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* VisualEditor DataModel namespace.
* All classes and functions will be attached to this object to keep the global namespace clean.
ve.dm = {
/* Static Members */
* Mapping of symbolic names and node model constructors.
'nodeModels': {},
* Mapping of symbolic names and nesting rules.
* Each rule is an object with the follwing properties:
* parents and children properties may contain one of two possible values:
* {Array} List symbolic names of allowed element types (if empty, none will be allowed)
* {Null} Any element type is allowed (as long as the other element also allows it)
* @example Paragraph rules
* {
* 'parents': null,
* 'children': []
* }
* @example List rules
* {
* 'parents': null,
* 'children': ['listItem']
* }
* @example ListItem rules
* {
* 'parents': ['list'],
* 'children': null
* }
* @example TableCell rules
* {
* 'parents': ['tableRow'],
* 'children': null
* }
'nodeRules': {
'document': {
'parents': null,
'children': null
/* Static Methods */
* Create child nodes from an array of data.
* These child nodes are used for the model tree, which is a space partitioning data structure
* in which each node contains the length of itself (1 for opening, 1 for closing) and the
* lengths of it's child nodes.
'createNodesFromData': function( data ) {
var currentNode = new ve.dm.BranchNode();
for ( var i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++ ) {
if ( data[i].type !== undefined ) {
// It's an element, figure out it's type
var element = data[i],
type = element.type,
open = type.charAt( 0 ) !== '/';
// Trim the "/" off the beginning of closing tag types
if ( !open ) {
type = type.substr( 1 );
if ( open ) {
// Validate the element type
if ( !( type in ve.dm.DocumentNode.nodeModels ) ) {
throw 'Unsuported element error. No class registered for element type: ' +
// Create a model node for the element
var newNode = new ve.dm.DocumentNode.nodeModels[element.type]( element, 0 );
// Add the new model node as a child
currentNode.push( newNode );
// Descend into the new model node
currentNode = newNode;
} else {
// Return to the parent node
currentNode = currentNode.getParent();
if ( currentNode === null ) {
throw 'createNodesFromData() received unbalanced data: found closing ' +
'without matching opening at index ' + i;
} else {
// It's content, let's start tracking the length
var start = i;
// Move forward to the next object, tracking the length as we go
while ( data[i].type === undefined && i < length ) {
// Now we know how long the current node is
currentNode.setContentLength( i - start );
// The while loop left us 1 element to far
return currentNode.getChildren().slice( 0 );
* Creates a document model from a plain object.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} obj Object to create new document model from
* @returns {ve.dm.DocumentNode} Document model created from obj
'newFromPlainObject': function( obj ) {
if ( obj.type === 'document' ) {
var data = [],
attributes = ve.isPlainObject( obj.attributes ) ?
ve.copyObject( obj.attributes ) : {};
for ( var i = 0; i < obj.children.length; i++ ) {
data = data.concat(
ve.dm.DocumentNode.flattenPlainObjectElementNode( obj.children[i] )
return new ve.dm.DocumentNode( data, attributes );
throw 'Invalid object error. Object is not a valid document object.';
* Generates a hash of an annotation object based on it's name and data.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation object to generate hash for
* @returns {String} Hash of annotation
'getHash': ( window.JSON && typeof JSON.stringify === 'function' ) ?
JSON.stringify : ve.dm.JsonSerializer.stringify,
* Gets the index of the first instance of a given annotation.
* This method differs from ve.inArray because it compares hashes instead of references.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} annotations Annotations to search through
* @param {Object} annotation Annotation to search for
* @param {Boolean} typeOnly Whether to only consider the type
* @returns {Integer} Index of annotation in annotations, or -1 if annotation was not found
'getIndexOfAnnotation': function( annotations, annotation, typeOnly ) {
if ( annotation === undefined || annotation.type === undefined ) {
throw 'Invalid annotation error. Can not find non-annotation data in character.';
if ( ve.isArray( annotations ) ) {
// Find the index of a comparable annotation (checking for same value, not reference)
for ( var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++ ) {
// Skip over character data - used when this is called on a content data item
if ( typeof annotations[i] === 'string' ) {
if (
typeOnly &&
annotations[i].type === annotation.type
) ||
!typeOnly &&
annotations[i].hash === (
annotation.hash || ve.dm.DocumentNode.getHash( annotation )
) {
return i;
return -1;
* Gets a list of indexes of annotations that match a regular expression.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} annotations Annotations to search through
* @param {RegExp} pattern Regular expression pattern to match with
* @returns {Integer[]} List of indexes in annotations that match
'getMatchingAnnotations': function( annotations, pattern ) {
if ( !( pattern instanceof RegExp ) ) {
throw 'Invalid annotation error. Can not find non-annotation data in character.';
var matches = [];
if ( ve.isArray( annotations ) ) {
// Find the index of a comparable annotation (checking for same value, not reference)
for ( var i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++ ) {
// Skip over character data - used when this is called on a content data item
if ( typeof annotations[i] === 'string' ) {
if ( pattern.test( annotations[i].type ) ) {
matches.push( annotations[i] );
return matches;
* Sorts annotations of a character.
