Gabriel Wicke 910f2ed87a Experimental /_rtve/ round-trip test mode for web API
This mode strips all newlines from the html source before serializing it back
to wikitext, thus simulating newline-less DOM output from the VE. This
simplistic method also strips newlines in preformatted text, which will show
up as noise in the diff. This simple mode is still useful for the
identification of basic newline-less DOM serialization issues.

An improved version could try to approximate the VE's behavior more closely by
only stripping some newlines.

Due to the experimental nature this mode is not linked from the index page for

Change-Id: I1dfec7ec3e6c12b7de4bbb9ff6f2d8b7834e2857
2012-06-17 17:40:48 +02:00

401 lines
13 KiB

* A very basic parser / serializer web service.
* Config section
* Could move this to a separate file later.
// default to
var defaultInterwiki = 'en';
// alternative: default to
//var defaultInterwiki = 'mw';
// for development: default to localhost
//var defaultInterwiki = 'localhost';
* End config section
// global includes
var express = require('express'),
jsDiff = require('diff'),
html5 = require('html5');
// local includes
var mp = '../modules/parser/';
var ParserPipelineFactory = require(mp + 'mediawiki.parser.js').ParserPipelineFactory,
ParserEnv = require(mp + 'mediawiki.parser.environment.js').MWParserEnvironment,
WikitextSerializer = require(mp + 'mediawiki.WikitextSerializer.js').WikitextSerializer,
TemplateRequest = require(mp + 'mediawiki.ApiRequest.js').TemplateRequest;
var env = new ParserEnv( {
// stay within the 'proxied' content, so that we can click around
wgScriptPath: '/', //',
wgScriptExtension: '.php',
// XXX: add options for this!
wgUploadPath: '',
fetchTemplates: true,
// enable/disable debug output using this switch
debug: false,
trace: false,
maxDepth: 40
} );
// add
env.addInterwiki( 'mw', '' );
// For development:
//env.addInterwiki( 'localhost', 'http://localhost/w' );
var parserPipelineFactory = new ParserPipelineFactory( env );
//var parser = parserPipelineFactory.makePipeline( 'text/x-mediawiki/full' );
var app = express.createServer();
app.get('/', function(req, res){
res.write('<body><h3>Welcome to the alpha test web service for the ' +
'<a href="">Parsoid project<a>.</h3>');
res.write( '<p>Usage: <ul><li>GET /title for the DOM. ' +
'Example: <strong><a href="/Main_Page">Main Page</a></strong>');
res.write('<li>POST a DOM as parameter "content" to /title for the wikitext</ul>');
res.write('<p>There are also some tools for experiments:<ul>');
res.write('<li>Round-trip test pages from the English Wikipedia: ' +
'<strong><a href="/_rt/Help:Magic">/_rt/Help:Magic</a></strong></li>');
res.write('<li><strong><a href="/_rtform/">WikiText -&gt; HTML DOM -&gt; WikiText round-trip form</a></strong></li>');
res.write('<li><strong><a href="/_wikitext/">WikiText -&gt; HTML DOM form</a></strong></li>' +
'<li><strong><a href="/_html/">HTML DOM -&gt; WikiText form</a></strong></li>');
res.end('<p>We are currently focusing on round-tripping of basic formatting like inline/bold, headings, lists, tables and links. Templates, citations and thumbnails are not expected to round-trip properly yet. <strong>Please report issues you see at <a href="">:mw:Talk:Parsoid/Todo</a>. Thanks!</strong></p>');
var htmlSpecialChars = function ( s ) {
return s.replace(/&/g,'&amp;')
var textarea = function ( res, content ) {
res.write('<form method=POST><textarea name="content" cols=90 rows=9>');
res.write( ( content &&
htmlSpecialChars( content) ) ||
res.write('</textarea><br><input type="submit"></form>');
* Form-based HTML DOM -> wikitext interface for manual testing
app.get(/\/_html\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
res.write( "Your HTML DOM:" );
textarea( res );
});\/_html\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
var p = new html5.Parser();
p.parse( '<html><body>' + req.body.content.replace(/\r/g, '') + '</body></html>' );
