Ed Sanders cdfed7039f Handle meta-only transclusions as meta items
To achieve this we need to evaluate the DOM contents of
transclusion nodes to see if it consists solely of meta items
and whitespace.

To check for meta items we do a model registry match, but with an
additional parameter to exclude mwTransclusion types as a possible
result (as the first item may be a meta tag, but with a mw:Transclusion
typeof attribute).

Bug: 51322
Change-Id: I89a220350fb7e10e15f3682d21438539196a5846
2013-07-24 14:27:24 +00:00

1445 lines
50 KiB

* VisualEditor DataModel Converter class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* DataModel converter.
* Converts between HTML DOM and VisualEditor linear data.
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {} modelRegistry
* @param {} nodeFactory
* @param {} annotationFactory
*/ = function VeDmConverter( modelRegistry, nodeFactory, annotationFactory, metaItemFactory ) {
// Properties
this.modelRegistry = modelRegistry;
this.nodeFactory = nodeFactory;
this.annotationFactory = annotationFactory;
this.metaItemFactory = metaItemFactory;
this.doc = null;
this.documentData = null; = null;
this.internalList = null;
this.contextStack = null;
/* Static Methods */
* Get linear model data from a string optionally applying annotations
* @static
* @param {string} text Plain text to convert
* @param {} [annotations] Annotations to apply
* @returns {Array} Linear model data, one element per character
*/ = function ( text, annotations ) {
var i, len,
characters = ve.splitClusters( text );
if ( !annotations || annotations.isEmpty() ) {
return characters;
// Apply annotations to characters
for ( i = 0, len = characters.length; i < len; i++ ) {
// Just store the annotations' indexes from the index-value store
characters[i] = [characters[i], annotations.getIndexes().slice()];
return characters;
* Utility function for annotation rendering. Transforms one set of annotations into another
* by opening and closing annotations. Each time an annotation is opened or closed, the associated
* callback is called with the annotation passed as a parameter.
* Note that currentSet will be modified, and will be equal to targetSet once this function returns.
* @static
* @param {} currentSet The set of annotations currently opened. Will be modified.
* @param {} targetSet The set of annotations we want to have.
* @param {Function} open Callback called when an annotation is opened. Passed a
* @param {Function} close Callback called when an annotation is closed. Passed a
*/ = function ( currentSet, targetSet, open, close ) {
var i, len, annotation, startClosingAt, currentSetOpen, targetSetOpen;
// Close annotations as needed
// Go through annotationStack from bottom to top (low to high),
// and find the first annotation that's not in annotations.
targetSetOpen = targetSet.clone();
for ( i = 0, len = currentSet.getLength(); i < len; i++ ) {
annotation = currentSet.get( i );
if ( !targetSetOpen.containsComparableForSerialization( annotation ) ) {
startClosingAt = i;
} else {
targetSetOpen.remove( annotation );
if ( startClosingAt !== undefined ) {
// Close all annotations from top to bottom (high to low)
// until we reach startClosingAt
for ( i = currentSet.getLength() - 1; i >= startClosingAt; i-- ) {
close( currentSet.get( i ) );
// Remove from currentClone
currentSet.removeAt( i );
currentSetOpen = currentSet.clone();
// Open annotations as needed
for ( i = 0, len = targetSet.getLength(); i < len; i++ ) {
annotation = targetSet.get( i );
if ( !currentSetOpen.containsComparableForSerialization( annotation ) ) {
open( annotation );
// Add to currentClone
currentSet.push( annotation );
} else {
// If an annotation is already open remove it from the currentSetOpen list
// as it may exist multiple times in the targetSet, and so may need to be
// opened again
currentSetOpen.remove( annotation );
* Build an HTML attribute list for attribute preservation.
* The attribute list is an array of objects, one for each DOM element. Each object contains a
* map with attribute keys and values in .values, an (ordered) array of attribute keys in .keys,
* and an array of attribute lists for the child nodes in .children .
* @static
* @param {HTMLElement[]} domElements Array of DOM elements to build attribute list for
* @param {boolean|string|RegExp|Array|Object} spec Attribute specification, see
* @param {boolean} [deep=false] If true, recurse into children. If false, .children will be empty
* @param {Object[]} [attributeList] Existing attribute list to populate; used for recursion
* @returns {Object[]|undefined} Attribute list, or undefined if empty
*/ = function ( domElements, spec, deep, attributeList ) {
var i, ilen, j, jlen, domAttributes, childList, empty = true;
attributeList = attributeList || [];
for ( i = 0, ilen = domElements.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
domAttributes = domElements[i].attributes || [];
attributeList[i] = { 'values': {} };
for ( j = 0, jlen = domAttributes.length; j < jlen; j++ ) {
if ( domAttributes[j].name, spec ) ) {
attributeList[i].values[domAttributes[j].name] = domAttributes[j].value;
empty = false;
if ( deep ) {
attributeList[i].children = [];
childList =
// Use .children rather than .childNodes so we don't mess around with things that
// can't have attributes anyway. Unfortunately, non-element nodes have .children
// set to undefined so we have to coerce it to an array in that case.
domElements[i].children || [], spec, deep, attributeList[i].children
if ( childList ) {
empty = false;
} else {
delete attributeList[i].children;
return empty ? undefined : attributeList;
* Render an attribute list onto a set of DOM elements.
