David Chan 6dacf615c0 Match non-BMP characters in wordbreak regexes
* charRangeArrayRegexp to write surrogate-aware regexps
* private helper functions

* test charRangeArrayRegexp
* corrected tests for non-BMP wordbreaks

* use new surrogate-aware regexps

* generated from Unicode data

* generated from Unicode data

* delete as no longer used
* generate unicodejs.wordbreakproperties.js from Unicode data
* generate unicodejs.graphemebreakproperties.js from Unicode data

* update script tag links

* update script tag links

* update script tag links

* update script tag links

Change-Id: I39c0386a85b0cf21d68d3385b84018a5d7648de5
2013-06-10 23:16:23 +01:00

237 lines
7.9 KiB

* Wordbreak module tests
* @copyright 2013 UnicodeJS team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
QUnit.module( 'unicodeJS.wordbreak' );
QUnit.test( 'charRangeArrayRegexp', function ( assert ) {
var i, test, doTestFunc, equalityTests, throwTests;
equalityTests = [
[[0x0040], '\\u0040', 'single BMP character'],
[[0xFFFF], '\\uffff', 'highest BMP character'],
[0x005F, [0x203F, 0x2040], 0x2054, [0xFE33, 0xFE34],
[0xFE4D, 0xFE4F], 0xFF3F],
'multiple BMP ranges (= ExtendNumLet from wordbreak rules)'
[[0xD7FF], '\\ud7ff', 'just below surrogate range'],
[[0xE000], '\\ue000', 'just above surrogate range'],
[[0x10000], '\\ud800\\udc00', 'lowest non-BMP character'],
[[0x10001], '\\ud800\\udc01', 'second-lowest non-BMP character'],
[[0x103FF], '\\ud800\\udfff', 'highest character with D800 leading surrogate'],
[[0x10400], '\\ud801\\udc00', 'lowest character with D801 leading surrogate'],
[[0xFF00, 0xFFFF]],
'single range at top of BMP'
[[0xFF00, 0x10000]],
'single range spanning BMP and non-BMP'
[0xFFFF, 0x10000, 0x10002],
'\\uffff|\\ud800\\udc00|\\ud800\\udc02', // TODO: could compact
'single characters, both BMP and non-BMP'
[[0x0300, 0x0400], 0x10FFFF],
'BMP range and non-BMP character'
[[0xFF00, 0x103FF]],
'range to top of D800 leading surrogate range'
[[0xFF00, 0x10400]],
'range to start of D801 leading surrogate range'
[[0xFF00, 0x10401]],
'range past start of D801 leading surrogate range'
[[0xFF00, 0x15555]],
'range spanning multiple leading surrogate ranges'
[[0x10454, 0x10997]],
'range starting within one leading surrogate range, and ending in the next'
[[0x20222, 0x29999]],
'range starting within one leading surrogate range, and ending in a distant one'
[0x00AD, [0x0600, 0x0604], 0x06DD, 0x070F,
[0x200E, 0x200F], [0x202A, 0x202E], [0x2060, 0x2064],
[0x206A, 0x206F], 0xFEFF, [0xFFF9, 0xFFFB],
0x110BD, [0x1D173, 0x1D17A],
0xE0001, [0xE0020, 0xE007F]],
// TODO: could compact
'[\\u00ad\\u0600-\\u0604\\u06dd\\u070f' +
'\\u200e-\\u200f\\u202a-\\u202e\\u2060-\\u2064' +
'\\u206a-\\u206f\\ufeff\\ufff9-\\ufffb]' +
'|\\ud804\\udcbd|\\ud834[\\udd73-\\udd7a]|\\udb40\\udc01' +
'multiple BMP and non-BMP ranges (= Format from wordbreak rules)'
[[0x0, 0xD7FF], [0xE000, 0xFFFF], [0x10000, 0x10FFFF]],
'largest possible range'
throwTests = [
[[0xD800], 'surrogate character U+D800'],
[[0xDFFF], 'surrogate character U+DFFF'],
[[[0xCCCC, 0xDDDD]], 'surrogate overlap 1'],
[[[0xDDDD, 0xEEEE]], 'surrogate overlap 2'],
[[[0xDDDD, 0xEEEEE]], 'surrogate overlap 3'],
[[[0xCCCC, 0xEEEE]], 'surrogate overlap 4']
QUnit.expect( equalityTests.length + throwTests.length );
for ( i = 0; i < equalityTests.length; i++ ) {
test = equalityTests[i];
unicodeJS.charRangeArrayRegexp( test[0] ),
for ( i = 0; i < throwTests.length; i++ ) {
/* jshint loopfunc: true */
test = throwTests[i];
doTestFunc = function () {
unicodeJS.charRangeArrayRegexp( test[0] );
'throw: ' + test[1]
QUnit.test( 'isBreak', function ( assert ) {
var i, result, context,
