Tongbo Sui 838eddaedb Expand highlighting support for syntaxhighlight module
Part of the ongoing effort to expand the amount of languages that can be
highlighted by syntaxhighlight module to match that of SyntaxHighlight
GeSHi extension.
The module now separates language names with their file names.

Change-Id: Iaf907ebeadc9432719a45f4e9e8d580bb32ca668
2013-10-17 22:42:52 -04:00

407 lines
10 KiB

* VisualEditor user interface MWSyntaxHighlightDialog class.
* @copyright 2011-2013 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* MWSyntaxHighlight highlighter
* @constructor
* @param {string} lang The language it is working on
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter = function VeCeMWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter( lang ) {
// Highlighter rule cache
this.ruleset = {};
this.delimiter = /\n/;
// Go to the following page for explanations on language rule files
this.rulePath = ve.init.platform.getModulesUrl() + '/syntaxhighlight/rules/';
this.lang = lang;
this.validators = new ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightValidator();
this.roster = this.validators.getRoster();
// Properties
// 'languageName' : [boolean, string];set to false to disable support, string for language name
this.langSupport = {
'text' : [true, 'Plain text'],
'javascript' : [true, 'JavaScript'],
'bf' : [true, 'Brainfuck'],
'ruby' : [true, 'Ruby'],
'python' : [true, 'Python'],
'mysql' : [true, 'MySQL'],
'jquery' : [true, 'jQuery']
/* Methods */
* Initialization
* @method
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.initialize = function () {
this.loadRules( this.lang );
* Style each token, based on loaded rules
* @method
* @param {Array} tokens Tokens
* @param {string} dataString Model data string
* @param {boolean} validating Whether to use validator's ruleset instead of highlighter's
* @returns {Array} Tokens with stying
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.mark = function ( tokens, dataString, validating ) {
var regex, match,
capture, range,
regexGroup, except, within, outside, decision,
pickedRules = validating ? this.ruleset.validator : this.ruleset.highlighter,
i, j, k;
if ( !validating ){
for ( i = 0; i < pickedRules.length; i++){
regex = this.parseRegex( pickedRules[i].match );
while ( (match = regex.exec( dataString )) !== null ){
// Capturing group; all chars in the group need marking
capture = match[1];
// Range of capturing group, [a, b); relative to whole string
range = [
match.index + match[0].indexOf(capture),
match.index + match[0].indexOf(capture) + capture.length];
// Mark based on indices
markRange = this.findToken(tokens, range);
for ( j = markRange[0]; j <= markRange[1]; j++ ){
tokens[j].mark.push( pickedRules[i].style );
} else {
this.validators.setData( dataString );
for ( i = 0; i < pickedRules.length; i++){
regexGroup = [];
except = [];
within = [];
outside = [];
// Initialize ranges
for ( j = 0; j < pickedRules[i].except.length; j++ ){
except.push(this.parseRegex( pickedRules[i].except[j] ));
for ( j = 0; j < pickedRules[i].within.length; j++ ){
within.push(this.parseRegex( pickedRules[i].within[j] ));
for ( j = 0; j < pickedRules[i].outside.length; j++ ){
outside.push(this.parseRegex( pickedRules[i].outside[j] ));
this.validators.initRange(except, within, outside);
// Parse rule regex
for ( j = 0; j < pickedRules[i].match.length; j++ ){
regexGroup.push(this.parseRegex( pickedRules[i].match[j] ));
// Make decision
decision = this.roster[pickedRules[i].decisionMaker]( regexGroup, this.validators );
// Mark
if (decision.needMarks){
for ( j = 0; j < decision.matches.length; j++ ){
match = decision.matches[j];
capture = match[1];
// Range of capturing group, [a, b); relative to whole string
range = [
match.index + capture.length];
// Mark based on indices
markRange = this.findToken(tokens, range);
for ( k = markRange[0]; k <= markRange[1]; k++ ){
tokens[k].mark.push( pickedRules[i].style );
tokens[k].tip.push( pickedRules[i].tip );
return tokens;
* Convert tokens to DOM tree
* @method
* @param {Array} tokens Tokens
* @returns {string} HTML of entire tree
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.display = function ( tokens ) {
var lineContainer = '<div>',
numberContainer = '<div>',
line = {
token = {
lineCount = 1, lineLength = 0, column = 0, trueLength = 0,
title = '',
numberContainer += this.buildNumber( lineCount++ ); // first line
line.m = trueLength;
for ( i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ){
token.text = tokens[i].text;
// Styling
token.class = tokens[i].mark.join(' ');
// Error tips
title = tokens[i].tip.join('\n');
if ( title !== '' ){
token.title = title;
title = '';
// Attributes
token.idx = tokens[i].index;
token.col = column;
if (tokens[i].hasOwnProperty('phantom')){ = true;
if (tokens[i].hasOwnProperty('tab')){