* Attributes set to undefined will be removed. The attribute specification restricts which
* attributes are rendered.
* @static
* @param {Object[]} attributeList Attribute list, see buildHtmlAttributeList()
* @param {HTMLElement[]} domElements Array of DOM elements to render onto
* @param {boolean|string|RegExp|Array|Object} [spec=true] Attribute specification, see
* @param {boolean} [overwrite=false] If true, overwrite attributes that are already set
*/ = function ( attributeList, domElements, spec, overwrite ) {
var i, ilen, key, values;
if ( spec === undefined ) {
spec = true;
if ( spec === false ) {
for ( i = 0, ilen = attributeList.length; i < ilen; i++ ) {
if ( !domElements[i] ) {
values = attributeList[i].values;
for ( key in values ) {
if ( key, spec ) ) {
if ( values[key] === undefined ) {
domElements[i].removeAttribute( key );
} else if ( overwrite || !domElements[i].hasAttribute( key ) ) {
domElements[i].setAttribute( key, values[key] );
if ( attributeList[i].children ) {
attributeList[i].children, domElements[i].children, spec
/* Methods */
* Check whether this converter instance is currently inside a getDataFromDom() conversion.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Whether we're converting
*/ = function () {
return this.contextStack !== null;
* Get the IndexValueStore used for the current conversion.
* @method
* @returns {|null} Current store, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
* Get the HTML document currently being converted
* @method
* @returns {HTMLDocument|null} HTML document being converted, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
return this.doc;
* Get the current conversion context. This is the recursion state of getDataFromDomRecursion().
* @method
* @returns {Object|null} Context object, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
return this.contextStack === null ? null : this.contextStack[this.contextStack.length - 1];
* Get the annotations currently being applied by the converter. Note that this is specific to
* the current recursion level.
* @method
* @returns {|null} Annotation set, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
var context = this.getCurrentContext();
return context ? context.annotations : null;
* Whether the converter is currently expecting content. Note that this is specific to the current
* recursion level.
* @method
* @returns {boolean|null} Boolean indicating whether content is expected, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
var context = this.getCurrentContext();
return context ? context.expectingContent : null;
* Whether the conversion is currently inside a wrapper paragraph generated by the converter.
* Note that this is specific to the current recursion level.
* @method
* @returns {boolean|null} Boolean indicating whether we're wrapping, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
var context = this.getCurrentContext();
return context ? context.inWrapper : null;
* Whether the active wrapper can be closed. Note that this is specific to the current recursion
* level. If there is no active wrapper, this returns false.
* @method
* @returns {boolean|null} Boolean indicating whether the wrapper can be closed, or null if not converting
*/ = function () {
var context = this.getCurrentContext();
return context ? context.canCloseWrapper : null;
* Get the DOM element for a given linear model element.
* This invokes the toDomElements function registered for the element type.
* @method
* @param {Object|Array} dataElement Linear model element or data slice
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc Document to create DOM elements in
* @param {HTMLElement[]} [childDomElements] Array of child DOM elements to pass in (annotations only)
* @returns {HTMLElement|boolean} DOM element, or false if the element cannot be converted
*/ = function ( dataElements, doc, childDomElements ) {
var domElements,
dataElement = ve.isArray( dataElements ) ? dataElements[0] : dataElements,
nodeClass = this.modelRegistry.lookup( dataElement.type );
if ( !nodeClass ) {
throw new Error( 'Attempting to convert unknown data element type ' + dataElement.type );
if ( nodeClass.static.isInternal ) {
return false;
domElements = nodeClass.static.toDomElements( dataElements, doc, this, childDomElements );
if ( ( !domElements || !domElements.length ) && !( nodeClass.prototype instanceof ) ) {
throw new Error( 'toDomElements() failed to return an array when converting element of type ' + dataElement.type );
if ( dataElement.htmlAttributes ) { dataElement.htmlAttributes, domElements );
return domElements;
* Create a data element from a DOM element.
* @param {} modelClass Model class to use for conversion
* @param {HTMLElement[]} domElements DOM elements to convert
* @returns {Object|Array|null} Data element or array of linear model data, or null to alienate
*/ = function ( modelClass, domElements ) {
var dataElements = modelClass.static.toDataElement( domElements, this );
if ( !dataElements ) {
return null;
if ( !ve.isArray( dataElements ) ) {
dataElements = [ dataElements ];
return dataElements;
* Build an HTML DOM node for a linear model annotation.
* @method
* @param {Object} dataAnnotation Annotation object
* @returns {HTMLElement} HTML DOM node
*/ = function ( dataAnnotation, doc ) {
var htmlData = dataAnnotation.toHtml(),
domElement = doc.createElement( htmlData.tag );
ve.setDomAttributes( domElement, htmlData.attributes );
return domElement;
* Convert an HTML document to a linear model.
* @param {HTMLDocument} doc HTML document to convert
* @param {} store Index-value store
* @param {} internalList Internal list
* @returns {} Linear model data
*/ = function ( doc, store, internalList ) {
var linearData, refData;
// Set up the converter state
this.doc = doc; = store;
this.internalList = internalList;
this.contextStack = [];
// Possibly do things with doc and the head in the future
linearData = new
this.getDataFromDomRecursion( doc.body )
refData = this.internalList.convertToData( this );
linearData.batchSplice( linearData.getLength(), 0, refData );
// Clear the state
this.doc = null; = null;
this.internalList = null;
this.contextStack = null;
return linearData;
* Wrapper for getDataFromDomRecursion which resets contextStack before the call
* and then set it back after the call.