text =
/*jshint quotmark:double */
// 0 - 9
"\u0300xyz'd a' " +
// 10 - 19
"'a a-b 1a\r" +
// 20 - 29
"\nカタカナ3,1.2" +
// 30 - 39
" a_b_3_ナ_ " +
// 40 - 49
"汉字/漢字 c\u0300\u0327k " +
// 50 - 59
"\ud800\udf08" + // U+10308 OLD ITALIC LETTER THE
"\ud800\udf08\u0302" + // U+10308 OLD ITALIC LETTER THE + combining circumflex
"\ud800\udf0a" + // U+1030A OLD ITALIC LETTER KA
" pad " +
"\ud800\udf0a" + // U+1030A OLD ITALIC LETTER KA
"\ud800\udf0a" + // U+1030A OLD ITALIC LETTER KA
// 60 - 69
" 뜨락또르 트랙터 " + // hangul (not decomposed into jamo)
//// TODO: test the equivalent text in jamo when graphemebreak rules work
//// "\u1104\u1173\u1105\u1161\u11a8\u1104\u1169\u1105\u1173 " +
//// "\u1110\u1173\u1105\u1162\u11a8\u1110\u1165" +
// 70 - 75: "a." tests end of para
" c\u0300\u0327 a.",
/*jshint quotmark:single */
textString = new unicodeJS.TextString( text ),
breaks = [
0, 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19,
21, 25, 30,
31, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50,
53, 54, 57, 58, 60,
61, 65, 66, 69, 70,
71, 72, 73, 74, 75
QUnit.expect( textString.getLength() + 1 );
for ( i = 0; i <= textString.getLength(); i++ ) {
result = ( breaks.indexOf( i ) !== -1 );
context =
textString.substring( Math.max( i - 4, 0 ), i ).getString() +
'│' +
textString.substring( i, Math.min( i + 4, text.length ) ).getString()
unicodeJS.wordbreak.isBreak( textString, i ),
'Break at position ' + i + ': ' + context
QUnit.test( 'nextBreakOffset/prevBreakOffset', function ( assert ) {
var i, offset = 0,
text = 'The quick brown fox',
textString = new unicodeJS.TextString( text ),
breaks = [ 0, 0, 3, 4, 9, 10, 15, 16, 19, 19 ];
QUnit.expect( 2*(breaks.length - 2) );
for ( i = 2; i < breaks.length; i++ ) {
offset = unicodeJS.wordbreak.nextBreakOffset( textString, offset );
assert.equal( offset, breaks[i], 'Next break is at position ' + breaks[i] );
for ( i = breaks.length - 3; i >= 0; i-- ) {
offset = unicodeJS.wordbreak.prevBreakOffset( textString, offset );
assert.equal( offset, breaks[i], 'Previous break is at position ' + breaks[i] );
QUnit.test( 'nextBreakOffset/prevBreakOffset (ignore whitespace)', function ( assert ) {
var i, offset = 0,
text = ' The quick brown jumps... 3.14159 すどくスドク ',
textString = new unicodeJS.TextString( text ),
nextBreaks = [ 6, 12, 19, 25, 31, 42, 49, 52 ],
prevBreaks = [ 46, 35, 26, 22, 14, 7, 3, 0 ];
QUnit.expect( nextBreaks.length + prevBreaks.length + 6 );
for ( i = 0; i < nextBreaks.length; i++ ) {
offset = unicodeJS.wordbreak.nextBreakOffset( textString, offset, true );
assert.equal( offset, nextBreaks[i], 'Next break is at position ' + nextBreaks[i] );
for ( i = 0; i < prevBreaks.length; i++ ) {
offset = unicodeJS.wordbreak.prevBreakOffset( textString, offset, true );
assert.equal( offset, prevBreaks[i], 'Previous break is at position ' + prevBreaks[i] );
assert.equal( unicodeJS.wordbreak.nextBreakOffset( textString, 9, true ),
12, 'Jump to end of word when starting in middle of word');
assert.equal( unicodeJS.wordbreak.nextBreakOffset( textString, 3, true ),
6, 'Jump to end of word when starting at start of word');
assert.equal( unicodeJS.wordbreak.nextBreakOffset( textString, 13, true ),
19, 'Jump to end of word when starting in double whitespace');
assert.equal( unicodeJS.wordbreak.prevBreakOffset( textString, 17, true ),
14, 'Jump to start of word when starting in middle of word');
assert.equal( unicodeJS.wordbreak.prevBreakOffset( textString, 6, true ),
3, 'Jump to start of word when starting at end of word');
assert.equal( unicodeJS.wordbreak.prevBreakOffset( textString, 13, true ),
7, 'Jump to start of word when starting in double whitespace');