token.tb = true;
token.text = ' ';
lineLength += token.text.length;
column += token.text.length;
trueLength += tokens[i].text.length;
line.text += this.buildToken(token);
// Reset
token = {
// Wrap a line, start a new line
if ( this.delimiter.test( tokens[i].text ) ){
line.length = lineLength;
line.n = trueLength;
lineContainer += this.buildLine(line);
// Reset
line = {
'm': trueLength,
lineLength = 0;
column = 0;
numberContainer += this.buildNumber( lineCount++ ); // New line number
// Last unwrapped line
if ( line.text.length > 0 ){
line.length = lineLength;
line.n = trueLength;
lineContainer += this.buildLine(line);
// Wrap container
numberContainer += '</div>';
lineContainer += '</div>';
return {
'tokenDisplay' : lineContainer,
'lineNumber' : numberContainer
* Convert tokens to DOM tree for ve.ce node preview
* @method
* @param {Array} tokens Tokens
* @returns {string} HTML of entire tree (simplified DOM structure)
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.displaySimple = function ( tokens ) {
var lineContainer = '',
token = {
for ( i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ){
token.text = tokens[i].text;
// Styling
token.class = tokens[i].mark.join(' ');
// Attributes
if (tokens[i].hasOwnProperty('tab')){
token.text = ' ';
lineContainer += '<span class="'+token.class+'">'+token.text+'</span>';
// Reset
token = {
return lineContainer;
* Build line number HTML
* @method
* @param {int} number Line number
* @returns {string}
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.buildNumber = function ( number ){
return '<pre class="ve-ui-simplesurface-line"><span>'+number+'</span></pre>';
* Build token HTML
* @method
* @param {Object} tokenObject Token
* @returns {string}
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.buildToken = function ( tokenObject ){
var ph = '', tb = '', title = '';
if ({ ph = 'ph = " " ';}
if (tokenObject.tb){ tb = 'tb = " " ';}
if (tokenObject.title !== ''){ title = 'title = "'+tokenObject.title+'" ';}
return (
'<span class="'+
'" idx='+
' col='+
' '+
* Build line HTML
* @method
* @param {Object} lineObject Line
* @returns {string}
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.buildLine = function ( lineObject ){
return '<pre class="ve-ui-simplesurface-line" m='+lineObject.m+' n='+lineObject.n+' length='+lineObject.length+'>'+lineObject.text+'</pre>';
* Parse pre-defined JSON file
* @method
* @param {string} lang The language (as filename)
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.loadRules = function ( lang ) {
var dataClosure = null;
'async': false,
'global': false,
'url': this.rulePath + lang + '.json',
'dataType': 'json',
'success': function (data) {
dataClosure = data;}
this.ruleset = dataClosure;
* Parse string to RegExp object
* @method
* @param {string} regexString
* @returns {Object} RegExp object
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.parseRegex = function ( regexString ) {
var regex = regexString.match(/^\/(.*)\/[igm]*$/)[1],
modifier = regexString.match(/^\/.*\/([igm]*$)/)[1];
return new RegExp( regex, modifier );
* Get the list of supported languages
* @method
* @returns {Object} Object describing all supported languages
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.getSupportedLanguages = function () {
return this.langSupport;
* Get the name of this language
* @method
* @param {String} (Optional) Language to be referenced
* @returns {String} Language name
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.getLanguageName = function ( lang ) {
if (lang === undefined){
return this.langSupport[ this.lang ][1];
} else {
return this.langSupport[ lang ][1];
* Check whether the language is supported
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.isSupportedLanguage = function () {
return this.langSupport.hasOwnProperty( this.lang );
* Check whether the support for the language is enabled
* @method
* @returns {boolean}
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.isEnabledLanguage = function () {
return this.langSupport[ this.lang ][0];
* Find all tokens that overlap with the given range
* @method
* @param {Array} tokens Tokens
* @param {Array} range Array describing model range
* @returns {Array} Range of token indices
ve.ce.MWSyntaxHighlightHighlighter.prototype.findToken = function ( tokens, range ) {
var items = [],
for ( i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ){
if (
( tokens[i].index <= range[0] && tokens[i].index + tokens[i].text.length > range[0] ) ||
( tokens[i].index > range[0] && tokens[i].index + tokens[i].text.length < range[1] ) ||
( tokens[i].index < range[1] && tokens[i].index + tokens[i].text.length >= range[1] )
if (items.length === 1){
i = tokens.indexOf( items[0] );
return [i, i];
} else {
return [tokens.indexOf( items[0] ), tokens.indexOf( items[items.length - 1] )];