* TODO: This is kind of a hack, better implementation would be more appropriate in near future.
* @method
* @param {HTMLElement} domElement HTML element to convert
* @param {Object} [wrapperElement] Data element to wrap the returned data in
* @param {} [annotationSet] Override the set of annotations to use
* @returns {Array} Linear model data
*/ = function ( domElement, wrapperElement, annotationSet ) {
var result, contextStack = this.contextStack;
this.contextStack = [];
result = this.getDataFromDomRecursion( domElement, wrapperElement, annotationSet );
this.contextStack = contextStack;
return result;
* Recursive implementation of getDataFromDom(). For internal use, and for use in
* implementations.
* @method
* @param {HTMLElement} domElement HTML element to convert
* @param {Object} [wrapperElement] Data element to wrap the returned data in
* @param {} [annotationSet] Override the set of annotations to use
* @returns {Array} Linear model data
*/ = function ( domElement, wrapperElement, annotationSet ) {
* Add whitespace to an element at a specific offset.
* @param {Array} element Data element
* @param {number} index Whitespace index, 0-3
* @param {string} whitespace Whitespace content
function addWhitespace( element, index, whitespace ) {
if ( !whitespace ) {
if ( !element.internal ) {
element.internal = {};
// whitespace = [ outerPre, innerPre, innerPost, outerPost ]
// <tag> text </tag> <nextTag>
// ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^
// outerPre innerPre innerPost outerPost
if ( !element.internal.whitespace ) {
element.internal.whitespace = [];
element.internal.whitespace[index] = whitespace;
function processNextWhitespace( element ) {
// This function uses and changes nextWhitespace in the outer function's scope,
// which means it's not really a function but more of a shortcut.
if ( nextWhitespace !== '' ) {
addWhitespace( element, 0, nextWhitespace );
nextWhitespace = '';
function outputWrappedMetaItems( whitespaceTreatment ) {
var i, len,
prev = wrappingParagraph;
for ( i = 0, len = wrappedMetaItems.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( wrappedMetaItems[i].type && wrappedMetaItems[i].type.charAt( 0 ) !== '/' ) {
if ( wrappedMetaItems[i].internal && wrappedMetaItems[i].internal.whitespace ) {
if ( whitespaceTreatment === 'restore' ) {
data = data.concat(
wrappedMetaItems[i].internal.whitespace[0], context.annotations
) );
delete wrappedMetaItems[i].internal;
} else if ( whitespaceTreatment === 'fixup' ) {
addWhitespace( prev, 3, wrappedMetaItems[i].internal.whitespace[0] );
prev = wrappedMetaItems[i];
data.push( wrappedMetaItems[i] );
wrappedMetaItems = [];
function startWrapping() {
// Mark this paragraph as having been generated by
// us, so we can strip it on the way out
wrappingParagraph = {
'type': 'paragraph',
'internal': { 'generated': 'wrapper' }
data.push( wrappingParagraph );
context.inWrapper = true;
context.canCloseWrapper = true;
context.expectingContent = true;
processNextWhitespace( wrappingParagraph );
function stopWrapping() {
if ( wrappedWhitespace !== '' ) {
// Remove wrappedWhitespace from data
data.splice( wrappedWhitespaceIndex, wrappedWhitespace.length );
// Add whitespace to the last sibling: either the last meta item or the wrapper paragraph
addWhitespace( wrappedMetaItems.length > 0 ? wrappedMetaItems[wrappedMetaItems.length - 2] : wrappingParagraph, 3, wrappedWhitespace );
nextWhitespace = wrappedWhitespace;
data.push( { 'type': '/paragraph' } );
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'fixup' );
wrappingParagraph = undefined;
context.inWrapper = false;
context.canCloseWrapper = false;
context.expectingContent = context.originallyExpectingContent;
function getAboutGroup( el ) {
var elAbout, node,
textNodes = [],
aboutGroup = [ el ];
if ( !el.getAttribute || el.getAttribute( 'about' ) === null ) {
return aboutGroup;
elAbout = el.getAttribute( 'about' );
for ( node = el.nextSibling; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
if ( !node.getAttribute ) {
// Text nodes don't have a getAttribute() method. Thanks HTML DOM,
// that's really helpful ^^
textNodes.push( node );
if ( node.getAttribute( 'about' ) === elAbout ) {
aboutGroup = aboutGroup.concat( textNodes );
textNodes = [];
aboutGroup.push( node );
} else {
return aboutGroup;
function isAllInstanceOf( data, targetClass ) {
var i, type, itemClass;
for ( i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
type = data[i] );
if ( type ) {
itemClass = modelRegistry.lookup( type ) ||;
if ( !( itemClass.prototype === targetClass.prototype || itemClass.prototype instanceof targetClass ) ) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
var i, childDomElement, childDomElements, childDataElements, text, childTypes, matches,
wrappingParagraph, prevElement, childAnnotations, modelName, modelClass,
annotation, childIsContent, aboutGroup, htmlAttributes,
modelRegistry = this.modelRegistry,
data = [],
nextWhitespace = '',
wrappedWhitespace = '',
wrappedMetaItems = [],
context = {},
prevContext = this.contextStack.length ?
