Timo Tijhof 62aeb254d9 Implement inline documentation examples.
Refactored the (previously unused) eg-iframe file to be a
template with 2 placeholders for script and styles.

The previous version was just the basic version to execute
javascript code, but that's not good enough since we need a
whole bunch of classes to be loaded.

A bash file processes the template into proper html, with the
help of the makeStaticLoader maintenance script we already had.

Updated demo.css, cleaned up redundant properties restyled
slightly to be more like the Vector skin and less "raw".

Fixed default $IP path in makeStaticLoader.php to work with simple mediawiki core installs having the extension in the
regular extensions directory, and prefixed __DIR__ so it
doesn't rely on the directory you call it from.

Change-Id: Ic789121dfeca08d9db69564d2ad2e52b3fa45de9
2013-02-08 17:47:10 -08:00

383 lines
10 KiB

* VisualEditor Surface class.
* @copyright 2011-2012 VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt
* Surface.
* A surface is a top-level object which contains both a surface model and a surface view.
* @example
* new ve.Surface(
* $( '<div>' ).appendTo( document.body ),
* $( '<p>Hello world.</p>' )[0]
* );
* @class
* @constructor
* @param {string} parent Selector of element to attach to
* @param {HTMLElement} dom HTML element of document to edit
* @param {Object} options Configuration options
ve.Surface = function VeSurface( parent, dom, options ) {
// Properties
this.$ = $( '<div>' );
this.documentModel = new dom ) );
this.options = ve.extendObject( true, ve.Surface.defaultOptions, options );
this.model = new this.documentModel );
this.view = new ve.ce.Surface( this.$, this.model, this );
this.context = new ve.ui.Context( this );
this.toolbars = {};
this.commands = {};
this.enabled = true;
// DOM Changes
this.$.addClass( 've-surface' );
$( parent ).append( this.$ );
// Initialization
// Propagate to each node information that it is live (attached to the live DOM)
this.view.getDocument().getDocumentNode().setLive( true );
ve.instances.push( this );
// Turn off native object editing. This must be tried after the surface has been added to DOM.
try {
document.execCommand( 'enableObjectResizing', false, false );
document.execCommand( 'enableInlineTableEditing', false, false );
} catch ( e ) { /* Silently ignore */ }
/* Static Properties */
ve.Surface.defaultOptions = {
'toolbars': {
'top': {
'float': true,
'tools': [
{ 'name': 'history', 'items' : ['undo', 'redo'] },
{ 'name': 'textStyle', 'items' : ['format'] },
{ 'name': 'textStyle', 'items' : ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'clear'] },
{ 'name': 'list', 'items' : ['number', 'bullet', 'outdent', 'indent'] }
// Items can either be symbolic names or objects with trigger and action properties
'commands': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'undo', 'redo', 'indent', 'outdent']
/* Methods */
* Get the surface model.
* @method
* @returns {} Surface model
ve.Surface.prototype.getModel = function () {
return this.model;
* Get the document model.
* @method
* @returns {} Document model
ve.Surface.prototype.getDocumentModel = function () {
return this.documentModel;
* Get the surface view.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ce.Surface} Surface view
ve.Surface.prototype.getView = function () {
return this.view;
* Get the context menu.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ui.Context} Context user interface
ve.Surface.prototype.getContext = function () {
return this.context;
* Destroy the surface, releasing all memory and removing all DOM elements.
* @method
* @returns {ve.ui.Context} Context user interface
ve.Surface.prototype.destroy = function () {
ve.instances.splice( ve.instances.indexOf( this ), 1 );
* Disable editing.
* @method
ve.Surface.prototype.disable = function () {
this.enabled = false;
* Enable editing.
* @method
ve.Surface.prototype.enable = function () {
this.enabled = true;
* Check if editing is enabled.
* @method
* @returns {boolean} Editing is enabled
ve.Surface.prototype.isEnabled = function () {
return this.enabled;
* Fix up the initial selection.
* Reselect the selection and force a poll. This forces the selection to be something reasonable.
* In Firefox, the initial selection is (0,0), which causes problems (bug 42277).
* @method
ve.Surface.prototype.resetSelection = function () {
* Execute an action or command.
* @method
* @param {string|ve.Trigger} action Name of action or command object
* @param {string} [method] Name of method
* @param {Mixed...} [args] Additional arguments for action
* @returns {boolean} Action or command was executed
ve.Surface.prototype.execute = function ( action, method ) {
if ( !this.enabled ) {
var trigger, obj, ret;
if ( action instanceof ve.Trigger ) {
trigger = action.toString();
if ( trigger in this.commands ) {
return this.execute.apply( this, this.commands[trigger] );
} else if ( typeof action === 'string' && typeof method === 'string' ) {
