.$form );
this.initialValue = null;
// Events
var inspector = this;
this.$clearButton.click( function() {
if ( $(this).is( '.es-inspector-button-disabled' ) ) {
var hash,
surfaceModel = inspector.context.getSurfaceView().getModel(),
annotations = inspector.getAllLinkAnnotationsFromSelection();
// Clear all link annotations.
for ( hash in annotations ) {
surfaceModel.annotate( 'clear', annotations[hash] );
inspector.$locationInput.val( '' );
} );
this.$locationInput.bind( 'mousedown keydown cut paste', function() {
setTimeout( function() {
if ( inspector.$locationInput.val() !== '' ) {
inspector.$acceptButton.removeClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
} else {
inspector.$acceptButton.addClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
}, 0 );
} );
/* Methods */
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.getAllLinkAnnotationsFromSelection = function() {
var surfaceView = this.context.getSurfaceView(),
surfaceModel = surfaceView.getModel(),
documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument(),
linkAnnotations = {};
annotations = documentModel.getAnnotationsFromRange( surfaceModel.getSelection(), true );
linkAnnotations = ve.dm.Document.getMatchingAnnotations ( annotations, /link\/.*/ );
if ( !ve.isEmptyObject( linkAnnotations ) ) {
return linkAnnotations;
return null;
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.getFirstLinkAnnotation = function( annotations ) {
var hash;
for ( hash in annotations ) {
// Use the first one with a recognized type (there should only be one, but this is just in case)
if ( annotations[hash].type === 'link/wikiLink' || annotations[hash].type === 'link/extLink' ) {
return annotations[hash];
return null;
// TODO: This should probably be somewhere else but I needed this here for now.
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.getSelectionText = function() {
var i,
surfaceView = this.context.getSurfaceView(),
surfaceModel = surfaceView.getModel(),
documentModel = surfaceModel.getDocument(),
data = documentModel.getData( surfaceModel.getSelection() ),
str = '',
max = Math.min( data.length, 255 );
for ( i = 0; i < max; i++ ) {
if ( ve.isArray( data[i] ) ) {
str += data[i][0];
} else if( typeof data[i] === 'string' ) {
str += data[i];
return str;
* Method called prior to opening inspector which fixes up
* selection to contain the complete annotated link range
* OR unwrap outer whitespace from selection.
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.prepareOpen = function() {
var surfaceView = this.context.getSurfaceView(),
surfaceModel = surfaceView.getModel(),
doc = surfaceModel.getDocument(),
annotations = this.getAllLinkAnnotationsFromSelection(),
annotation = this.getFirstLinkAnnotation( annotations ),
selection = surfaceModel.getSelection(),
// Trim outer space from range if any.
newSelection = doc.trimOuterSpaceFromRange( selection );
if ( annotation !== null ) {
annotatedRange = doc.getAnnotatedRangeFromSelection( newSelection, annotation );
// Adjust selection if it does not contain the annotated range
if ( selection.start > annotatedRange.start ||
selection.end < annotatedRange.end
) {
newSelection = annotatedRange;
// if selected from right to left
if ( selection.from > selection.start ) {
surfaceModel.change( null, newSelection );
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.onOpen = function() {
var annotation = this.getFirstLinkAnnotation( this.getAllLinkAnnotationsFromSelection() ),
initialValue = '';
if ( annotation === null ) {
this.$locationInput.val( this.getSelectionText() );
this.$clearButton.addClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
} else if ( annotation.type === 'link/wikiLink' ) {
// Internal link
initialValue = annotation.data.title || '';
this.$locationInput.val( initialValue );
this.$clearButton.removeClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
} else {
// External link
initialValue = annotation.data.href || '';
this.$locationInput.val( initialValue );
this.$clearButton.removeClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
this.initialValue = initialValue;
if ( this.$locationInput.val().length === 0 ) {
this.$acceptButton.addClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
} else {
this.$acceptButton.removeClass( 'es-inspector-button-disabled' );
setTimeout( ve.proxy( function() {
}, this ), 0 );
ve.ui.LinkInspector.prototype.onClose = function( accept ) {
var surfaceView = this.context.getSurfaceView(),
surfaceModel = surfaceView.getModel(),
annotations = this.getAllLinkAnnotationsFromSelection(),
target = this.$locationInput.val(),
hash, annotation;
if ( accept ) {
if ( !target ) {
// Clear link annotation if it exists
for ( hash in annotations ) {
surfaceModel.annotate( 'clear', annotations[hash] );
surfaceModel.annotate( 'set', ve.ui.LinkInspector.getAnnotationForTarget( target ) );
// Restore focus
ve.ui.LinkInspector.getAnnotationForTarget = function( target ) {
var title;
// Figure out if this is an internal or external link
if ( target.match( /^(https?:)?\/\// ) ) {
// External link
return {
'type': 'link/extLink',
'data': { 'href': target }
} else {
// Internal link
// TODO in the longer term we'll want to have autocompletion and existence&validity
// checks using AJAX
try {
title = new mw.Title( target );
if ( title.getNamespaceId() === 6 || title.getNamespaceId() === 14 ) {
// File: or Category: link
// We have to prepend a colon so this is interpreted as a link
// rather than an image inclusion or categorization
target = ':' + target;
} catch ( e ) { }
return {
'type': 'link/wikiLink',
'data': { 'title': target }
/* Inheritance */
ve.extendClass( ve.ui.LinkInspector, ve.ui.Inspector );