Timo Tijhof ab7d6bf082 Documentation & clean up
* Commands for Sublime:

  Find*: "(\* @[a-z]+) ([^{].*) \{(.*)\}"
  Replace: "$1 {$3} $2"

  Save all && Close all

  Find: " function("
  Replace: " function ("

  Save all && Close all

  Find: "Intialization"
  Replace: "Initialization"

  Save all && Close all

* Consistent use of types (documented in CODING.rm):
  - Merged {Integer} into {Number}.
  - Merged {DOM Node} into {DOMElement}.

* Remove work-around /*jshint newcap: false */ from ve.js
  Calling Object() as a function to to use the internal
  toObject no longer throws a newcap warning in JSHint.
  It only does that normal functions now .

  (e.g. var a = Cap(); or var a = new uncap();)

* Add missing annotations (@static, @method, ..).

* Remove unused variables

* Remove null-assignments to variables that should just be
  undefined. There's a few variables explicitly set to null
  whereas they are set a few lines under and not used otherwise
  (e.g. 'tx' in ve.ce.Surface.prototype.onPaste)

Change-Id: I0721a08f8ecd93c25595aedaa1aadb0e08b83799
2012-09-17 16:02:52 +02:00

256 lines
7.1 KiB

/*global mw */
* VisualEditor MediaWiki initialization Target class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* MediaWiki target.
* @class
* @constructor
* @extends {ve.EventEmitter}
* @param {String} pageName Name of target page
*/ = function VeInitMwTarget( pageName, oldId ) {
// Parent constructor this );
// Properties
this.pageName = pageName;
this.oldId = oldId;
this.editToken = mw.user.tokens.get( 'editToken' );
this.apiUrl = mw.util.wikiScript( 'api' );
this.modules = ['ext.visualEditor.core', 'ext.visualEditor.specialMessages']
window.devicePixelRatio > 1 ?
['ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.icons-vector', 'ext.visualEditor.icons-vector'] :
['ext.visualEditor.viewPageTarget.icons-raster', 'ext.visualEditor.icons-raster']
this.loading = false;
this.saving = false;
this.dom = null;
this.isMobileDevice = (
'ontouchstart' in window ||
( window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch )
/* Inheritance */
ve.inheritClass(, ve.EventEmitter );
/* Static Methods */
* Handle response to a successful load request.
* This method is called within the context of a target instance. If successful the DOM from the
* server will be parsed, stored in {this.dom} and then {} will be called once
* the modules are ready.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} response XHR Response object
* @param {String} status Text status message
* @emits loadError (null, message, null)
*/ = function ( response ) {
var data = response['ve-parsoid'];
if ( !data ) {
this.loading = false;
this.emit( 'loadError', null, 'Invalid response from server', null );
} else if ( typeof data.result === 'error' ) {
this.loading = false;
this.emit( 'loadError', null, 'Server error', null );
} else if ( typeof data.parsed !== 'string' ) {
this.loading = false;
this.emit( 'loadError', null, 'No HTML content in response from server', null );
} else {
this.dom = $( '<div>' ).html( data.parsed )[0];
// Everything worked, the page was loaded, continue as soon as the module is ready
mw.loader.using( this.modules, ve.bind(, this ) );
* Handle both DOM and modules being loaded and ready.
* This method is called within the context of a target instance. After the load event is emitted
* this.dom is cleared, allowing it to be garbage collected.
* @static
* @method
* @emits load (dom)
*/ = function () {
this.loading = false;
this.emit( 'load', this.dom );
// Release DOM data
this.dom = null;
* Handle response to a successful load request.
* This method is called within the context of a target instance.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} response XHR Response object
* @param {String} status Text status message
* @param {Mixed} error Thrown exception or HTTP error string
* @emits loadError (response, text, exception)
*/ = function ( response, text, exception ) {
this.loading = false;
this.emit( 'loadError', response, text, exception );
* Handle response to a successful save request.
* This method is called within the context of a target instance.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} response XHR Response object
* @param {String} status Text status message
* @emits save (html)
* @emits saveError (null, message, null)
*/ = function ( response ) {
this.saving = false;
var data = response['ve-parsoid'];
if ( !data ) {
this.emit( 'saveError', null, 'Invalid response from server', null );
} else if ( data.result !== 'success' ) {
this.emit( 'saveError', null, 'Unsuccessful request: ' + data.result, null );
} else if ( typeof data.content !== 'string' ) {
this.emit( 'saveError', null, 'Invalid HTML content in response from server', null );
} else {
this.emit( 'save', data.content );
* Handle response to a successful save request.
* This method is called within the context of a target instance.
* @static
* @method
* @param {Object} data HTTP Response object
* @param {String} status Text status message
* @param {Mixed} error Thrown exception or HTTP error string
* @emits saveError (response, status, error)
*/ = function ( response, status, error ) {
this.saving = false;
this.emit( 'saveError', response, status, error );
/* Methods */
* Gets DOM from Parsoid API.
* This method performs an asynchronous action and uses a callback function to handle the result.
* @example
* target.loadDom(
* function ( error, dom ) {
* // Handle errors and do something with the loaded DOM
* }
* );
* @method
* @param {Function} callback Function to call when complete, accepts error and dom arguments
* @returns {Boolean} Loading is now in progress
*/ = function () {
// Prevent duplicate requests
if ( this.loading ) {
return false;
// Start loading the module immediately
mw.loader.load( this.modules );
// Load DOM
this.loading = true;
$.ajax( {
'url': this.apiUrl,
'data': {
'action': 've-parsoid',
'paction': 'parse',
'page': this.pageName,
'oldid': this.oldId,
'format': 'json'
'dataType': 'json',
'type': 'GET',
// Wait up to 10 seconds before giving up
'timeout': 10000,
'cache': 'false',
'success': ve.bind(, this ),
'error': ve.bind(, this )
} );
return true;
* Posts DOM to Parsoid API.
* This method performs an asynchronous action and uses a callback function to handle the result.
* @example
* target.saveDom(
* dom,
* { 'summary': 'test', 'minor': true, 'watch': false },
* function ( error, html ) {
* // Handle errors and do something with the rendered HTML
* }
* );
* @method
* @param {HTMLElement} dom DOM to save
* @param {Object} options Saving options
* - {String} summary Edit summary
* - {Boolean} minor Edit is a minor edit
* - {Boolean} watch Watch this page
* @param {Function} callback Function to call when complete, accepts error and html arguments
* @returns {Boolean} Saving is now in progress
*/ = function ( dom, options ) {
// Prevent duplicate requests
if ( this.saving ) {
return false;
// Save DOM
this.saving = true;
$.ajax( {
'url': this.apiUrl,
'data': {
'format': 'json',
'action': 've-parsoid',
'paction': 'save',
'page': this.pageName,
'oldid': this.oldId,
'html': $( dom ).html(),
'token': this.editToken,
'summary': options.summary,
'minor': options.minor,
'dataType': 'json',
'type': 'POST',
// Wait up to 10 seconds before giving up
'timeout': 10000,
'success': ve.bind(, this ),
'error': ve.bind(, this )
} );
return true;