* This method modifies data in place. The string portion of the annotation character will always
* remain at the beginning.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} character Annotated character to be sorted
'sortCharacterAnnotations': function( character ) {
if ( !ve.isArray( character ) ) {
character.sort( function( a, b ) {
var aHash = a.hash || ve.dm.DocumentNode.getHash( a ),
bHash = b.hash || ve.dm.DocumentNode.getHash( b );
return typeof a === 'string' ? -1 :
( typeof b === 'string' ? 1 : ( aHash == bHash ? 0 : ( aHash < bHash ? -1 : 1 ) ) );
} );
* Adds annotation hashes to content data.
* This method modifies data in place.
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to add annotation hashes to
'addAnnotationHashesToData': function( data ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
if ( ve.isArray( data[i] ) ) {
for ( var j = 1; j < data.length; j++ ) {
if ( data[i][j].hash === undefined ) {
data[i][j].hash = ve.dm.DocumentNode.getHash( data[i][j] );
* Applies annotations to content data.
* This method modifies data in place.
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to remove annotations from
* @param {Array} annotations Annotations to apply
'addAnnotationsToData': function( data, annotations ) {
if ( annotations && annotations.length ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
if ( ve.isArray( data[i] ) ) {
data[i] = [data[i]];
data[i] = [data[i]].concat( annotations );
* Removes annotations from content data.
* This method modifies data in place.
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to remove annotations from
* @param {Array} [annotations] Annotations to remove (all will be removed if undefined)
'removeAnnotationsFromData': function( data, annotations ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
if ( ve.isArray( data[i] ) ) {
data[i] = data[i][0];
* Creates an ve.ContentModel object from a plain content object.
* A plain content object contains plain text and a series of annotations to be applied to ranges of
* the text.
* @example
* {
* 'text': '1234',
* 'annotations': [
* // Makes "23" bold
* {
* 'type': 'bold',
* 'range': {
* 'start': 1,
* 'end': 3
* }
* }
* ]
* }
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} obj Plain content object, containing a "text" property and optionally
* an "annotations" property, the latter of which being an array of annotation objects including
* range information
* @returns {Array}
'flattenPlainObjectContentNode': function( obj ) {
if ( !ve.isPlainObject( obj ) ) {
// Use empty content
return [];
} else {
// Convert string to array of characters
var data = obj.text.split('');
// Render annotations
if ( ve.isArray( obj.annotations ) ) {
for ( var i = 0, length = obj.annotations.length; i < length; i++ ) {
var src = obj.annotations[i];
// Build simplified annotation object
var dst = { 'type': src.type };
if ( 'data' in src ) {
dst.data = ve.copyObject( src.data );
// Add a hash to the annotation for faster comparison
dst.hash = ve.dm.DocumentNode.getHash( dst );
// Apply annotation to range
if ( src.range.start < 0 ) {
// TODO: The start can not be lower than 0! Throw error?
// Clamp start value
src.range.start = 0;
if ( src.range.end > data.length ) {
// TODO: The end can not be higher than the length! Throw error?
// Clamp end value
src.range.end = data.length;
for ( var j = src.range.start; j < src.range.end; j++ ) {
// Auto-convert to array
if ( typeof data[j] === 'string' ) {
data[j] = [data[j]];
// Append
data[j].push( dst );
return data;
* Flatten a plain node object into a data array, recursively.
* TODO: where do we document this whole structure - aka "WikiDom"?
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} obj Plain node object to flatten
* @returns {Array} Flattened version of obj
'flattenPlainObjectElementNode': function( obj ) {
var i,
data = [],
element = { 'type': obj.type };
if ( ve.isPlainObject( obj.attributes ) ) {
element.attributes = ve.copyObject( obj.attributes );
// Open element
data.push( element );
if ( ve.isPlainObject( obj.content ) ) {
// Add content
data = data.concat( ve.dm.DocumentNode.flattenPlainObjectContentNode( obj.content ) );
} else if ( ve.isArray( obj.children ) ) {
// Add children - only do this if there is no content property
for ( i = 0; i < obj.children.length; i++ ) {
// TODO: Figure out if all this concatenating is inefficient. I think it is
data = data.concat( ve.dm.DocumentNode.flattenPlainObjectElementNode( obj.children[i] ) );
// Close element - TODO: Do we need attributes here or not?
data.push( { 'type': '/' + obj.type } );
return data;
* Get a plain object representation of content data.