this.contextStack[this.contextStack.length - 1] : null;
context.annotations = annotationSet || (
prevContext ? prevContext.annotations.clone() : new )
context.branchType = wrapperElement ? wrapperElement.type : (
prevContext ? prevContext.branchType : 'document'
context.branchHasContent = this.nodeFactory.canNodeContainContent( context.branchType );
context.originallyExpectingContent = context.branchHasContent || !context.annotations.isEmpty();
context.expectingContent = context.originallyExpectingContent;
context.inWrapper = prevContext ? prevContext.inWrapper : false;
context.canCloseWrapper = false;
this.contextStack.push( context );
// Open element
if ( wrapperElement ) {
data.push( wrapperElement );
// Add contents
for ( i = 0; i < domElement.childNodes.length; i++ ) {
childDomElement = domElement.childNodes[i];
switch ( childDomElement.nodeType ) {
aboutGroup = getAboutGroup( childDomElement );
modelName = this.modelRegistry.matchElement( childDomElement, aboutGroup.length > 1 );
modelClass = this.modelRegistry.lookup( modelName ) ||;
if ( modelClass.prototype instanceof ) {
childDomElements = [ childDomElement ];
} else {
// Node or meta item
childDomElements = modelClass.static.enableAboutGrouping ?
aboutGroup : [ childDomElement ];
childDataElements = this.createDataElements( modelClass, childDomElements );
if ( !childDataElements ) {
// Alienate
modelClass =;
childDomElements = modelClass.static.enableAboutGrouping ?
aboutGroup : [ childDomElement ];
childDataElements = this.createDataElement( modelClass, childDomElements );
} else {
// Update modelClass to reflect the type we got back
modelClass = this.modelRegistry.lookup( childDataElements[0].type );
// Now take the appropriate action based on that
if ( modelClass.prototype instanceof ) {
htmlAttributes =
childDomElements, modelClass.static.storeHtmlAttributes
if ( htmlAttributes ) {
childDataElements[0].htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes;
annotation = this.annotationFactory.create( modelName, childDataElements[0] );
// Start wrapping if needed
if ( !context.inWrapper && !context.expectingContent ) {
prevElement = wrappingParagraph;
// Append child element data
childAnnotations = context.annotations.clone();
childAnnotations.push( annotation );
childDataElements = this.getDataFromDomRecursion( childDomElement, undefined, childAnnotations );
if ( !childDataElements.length || isAllInstanceOf( childDataElements, ) ) {
// Empty annotation, create a meta item
childDataElements = this.createDataElements(, childDomElements );
childDataElements.push( { 'type': '/' + childDataElements[0].type } );
// Annotate meta item
if ( !context.annotations.isEmpty() ) {
childDataElements[0].annotations = context.annotations.getIndexes().slice();
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'restore' );
data = data.concat( childDataElements );
// Clear wrapped whitespace
wrappedWhitespace = '';
} else {
// Node or meta item
if ( modelClass.prototype instanceof ) {
htmlAttributes =
childDomElements, modelClass.static.storeHtmlAttributes, true
if ( htmlAttributes ) {
childDataElements[0].htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes;
// No additional processing needed
// Write to data and continue
if ( childDataElements.length === 1 ) {
childDataElements.push( { 'type': '/' + childDataElements[0].type } );
// Annotate meta item
if ( !context.annotations.isEmpty() ) {
childDataElements[0].annotations = context.annotations.getIndexes().slice();
// Queue wrapped meta items only if it's actually possible for us to move them out
// of the wrapper
if ( context.inWrapper && context.canCloseWrapper ) {
wrappedMetaItems = wrappedMetaItems.concat( childDataElements );
if ( wrappedWhitespace !== '' ) {
data.splice( wrappedWhitespaceIndex, wrappedWhitespace.length );
addWhitespace( childDataElements[0], 0, wrappedWhitespace );
nextWhitespace = wrappedWhitespace;
wrappedWhitespace = '';
} else {
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'restore' );
data = data.concat( childDataElements );
processNextWhitespace( childDataElements[0] );
prevElement = childDataElements[0];
// In case we consumed multiple childDomElements, adjust i accordingly
i += childDomElements.length - 1;
childIsContent = this.nodeFactory.isNodeContent( childDataElements[0].type );
// If childIsContent isn't what we expect, adjust
if ( !context.expectingContent && childIsContent ) {
prevElement = wrappingParagraph;
} else if ( context.expectingContent && !childIsContent ) {
if ( context.inWrapper && context.canCloseWrapper ) {
} else {
// Alienate
modelClass =;
childDomElements = modelClass.static.enableAboutGrouping ?