// Validate method
if ( ve.actionFactory.doesActionSupportMethod( action, method ) ) {
// Create an action object and execute the method on it
obj = ve.actionFactory.create( action, this );
ret = obj[method].apply( obj, arguments, 2 ) );
return ret === undefined || !!ret;
return false;
* Add all commands from initialization options.
* Commands must be registered through {ve.commandRegsitry} prior to constructing the surface.
* Setup Triggers registered through {ve.triggerRegistry} prior to constructing the surface.
* Add listener method to {ve.triggerRegistry} to lazy load triggers.
* @method
* @param {string[]} commands Array of symbolic names of registered commands
ve.Surface.prototype.setupCommands = function () {
var i, len, command,
commands = this.options.commands,
surface = this;
function loadTriggers( triggers, command ) {
var i, len, trigger;
if ( !ve.isArray( triggers ) ) {
triggers = [triggers];
for ( i = 0, len = triggers.length; i < len; i++ ) {
// Normalize
trigger = triggers[i].toString();
// Validate
if ( trigger.length === 0 ) {
throw new Error( 'Incomplete trigger: ' + triggers[i] );
surface.commands[trigger] = command.action;
for ( i = 0, len = commands.length; i < len; i++ ) {
command = ve.commandRegistry.lookup( commands[i] );
if ( !command ) {
throw new Error( 'No command registered by that name: ' + commands[i] );
loadTriggers( ve.triggerRegistry.lookup( commands[i] ), command );
// Bind register event to lazy load triggers
ve.triggerRegistry.on( 'register', function ( name, trigger ) {
loadTriggers( trigger, ve.commandRegistry.lookup( name ) );
} );
* Initialize the toolbar.
* This method uses {this.options} for its configuration.
* @method
ve.Surface.prototype.setupToolbars = function () {
var name, config, toolbar,
toolbars = this.options.toolbars;
for ( name in toolbars ) {
config = toolbars[name];
if ( ve.isPlainObject( config ) ) {
this.toolbars[name] = toolbar = { '$': $( '<div class="ve-ui-toolbar"></div>' ) };
if ( name === 'top' ) {
// Add extra sections to the toolbar
'<div class="ve-ui-actions"></div>' +
'<div style="clear:both"></div>' +
'<div class="ve-ui-toolbar-shadow"></div>'
// Wrap toolbar for floating
toolbar.$wrapper = $( '<div class="ve-ui-toolbar-wrapper"></div>' )
.append( this.toolbars[name].$ );
// Add toolbar to surface
this.$.before( toolbar.$wrapper );
if ( 'float' in config && config.float === true ) {
// Float top toolbar
toolbar.instance = new ve.ui.Toolbar( toolbar.$, this, );
* Move the toolbar to the top of the screen if it would normally be out of view.
* TODO: Determine if this would be better in ui.toolbar vs here.
* TODO: This needs to be refactored so that it only works on the main editor top tool bar.
* @method
ve.Surface.prototype.floatTopToolbar = function () {
if ( ! ) {
var $wrapper =$wrapper,
$toolbar =$,
$window = $( window );
$window.on( {
'resize': function () {
if ( $wrapper.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' ) ) {
var toolbarsOffset = $wrapper.offset(),
left = toolbarsOffset.left,
right = $window.width() - $wrapper.outerWidth() - left;
$toolbar.css( {
'left': left,
'right': right
} );
'scroll': function () {
var left, right,
toolbarsOffset = $wrapper.offset(),
$editorDocument = $wrapper.parent().find('.ve-surface .ve-ce-documentNode'),
$lastBranch = $editorDocument.children( '.ve-ce-branchNode:last' );
if ( $window.scrollTop() > ) {
left = toolbarsOffset.left;
right = $window.width() - $wrapper.outerWidth() - left;
// If not floating, set float
if ( !$wrapper.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' ) ) {
.css( 'height', $wrapper.height() )
.addClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' );
$toolbar.css( {
'left': left,
'right': right
} );
} else {
// Toolbar is floated
if (
// There's at least one branch
$lastBranch.length &&
// Toolbar is at or below the top of last node in the document
$window.scrollTop() + $toolbar.height() >= $lastBranch.offset().top
) {
if ( !$wrapper.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-bottom' ) ) {
.removeClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' )
.addClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-bottom' );
'top': $window.scrollTop() + 'px',
'left': left,
'right': right
} else { // Unattach toolbar
if ( $wrapper.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-bottom' ) ) {
.removeClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-bottom' )
.addClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' );
$toolbar.css( {
'top': 0,
'left': left,
'right': right
} );
} else { // Return toolbar to top position
if (
$wrapper.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' ) ||
$wrapper.hasClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-bottom' )
) {
$wrapper.css( 'height', 'auto' )
.removeClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-floating' )
.removeClass( 've-ui-toolbar-wrapper-bottom' );
$toolbar.css( {
'top': 0,
'left': 0,
'right': 0
} );
} );