* @method
* @returns {Object} Plain object representation
'getExpandedContentData': function( data ) {
var stack = [];
// Text and annotations
function start( offset, annotation ) {
// Make a new verion of the annotation object and push it to the stack
var obj = {
'type': annotation.type,
'range': { 'start': offset }
if ( annotation.data ) {
obj.data = ve.copyObject( annotation.data );
stack.push( obj );
function end( offset, annotation ) {
for ( var i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
if ( !stack[i].range.end ) {
if ( annotation ) {
// We would just compare hashes, but the stack doesn't contain any
if ( stack[i].type === annotation.type &&
ve.compareObjects( stack[i].data, annotation.data ) ) {
stack[i].range.end = offset;
} else {
stack[i].range.end = offset;
var left = '',
obj = { 'text': '' },
offset = 0,
for ( i = 0; i < data.length; i++ ) {
right = data[i];
leftPlain = typeof left === 'string';
rightPlain = typeof right === 'string';
// Open or close annotations
if ( !leftPlain && rightPlain ) {
// [formatted][plain] pair, close any annotations for left
end( i - offset );
} else if ( leftPlain && !rightPlain ) {
// [plain][formatted] pair, open any annotations for right
for ( j = 1; j < right.length; j++ ) {
start( i - offset, right[j] );
} else if ( !leftPlain && !rightPlain ) {
// [formatted][formatted] pair, open/close any differences
for ( j = 1; j < left.length; j++ ) {
if ( ve.dm.DocumentNode.getIndexOfAnnotation( data[i] , left[j], true ) === -1 ) {
end( i - offset, left[j] );
for ( j = 1; j < right.length; j++ ) {
if ( ve.dm.DocumentNode.getIndexOfAnnotation( data[i - 1], right[j], true ) === -1 ) {
start( i - offset, right[j] );
obj.text += rightPlain ? right : right[0];
left = right;
if ( data.length ) {
end( i - offset );
if ( stack.length ) {
obj.annotations = stack;
// Copy attributes if there are any set
if ( !ve.isEmptyObject( this.attributes ) ) {
obj.attributes = ve.extendObject( true, {}, this.attributes );
return obj;
* Checks if a data at a given offset is content.
* @example Content data:
* <paragraph> a b c </paragraph> <list> <listItem> d e f </listItem> </list>
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to evaluate offset within
* @param {Integer} offset Offset in data to check
* @returns {Boolean} If data at offset is content
'isContentData': function( data, offset ) {
// Shortcut: if there's already content there, we will trust it's supposed to be there
return typeof data[offset] === 'string' || ve.isArray( data[offset] );
* Checks if a data at a given offset is an element.
* @example Element data:
* <paragraph> a b c </paragraph> <list> <listItem> d e f </listItem> </list>
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to evaluate offset within
* @param {Integer} offset Offset in data to check
* @returns {Boolean} If data at offset is an element
'isElementData': function( data, offset ) {
// TODO: Is there a safer way to check if it's a plain object without sacrificing speed?
return offset >= 0 && offset < data.length && data[offset].type !== undefined;
* Checks if an offset within given data is structural.
* Structural offsets are those at the beginning, end or surrounded by elements. This differs
* from a location at which an element is present in that elements can be safely inserted at a
* structural location, but not nessecarily where an element is present.
* @example Structural offsets:
* <paragraph> a b c </paragraph> <list> <listItem> d e f </listItem> </list>
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to evaluate offset within
* @param {Integer} offset Offset to check
* @returns {Boolean} Whether offset is structural or not
'isStructuralOffset': function( data, offset ) {
// Edges are always structural
if ( offset === 0 || offset === data.length ) {
return true;
// Structual offsets will have elements on each side
if ( data[offset - 1].type !== undefined && data[offset].type !== undefined ) {
if ( '/' + data[offset - 1].type === data[offset].type ) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Checks if elements are present within data.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Array} data Data to look for elements within
* @returns {Boolean} If elements exist in data
'containsElementData': function( data ) {
for ( var i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++ ) {
if ( data[i].type !== undefined ) {
return true;
return false;