aboutGroup : [ childDomElement ];
childDataElements = this.createDataElements( modelClass, childDomElements );
childIsContent = this.nodeFactory.isNodeContent( childDataElements[0].type );
// If we're inserting content into a wrapper, any wrappedWhitespace
// up to this point can be considered dealt with
if ( context.inWrapper && childIsContent ) {
wrappedWhitespace = '';
// Annotate child
if ( childIsContent && !context.annotations.isEmpty() ) {
childDataElements[0].annotations = context.annotations.getIndexes().slice();
// Output child and process children if needed
if (
childDataElements.length === 1 &&
childDomElements.length === 1 &&
this.nodeFactory.canNodeHaveChildren( childDataElements[0].type ) &&
!this.nodeFactory.doesNodeHandleOwnChildren( childDataElements[0].type )
) {
htmlAttributes =
childDomElements, modelClass.static.storeHtmlAttributes
if ( htmlAttributes ) {
childDataElements[0].htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes;
// Recursion
// Opening and closing elements are added by the recursion too
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'restore' );
data = data.concat(
this.getDataFromDomRecursion( childDomElement, childDataElements[0],
new )
} else {
if ( childDataElements.length === 1 ) {
childDataElements.push( { 'type': '/' + childDataElements[0].type } );
htmlAttributes =
childDomElements, modelClass.static.storeHtmlAttributes, true
if ( htmlAttributes ) {
childDataElements[0].htmlAttributes = htmlAttributes;
// Write childDataElements directly
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'restore' );
data = data.concat( childDataElements );
processNextWhitespace( childDataElements[0] );
prevElement = childDataElements[0];
// In case we consumed multiple childDomElements, adjust i accordingly
i += childDomElements.length - 1;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
text =;
if ( text === '' ) {
// Empty text node?!?
if ( !context.originallyExpectingContent ) {
// Strip and store outer whitespace
if ( text.match( /^\s+$/ ) ) {
// This text node is whitespace only
if ( context.inWrapper ) {
// We're already wrapping, so output this whitespace
// and store it in wrappedWhitespace (see
// comment about wrappedWhitespace below)
wrappedWhitespace = text;
wrappedWhitespaceIndex = data.length;
data = data.concat( wrappedWhitespace, context.annotations )
} else {
// We're not in wrapping mode, store this whitespace
if ( !prevElement ) {
if ( wrapperElement ) {
// First child, store as inner
// whitespace in the parent
addWhitespace( wrapperElement, 1, text );
// Else, WTF?!? This is not supposed to
// happen, but it's not worth
// throwing an exception over.
} else {
addWhitespace( prevElement, 3, text );
nextWhitespace = text;
wrappedWhitespace = '';
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'restore' );
// We're done, no actual text left to process
} else {
// This text node contains actual text
// Separate the real text from the whitespace
// HACK: . doesn't match newlines in JS, so use
// [\s\S] to match any character
matches = text.match( /^(\s*)([\s\S]*?)(\s*)$/ );
if ( !context.inWrapper ) {
// Wrap the text in a paragraph and output it
// Only store leading whitespace if we just
// started wrapping
if ( matches[1] !== '' ) {
if ( !prevElement ) {
if ( wrapperElement ) {
// First child, store as inner
// whitespace in the parent
addWhitespace( wrapperElement, 1, matches[1] );
// Else, WTF?!? This is not supposed to
// happen, but it's not worth
// throwing an exception over.
} else {
addWhitespace( prevElement, 3, matches[1] );
addWhitespace( wrappingParagraph, 0, matches[1] );
} else {
outputWrappedMetaItems( 'restore' );
// We were already wrapping in a paragraph,
// so the leading whitespace must be output
data = data.concat( matches[1], context.annotations )
// Output the text sans whitespace
data = data.concat( matches[2], context.annotations )
// Don't store this in wrappingParagraph.internal.whitespace[3]
// and nextWhitespace just yet. Instead, store it
// in wrappedWhitespace. There might be more text
// nodes after this one, so we output wrappedWhitespace
// for now and undo that if it turns out this was
// the last text node. We can't output it later
// because we have to apply the correct annotations.
wrappedWhitespace = matches[3];
wrappedWhitespaceIndex = data.length;
data = data.concat( wrappedWhitespace, context.annotations )
prevElement = wrappingParagraph;
// Strip leading and trailing inner whitespace
// (but only in non-annotation nodes)
// and store it so it can be restored later.