res.write('<pre style="background-color: #efefef">');
new WikitextSerializer({env: env}).serializeDOM(
function( c ) {
res.write( htmlSpecialChars( c ) );
res.write( "<hr>Your HTML DOM:" );
textarea( res, req.body.content.replace(/\r/g, '') );
* Form-based wikitext -> HTML DOM interface for manual testing
app.get(/\/_wikitext\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
res.write( "Your wikitext:" );
textarea( res );
});\/_wikitext\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
var parser = parserPipelineFactory.makePipeline( 'text/x-mediawiki/full' );
parser.on('document', function ( document ) {
//res.write('<form method=POST><input name="content"></form>');
//res.end("hello world\n" + req.method + ' ' + req.params.title);
res.write( "<hr>Your wikitext:" );
textarea( res, req.body.content.replace(/\r/g, '') );
try {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
console.log('starting parsing of ' + req.params[0]);
// FIXME: This does not handle includes or templates correctly
parser.process( req.body.content.replace(/\r/g, '') );
} catch (e) {
console.log( e );
res.write( e );
* Perform word-based diff on a line-based diff. The word-based algorithm is
* practically unusable for inputs > 5k bytes, so we only perform it on the
* output of the more efficient line-based diff.
var refineDiff = function( diff ) {
// Attempt to accumulate consecutive add-delete pairs
// with short text separating them (short = 2 chars right now)
// This is equivalent to the <b><i> ... </i></b> minimization
// to expand range of <b> and <i> tags, except there is no optimal
// solution except as determined by heuristics ("short text" = <= 2 chars).
function mergeConsecutiveSegments(wordDiffs) {
var n = wordDiffs.length;
var currIns = null, currDel = null;
var newDiffs = [];
for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) {
var d = wordDiffs[i];
var dVal = d.value;
if (d.added) {
// Attempt to accumulate
if (currIns === null) {
currIns = d;
} else {
currIns.value = currIns.value + dVal;
} else if (d.removed) {
// Attempt to accumulate
if (currDel === null) {
currDel = d;
} else {
currDel.value = currDel.value + dVal;
} else if (((dVal.length < 4) || !dVal.match(/\s/)) && currIns && currDel) {
// Attempt to accumulate
currIns.value = currIns.value + dVal;
currDel.value = currDel.value + dVal;
} else {
// Accumulation ends. Purge!
if (currIns !== null) {
currIns = null;
if (currDel !== null) {
currDel = null;
// Purge buffered diffs
if (currIns !== null) newDiffs.push(currIns);
if (currDel !== null) newDiffs.push(currDel);
return newDiffs;
var added = null,
out = [];
for ( var i = 0, l = diff.length; i < l; i++ ) {
var d = diff[i];
if ( d.added ) {
if ( added ) {
out.push( added );
added = d;
} else if ( d.removed ) {
if ( added ) {
var fineDiff = jsDiff.diffChars( d.value, added.value );
fineDiff = mergeConsecutiveSegments(fineDiff);
out.push.apply( out, fineDiff );
added = null;
} else {
out.push( d );
} else {
if ( added ) {
out.push( added );
added = null;
if ( added ) {
return out;
var roundTripDiff = function ( req, res, src, document ) {
res.write('<html><head><style>ins { background: #ff9191; text-decoration: none; } del { background: #99ff7e; text-decoration: none }; </style></head><body>');
res.write( '<h2>Wikitext parsed to HTML DOM</h2><hr>' );
res.write(document.body.innerHTML + '<hr>');
res.write( '<h2>HTML DOM converted back to Wikitext</h2><hr>' );
var out = new WikitextSerializer({env: env}).serializeDOM( document.body );
res.write('<pre>' + htmlSpecialChars( out ) + '</pre><hr>');
res.write( '<h2>Diff between original Wikitext (green) and round-tripped wikitext (red)</h2><hr>' );
var patch;
src = src.replace(/\n(?=\n)/g, '\n ');
out = out.replace(/\n(?=\n)/g, '\n ');
//console.log(JSON.stringify( jsDiff.diffLines( out, src ) ));
//patch = jsDiff.convertChangesToXML( jsDiff.diffLines( out, src ) );
