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synced 2024-12-19 09:41:09 +00:00
198 lines
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198 lines
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/* global seleniumUtils */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
( function () {
'use strict';
var accessKey = process.env.SAUCE_ONDEMAND_ACCESS_KEY,
chrome = require( 'selenium-webdriver/chrome' ),
fs = require( 'fs' ),
Jimp = require( 'jimp' ),
username = process.env.SAUCE_ONDEMAND_USERNAME,
webdriver = require( 'selenium-webdriver' ),
TIMEOUT = 40 * 1000;
function createScreenshotEnvironment( test, beforeEach ) {
var clientSize, driver;
test.beforeEach( function () {
var lang = this.currentTest.parent.lang || 'en';
// Use Sauce Labs when running on Jenins
if ( process.env.JENKINS_URL ) {
driver = new webdriver.Builder().withCapabilities( {
browserName: process.env.BROWSER,
platform: process.env.PLATFORM,
username: username,
accessKey: accessKey
} ).usingServer( 'http://' + username + ':' + accessKey +
'@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub' ).build();
} else {
// If not running on Jenkins, use local browser
driver = new chrome.Driver();
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout( TIMEOUT );
driver.manage().window().setSize( 1200, 1000 );
driver.get( 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Sample_page?veaction=edit&uselang=' + lang );
// This function is converted to a string and executed in the browser
function () {
var done = arguments[ arguments.length - 1 ];
window.seleniumUtils = {
getBoundingRect: function ( elements ) {
var i, l, rect, boundingRect;
for ( i = 0, l = elements.length; i < l; i++ ) {
rect = elements[ i ].getBoundingClientRect();
if ( !boundingRect ) {
boundingRect = {
left: rect.left,
top: rect.top,
right: rect.right,
bottom: rect.bottom
} else {
boundingRect.left = Math.min( boundingRect.left, rect.left );
boundingRect.top = Math.min( boundingRect.top, rect.top );
boundingRect.right = Math.max( boundingRect.right, rect.right );
boundingRect.bottom = Math.max( boundingRect.bottom, rect.bottom );
if ( boundingRect ) {
boundingRect.width = boundingRect.right - boundingRect.left;
boundingRect.height = boundingRect.bottom - boundingRect.top;
return boundingRect;
collapseToolbar: function () {
ve.init.target.toolbar.items.forEach( function ( group ) {
if ( group.setActive ) {
group.setActive( false );
} );
ve.init.target.actionsToolbar.items.forEach( function ( group ) {
if ( group.setActive ) {
group.setActive( false );
} );
runMenuTask: function ( done, tool, expanded, highlight, extraElements ) {
var toolGroup = tool.toolGroup;
toolGroup.setActive( true );
if ( toolGroup.updateCollapsibleState ) {
toolGroup.expanded = !!expanded;
if ( highlight ) {
setTimeout( function () {
seleniumUtils.getBoundingRect( [
toolGroup.$element[ 0 ],
toolGroup.$group[ 0 ]
].concat( extraElements || [] ) )
} );
// Suppress welcome dialog
mw.storage.set( 've-beta-welcome-dialog', 1 );
// Suppress user education indicators
mw.storage.set( 've-hideusered', 1 );
mw.hook( 've.activationComplete' ).add( function () {
var target = ve.init.target,
surfaceView = target.getSurface().getView();
// Hide edit notices
target.actionsToolbar.tools.notices.getPopup().toggle( false );
// Modify the document to make the save button blue
// Wait for focus
surfaceView.once( 'focus', function () {
target.surface.getModel().getFragment().insertContent( ' ' ).collapseToStart().select();
// Wait for save button fade
setTimeout( function () {
done( { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } );
}, 100 );
} );
} );
).then( function ( cs ) {
clientSize = cs;
}, function ( e ) {
// Log error (timeout)
console.error( e.message );
} )
if ( beforeEach ) {
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout( TIMEOUT );
driver.executeAsyncScript( beforeEach ).then(
function () {},
function ( e ) {
// Log error (timeout)
console.error( e.message );
} );
test.afterEach( function () {
} );
function cropScreenshot( filename, imageBuffer, rect, padding ) {
var left, top, right, bottom;
if ( padding === undefined ) {
padding = 5;
left = Math.max( 0, rect.left - padding );
top = Math.max( 0, rect.top - padding );
right = Math.min( clientSize.width, rect.left + rect.width + padding );
bottom = Math.min( clientSize.height, rect.top + rect.height + padding );
return Jimp.read( imageBuffer ).then( function ( jimpImage ) {
.crop( left, top, right - left, bottom - top )
.write( filename );
} );
function runScreenshotTest( name, lang, clientScript, padding ) {
var filename = './screenshots/' + name + '-' + lang + '.png';
driver.manage().timeouts().setScriptTimeout( TIMEOUT );
driver.executeAsyncScript( clientScript ).then( function ( rect ) {
return driver.takeScreenshot().then( function ( base64Image ) {
var imageBuffer;
if ( rect ) {
imageBuffer = new Buffer( base64Image, 'base64' );
return cropScreenshot( filename, imageBuffer, rect, padding );
} else {
fs.writeFile( filename, base64Image, 'base64' );
} );
}, function ( e ) {
// Log error (timeout)
console.error( e );
} )
return runScreenshotTest;
module.exports.createScreenshotEnvironment = createScreenshotEnvironment;
}() );