if (
context.annotations.isEmpty() && i === 0 && wrapperElement &&
!this.nodeFactory.doesNodeHaveSignificantWhitespace( wrapperElement.type )
) {
// Strip leading whitespace from the first child
matches = text.match( /^\s+/ );
if ( matches && matches[0] !== '' ) {
addWhitespace( wrapperElement, 1, matches[0] );
text = text.substring( matches[0].length );
if (
context.annotations.isEmpty() &&
i === domElement.childNodes.length - 1 &&
wrapperElement &&
!this.nodeFactory.doesNodeHaveSignificantWhitespace( wrapperElement.type )
) {
// Strip trailing whitespace from the last child
matches = text.match( /\s+$/ );
if ( matches && matches[0] !== '' ) {
addWhitespace( wrapperElement, 2, matches[0] );
text = text.substring( 0,
text.length - matches[0].length );
// Annotate the text and output it
data = data.concat( text, context.annotations )
// TODO treat this as a node with nodeName #comment, removes code duplication
childDataElements = this.createDataElements(, [ childDomElement ] );
childDataElements.push( { 'type': '/' + childDataElements[0].type } );
// Annotate
if ( !context.annotations.isEmpty() ) {
childDataElements[0].annotations = context.annotations.getIndexes().slice();
// Queue wrapped meta items only if it's actually possible for us to move them out
// of the wrapper
if ( context.inWrapper && context.canCloseWrapper ) {
wrappedMetaItems = wrappedMetaItems.concat( childDataElements );
if ( wrappedWhitespace !== '' ) {
data.splice( wrappedWhitespaceIndex, wrappedWhitespace.length );
addWhitespace( childDataElements[0], 0, wrappedWhitespace );
nextWhitespace = wrappedWhitespace;
wrappedWhitespace = '';
} else {
data = data.concat( childDataElements );
processNextWhitespace( childDataElements[0] );
prevElement = childDataElements[0];
// End auto-wrapping of bare content
if ( context.inWrapper && context.canCloseWrapper ) {
// HACK: don't set context.inWrapper = false here because it's checked below
context.inWrapper = true;
// If we're closing a node that doesn't have any children, but could contain a paragraph,
// add a paragraph. This prevents things like empty list items
childTypes = this.nodeFactory.getChildNodeTypes( context.branchType );
if ( context.branchType !== 'paragraph' && wrapperElement && data[data.length - 1] === wrapperElement &&
!context.inWrapper && !this.nodeFactory.canNodeContainContent( context.branchType ) &&
!this.nodeFactory.isNodeContent( context.branchType ) &&
( childTypes === null || ve.indexOf( 'paragraph', childTypes ) !== -1 )
) {
data.push( { 'type': 'paragraph', 'internal': { 'generated': 'empty' } } );
data.push( { 'type': '/paragraph' } );
// Close element
if ( wrapperElement ) {
// Add the whitespace after the last child to the parent as innerPost
// But don't do this if the parent is empty, because in that case we've already put that
// whitespace in innerPre
if ( nextWhitespace !== '' && data[data.length - 1] !== wrapperElement ) {
addWhitespace( wrapperElement, 2, nextWhitespace );
nextWhitespace = '';
data.push( { 'type': '/' + wrapperElement.type } );
// Don't return an empty document
if ( context.branchType === 'document' && isAllInstanceOf( data, ) && !annotationSet ) {
return data.concat( [
{ 'type': 'paragraph', 'internal': { 'generated': 'empty' } },
{ 'type': '/paragraph' }
] );
return data;
* Check if all the domElements provided are metadata or whitespace.
* A list of model names to exclude when matching can optionally be passed.
* @param {HTMLElement[]} domElements DOM elements to check
* @param {string[]} [excludeTypes] Model names to exclude when matching DOM elements
* @returns {boolean} All the elements are metadata or whitespace
*/ = function ( domElements, excludeTypes ) {
var i, childDomElement, modelName, modelClass;
for ( i = 0; i < domElements.length; i++ ) {
childDomElement = domElements[i];
switch ( childDomElement.nodeType ) {
modelName = this.modelRegistry.matchElement( childDomElement, false, excludeTypes );
modelClass = this.modelRegistry.lookup( modelName ) ||;
if (
!( modelClass.prototype instanceof ) &&
!( modelClass.prototype instanceof )
) {
// If the element not meta or an annotation, then we must have content
return false;
// Recursively check children
if (
childDomElement.childNodes.length &&
!this.isDomAllMetaOrWhitespace( childDomElement.childNodes, excludeTypes )
) {
return false;
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
// Check for whitespace-only
if ( ! /\S/ ) ) {
// Comments are always meta
return false;
return true;
* Convert linear model data to an HTML DOM
* @method
* @param {Array} documentData Linear model data
* @param {} store Index-value store
* @param {} internalList Internal list
* @returns {HTMLDocument} Document containing the resulting HTML
*/ = function ( documentData, store, internalList ) {
var doc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( '' );
// Set up the converter state
this.documentData = documentData; = store;
this.internalList = internalList;
this.getDomSubtreeFromData( documentData, doc.body );
// Clear the state
this.documentData = null; = null;
this.internalList = null;
return doc;
* Convert linear model data to an HTML DOM subtree and add it to a container element.
* @param {Array} data Linear model data
* @param {HTMLElement} container DOM element to add the generated elements to. Should be empty.
* @throws Unbalanced data: looking for closing /type
*/ = function ( data, container ) {
var text, i, j, annotations, dataElement, dataElementOrSlice,
childDomElements, pre, ours, theirs, parentDomElement, lastChild, isContentNode, sibling,
previousSiblings, doUnwrap, textNode, type, annotatedDomElementStack, annotatedDomElements,
dataLen = data.length,
canContainContentStack = [],
conv = this,
doc = container.ownerDocument,
domElement = container,
annotationStack = new );
// TODO this whole function should be rewritten with a domElementStack and ascend() and
// descend() functions, to build the whole DOM bottom-up rather than top-down. That would make
// unwrapping easier and will hopefully result in fewer DOM operations.