patch = jsDiff.convertChangesToXML( refineDiff( jsDiff.diffLines( src, out ) ) );
res.write( '<pre>' + patch);
// Add a 'report issue' link
'<a style="color: red" ' +
'href="' +
'&action=edit&section=new&preloadtitle=' +
'Issue%20on%20' + req.url + '">' +
'Report a parser issue in this page</a> at ' +
'<a href="">'+
var parse = function ( req, res, cb, src ) {
var parser = parserPipelineFactory.makePipeline( 'text/x-mediawiki/full' );
parser.on('document', cb.bind( null, req, res, src ) );
try {
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
parser.process( src );
} catch (e) {
console.log( e );
res.end( e );
* Round-trip article testing
app.get( new RegExp('/_rt/(?:(?:(?:' + env.interwikiRegexp + '):+)?(' + env.interwikiRegexp + '):)?(.*)') , function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[1];
if ( req.params[0] ) {
env.wgScriptPath = '/_rt/' + req.params[0] + ':';
env.wgScript = env.interwikiMap[req.params[0]];
} else {
env.wgScriptPath = '/_rt/';
env.wgScript = env.interwikiMap[defaultInterwiki];
if ( env.pageName === 'favicon.ico' ) {
res.end( 'no favicon yet..' );
var target = env.resolveTitle( env.normalizeTitle( env.pageName ), '' );
console.log('starting parsing of ' + target);
var tpr = new TemplateRequest( env, target );
tpr.once('src', parse.bind( null, req, res, roundTripDiff ));
* Round-trip article testing with newline stripping for editor-created HTML
* simulation
app.get( new RegExp('/_rtve/(?:(?:(?:' + env.interwikiRegexp + '):+)?(' + env.interwikiRegexp + '):)?(.*)') , function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[1];
if ( req.params[0] ) {
env.wgScriptPath = '/_rtve/' + req.params[0] + ':';
env.wgScript = env.interwikiMap[req.params[0]];
} else {
env.wgScriptPath = '/_rtve/';
env.wgScript = env.interwikiMap[defaultInterwiki];
if ( env.pageName === 'favicon.ico' ) {
res.end( 'no favicon yet..' );
var target = env.resolveTitle( env.normalizeTitle( env.pageName ), '' );
console.log('starting parsing of ' + target);
var tpr = new TemplateRequest( env, target ),
cb = function ( req, res, src, document ) {
// strip newlines from the html
var html = document.innerHTML.replace(/[\r\n]/g, ''),
p = new html5.Parser();
p.parse( html );
var newDocument = p.tree.document;
// monkey-patch document.body reference for now..
newDocument.body = newDocument.childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
roundTripDiff( req, res, src, newDocument );
tpr.once('src', parse.bind( null, req, res, cb ));
* Form-based round-tripping for manual testing
app.get(/\/_rtform\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
res.write( "Your wikitext:" );
textarea( res );
});\/_rtform\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
// we don't care about \r, and normalize everything to \n
parse( req, res, roundTripDiff, req.body.content.replace(/\r/g, ''));
* Regular article parsing
app.get(new RegExp( '/(?:(?:(?:' + env.interwikiRegexp + '):+)?(' + env.interwikiRegexp + '):)?(.*)' ), function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[1];
if ( req.params[0] ) {
env.wgScriptPath = '/' + req.params[0] + ':';
env.wgScript = env.interwikiMap[req.params[0]];
} else {
env.wgScriptPath = '/';
env.wgScript = env.interwikiMap[defaultInterwiki];
if ( env.pageName === 'favicon.ico' ) {
res.end( 'no favicon yet..');
var target = env.resolveTitle( env.normalizeTitle( env.pageName ), '' );
console.log('starting parsing of ' + target);
var tpr = new TemplateRequest( env, target );
tpr.once('src', parse.bind( null, req, res, function ( req, res, src, document ) {
* Regular article serialization using POST
*/\/(.*)/, function(req, res){
env.pageName = req.params[0];
env.wgScriptPath = '/';
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/x-mediawiki; charset=UTF-8');
var p = new html5.Parser();
p.parse( req.body.content );
new WikitextSerializer({env: env}).serializeDOM(
res.write.bind( res ) );
module.exports = app;