function openAnnotation() {
// Add text if needed
if ( text.length > 0 ) {
annotatedDomElements.push( doc.createTextNode( text ) );
text = '';
annotatedDomElements = [];
annotatedDomElementStack.push( annotatedDomElements );
function closeAnnotation( annotation ) {
var i, len, annotationElement, annotatedChildDomElements;
// Add text if needed
if ( text.length > 0 ) {
annotatedDomElements.push( doc.createTextNode( text ) );
text = '';
annotatedChildDomElements = annotatedDomElementStack.pop();
annotatedDomElements = annotatedDomElementStack[annotatedDomElementStack.length - 1];
annotationElement = conv.getDomElementsFromDataElement(
annotation.getElement(), doc, annotatedChildDomElements
if ( annotationElement ) {
for ( i = 0, len = annotatedChildDomElements.length; i < len; i++ ) {
annotationElement.appendChild( annotatedChildDomElements[i] );
annotatedDomElements.push( annotationElement );
} else {
for ( i = 0, len = annotatedChildDomElements.length; i < len; i++ ) {
annotatedDomElements.push( annotatedChildDomElements[i] );
function findEndOfNode( i ) {
var j = i + 1, depth = 1;
while ( j < dataLen && depth > 0 ) {
if ( data[j].type ) {
depth += data[j].type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ? -1 : 1;
if ( depth !== 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'Unbalanced data: looking for closing /' +
dataElement.type );
return j;
function getDataElementOrSlice() {
var dataSlice;
if ( data[i].type ) && data[i].type )
) {
dataSlice = data.slice( i, findEndOfNode( i ) );
} else {
dataSlice = data[i];
return dataSlice;
function removeInternalNodes() {
var dataCopy, endOffset;
// See if there is an internalList in the data, and if there is one, remove it
// Removing it here prevents unwanted interactions with whitespace preservation
for ( i = 0; i < dataLen; i++ ) {
if (
data[i].type && data[i].type.charAt( 0 ) !== '/' && data[i].type ) && data[i].type )
) {
// Copy data if we haven't already done so
if ( !dataCopy ) {
dataCopy = data.slice();
endOffset = findEndOfNode( i );
// Remove this node's data from dataCopy
dataCopy.splice( i - ( dataLen - dataCopy.length ), endOffset - i );
// Move i such that it will be at endOffset in the next iteration
i = endOffset - 1;
if ( dataCopy ) {
data = dataCopy;
dataLen = data.length;
for ( i = 0; i < dataLen; i++ ) {
if ( typeof data[i] === 'string' ) {
// Text
text = '';
// Continue forward as far as the plain text goes
while ( typeof data[i] === 'string' ) {
text += data[i];
// i points to the first non-text thing, go back one so we don't skip this later
// Add text
domElement.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( text ) );
} else if (
ve.isArray( data[i] ) ||
data[i].annotations !== undefined && (
this.metaItemFactory.lookup( data[i].type ) ||
this.nodeFactory.isNodeContent( data[i].type )
) {
// Annotated text, nodes or meta
text = '';
annotatedDomElements = [];
annotatedDomElementStack = [ annotatedDomElements ];
while (
ve.isArray( data[i] ) ||
data[i].annotations !== undefined && (
this.metaItemFactory.lookup( data[i].type ) ||
this.nodeFactory.isNodeContent( data[i].type )
) {
annotations = new, data[i].annotations || data[i][1]
); annotationStack, annotations,
openAnnotation, closeAnnotation
if ( data[i].annotations === undefined ) {
// Annotated text
text += data[i][0];
} else {
// Annotated node
// Add text if needed
if ( text.length > 0 ) {
annotatedDomElements.push( doc.createTextNode( text ) );
text = '';
// Insert the elements
dataElementOrSlice = getDataElementOrSlice();
childDomElements = this.getDomElementsFromDataElement( dataElementOrSlice, doc );
for ( j = 0; j < childDomElements.length; j++ ) {
annotatedDomElements.push( childDomElements[j] );
if ( ve.isArray( dataElementOrSlice ) ) {
i += dataElementOrSlice.length - 1;
} else {
i++; // Skip the closing
// We're now at the first non-annotated thing, go back one so we don't skip this later
// Add any gathered text
if ( text.length > 0 ) {
annotatedDomElements.push( doc.createTextNode( text ) );
text = '';
// Close any remaining annotations annotationStack, new,
openAnnotation, closeAnnotation
// Put the annotated nodes in the DOM
for ( j = 0; j < annotatedDomElements.length; j++ ) {
domElement.appendChild( annotatedDomElements[j] );
} else if ( data[i].type !== undefined ) {
dataElement = data[i];
// Element
if ( dataElement.type.charAt( 0 ) === '/' ) {
// Close element
parentDomElement = domElement.parentNode;
type = data[i].type.substr( 1 );
if ( this.metaItemFactory.lookup( type ) ) {
isContentNode = canContainContentStack[canContainContentStack.length - 1];
} else {
isContentNode = this.nodeFactory.isNodeContent( type );
// Process whitespace
// whitespace = [ outerPre, innerPre, innerPost, outerPost ]
if (
!isContentNode &&
domElement.veInternal &&
) {
// Process inner whitespace. innerPre is for sure legitimate
// whitespace that should be inserted; if it was a duplicate
// of our child's outerPre, we would have cleared it.
pre = domElement.veInternal.whitespace[1];
if ( pre ) {
if (
domElement.firstChild &&
domElement.firstChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE
) {
// First child is a TextNode, prepend to it
domElement.firstChild.insertData( 0, pre );
} else {
// Prepend a TextNode
textNode = doc.createTextNode( pre );
textNode.veIsWhitespace = true;
lastChild = domElement.veInternal.childDomElements ?
.childDomElements[domElement.veInternal.childDomElements.length - 1]
.lastChild :
ours = domElement.veInternal.whitespace[2];
if ( domElement.lastOuterPost === undefined ) {
// This node didn't have any structural children
// (i.e. it's a content-containing node), so there's
// nothing to check innerPost against
theirs = ours;
} else {
theirs = domElement.lastOuterPost;
if ( ours && ours === theirs ) {
if ( lastChild && lastChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
// Last child is a TextNode, append to it
domElement.lastChild.appendData( ours );
} else {
// Append a TextNode
textNode = doc.createTextNode( ours );
textNode.veIsWhitespace = true;
// Tell the parent about our outerPost
parentDomElement.lastOuterPost = domElement.veInternal.whitespace[3] || '';
} else if ( !isContentNode ) {
// Use empty string, because undefined means there were no
// structural children
parentDomElement.lastOuterPost = '';
// else don't touch lastOuterPost
// Logic to unwrap empty & wrapper nodes.
// It would be nicer if we could avoid generating in the first
// place, but then remembering where we have to skip ascending
// to the parent would be tricky.
doUnwrap = false;
if ( domElement.veInternal ) {
switch ( domElement.veInternal.generated ) {
case 'empty':
// 'empty' elements - first ensure they are actually empty
if ( domElement.childNodes.length === 0 && (
// then check that we are the last child
// before unwrapping (and therefore destroying)
i === data.length - 1 ||
data[i + 1].type.charAt( 0 ) === '/'
) {
doUnwrap = true;
case 'wrapper':
// 'wrapper' elements - ensure there is a block level
// element between this element and the previous sibling
// wrapper or parent node
doUnwrap = true;
previousSiblings = domElement.parentElement.childNodes;
// Note: previousSiblings includes the current element
// so we only go up to length - 2
for ( j = previousSiblings.length - 2; j >= 0; j-- ) {
sibling = previousSiblings[j];
if ( sibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && !sibling.veIsWhitespace ) {
// we've found an unwrapped paragraph so don't unwrap
doUnwrap = false;
if ( ve.isBlockElement( sibling ) ) {
// there is a block element before the next unwrapped node
// so it's safe to unwrap
if ( doUnwrap ) {
while ( domElement.firstChild ) {
parentDomElement.removeChild( domElement );
delete domElement.veInternal;
delete domElement.lastOuterPost;
// Ascend to parent node, except if this is an internal node
// TODO: It's not covered with unit tests.
if ( ! type ) || ! type ) ) {
domElement = parentDomElement;
} else {
// Create node from data
if ( !this.metaItemFactory.lookup( data[i].type ) ) {
// if the last item was true then this item must inherit it
canContainContentStack[canContainContentStack.length - 1] ||
this.nodeFactory.canNodeContainContent( data[i].type )
dataElementOrSlice = getDataElementOrSlice();
childDomElements = this.getDomElementsFromDataElement( dataElementOrSlice, doc );
if ( childDomElements ) {
// Add clone of internal data; we use a clone rather than a reference because
// we modify .veInternal.whitespace[1] in some cases
childDomElements[0].veInternal = ve.extendObject(
{ 'childDomElements': childDomElements },
ve.copyObject( dataElement.internal || {} )
// Add elements
for ( j = 0; j < childDomElements.length; j++ ) {
domElement.appendChild( childDomElements[j] );
// Descend into the first child node
parentDomElement = domElement;
domElement = childDomElements[0];
// Process outer whitespace
// Every piece of outer whitespace is duplicated somewhere:
// each node's outerPost is duplicated as the next node's
// outerPre, the first node's outerPre is the parent's
// innerPre, and the last node's outerPost is the parent's
// innerPost. For each piece of whitespace, we verify that
// the duplicate matches. If it doesn't, we take that to
// mean the user has messed with it and don't output any
// whitespace.
if ( domElement.veInternal && domElement.veInternal.whitespace ) {
// Process this node's outerPre
ours = domElement.veInternal.whitespace[0];
theirs = undefined;
if ( domElement.previousSibling ) {
// Get previous sibling's outerPost
theirs = parentDomElement.lastOuterPost;
} else if ( parentDomElement === container ) {
// outerPre of the very first node in the document, this one
// has no duplicate
theirs = ours;
} else {
// First child, get parent's innerPre
if (
parentDomElement.veInternal &&
) {
theirs = parentDomElement.veInternal.whitespace[1];
// Clear after use so it's not used twice
parentDomElement.veInternal.whitespace[1] = undefined;
// else theirs=undefined
if ( ours && ours === theirs ) {
// Matches the duplicate, insert a TextNode
textNode = doc.createTextNode( ours );
textNode.veIsWhitespace = true;
if ( ve.isArray( dataElementOrSlice ) ) {
i += dataElementOrSlice.length - 2;
// Process the outerPost whitespace of the very last node
if ( container.lastOuterPost !== undefined ) {
if ( container.lastChild && container.lastChild.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) {
// Last child is a TextNode, append to it
container.lastChild.appendData( container.lastOuterPost );
} else {
// Append a TextNode
container.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( container.lastOuterPost ) );
delete container.lastOuterPost;
// Get rid of excess text nodes
/* Initialization */ = new,,, );